Would love input/insight in my labs


New Member
Dec 30, 2020
1 years post partum I started gaining weight and I wasn't too worried about it as I figured it was just my hormones balancing out, but 2 years later, I've never weighed more in my life and I'm not feeling great. In general I have low energy, really bad brain fog, low stamina, next to zero libido, hair growth on my upper lip, puffy face, fat in midsection and upper arms, sore joints...... Blah. Years ago I followed Matt Stone and he was quite big on Ray Peat and his advice then (7ish years ago when I was under huge stress) really helped. I almost went carnivore the other day but I just don't feel right about seriously restrictive diets. I eat pretty WAPF style diet and avoid PUFAs and I'm learning and reading on here. Here are my labs which my doctor says are just fine except for my cholesterol (eat less carbs and exercise more was the advice) but I know many of the ranges within the 'norm' are not healthy. Thank you so much for taking a look folks!

C-Reactive Protein5.9 mg/L
Triglycerides Level1.96 mmol/L
Cholesterol Level6.40 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol4.04 mmol/L
Non-HDL Cholesterol Calculated4.94 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol1.46 mmol/L
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio4.38
Cortisol AM Sample356 nmol/L
Total Estradiol413 pmol/L
Prolactin11 ug/L
Progesterone Level49 nmol/L
Total Testosterone0.7 nmol/L
Fasting Glucose5.3 mmol
Free Triiodothyronine5.0 pmol/L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.47 mU/L (went down from 2.92 a few months prior)
Free Thyroxine13.9 pmol/L


Aug 17, 2018
1 years post partum I started gaining weight and I wasn't too worried about it as I figured it was just my hormones balancing out, but 2 years later, I've never weighed more in my life and I'm not feeling great. In general I have low energy, really bad brain fog, low stamina, next to zero libido, hair growth on my upper lip, puffy face, fat in midsection and upper arms, sore joints...... Blah. Years ago I followed Matt Stone and he was quite big on Ray Peat and his advice then (7ish years ago when I was under huge stress) really helped. I almost went carnivore the other day but I just don't feel right about seriously restrictive diets. I eat pretty WAPF style diet and avoid PUFAs and I'm learning and reading on here. Here are my labs which my doctor says are just fine except for my cholesterol (eat less carbs and exercise more was the advice) but I know many of the ranges within the 'norm' are not healthy. Thank you so much for taking a look folks!

C-Reactive Protein5.9 mg/L
Triglycerides Level1.96 mmol/L
Cholesterol Level6.40 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol4.04 mmol/L
Non-HDL Cholesterol Calculated4.94 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol1.46 mmol/L
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio4.38
Cortisol AM Sample356 nmol/L
Total Estradiol413 pmol/L
Prolactin11 ug/L
Progesterone Level49 nmol/L
Total Testosterone0.7 nmol/L
Fasting Glucose5.3 mmol
Free Triiodothyronine5.0 pmol/L
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)1.47 mU/L (went down from 2.92 a few months prior)
Free Thyroxine13.9 pmol/L

I am not an expert when it comes to interpreting the labs but hope this helps: Blood Test Interpretation Resources. Don't Know What Your Labs Mean Or Need Extra Insight?

You also didn't include ranges so it's hard to say what is out of range and when your blood was drawn...luteal phase?

Isn't female mustache a sign of high prolactin?

If your cholesterol is high that's very typical that your thyroid is not working well. No idea on how to jumpstart the thyroid. I am in a same boat as you. I have started taking progesterone couple cycles ago but it's a rollercoaster.

Anyway, hope any of the above helps.
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New Member
Dec 30, 2020
Thank you so much. I'll look into that. Also, just for interest, I came across this which is interesting and gives me more info (and more reading to understand lol). It's a diagnostic tool that extrapolates further info from your thyroid lab results. My results are saying that my free T3 is too high and GD (not too sure yet what that is) is also too high. Analyze thyroid lab results using SPINA-Thyr


New Member
Dec 30, 2020
Reference range

8 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Calcium Level2.42 mmol/L 2.10-2.55 mmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
C-Reactive Protein5.9 mg/L < 10 mg/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Triglycerides Level1.96 mmol/L < 1.70 mmol/LH
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Cholesterol Level6.40 mmol/L < 5.20 mmol/LH
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
LDL Cholesterol4.04 mmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Non-HDL Cholesterol Calculated4.94 mmol/L

I added the reference ranges.
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
HDL Cholesterol1.46 mmol/L > 1.30 mmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio4.38
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Cortisol AM Sample356 nmol/L 119-618 nmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Total Estradiol413 pmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Prolactin11 ug/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Progesterone Level (luteal phase) ref: 11-8149 nmol/L
28 Jul 2020
10:50 am
Total Testosterone0.7 nmol/L


Aug 17, 2018
Thank you so much. I'll look into that. Also, just for interest, I came across this which is interesting and gives me more info (and more reading to understand lol). It's a diagnostic tool that extrapolates further info from your thyroid lab results. My results are saying that my free T3 is too high and GD (not too sure yet what that is) is also too high. Analyze thyroid lab results using SPINA-Thyr

Thank you for the link. According to the application, I have high 'Resistance to thyroid hormone'. Will need to research this on how to fix it naturally. I don't really want to be on thyroid meds.
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