A Deep Dive On mRNA Vaccines


Jul 29, 2014
Agreed it would be unpredictable and dangerous but that’s not how the genetics people think which makes it difficult to believe they haven’t tried it.

Doesn’t that paper suggest the the virus is capable of reverse transcription even if you just catch the virus (and not just via an mRNA vaccine)?

Yeah I think that's the only thing it's saying. I don't think it mentioned mRNA vaccines. But the current belief is that only retroviruses are capable of altering DNA, which is why they say that an mRNA vaccine wouldn't be able to alter a person's DNA. I'm sure you're aware of this though as we've all heard Ray talk about the dogma being that DNA can move to RNA and RNA to proteins but never in reverse. I think that kind of thinking has made scientists think there can't be any harm done by injecting RNA into the body, but the study I posted seems to contradict that and gives a plausible mechanism.

My understanding is limited though.

There is a German cell biologist who discussed the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine. IIRC she said that the vaccines do contain traces of DNA. She said that this was mentioned in official papers. This happens because the mRNA is made from DNA, and if the process was not completed there is DNA left in the batch.

Another thing she said was... The stuff used for research is manufactured in relatively small amounts in the lab, with processes that are suitable only for small amounts, and It's very pure. For higher output (as in mass vaccination) the manufacturing processes are different, and they bring about their own impurities.

Another avenue for error. Things we do not think about but once pointed out seem so obvious. When I hear people talk about science they treat it as if it's synonymous with fact. Like we can use science to come up with ideas that can't be contradicted. This is actually how people view science! In actuality it's almost the opposite. We (humans) make observations based on the parameters we (humans) have set. If we don't know to look for something we may not find it and we may not know to include it in a study design. Science is a series of observations and interpretations.

I was listening to the radio the other day and a lady was interviewing a doctor who is on the Canadian vaccine task force I believe. She asked him why some countries have greenlit certain vaccines while other countries have not. He said their interpretation of the data was different than our countries and she was confused and said "But isn't it science? How can there be interpretations of science?" I suppose suggesting that science is fact and you cant interpret fact. It gave me a bit of insight into how the general public think of science. I guess that's why they say things like science denier. If you don't accept science then you don't accept fact. I'm not even sure what science denier even means...


Forum Supporter
Dec 28, 2020
Mimic natural infection processes? Sooo, then why wouldn't you just wait to catch the "virus" out in the wild? Then it WILL be the natural infection process, not some artificial rehearsal.

And that way, you'd have natural defenses, like it having to pass through sinuses or digestive tract, or what have you. Seems a lot more dangerous to just inject it into your veins and hope for the best! Even when they spin it positively, it still seems like an insane process, when you actually think about it.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I was listening to the radio the other day and a lady was interviewing a doctor who is on the Canadian vaccine task force I believe. She asked him why some countries have greenlit certain vaccines while other countries have not. He said their interpretation of the data was different than our countries and she was confused and said "But isn't it science? How can there be interpretations of science?" I suppose suggesting that science is fact and you cant interpret fact. It gave me a bit of insight into how the general public think of science. I guess that's why they say things like science denier. If you don't accept science then you don't accept fact. I'm not even sure what science denier even means...

What gets me about these people is the fact that they believe truth is relative and therefore subject to one's own personal interpretation, but become staunchly dogmatic regarding science. I think it's their way of dealing with the spiritual/emotional/cognitive quicksand of the moral-relativism that is foundational to their worldview. Everyone needs the anchor of absolute truth and this is their quasi-religious way of finding it. Men in white lab coats have simply replaced men in religious garb. They are the least scientific among us, and view those who are trained in the sciences, but not part of the official hierarchy, as heretics if they disagree with those recognized as official.

Which brings up another one of their unending contradictions. They believe the current hierarchy is patriarchal and corrupt, and champion a system in which hierarchical position is awarded via diversity rather than competence, yet place their absolute confidence in the current system because they say it only employs the most competent.
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Jan 25, 2014
I was listening to the radio the other day and a lady was interviewing a doctor who is on the Canadian vaccine task force I believe. She asked him why some countries have greenlit certain vaccines while other countries have not. He said their interpretation of the data was different than our countries and she was confused and said "But isn't it science? How can there be interpretations of science?" I suppose suggesting that science is fact and you cant interpret fact. It gave me a bit of insight into how the general public think of science. I guess that's why they say things like science denier. If you don't accept science then you don't accept fact. I'm not even sure what science denier even means...

It is a funny term. Like scientists have everything figured out. Turns out, we can't even figure out what the word "Planet" means. I remember back when we lived in a Solar System with 9 Planets! Then it was going to be 12, but somehow, now we're down to 8. That's just nonsense!

Personally, I think anyone that doesn't believe Pluto is a Planet is a science denier.


Oct 19, 2019
What gets me about these people is the fact that they believe truth is relative and therefore subject to one's own personal interpretation, but become staunchly dogmatic regarding science. I think it's their way of dealing with the spiritual/emotional/cognitive quicksand of the moral-relativism that is foundational to their worldview. Everyone needs the anchor of absolute truth and this is their quasi-religious way of finding it. Men in white lab coats have simply replaced men in religious garb. They are the least scientific among us, and view those who are trained in the sciences, but not part of the official hierarchy, as heretics if they disagree with those recognized as official.

Which brings up another one of their unending contradictions. They believe the current hierarchy is patriarchal and corrupt, and champion a system in which hierarchical position is awarded via diversity rather than competence, yet place their absolute confidence in the current system because they say it only employs the most competent.


Jun 11, 2018
This sentence is also something I can´t wrap my head around: "...harmless piece of the spike protein found on the surface of the virus, triggering an immune response...". Why would something harmless trigger an immune response? Either it is toxic or it doesn´t trigger an immune response.


Aug 10, 2012


Jan 9, 2019
Yeah I think that's the only thing it's saying. I don't think it mentioned mRNA vaccines. But the current belief is that only retroviruses are capable of altering DNA, which is why they say that an mRNA vaccine wouldn't be able to alter a person's DNA. I'm sure you're aware of this though as we've all heard Ray talk about the dogma being that DNA can move to RNA and RNA to proteins but never in reverse. I think that kind of thinking has made scientists think there can't be any harm done by injecting RNA into the body, but the study I posted seems to contradict that and gives a plausible mechanism.

My understanding is limited though.

Another avenue for error. Things we do not think about but once pointed out seem so obvious. When I hear people talk about science they treat it as if it's synonymous with fact. Like we can use science to come up with ideas that can't be contradicted. This is actually how people view science! In actuality it's almost the opposite. We (humans) make observations based on the parameters we (humans) have set. If we don't know to look for something we may not find it and we may not know to include it in a study design. Science is a series of observations and interpretations.

I was listening to the radio the other day and a lady was interviewing a doctor who is on the Canadian vaccine task force I believe. She asked him why some countries have greenlit certain vaccines while other countries have not. He said their interpretation of the data was different than our countries and she was confused and said "But isn't it science? How can there be interpretations of science?" I suppose suggesting that science is fact and you cant interpret fact. It gave me a bit of insight into how the general public think of science. I guess that's why they say things like science denier. If you don't accept science then you don't accept fact. I'm not even sure what science denier even means...
I live on the border of Canada and get their radio channels that blast covid propaganda all day long (along with NPR of course.) Since I have so few choices of radio channels without bombarding myself with EMF streaming music, sometimes I opt to listen to the French Canadian station (which is gibberish to me) just so I don't lose my mind.

It's amazing how limited, or more so non existent the variation of information is. Depressing really, not a sane voice for miles. Thank God some resemblance of independent thought exists as your interviewer inquired, even if it may be just a glimmer.

Not to make this too long but sometimes I hear something critical coming out of the interviewer drones mouth and I get excited, then they receive the most basic response and somehow find it fitting, a resolution to the issue at hand apparently. It usually goes as such,

Host: "But doctor blah blah what we are all wondering is... is it safe?"

Doc: " yes, we believe it is, we believe it will confer immunity and we believe it will prevent spread"

host: "there you have it folks, irrefutable opinions from a butcher"
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Jul 29, 2014
I live on the border of Canada and get their radio channels that blast covid propaganda all day long (along with NPR of course.) Since I have so few choices of radio channels without bombarding myself with EMF streaming music, sometimes I opt to listen to the French Canadian station (which is gibberish to me) just so I don't lose my mind.

It's amazing how limited, or more so non existent the variation of information is. Depressing really, not a sane voice for miles. Thank God some resemblance of independent thought exists as your interviewer inquired, even if it may be just a glimmer.

Not to make this too long but sometimes I hear something critical coming out of the interviewer drones mouth and I get excited, then they receive the most basic response and somehow find it fitting, a resolution to the issue at hand apparently. It usually goes as such,

Host: "But doctor blah blah what we are all wondering is... is it safe?"

Doc: " yes, we believe it is, we believe it will confer immunity and we believe it will prevent spread"

host: "there you have it folks, irrefutable opinions from a butcher"

Yes, I think you are pretty spot on with your assessment, unfortunately. I still follow the mainstream Canadian news though, just to see what they are saying.


Jun 11, 2018
I live on the border of Canada and get their radio channels that blast covid propaganda all day long (along with NPR of course.) Since I have so few choices of radio channels without bombarding myself with EMF streaming music, sometimes I opt to listen to the French Canadian station (which is gibberish to me) just so I don't lose my mind.

It's amazing how limited, or more so non existent the variation of information is. Depressing really, not a sane voice for miles. Thank God some resemblance of independent thought exists as your interviewer inquired, even if it may be just a glimmer.

Not to make this too long but sometimes I hear something critical coming out of the interviewer drones mouth and I get excited, then they receive the most basic response and somehow find it fitting, a resolution to the issue at hand apparently. It usually goes as such,

Host: "But doctor blah blah what we are all wondering is... is it safe?"

Doc: " yes, we believe it is, we believe it will confer immunity and we believe it will prevent spread"

host: "there you have it folks, irrefutable opinions from a butcher"
I bought a cassette radio because of the sole purpose of not having to listen to propaganda.


Jul 10, 2016
Research article:
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

"Because of concerns about the safety of this vaccine a study was performed to determine if the vaccine could potentially induce prion based disease."
Bump, scary ***t


Mar 26, 2014
Research article:
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

"Because of concerns about the safety of this vaccine a study was performed to determine if the vaccine could potentially induce prion based disease."

mRNA, proteins, prions. That makes sense, even to me. Thanks birdie.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas

Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response.

The causative agents of TSEs are believed to be prions. The term “prions” refers to abnormal, pathogenic agents that are transmissible and are able to induce abnormal folding of specific normal cellular proteins called prion proteins that are found most abundantly in the brain. The functions of these normal prion proteins are still not completely understood. The abnormal folding of the prion proteins leads to brain damage and the characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease. Prion diseases are usually rapidly progressive and always fatal.

From the pdf from Birdie:

ABSTRACT Development of new vaccine technology has been plagued with problems in the past. The current RNA based SARSCoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing. In this paper the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce prion-based disease in vaccine recipients. The RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein target interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations. The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations. In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. Potential G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but a more sophisticated computer program is needed to verify these. Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a zinc containing enzyme. This interaction has the potential to increase intracellular zinc. Zinc ions have been shown to cause the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion configuration. The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.

GAF: I have a very very very bad feeling about this. The vaccinated may be doomed. MayDay MayDay. BO will be 60 years old on 8/4/2021. You guys putting the pieces of this nightmare together yet?

Alzheimers Joe At about 3:20 - "enough vaccines for every adult in America by the End of May."


Nov 18, 2019
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny breaks down the different mechanisms of harm with these shots. She uses hand drawn diagrams of the cell to illustrate what is actually going on with these shots. I found it helpful. She also clearly explains the difference between mRNA shots and the Astra Zeneca and J & J. Seems as if the final outcome is similarly dangerous. Well worth the listen:



Mar 29, 2016
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny breaks down the different mechanisms of harm with these shots. She uses hand drawn diagrams of the cell to illustrate what is actually going on with these shots. I found it helpful. She also clearly explains the difference between mRNA shots and the Astra Zeneca and J & J. Seems as if the final outcome is similarly dangerous. Well worth the listen:

This is interesting.

This window can't go full screen, only PIP. So I can't view the drawings.

Funny about Bitchute. They must be people who don't understand making things more intuitive.

I have to reply to you to access the bitchute link.

It doesn't work either. I go into bitchute and paste this: fhhNpDM9Ahwf, and you'd think bitchute is smart enough to find that video.

Just keeps giving me Alex Jones.

This is turning out to be rocket science.
Jan 29, 2021
This is interesting.

This window can't go full screen, only PIP. So I can't view the drawings.

Funny about Bitchute. They must be people who don't understand making things more intuitive.

I have to reply to you to access the bitchute link.

It doesn't work either. I go into bitchute and paste this: fhhNpDM9Ahwf, and you'd think bitchute is smart enough to find that video.

Just keeps giving me Alex Jones.

This is turning out to be rocket science.

Direct BitChute Link (you need to concatenate): https://www.bitchute .com/video/fhhNpDM9Ahwf/
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Mar 29, 2016
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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