Another Horror COVID-19 Story


Nov 22, 2017
I Lost My Husband to Covid-19

This story sounds like a horror movie. Honestly felt like the script from Fractured (2019)

This (39 y.old) father and husband gets sick on COVID-19 and is dead five days later, gets swallowed by a hospital on lockdown, his wife is denied access, loses track of him, and when she finally finally finds him, he's already on a ventilator (of pure oxygen probably), and wouldn't you know it he's dead a day later.

Not bashing the individuals who work in hospitals, there's some amazing people there, but I've lost count of how many stories like this I've read. I have serious lung problems, and I'm pretty sure I got the COVID 2-3 weeks ago, had 3-4 days of acutely difficult breathing and fever, and thankfully I had this forum and Georgi's info and I did everything I could and got through it.

I don't even think carbogen is available when people are put on ventilators. And they all seem to get worse very quickly. At this point it seems like you should avoid hospital at all costs.


Jan 1, 2013
The husband had symptoms but it isn't clear he attempted to self medicate or not.

The internet is choke full of complementary medical advices, some excellent and some less, but there's at least help for those who seek it.

If you know there's a very real chance of dying, and your health is deteriorating fast, are you just going to stand there and do nothing, hoping things will improve by themselves ?

These people put their trust into the medical system and got what was coming for them.


Aug 20, 2015
I have serious lung problems, and I'm pretty sure I got the COVID 2-3 weeks ago, had 3-4 days of acutely difficult breathing and fever, and thankfully I had this forum and Georgi's info and I did everything I could and got through it.

What did you end up doing mrchibbs? Sorry if you mentioned elsewhere


Mar 20, 2013
What did you end up doing mrchibbs? Sorry if you mentioned elsewhere

I'd like to know too.

This is all really tragic. No one deserves to die like that. A tragedy and an outrage. This poor guy's wife is rightfully pissed off and demanding answers. Unfortunately her plea will most likely be completely ignored.

Makes me even more paranoid about the medical system than I already was.


Mar 15, 2014
Didn't even put him on oxygen, went straight to the ventilator.

Looks like the hospital killed this man.


Nov 22, 2017
What did you end up doing mrchibbs? Sorry if you mentioned elsewhere

I'd like to know too.

As soon as the symptoms became clear I started assembling all the information I could, whereas I hadn't been worried about it at all before I got sick myself.

Georgi (haidut) posted a lot of information during the first few weeks, on this forum, and on his website, ( and on twitter.
I also listened to Ray's ideas in his 3 part interview on the coronavirus. Chris Masterjohn also had some good recommendations.

Specifically, zinc and copper both seem implicated in lung inflammation, and I've seen both recommended multiple times to deal with SARS, which is basically the complication of covid-19. So I got myself some zinc gluconate powder (since oysters are sold out everywhere), and took 100mg per day for a week. Also ate a lot more liver, shrimps, cocoa powder to get more copper and balance out the zinc. This made a big difference.

I also took a lot of MB, throughout the day in water, as it had been shown to stop the respiratory symptoms of Ebola, which is another coronavirus.

Also, a lot of more eggs, and fructose to raise cholesterol, which is all around protective against viral infections.

Serotonin is also seriously implicated in lung fibrosis, because it accumulates and the lungs can't detoxify, so I took a lot of cascara, daily and made sure my transit was as fast as I could. Emodin was also found to block the SARS virus. I also took some penicillin with carrot salad daily

Other things; vitamin E to prevent vascular leakiness in the lungs, lots of glycine which prevents lung inflammation, Benadryl + Pepcid combo was also recommended to antagonize the serotonin receptors.

Basically the whole nine yards, and it took about 3 days for the fever to stop rising and 4-5 for the chest pain and respiratory difficulties to subside. That being said, I am still in my 20s, so even with previous asthma, and difficulties, I always should have been expected to get better.

Although I seriously think I was on the brink that 2nd day, and if I hadn't done everything I could I was on the verge of going to the hospital, and probably straight to pure oxygen and I think I might have died, because I've been very ill for 2 years and the stress of the hospital might have been to much.


May 19, 2017
As soon as the symptoms became clear I started assembling all the information I could, whereas I hadn't been worried about it at all before I got sick myself.

Georgi (haidut) posted a lot of information during the first few weeks, on this forum, and on his website, ( and on twitter.
I also listened to Ray's ideas in his 3 part interview on the coronavirus. Chris Masterjohn also had some good recommendations.

Specifically, zinc and copper both seem implicated in lung inflammation, and I've seen both recommended multiple times to deal with SARS, which is basically the complication of covid-19. So I got myself some zinc gluconate powder (since oysters are sold out everywhere), and took 100mg per day for a week. Also ate a lot more liver, shrimps, cocoa powder to get more copper and balance out the zinc. This made a big difference.

I also took a lot of MB, throughout the day in water, as it had been shown to stop the respiratory symptoms of Ebola, which is another coronavirus.

Also, a lot of more eggs, and fructose to raise cholesterol, which is all around protective against viral infections.

Serotonin is also seriously implicated in lung fibrosis, because it accumulates and the lungs can't detoxify, so I took a lot of cascara, daily and made sure my transit was as fast as I could. Emodin was also found to block the SARS virus. I also took some penicillin with carrot salad daily

Other things; vitamin E to prevent vascular leakiness in the lungs, lots of glycine which prevents lung inflammation, Benadryl + Pepcid combo was also recommended to antagonize the serotonin receptors.

Basically the whole nine yards, and it took about 3 days for the fever to stop rising and 4-5 for the chest pain and respiratory difficulties to subside. That being said, I am still in my 20s, so even with previous asthma, and difficulties, I always should have been expected to get better.

Although I seriously think I was on the brink that 2nd day, and if I hadn't done everything I could I was on the verge of going to the hospital, and probably straight to pure oxygen and I think I might have died, because I've been very ill for 2 years and the stress of the hospital might have been to much.
Thank you for this post. I'm glad you are doing better!


Apr 19, 2017
As soon as the symptoms became clear I started assembling all the information I could, whereas I hadn't been worried about it at all before I got sick myself.

Georgi (haidut) posted a lot of information during the first few weeks, on this forum, and on his website, ( and on twitter.
I also listened to Ray's ideas in his 3 part interview on the coronavirus. Chris Masterjohn also had some good recommendations.

Specifically, zinc and copper both seem implicated in lung inflammation, and I've seen both recommended multiple times to deal with SARS, which is basically the complication of covid-19. So I got myself some zinc gluconate powder (since oysters are sold out everywhere), and took 100mg per day for a week. Also ate a lot more liver, shrimps, cocoa powder to get more copper and balance out the zinc. This made a big difference.

I also took a lot of MB, throughout the day in water, as it had been shown to stop the respiratory symptoms of Ebola, which is another coronavirus.

Also, a lot of more eggs, and fructose to raise cholesterol, which is all around protective against viral infections.

Serotonin is also seriously implicated in lung fibrosis, because it accumulates and the lungs can't detoxify, so I took a lot of cascara, daily and made sure my transit was as fast as I could. Emodin was also found to block the SARS virus. I also took some penicillin with carrot salad daily

Other things; vitamin E to prevent vascular leakiness in the lungs, lots of glycine which prevents lung inflammation, Benadryl + Pepcid combo was also recommended to antagonize the serotonin receptors.

Basically the whole nine yards, and it took about 3 days for the fever to stop rising and 4-5 for the chest pain and respiratory difficulties to subside. That being said, I am still in my 20s, so even with previous asthma, and difficulties, I always should have been expected to get better.

Although I seriously think I was on the brink that 2nd day, and if I hadn't done everything I could I was on the verge of going to the hospital, and probably straight to pure oxygen and I think I might have died, because I've been very ill for 2 years and the stress of the hospital might have been to much.
definitely believe serotonin is a big part of it. I e been giving my husband 4mg of cyproheptadine daily and he’s been sleeping and eating really well. Actually he wouldn’t take one last night and this morning he woke up really sickly with almost no appetite and he hadn’t slept at all. He agreed to take one this morning and he’s been sleeping soundly all day and I anticipate he’s going to be really hungry when he gets up.
Nov 21, 2015
As soon as the symptoms became clear I started assembling all the information I could, whereas I hadn't been worried about it at all before I got sick myself.

Georgi (haidut) posted a lot of information during the first few weeks, on this forum, and on his website, ( and on twitter.
I also listened to Ray's ideas in his 3 part interview on the coronavirus. Chris Masterjohn also had some good recommendations.

Specifically, zinc and copper both seem implicated in lung inflammation, and I've seen both recommended multiple times to deal with SARS, which is basically the complication of covid-19. So I got myself some zinc gluconate powder (since oysters are sold out everywhere), and took 100mg per day for a week. Also ate a lot more liver, shrimps, cocoa powder to get more copper and balance out the zinc. This made a big difference.

I also took a lot of MB, throughout the day in water, as it had been shown to stop the respiratory symptoms of Ebola, which is another coronavirus.

Also, a lot of more eggs, and fructose to raise cholesterol, which is all around protective against viral infections.

Serotonin is also seriously implicated in lung fibrosis, because it accumulates and the lungs can't detoxify, so I took a lot of cascara, daily and made sure my transit was as fast as I could. Emodin was also found to block the SARS virus. I also took some penicillin with carrot salad daily

Other things; vitamin E to prevent vascular leakiness in the lungs, lots of glycine which prevents lung inflammation, Benadryl + Pepcid combo was also recommended to antagonize the serotonin receptors.

Basically the whole nine yards, and it took about 3 days for the fever to stop rising and 4-5 for the chest pain and respiratory difficulties to subside. That being said, I am still in my 20s, so even with previous asthma, and difficulties, I always should have been expected to get better.

Although I seriously think I was on the brink that 2nd day, and if I hadn't done everything I could I was on the verge of going to the hospital, and probably straight to pure oxygen and I think I might have died, because I've been very ill for 2 years and the stress of the hospital might have been to much.

I'm quite a bit older, but this is similar to what happened to me symptoms wise. It is all about avoiding the hospital. I did get bacterial pneumonia but I think my regimen saved me.

I was taking aspirin, cyproheptadine, several antibiotics, acetazolamide, vitamin C, methylene blue. Zinc. And losartan for a few days that really helped my breathing a lot. I also did a few hours of bag breathing that helped dramatically.

I used to have terrible asthma.


Nov 22, 2017

definitely believe serotonin is a big part of it. I e been giving my husband 4mg of cyproheptadine daily and he’s been sleeping and eating really well. Actually he wouldn’t take one last night and this morning he woke up really sickly with almost no appetite and he hadn’t slept at all. He agreed to take one this morning and he’s been sleeping soundly all day and I anticipate he’s going to be really hungry when he gets up.

Cyproheptadine is really a wonder drug, especially during times of recovery, where energy and drive aren't required (it does make people a bit subdued and probably reduces dopamine a little).

I didn't have any on hand, and didn't really have the time to order any, so I just used the benadryl/pepcid I had on hand. But you're right, the main danger with covid-19 is lung fibrosis, and serotonin is the key driver of fibrosis everywhere. So any serotonin antagonist is helpful. I remember taking walks in the streets (far away from other people) and I couldn't believe I'd caught it, and was feeling so terrible. Anyhow glad your hubby is doing ok, keep giving him cypro.


Nov 22, 2017
Didn't even put him on oxygen, went straight to the ventilator.

Looks like the hospital killed this man.

There are no words. Another little girl (12 year old) who will grow up without a father.
Another women who will have to go through intense grief and sorrow and raise a child on her own.
Two broken people, who will never be the same. This is a powerful stress, and will shape the rest
of their lives.

Life is precious, and every death like this is utterly crushing, because it affects everyone who's still around.
It's infuriating.
Nov 21, 2015
Cyproheptadine is really a wonder drug, especially during times of recovery, where energy and drive aren't required (it does make people a bit subdued and probably reduces dopamine a little).

I didn't have any on hand, and didn't really have the time to order any, so I just used the benadryl/pepcid I had on hand. But you're right, the main danger with covid-19 is lung fibrosis, and serotonin is the key driver of fibrosis everywhere. So any serotonin antagonist is helpful. I remember taking walks in the streets (far away from other people) and I couldn't believe I'd caught it, and was feeling so terrible. Anyhow glad your hubby is doing ok, keep giving him cypro.

yes you did a good thing there. I would have used benedryl and famotidine if I didn't have the cypro. Dr. Peat recommended the cypro as preferable but the fallback is what you did, which is also quite good to prevent excess serotonin.

I couldn't walk or do anything when I was really sick. Thankfully I have a wonderful family that helped me through it, and I was in a room that isolated me pretty well.


Nov 22, 2017
I'm quite a bit older, but this is similar to what happened to me symptoms wise. It is all about avoiding the hospital. I did get bacterial pneumonia but I think my regimen saved me.

I was taking aspirin, cyproheptadine, several antibiotics, acetazolamide, vitamin C, methylene blue. Zinc. And losartan for a few days that really helped my breathing a lot. I also did a few hours of bag breathing that helped dramatically.

I used to have terrible asthma.

Yes, I remember being very worried with your high fever. Glad you pulled through, your posts, even when you were sick, were always so interesting and useful. I didn't have any cypro, I won't make that mistake next time.

Although I'm in my (late) 20s, I've been sick for most of those years, and I'm probably a lot older physiologically speaking than I should be. I went through intense stress, which ultimately became real illness a couple years ago, and I definitely have been the poster child of the serotonergic state; low metabolism, tendency to isolate, hair loss, no libido, low dopamine.

And this has gone on for years and has become a source of shame, guilt and anxiety, which further feeds the cycle and makes me sicker. On top of existing asthma problems , overwork and a serious mold infection from a moldy apartment.

So when I got those symptoms I thought damn! This is really the icing on the cake, and I honestly think that If I hadn't had this forum, I'd be in a terrible way, considering my precarious state to begin with.
Nov 21, 2015
Yes, I remember being very worried with your high fever. Glad you pulled through, your posts, even when you were sick, were always so interesting and useful. I didn't have any cypro, I won't make that mistake next time.

Although I'm in my (late) 20s, I've been sick for most of those years, and I'm probably a lot older physiologically speaking than I should be. I went through intense stress, which ultimately became real illness a couple years ago, and I definitely have been the poster child of the serotonergic state; low metabolism, tendency to isolate, hair loss, no libido, low dopamine.

And this has gone on for years and has become a source of shame, guilt and anxiety, which further feeds the cycle and makes me sicker. On top of existing asthma problems , overwork and a serious mold infection from a moldy apartment.

So when I got those symptoms I thought damn! This is really the icing on the cake, and I honestly think that If I hadn't had this forum, I'd be in a terrible way, considering my precarious state to begin with.

my road to health began when I started Buteyko and the bag breathing was so vital because when I was so sick I couldn't do any Buteyko breathing exercises but breathing in a bag was easy to do.

I'm so glad to hear about finding my posts a little helpful. That is the beauty of @charlie's wonderful forum here, nothing like it in the world and I am grateful every day for it.


Nov 22, 2017
my road to health began when I started Buteyko and the bag breathing was so vital because when I was so sick I couldn't do any Buteyko breathing exercises but breathing in a bag was easy to do.

I'm so glad to hear about finding my posts a little helpful. That is the beauty of @charlie's wonderful forum here, nothing like it in the world and I am grateful every day for it.

I'd love to be better at Buteyko, but, and this is gonna sound silly, all my paper bags tend to get torn apart and become unusable pretty quickly. For a guy with lifelong asthma like me, it would seem really essential to take it more seriously.

re: forum Me too, what an unbelievable resource, although it takes time to learn to navigate the topics. Ray's ideas are not easy to wrap your head around at first. I remember hearing about his ideas around 2015 through Danny Roddy and I honestly thought I was dumb because I couldn't get it at all. Then after getting really sick in late 2017, I made another pass at it, and for 2 years now I've been on an upwards learning curve, and coincidentally I've gotten through much of my illness, and this forum has been there as a support system every step of the way!
Nov 21, 2015
I'd love to be better at Buteyko, but, and this is gonna sound silly, all my paper bags tend to get torn apart and become unusable pretty quickly. For a guy with lifelong asthma like me, it would seem really essential to take it more seriously.

re: forum Me too, what an unbelievable resource, although it takes time to learn to navigate the topics. Ray's ideas are not easy to wrap your head around at first. I remember hearing about his ideas around 2015 through Danny Roddy and I honestly thought I was dumb because I couldn't get it at all. Then after getting really sick in late 2017, I made another pass at it, and for 2 years now I've been on an upwards learning curve, and coincidentally I've gotten through much of my illness, and this forum has been there as a support system every step of the way!

you can use any bags. I've used plastic bags in a pinch. I found the cloth reusable grocery bag ideal because I can put it over my head, seal it around my neck and shoulders, and bag breathe for 10 or 15 minutes without fear of asphyxiation.

Asthma is the easiest thing to get rid of. It doesn't take much of an improvement to stop all asthma forever. If you can find a Buteyko coach, or even some good videos, you can do it yourself very easily. Even just nose breathing, building air hunger when exercising with mouth closed, and practicing very quiet reduced breathing can often be enough, along with taping mouth at night so you don't mouth breathe when sleeping.


Nov 22, 2017
you can use any bags. I've used plastic bags in a pinch. I found the cloth reusable grocery bag ideal because I can put it over my head, seal it around my neck and shoulders, and bag breathe for 10 or 15 minutes without fear of asphyxiation.

Asthma is the easiest thing to get rid of. It doesn't take much of an improvement to stop all asthma forever. If you can find a Buteyko coach, or even some good videos, you can do it yourself very easily. Even just nose breathing, building air hunger when exercising with mouth closed, and practicing very quiet reduced breathing can often be enough, along with taping mouth at night so you don't mouth breathe when sleeping.

Alright you're motivating me to try harder. I'll try to find one of these cloth grocery bag. I tried taping a few years ago, but it was a big worry for me because I was already gasping for air during sleep, but I'll give it another shot!


Apr 19, 2017
Cyproheptadine is really a wonder drug, especially during times of recovery, where energy and drive aren't required (it does make people a bit subdued and probably reduces dopamine a little).

I didn't have any on hand, and didn't really have the time to order any, so I just used the benadryl/pepcid I had on hand. But you're right, the main danger with covid-19 is lung fibrosis, and serotonin is the key driver of fibrosis everywhere. So any serotonin antagonist is helpful. I remember taking walks in the streets (far away from other people) and I couldn't believe I'd caught it, and was feeling so terrible. Anyhow glad your hubby is doing ok, keep giving him cypro.
Thank you. And as expected he ate a hearty serving of ham and mashed potatoes for dinner! Definitely a good sign~


Aug 17, 2016
you can use any bags. I've used plastic bags in a pinch. I found the cloth reusable grocery bag ideal because I can put it over my head, seal it around my neck and shoulders, and bag breathe for 10 or 15 minutes without fear of asphyxiation.

Asthma is the easiest thing to get rid of. It doesn't take much of an improvement to stop all asthma forever. If you can find a Buteyko coach, or even some good videos, you can do it yourself very easily. Even just nose breathing, building air hunger when exercising with mouth closed, and practicing very quiet reduced breathing can often be enough, along with taping mouth at night so you don't mouth breathe when sleeping.
The surgeon general seems like a nice guy but who himself has carried around an inhalor for 40yrs due to his asthma:


Aug 20, 2015
As soon as the symptoms became clear I started assembling all the information I could, whereas I hadn't been worried about it at all before I got sick myself.

Georgi (haidut) posted a lot of information during the first few weeks, on this forum, and on his website, ( and on twitter.
I also listened to Ray's ideas in his 3 part interview on the coronavirus. Chris Masterjohn also had some good recommendations.

Specifically, zinc and copper both seem implicated in lung inflammation, and I've seen both recommended multiple times to deal with SARS, which is basically the complication of covid-19. So I got myself some zinc gluconate powder (since oysters are sold out everywhere), and took 100mg per day for a week. Also ate a lot more liver, shrimps, cocoa powder to get more copper and balance out the zinc. This made a big difference.

I also took a lot of MB, throughout the day in water, as it had been shown to stop the respiratory symptoms of Ebola, which is another coronavirus.

Also, a lot of more eggs, and fructose to raise cholesterol, which is all around protective against viral infections.

Serotonin is also seriously implicated in lung fibrosis, because it accumulates and the lungs can't detoxify, so I took a lot of cascara, daily and made sure my transit was as fast as I could. Emodin was also found to block the SARS virus. I also took some penicillin with carrot salad daily

Other things; vitamin E to prevent vascular leakiness in the lungs, lots of glycine which prevents lung inflammation, Benadryl + Pepcid combo was also recommended to antagonize the serotonin receptors.

Basically the whole nine yards, and it took about 3 days for the fever to stop rising and 4-5 for the chest pain and respiratory difficulties to subside. That being said, I am still in my 20s, so even with previous asthma, and difficulties, I always should have been expected to get better.

Although I seriously think I was on the brink that 2nd day, and if I hadn't done everything I could I was on the verge of going to the hospital, and probably straight to pure oxygen and I think I might have died, because I've been very ill for 2 years and the stress of the hospital might have been to much.

Thank you very much for sharing. Sounds like you had some good stuff on hand. Glad to hear of your recovery and that your interventions helped.
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