Bladder Tumor. I Need Advice


Nov 19, 2016
Hi there, I'm new to this forum and looking for advice.
Yesterday I had a cystoscopy (ouch!) and my urologist told me I have a bladder tumor (about half an inch in diameter). Unfortunately, he couldn't tell me if it's malignant or not. Then he invited me to visit him again in two weeks to have the polyp removed.
I decided to visit the doctor immediately after I saw blood coming out when urinating.
I'm 100% certain the tumor is a result of both my physical and mental health: over five years of depression, anxiety, constipation, and seborrheic dermatitis. Also I'm a mouth breather.

I'm terrified right now. I don't want to do chemo or s**t like that. Help me :depressed:

I'm 30 years old and male, btw.


Sep 19, 2016
Anything peat helps with... just about everything a little.

Bladder. Id think something increasing uric acid would help as its a very strong antioxidant and increasing bloodflow. Caffiene is very similar to uric acid in action and has been used against cancer and fibrosis which is similar to your predicament. Fructose increases uric acid itself.

Essentially anything that restores oxidative metabolism helps conditions such as this.

Sugar and Coffee and a dissolved 300mg aspirin is great for just about everything and would be a good start while you find something more specific. I reccomend 300mg caffiene and as much sugar as youre comfortable with.

I know my uncle had gum bleeding issues as well as stomach polyps and had cured it with turmeric daily. Im not sure if it would help with bladder as well, or if its peaty, but it could be something to look at.

Good luck! Hope you recover soon.


Nov 19, 2016
Anything peat helps with... just about everything a little.

Bladder. Id think something increasing uric acid would help as its a very strong antioxidant and increasing bloodflow. Caffiene is very similar to uric acid in action and has been used against cancer and fibrosis which is similar to your predicament. Fructose increases uric acid itself.

Essentially anything that restores oxidative metabolism helps conditions such as this.

Interesting. But wouldn't an acidic state in the body also raise the chances of suffering from other conditions? (I had Gerd for a few years and it sucked).

Sugar and Coffee and a dissolved 300mg aspirin is great for just about everything and would be a good start while you find something more specific. I reccomend 300mg caffiene and as much sugar as youre comfortable with.

Sorry, could you explain this a bit more? I thought sugar was bad for someone with cancer.

I know my uncle had gum bleeding issues as well as stomach polyps and had cured it with turmeric daily. Im not sure if it would help with bladder as well, or if its peaty, but it could be something to look at.

Good luck! Hope you recover soon.

Thanks. Will keep you posted! ;)


Sep 19, 2016
On aspirin:
"It can inhibit abnormal cell division, but promote normal cell division
. It can facilitate learning, while preventing excitotoxic nerve injury"

On opiates increasing histamine:
"the release of histamine, which synergizes with the tumor-derived factors to suppress immunity and stimulate tumor growth."

- Aspirin, brain, and cancer

Reduction of inflammation= less chances of tumors forming/growing. So avoid opiates and take aspirin instead. If you can, taking k2 with the aspirin will prevent bleeding issues from occuring. Haidut has a great k2 product, as well as thorne? Im sure you can find more info just on the forum in regards to that.

I really reccomend you skim through rays articles on sugar to get a general idea on why sugar is so beneficial for the body. Fruit sugar is what ray advocates the most, but for short periods of time, sugar will get the job done. Its only looked down upon for the lack of vitamins and minerals, which are needed to process the sugar btw.

Id reccomend if you dont have much time, to read the sugar article on functional alps first as it has a good amount of the important tidbits.

All disease and body problems tend to stem from the same things which a peat inspired diet takes us away from.

I also reccomend you dont just jump onto the medication train so fast as a lot of forum members including myself to an extent have as most peaty supplements are overkill for most and raise metabolism too high, as people do not take precaution and dont take in enough calories or nutrients to handle the load, and raise stress hormones... which is the complete opposite of what this forum should be about.

If youre going to buy anything, id look into using a small amount of cyproheptadine, or a quinone such as emodin, but all these peat supplements do the same: Lower inflammation, raise metabolism (oxidative, aka sugar), increase saturated fats stored in the body, lower unsaturated fats in the body, reduce serotonin, raise dopamine, raise androgens(pregnenolone/progesterone/testosterone/dht) in the body to some extent, decrease gut inflammation/endotoxin/serotonin/histamine, and increase body temperature.

This can all be achieved with sugar, a multivitamin, caffiene, pre dissolved aspirin, and a peaty diet. Of course, Live and learn. Its up to you and we are all here for support.
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Aug 18, 2015
salt my playa.... salt.... to start breathing through your nose.... your constipation could be related to water retention...


Mar 29, 2014
Bad luck. I'm not surprised you are scared, and the cytoscopy does not sound like fun.
Hope you find a way to solve this whatever strategy you choose.
I don't know what helps specifically with bladder cancer.
You can probably do something about the mouth breathing. Chinstrap or tape at night, and paying attention to it during the day. Check that you are breathing diaphragmatically, too, rather than just with the chest muscles.
And use other tactics to improve CO2 levels.
I'm guessing that getting adequate alkaline minerals would be important, amongst other things.

Take care.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Hi Maric86,

My elder brother has bladder cancer. It was diagnosed in 2014. I am familiar with the "German New Medicine" by Dr. Geerd Hamer, he claims that cancer is a response by the body from emotional stress. Let me explain by giving an example. This was discussed between a doctor friend of mine here in Reno, Dr. David Holt, and Dr. Mercola:

In another Mercola video post, which I was unable to find, Dr. Holt gave the example of a territorial conflict with a dog. This was a cruel experiment. A dog had a nice backyard and was given treats, etc., then he was put in a kennel, from where he could observe the backyard. A second dog was introduced into this backyard and given all the attention. The first dog saw in this as an intruder into 'his' territory. This went on for several weeks or months. Then the second dog was removed and the first dog was released and allowed back to 'his' backyard and again was treated as in the beginning. The next day the dog suffered a fatal heart attack. What happened?

When the second dog was admitted, the first dog got a territorial conflict. This is controlled by the brain. The emotion triggers a 'biological program' to enlarge the heart to fight off the adversary. When this lasts for more than a critical time period, the heart gained too much 'conflict mass' so that after the resolution of the conflict this excess mass dissolves and clogs up the arteries. A friend of mine told me the exact story of this when he grew up in Oregon, one neighbor had to move and could not take her dog with her. There was another neighbor, who already had one dog, that was willing to take this other dog into her home. But these two dogs were fighting each day and there was no end to this, so after weeks or months had passed she decided to give the second dog away. Within a few days, her first dog died of a heart attack! She then commented that she should have kept the second dog, since her first dog would have died anyway...

This example helps to understand the process. 1) an emotional trauma 2) this triggers a 'special biological survival program' in the brain that corresponds to the emotional content 3) after the resolution of the conflict there is a 'crisis period' that can itself cause serious health problems. Now to my brother and the cause of his bladder cancer. Our mother passed away almost exactly one year before my brother's bladder cancer was diagnosed. When I heard from my brother that he had bladder cancer, I immediately looked it up in Dr. Hamer's literature. There is was printed in black & white: Bladder cancer caused by 'house and inheritance'! That nailed it. My elder brother had to deal with the estate of our mom, which includes a large 120 year old mansion. My younger brother just had renovated the top floor and moved in 1/2 year before the passing of our mother, having spent a lot of money. I have to add that my elder brother is very emotional and doesn't do well with stress at all. For many years he told me about recurring nightmares about the house, that it was in flames or that it was broken into by a bunch of burglars. So the passing of my mom finally gave him the rest. My two brothers are trying to find tenants for the house, preferably a business that can make use of the large spacious rooms that it has, but so far without success, the house is still empty, except the top floor. It is a very difficult property and it is even a historical monument, so you can't just change anything in it without governmental approval. It is really a nightmare for both of my brothers. They live in Germany while I live in the US, so I told them to sell the whole property but they don't want to let go!

After initial surgery, my brother underwent a treatment of tuberculosis cultures that are injected into the bladder via the urinary canal (very painful) which are 6 injections, each a month apart, he repeated this course of treatments once more, since the cancer did not go away but the cancer is still present. Now he went to Munich and is undergoing an experimental treatment (he is patient #5) with radio-nuclei that are preferentially absorbed by cancer cells (Gemcitabine). These are alpha particle emitters that have a very small range, they only go a few cell widths deep. I hope that this will help him but I believe that the emotional trauma has to be resolved before the cancer will disappear for good.

Now to the 'biological' program. I asked Dr. Holt about this and he said it is a form of territorial conflict, the fear to loose the territory. Male animals mark their territory with their urine. In the conflict active phase, the tumor displaces the bladder volume, so the 'animal' has the repeated urgency to urinate and will mark its territory more often, so to 'defend' its territory with its scent. But in your case it doesn't have to be about house or inheritance, it can be analogs, the loss of stock, a job, or conflict with a business partner, etc. You have to analyze your own psyche to find the 'trigger'. Of course, the German Medicine is not accepted by mainstream medicine and may not even be valid but that would also surprise me. While Dr. Hamer insists that all causes of cancers are explained by his theory, I am not so convinced, there can be many exceptions. Cancer can be cause by dangerous chemicals or certain pharmaceuticals can increase the risk of cancer. Also high alcohol consumption, as I remember. While searching the web for causes of bladder cancer, there was an article about the increase in risk when taking a particular diabetes medication. I have to check, my elder brother is quite obese and he may also take medication for diabetes, I don't know...

While Dr. Hamer's theory may explain the 'trigger' of cancer and other health issues, there is also a biological 'model' for how cancer forms and grows. This, I think, is the 'Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer'. The trophoblast is the tissue that attaches the fertilized egg to the uterine wall at the beginning of pregnancy. This is a very important biological step in pregnancy, without it, there will be no pregnancy. After the 56 day (or so) of pregnancy, the embryo's pancreas starts to produce the enzyme chymotrypsin, which stops the growth of the trophoblast. A normal placenta develops, etc. If the embryo's pancreas does not produce this enzyme for some reason, then the mother will die within a few weeks from the aggressive growth of the trophoblast, like in cancer.

The German company Mucos produces the enzyme 'Wobenzym N' which contains the chymotrypsin but not in a large quantity. They also produce another one, 'Wobe-Mucos', with higher levels of the chymotrypsin but it is not available on the US market, I think. There may be other enzyme products available in the US that have this enzyme in higher dosage which may help combat cancer. My brother took the Wobe-Mucos enzymes but only for a while, it did not help.

Hope this information is of help to you.

With best wishes,

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