Accurate temperature and thermometer


Dec 11, 2020
Just watched a Broda Barnes interview and i wonder about oral quick thermometer readings. Are they supposed to be accurate enough for our purposes or do we really need to find a traditional thermometer and do the auxillary reading for 10 min? thats 30 min per day wow. However, i seemingly am struggling with getting my temperature up and have to wonder if its the thermometer since there is not explanation why my temp would not be where its supposed to be in light of everything i do eat etc. unless its due to something other than thyroid- virus was mentioned or something else causing temp not to rise. Also, my hands are always very warm and i always feel warm and i sweat easily so im confused and now looking at the actual thermometer variable. Thoughts and suggestions? thank you!+


Nov 28, 2014
Just watched a Broda Barnes interview and i wonder about oral quick thermometer readings. Are they supposed to be accurate enough for our purposes or do we really need to find a traditional thermometer and do the auxillary reading for 10 min? thats 30 min per day wow. However, i seemingly am struggling with getting my temperature up and have to wonder if its the thermometer since there is not explanation why my temp would not be where its supposed to be in light of everything i do eat etc. unless its due to something other than thyroid- virus was mentioned or something else causing temp not to rise. Also, my hands are always very warm and i always feel warm and i sweat easily so im confused and now looking at the actual thermometer variable. Thoughts and suggestions? thank you!+
Do you warm the thermometer up before using it? That's what I do, rather than put a cold thermometer in my mouth. I first stick it in my clothed armpit or down my bra for about 30 seconds to take off the chill. Then I place it in my mouth for about 30 seconds without turning it on. Then I turn it on and get a reading. I've checked it against an old mercury thermometer that I happen to have, and it's only off by about 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. I consider this acceptable for my purposes.


Dec 11, 2020
Do you warm the thermometer up before using it? That's what I do, rather than put a cold thermometer in my mouth. I first stick it in my clothed armpit or down my bra for about 30 seconds to take off the chill. Then I place it in my mouth for about 30 seconds without turning it on. Then I turn it on and get a reading. I've checked it against an old mercury thermometer that I happen to have, and it's only off by about 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. I consider this acceptable for my purposes.


Sep 21, 2014
Do you warm the thermometer up before using it? That's what I do, rather than put a cold thermometer in my mouth. I first stick it in my clothed armpit or down my bra for about 30 seconds to take off the chill. Then I place it in my mouth for about 30 seconds without turning it on. Then I turn it on and get a reading. I've checked it against an old mercury thermometer that I happen to have, and it's only off by about 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. I consider this acceptable for my purposes.
I second that. I have one of those quick digital ones that beep almost immediately when they touch something even closely related to skin. The fluctuations are like night and day, even if only a few seconds pass between measurements. If I keep it under my arm for a few minutes before measuring, it only fluctuates by 0.1 degrees.


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Feb 10, 2016
I haven't met a digital thermometer that I can trust, and I have tried a lot.

I managed to buy 2 mercury thermometers (sold as vintage) from Etsy and can confirm that they align with Geratherm types readings.

Galinstan might be the new best and easy to obtain standard, at least for me.

The problem with galinstan types is that shaking them down is harder than mercury. The "put it in a sock and spin it" method is super easy to address this problem.


Dec 11, 2020
Thank you everyone!! i am warming a new digital under my arm and then in mouth and wow readings are much higher! makes sense because ive been baffled at what were seemingly low temps when everything else pulse, energy , warm hands and feet, etc are great. made no sense. my last lingering issue is chemical hypersensitvity and Dr. Peat advised that body temp regulates chemicals so ive been obsessed. Still pretty sensitive. Seems my temps are now getting up to where they need to be during day when im awake (occasional dips but monitoring). however, morning temp is never up to 97.8 or above. im even now sleeping with my red lights on all night- going well. however i still wake up a couple times per night to urinate and not sleeping a full 8 hours as i would like so sleep still off even with all the tricks- sugar gelatin, salt, baking soda, t4/t3 dose close to bedtime, cyproheptadine etc. how can i get my temp good in the morning and not reverse during the night everything i do during the day? seems there needs to be a time release solution so we dont have to get up during night and snack or take stuff. hmmmm.


Sep 26, 2022
I haven't met a digital thermometer that I can trust, and I have tried a lot.

I managed to buy 2 mercury thermometers (sold as vintage) from Etsy and can confirm that they align with Geratherm types readings.

Galinstan might be the new best and easy to obtain standard, at least for me.

The problem with galinstan types is that shaking them down is harder than mercury. The "put it in a sock and spin it" method is super easy to address this problem.
When I bought the Geratherm galinstan ones they came with a plastic holder that is meant to make it very easy to shake the thermometer down.
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