Young people are lonelier than ever


Feb 9, 2022
As William Blake said, “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's.”

Your signature is ironic.
"When I realize that the world still contains lots of sentient intelligent beings—some humans, many mammals, insects, mollusks, plants—I see that alienation from the malicious system is better than joining it." ~ Ray Peat"

How can such cognitive dissonance exist in someone's mind? Maybe a better name for it than cognitive dissonance is a spell or hex.

The Ancient of Days by William Blake.​

The Ancient of Days by William Blake.jpg

William Blake - The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, 1806–1809

William Blake - The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, 1806–1809.jpg


Feb 13, 2021
Your signature is ironic.
"When I realize that the world still contains lots of sentient intelligent beings—some humans, many mammals, insects, mollusks, plants—I see that alienation from the malicious system is better than joining it." ~ Ray Peat"

How can such cognitive dissonance exist in someone's mind? Maybe a better name for it than cognitive dissonance is a spell or hex.
Not sure you have enough info to be sure that dissonance, hexes, or spells are at play here.

In quoting that, um, quote I only wanted to stress the importance of creating a good system for oneself and one's family/friends to thrive within.

I like your posts by the way!


Feb 9, 2022
Not sure you have enough info to be sure that dissonance, hexes, or spells are at play here.

In quoting that, um, quote I only wanted to stress the importance of creating a good system for oneself and one's family/friends to thrive within.

I like your posts by the way!
Don't you see how you join the malicious system by doing what you suggest?

Corporate structures can be useful in so many ways.

From a business perspective, having a holding company (corporation) with LLC's below it might be another good choice.

Who or what is a corporate structure useful to? If you want your family/friends community to thrive, why do they have to "thrive" in a corporation (corp = dead/body oration = speak)? We don't need any of this. WE. DON'T. NEED. ANY. OF. THIS. WE DON'T NEED IT! WE HAVE THRIVED FOREVER WITHOUT IT! EVERYTHING IS WORSE WITH IT! IT!


Jan 6, 2019
That's silly. There's more than enough oil known about right now to last a few hundred years or more, even at current consumption rates
Speculation. You may replace 2090 with 2900 if it suits you better.
People have allegedly already come up with ways to split hydrogen from water at a net energy gain, meaning we already have potentially infinite, renewable energy. We could also harvest ocean waves for energy, an idea that has been around since the 1930s. And with over 5000 suppressed patents in the US alone, these ideas may even seem pre-historic to what has already been discovered.
The implementation of any of these requires oil. Without oil, no equipment for (alternative) energy production can be manufactured. It's all oil-based in the fundamental level.
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Nov 8, 2021
Can confirm, I'm 19 and i never had friends growing up because of various reasons, and i've come to a state of acceptance to the fact that i will probably remain single and lonely for the rest of my life.
I can relate to you. When i was 11 i started to become less social than before, at the age of 13 a barely had any friends, at 14 i had some but spend very little time with them, now iam 18 and have none =( and i dont know how to make new friends


Oct 22, 2019
Ditto from me. I had no idea how well I was prepared to leave Austin for Alaska 30yrs ago, but now I see even here (where often just one mistake can turn deadly) the millenials are clueless.Don't get me started on the long list of conceptual or common sense topics in which they fail miserably, I spent 16yrs training supposed adults here for the State, and have seen it all.
I have decided to do something, however. Teach, in tandem with a new concept of online retail.
Watch this space.
What do you think is the cause of this?

Part of this is, I think, biological (vaccination, toxins in food and water, etc, all degrading humans). But part must also be cultural -- we lock kids in school for 12 years, and we tell them this is preparation for life but it very obviously is not. So, we take their youth, the time during which they should be learning mastery over some basic life skills, giving them a sense of earned confidence, grounding them in the world, and preparing them for rights of passage to further moor them in reality and their place in their community/culture/world and instead we ... piss it away at a pointless and watered down K-12 education (that is half propaganda at this point). We tear apart any sort of essential grounding they might have, and replace it with uncertainty, relativism, and unearned arrogance and cynicism. So much of what they are taught or 'know' is many times removed from reality. If they follow the rules, they're in for another 4 years of 'education' -- and most of them will leave knowing nothing of value. So, that's a quarter of their life spent following rules, learning little, umooring themselves more and more, and, usually, gaining mastery over nothing at all. And now: go get a job that is likely purposeless and where half the battle is a social game played in a soul crushing fluorescent lit box, where your livelihood will depend on the approval of someone who has no business judging anyone, but hey, this is the game you're told you must play. The hierarchies are rotten, and it's impossible not to notice this now.
Maybe this is all biased through my own filters, but uncertainty, stress, lack of clear and meaningful rites of passage, and constantly being taught that a normal reaction, or a rational thought, or an obvious explanation is wrongthink will unmoor anyone, and make them stupid and desperate for reassurance and approval. Reality becomes unreal.


Oct 3, 2016
The actual title of the article, covering recent studies about loneliness rates in Western populations. It dispels the convenient excuse that the "pandemic" is what caused this true epidemic of loneliness by showing those rates were high years before any talk about virus/lockdown entered the public consciousness. While the article discusses multiple possible causes, the one that struck me as most poignant was the "generational aversion to intimacy", which apparently is so pervasive that 30%+ of young people are unable to form any meaningful relationships. In such a compromised emotional state, it is no wonder they are open to accepting any technocratic abominations (e.g. Meta, transhumanism, etc) proposed by the elite as a "solution" to the youth's collapsing capacity for humanity and the resulting crushing loneliness. A few months ago I posted a thread about the majority of young people being mentally ill.

I got criticized by several forum members for exaggerating the severity of the situation, but considering the known link between loneliness and mental disease, I think the studies and articles below corroborate the thread above quite well.

"...Twitter users were split. “Thinking of anyone going through this. I'll be your friend,” writes one. “Grow up and go meet people,” says another. “The friends you make are contingent on your actions and the energy you give. The real question is what type of friend were you?” Although the reactions varied dramatically in scope, it's undeniable that friendship and loneliness were put under the microscope thanks to the pandemic. Two years on from the start of lockdown measures, 30 percent of young people say they don’t know how to make new friends and they’ve never felt more alone, according to a study by the Prince’s Trust."

"...Grimshaw thinks the lack of meaningful human connection on social media and transitioning from school age into being a young adult means in person meetings come to a halt. “When you're in school, you're face to face with people every day,” she says. “Then you leave and it’s much harder to keep up with people since you've got your own lives. It makes it so that we have to feel lonely, even though we're in a world with so many people.”"

"...Loneliness isn’t a problem caused simply by social media. It isn’t a case of people choosing to isolate themselves from socialising. It’s a fundamental issue with how communities are formed and the way their needs are prioritised. Places in England like Aycliff West in County Durham or Fieldway in Croydon are said to have higher rates of loneliness and have been dubbed “left behind” neighbourhoods. All of these 225 neighbourhoods across the country have been identified with not having received their fair share of investment and lacking in the resources or facilities that help people form communities."

"...The lack of emphasis on community is often blamed on the age-old sentiment that romantic relationships are prioritised over platonic relationships in Western culture. Adisi thinks that’s over-played – it has more to do with a generational aversion to intimacy, she says. “People still struggle with loneliness and not feeling connected in those relationships, too. There's a lot of societal pressure to not have those needs and value hyper independence instead, which is the opposite of what's needed to have meaningful connections,” she explains."
This is great, a good example of this would be MGTOW. Men bascially deciding to tap out and not play the game anymore, because the dating world is too corrupted by the effects of birth control, SSRI's, dating apps where the person is talking to like 10 people at once, open relationships and flings as opposed to singular meaningful relationships. Alot of people mostly men are choosing to be single over submitting to dating authoritarian estrogen filled serotonergic current generation dating options because its not compatible with a healthy relationship. I think things like MGTOW is better if the alternative is dating an aggressive authoritarian man-hating feminist who wants to find and essentially cuk and control a beta male while she does whatever she wants, alot of relationships seem based on this control and submit principle now.

@haidut did you ever see the study/article showing birth control changes a womans preference in men and makes women prefer high estrogen beta male phenotypes? As men nowadays, alot of us have to turn down the birth control estrogen filled women because you essentially castrate yourself by dating a person like this. And considering almost every woman is on birth control the dating options literally all include high estrogen and serotonin, so unless as a man you find a woman who is high progesterone or not consuming estrogen as birth control or taking SSRI's, it almost seems better to go MGTOW and turn down everything else even if it means being alone to hold some form of standards in your life and protect your masculinity.

Alot of men i see today that are always in a relationship always tend to be your classical beta male phenotype, paired with an aggressive authoritarian estrogen filled woman as opposed to the high progesterone true feminine type of woman:

Such as the has-been out of shape dad who's afraid of his wife and his wife bosses him around
The cukked soy-boy boyfriend of the radical feminist who compromises his views and submits to her idea that all men are trash (except him to her somehow)
The video game playing lazy stoner type who really has nothing going for him
Usually has a very SOY appearance and also gets offended by everything but also just does everything his girlfriend asks and puts her on a pedestal
Even sticks around if she cheats on him
Also is the super opinionated reply-guy getting into narcissistic self inflated big brain ego debates online needing to correct everybody
Basically just your stereotypical obedient dog to his girlfriend, your double mask wearing tripple vaxxed virtue signalling dork

Alot of men have been either victims of this system, or realized they were in the wrong or wrong state of being and needed to change, and suddenly when they wokeup and removed themselves from the authoritarian grip they realized that their true actual valuable worth while dating options are almost none because the whole culture is ****88 now, this also goes for women too, i have almost never seen a woman aquire your ideal CHAD type high testosterone male anymore, mens T levels are so low its insane

Everyones hormones are messed up which has led them to become confused, not fit the role of their gender traits and also it has created confusion in the sense of gender dysphoria.

Not to mention the cultural standards on dating are insane now.

There are those who have woken up and decided not to participate unless a true option outside that spectrum comes along, in the meantime they are subjected to loneliness
Then there are those who are still in the matrix per-say but are beyond saving because they are so far gone, and their hormones, biology and ideaologies are beyond contorted.

What do you think is the better option, submitting to degeneracy and just continuing to date bad options anyway despite the implications,

Or choosing loneliness and peace as well as preservation of your physical and mental health until you can find a truly worthwhile option?


Oct 3, 2016
Can confirm, I'm 19 and i never had friends growing up because of various reasons, and i've come to a state of acceptance to the fact that i will probably remain single and lonely for the rest of my life.

Thanks to this forum i've been able to cope with this very well and avoid falling into depression, for the most part.
You won't be lonely because you're a CHAD as per your display picture XD


Feb 13, 2021
Don't you see how you join the malicious system by doing what you suggest?

Corporate structures can be useful in so many ways.

From a business perspective, having a holding company (corporation) with LLC's below it might be another good choice.

Who or what is a corporate structure useful to? If you want your family/friends community to thrive, why do they have to "thrive" in a corporation (corp = dead/body oration = speak)? We don't need any of this. WE. DON'T. NEED. ANY. OF. THIS. WE DON'T NEED IT! WE HAVE THRIVED FOREVER WITHOUT IT! EVERYTHING IS WORSE WITH IT! IT!
Gotcha...I am definitely open to the idea that what you're saying is true.

Have you successfully renounced your social security number? If not, do you plan to?


Aug 17, 2018
Ridiculous. A Social Security Number itself is voluntary. The Social Security Administration even has a form to rescind your application-

That being said, if you want to operate in their system, you still need some form of artificial person, whether that be your strawman, an estate, trust, corporation, or something.

As for the Birth Certificate, it's also not needed, your parent's could have simply recorded your birth in a Bible. Obviously, you didn't have much choice in that, but you still are the only entity that gives that certificate any sort of value, and as such, you will always have a priority claim on it.
Let me know please if this sounds solid in terms of abolishing the birth certificate:



Feb 9, 2022
Do the Plaths look like they need an artificial person to thrive?

Life is easy. We don't need systems for life. Life just is.

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Add air but it doesn't fit nicely.

Birth Certificates are Death Certificates




Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? | Jon Jandai | TEDxDoiSuthep
The emptiness in the middle of stuff.
The instant information.
Eco-life in 2040 (Planned-opolis)
The normal thing is not normal.
Eustace Mullins - Murder by injection interview
Where are we going?
firmament1 (nobodytm)
A smile under your mask.
Odi Antichristum
Demon World : Modern Day Western Society
Thou Shall Be Done
The Behemoth of Greed (Full Documentary)

"Under the sun, the heavenly beauty of grasslands will soon be covered by the raging dust of mines. Facing the ashes and noises caused by heavy mining, the herdsmen have no choice but to leave as the meadow areas dwindle. In the moonlight, iron mines are brightly lit throughout the night. Workers who operate the drilling machines must stay awake. The fight is tortuous, against the machine and against themselves. Meanwhile, coal miners are busy filling trucks with coals. Wearing a coal-dust mask, they become ghostlike creatures. An endless line of trucks will transport all the coals and iron ores to the iron works. There traps another crowd of souls, being baked in hell. In the hospital, time hangs heavy on miners' hands. After decades of breathing coal dust, death is just around the corner. They are living the reality of purgatory, but there will be no paradise."

NobodyTM - Nobodyism Divine Intelligentsia : NobodyTM : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
full cattle ultimatum

It is pretty easy to get what you need. You can easily get food, water, and shelter. Animals manage the first two and often the third. Keep adding after that if you want.



Basically, yeah. Everything comes from the land so if everybody had as much land as they needed to be self sufficient...
Last edited:


May 23, 2013
Can confirm, I'm 19 and i never had friends growing up because of various reasons, and i've come to a state of acceptance to the fact that i will probably remain single and lonely for the rest of my life.

Thanks to this forum i've been able to cope with this very well and avoid falling into depression, for the most part.
@cupofcoffee -
I’m glad to hear the forum has helped you deal with loneliness and potential depression. I’d like to hear more about how the forum has helped you. I have 2 children, a 21 y/o and a 19 y/o. Both have never really “dated” nor have they been involved in any kind of intimate relationship (that I know of?) Both have recently began identifying as queer, one as non binary/transgender. I don’t really take issue with the latter, but from what I’ve seen so far, I believe it only makes dating, getting married or finding a life partner even more difficult. BTW, both are likely depressed and have high anxiety too.

What are you seeing with your peer group, and how has the forum/Dr. Peat helped you?


Jul 31, 2020
@cupofcoffee -
I’m glad to hear the forum has helped you deal with loneliness and potential depression. I’d like to hear more about how the forum has helped you. I have 2 children, a 21 y/o and a 19 y/o. Both have never really “dated” nor have they been involved in any kind of intimate relationship (that I know of?) Both have recently began identifying as queer, one as non binary/transgender. I don’t really take issue with the latter, but from what I’ve seen so far, I believe it only makes dating, getting married or finding a life partner even more difficult. BTW, both are likely depressed and have high anxiety too.

What are you seeing with your peer group, and how has the forum/Dr. Peat helped you?
Thank you!

In my case what helped me was focusing on increasing metabolism and lowering serotonin by deploying the tips found in this forum. To be more specific:

-At me beginning of the pandemic i started drinking a decent amount of coffee and orange juice, which helped me bring up the metabolism ( in particular coffee helps me dealing with my high starch italian diet, along of course increasing thyroid directly)

-forcing myself to go outside and walk in nature, getting plenty of sunlight. This helped me by increasing my mood and helping me think about my life and how to sort it out

-Recently i discovered the wonders of aspirin, that i found to be amazing to get me out of negative thinking patterns. What i mean by this is that when i enter a feedback loop ( negative thought ---> Bad mood, lowered metabolism, higher serotonin ---> more negative thoughts), aspirin helps me break the cycle

-trying to talk more to strangers ( small talk). Helps with confidence a ton.

These are the main points, i am sure i forgot something so i Will message you if i remember something else. Regardless the most important thing you can do Is being there for your Kids and keep being the good parent i think you are


Feb 9, 2022


And then, when being is sufficiently uprooted and waking-being sufficiently strained, there suddenly emerges into the bright light of history a phenomenon that has long been preparing itself underground and now steps forward to make an end of the drama—the sterility of civilized man. This is not something that can be grasped as a plain matter of causality (as modern science naturally enough has tried to grasp it); it is to be understood as an essentially metaphysical turn towards death. The last man of the world-city no longer wants to live—he may cling to life as an individual, but as a type, as an aggregate, no, for it is a characteristic of this collective existence that it eliminates the terror of death. That which strikes the true peasant with a deep and inexplicable fear, the notion that the family and the name may be extinguished, has now lost its meaning. The continuance of the blood-relation in the visible world is no longer a duty of the blood, and the destiny of being the last of the line is no longer felt as a doom. Children do not happen, not because children have become impossible, but principally because intelligence at the peak of intensity can no longer find any reason for their existence.Vol. II, Alfred A. Knopf, 1928, pp. 103–04Intelligence and sterility are allied in old families, old peoples, and old cultures, not merely because in each microcosm the overstrained and fettered animal-element is eating up the plant element, but also because the waking-consciousness assumes that being is normally regulated by causality. That which the man of intelligence, most significantly and characteristically, labels as "natural impulse" or "life-force", he not only knows, but also values, causally, giving it the place amongst his other needs that his judgment assigns to it. When the ordinary thought of a highly cultivated people begins to regard "having children" as a question of pros and cons, the great turning-point has come. For Nature knows nothing of pro and con. Everywhere, wherever life is actual, reigns an inward organic logic, an "it", a drive, that is utterly independent of waking-being, with its causal linkages, and indeed not even observed by it. The abundant proliferation of primitive peoples is a natural phenomenon, which is not even thought about, still less judged as to its utility or the reverse. When reasons have to be put forward at all in a question of life, life itself has become questionable. At that point begins prudent limitation of the number of births. In the classical world the practice was deplored by Polybius as the ruin of Greece, and yet even at his date it had long been established in the great cities; in subsequent Roman times it became appallingly general. At first explained by the economic misery of the times, very soon it ceased to explain itself at all. And at that point, too, in Buddhist India as in Babylon, in Rome as in our own cities, a man's choice of the woman who is to be, not mother of his children as amongst peasants and primitives, but his own "companion for life", becomes a problem of mentalities. The Ibsen marriage appears, the "higher spiritual affinity" in which both parties are "free"—free, that is, as intelligences, free from the plantlike urge of the blood to continue itself, and it becomes possible for a Shaw to say "that unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself." The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children, she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding". ...At this level all civilizations enter upon a stage, which lasts for centuries, of appalling depopulation. The whole pyramid of cultural man vanishes. It crumbles from the summit, first the world-cities, then the provincial forms, and finally the land itself, whose best blood has incontinently poured into the towns, merely to bolster them up awhile. At the last, only the primitive blood remains, alive, but robbed of its strongest and most promising elements. This residue is the fellah type.
If anything has demonstrated the fact that causality has nothing to do with history, it is the familiar "decline" of the classical, which accomplished itself long before the irruption of Germanic migrants. The Imperium enjoyed the completest peace; it was rich and highly developed; it was well organized; and it possessed in its emperors from Nerva to Marcus Aurelius a series of rulers such as the Caesarism of no other civilization can show. And yet the population dwindled, quickly and wholesale. The desperate marriage-and-children laws of Augustus—amongst them the Lex de maritandis ordinibus, which dismayed Roman society more than the destruction of Varus's legions—the wholesale adoptions, the incessant plantation of soldiers of barbarian origin to fill the depleted country-side, the immense food-charities of Nerva and Trajan for the children of poor parents—nothing availed to check the process."


May 23, 2013
Thank you!

In my case what helped me was focusing on increasing metabolism and lowering serotonin by deploying the tips found in this forum. To be more specific:

-At me beginning of the pandemic i started drinking a decent amount of coffee and orange juice, which helped me bring up the metabolism ( in particular coffee helps me dealing with my high starch italian diet, along of course increasing thyroid directly)

-forcing myself to go outside and walk in nature, getting plenty of sunlight. This helped me by increasing my mood and helping me think about my life and how to sort it out

-Recently i discovered the wonders of aspirin, that i found to be amazing to get me out of negative thinking patterns. What i mean by this is that when i enter a feedback loop ( negative thought ---> Bad mood, lowered metabolism, higher serotonin ---> more negative thoughts), aspirin helps me break the cycle

-trying to talk more to strangers ( small talk). Helps with confidence a ton.

These are the main points, i am sure i forgot something so i Will message you if i remember something else. Regardless the most important thing you can do Is being there for your Kids and keep being the good parent i think you are
Thanks @cupofcoffee - I take a lot of aspirin myself - I never would have thought of that for my kids situation. They only use aspirin for monthly cramps…when Tylenol isn’t readily available. I will forward your ideas to them. And yes, please DM me with other helpful suggestions!
Thank you again


Jun 19, 2017
Thank you!

In my case what helped me was focusing on increasing metabolism and lowering serotonin by deploying the tips found in this forum. To be more specific:

-At me beginning of the pandemic i started drinking a decent amount of coffee and orange juice, which helped me bring up the metabolism ( in particular coffee helps me dealing with my high starch italian diet, along of course increasing thyroid directly)

-forcing myself to go outside and walk in nature, getting plenty of sunlight. This helped me by increasing my mood and helping me think about my life and how to sort it out

-Recently i discovered the wonders of aspirin, that i found to be amazing to get me out of negative thinking patterns. What i mean by this is that when i enter a feedback loop ( negative thought ---> Bad mood, lowered metabolism, higher serotonin ---> more negative thoughts), aspirin helps me break the cycle

-trying to talk more to strangers ( small talk). Helps with confidence a ton.

These are the main points, i am sure i forgot something so i Will message you if i remember something else. Regardless the most important thing you can do Is being there for your Kids and keep being the good parent i think you are
Very helpful! Glad you are finding "simple RP remedies" beneficial.
Do you also drink a lot of milk? And do you drink coffee mostly w/milk or mostly black? Did you increase your sugar intake much as well?

(Sorry for the flurry of questions. Just trying to see what "simple things" help the most, and w or w/o "side effects".)


Apr 28, 2018
What do you think is the cause of this?

Part of this is, I think, biological (vaccination, toxins in food and water, etc, all degrading humans). But part must also be cultural -- we lock kids in school for 12 years, and we tell them this is preparation for life but it very obviously is not. So, we take their youth, the time during which they should be learning mastery over some basic life skills, giving them a sense of earned confidence, grounding them in the world, and preparing them for rights of passage to further moor them in reality and their place in their community/culture/world and instead we ... piss it away at a pointless and watered down K-12 education (that is half propaganda at this point). We tear apart any sort of essential grounding they might have, and replace it with uncertainty, relativism, and unearned arrogance and cynicism. So much of what they are taught or 'know' is many times removed from reality. If they follow the rules, they're in for another 4 years of 'education' -- and most of them will leave knowing nothing of value. So, that's a quarter of their life spent following rules, learning little, umooring themselves more and more, and, usually, gaining mastery over nothing at all. And now: go get a job that is likely purposeless and where half the battle is a social game played in a soul crushing fluorescent lit box, where your livelihood will depend on the approval of someone who has no business judging anyone, but hey, this is the game you're told you must play. The hierarchies are rotten, and it's impossible not to notice this now.
Maybe this is all biased through my own filters, but uncertainty, stress, lack of clear and meaningful rites of passage, and constantly being taught that a normal reaction, or a rational thought, or an obvious explanation is wrongthink will unmoor anyone, and make them stupid and desperate for reassurance and approval. Reality becomes unreal.
I think you pretty much nailed it.
Additionally, a great deal of conceptual knowledge reduces their kinetic experience banks; the high poisoning of choosing a polyester world, and the absence of knowing what eating clean is, there are just so many things...


Jul 31, 2020
Very helpful! Glad you are finding "simple RP remedies" beneficial.
Do you also drink a lot of milk? And do you drink coffee mostly w/milk or mostly black? Did you increase your sugar intake much as well?

(Sorry for the flurry of questions. Just trying to see what "simple things" help the most, and w or w/o "side effects".)
I drink coffee either with some milk (only when i make it with a moka, in the morning) or black when after a meal (espressos). When i am in university i drink some cheap, probably unhealthy, 0,25 euros coffees with sugar.

I don't drink milk otherwise but i eat a lot of cheese, and yes my sugar intake increased a lot (in the first years of applying some of peat's principles i went from 74 kg to 90 kg, haven't gained anything since)
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