Caffeine and cortisol

Mike wolff

Nov 13, 2020
Am curious if the effect some have with high blood pressure after caffeine is a result of raising cortisol and stress hormones
Mar 10, 2021
Am curious if the effect some have with high blood pressure after caffeine is a result of raising cortisol and stress hormones
….or pesticides in the inorganic coffee, or not having a meal before having coffee, like Ray Peat says is necessary, or not having sugar and milk in their coffee. When I use to drink coffee with only crappy creamer and no sugar in it or protein first I would get jittery, and sick to my stomach if I didn’t get to a meal soon, which would sometimes lead to a headache. Since taking Ray Peat’s advice on how to drink coffee “properly”, for good health, it has been nothing, but beneficial. He says coffee should be considered a nutrient, like a vitamin, and I agree with that. Coffee is aspirin’s close cousin, protective against many things.
Mar 10, 2021
“Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their deficiency. Women spontaneously drink more coffee premenstrually, and since caffeine is known to increase the concentration of progesterone in the blood and in the brain, this is obviously a spontaneous and rational form of self-medication, though medical editors like to see things causally reversed, and blame the coffee drinking for the symptoms it is actually alleviating. Some women have noticed that the effect of a progesterone supplement is stronger when they take it with coffee. This is similar to the synergy between thyroid and progesterone, which is probably involved, since caffeine tends to locally activate thyroid secretion by a variety of mechanisms, increasing cyclic AMP and decreasing serotonin in thyroid cells, for example, and also by lowering the systemic stress mediators.
-Ray Peat​
Mar 10, 2021
“The research on caffeine’s effects on blood pressure, and on the use of fuel by the more actively metabolizing cells, hasn’t clarified its effects on respiration and nutrition, but some of these experiments confirm things that coffee drinkers usually learn for themselves.” -Ray Peat​
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