Where to live?


Jan 15, 2016
we need to go all the way back to the right brothers

eviscerate the peasantry, Yahweh wills it

as it is written, so let it be done

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020


Jun 14, 2020


Nov 18, 2019

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
you never provide any sources for any claims you make. Was judaism very prevalent in many socialist societies? Why isn't Israel a communist country? Can you provide the names of the jewish bankers that you claim are pulling all the strings behind the scenes?


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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Schiffs. The "early life section" on wikipedia biographies will be your best friend here.
Rockefeller was Jewish? wasnt he just a regular businessman? i heard he was selling product cheaper than his competitors, so it wasnt a true monopoly, but his competitors were able to get the government to break up his oil business simply due to him outselling them and earning most of the market share

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Rockefeller was Jewish? wasnt he just a regular businessman? i heard he was selling product cheaper than his competitors, so it wasnt a true monopoly, but his competitors were able to get the government to break up his oil business simply due to him outselling them and earning most of the market share
Some say Rockefellers are crypto Jews but does it matter? They are certainly at the top of the gentile elites and they happily use the services provided by the the Jewish elites to the powerful. This is the trade of these elites to do the dirty work, the propaganda, financing & wealth extraction of the people and in return they get a share of the power.


Jun 13, 2019
Some say Rockefellers are crypto Jews but does it matter? They are certainly at the top of the gentile elites and they happily use the services provided by the the Jewish elites to the powerful. This is the trade of these elites to do the dirty work, the propaganda, financing & wealth extraction of the people and in return they get a share of the power.
so anyone who's rich and evil is a "crypto jew"? you think non-jews don't make predatory banking loans? you think every single bank in the world is jewish run? so you're completely "good and just" who has not even the slightest inclination of greed and power? put any human in certain environments and you'll see quite easily that jews arnt the cause of all evil in the world. it's humans.
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Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
so anyone who's rich and evil is a "crypto jew"? you think non-jews don't make predatory banking loans? you think every single bank in the world is jewish run? so you're completely "good and just" who has not even the slightest inclination of greed and power? put any human in certain environments and you'll see quite easily that jews arnt the cause of all evil in the world. it's humans.

Dude, can you read or are you retarded? Do you even know what crypro jew means?

I make the EXACT OPPOSITE CLAIM, that everybody in the elites is evil independent from ethnicity.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Rockefeller was Jewish? wasnt he just a regular businessman? i heard he was selling product cheaper than his competitors, so it wasnt a true monopoly, but his competitors were able to get the government to break up his oil business simply due to him outselling them and earning most of the market share
Rockefeller's company was Standard Oil and this name was his success as he would standardize the different crude oils to constant products so combustion engines could be optimised and have a longer life. His expertise in oil refinery gave him an advantage that nobody was able to challenge.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Rockefeller's company was Standard Oil and this name was his success as he would standardize the different crude oils to constant products so combustion engines could be optimised and have a longer life. His expertise in oil refinery gave him an advantage that nobody was able to challenge.
didnt he actually have the higher market share since he was selling the product for a price nobody could beat? thus the market share was earned in a good way which benefits consumers, similar to how you could say walmart has lots of market share but its because theyre prices are so good others cant compete.
if you have a totally free society you should be able to invent whatever you want, sell it for whatever you want, the problem comes when you use the government to attempt to control your competition or artificially inflate your prices.
one example of this is music and video games, and even cars and cloning. if you have technology that can just clone cars or animals and pop them out, you should have the freedom to use that technology. music producers should not be able to have the government restrict people from copying their cds etc.
same goes for pharma companies and patent laws. if youre creating a drug or any other product you should not be able to have any sort of patent or prohibition on others copying the same thing and selling it. if your product is easy to copy/recreate then thats how it is, you would still get a "first movers" advantage meaning when the product is just launched everyone is buying the product from you. patent laws, trademarks, monopoly laws are often actually just abusive and over inflate the prices of products.
i dont think even symbols should be assigned or owned by specific people, any company should be allowed to sell any product with any sort of logos/names they want, it's up to the individual producers and consumers to figure out how to sell their products and do their research and make sure theyre buying authentic high quality product. nobody should have ownership over a name or product or symbol. it's up to people/companies to create products or services which can't be easily copied or recreated. im not sure how this would work with the stock market, i think there would need to be numbers involved or some sort of additional identification methods used when purchasing and owning stocks, or the stock purchases would need to be from specific named people in addition to the company names, in order to differentiate for instance from the original nike company or random copycat companies. but as a bare minimum nobody should have government backed ownership over a symbol.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
didnt he actually have the higher market share since he was selling the product for a price nobody could beat? thus the market share was earned in a good way which benefits consumers, similar to how you could say walmart has lots of market share but its because theyre prices are so good others cant compete.
if you have a totally free society you should be able to invent whatever you want, sell it for whatever you want, the problem comes when you use the government to attempt to control your competition or artificially inflate your prices.
one example of this is music and video games, and even cars and cloning. if you have technology that can just clone cars or animals and pop them out, you should have the freedom to use that technology. music producers should not be able to have the government restrict people from copying their cds etc.
same goes for pharma companies and patent laws. if youre creating a drug or any other product you should not be able to have any sort of patent or prohibition on others copying the same thing and selling it. if your product is easy to copy/recreate then thats how it is, you would still get a "first movers" advantage meaning when the product is just launched everyone is buying the product from you. patent laws, trademarks, monopoly laws are often actually just abusive and over inflate the prices of products.
i dont think even symbols should be assigned or owned by specific people, any company should be allowed to sell any product with any sort of logos/names they want, it's up to the individual producers and consumers to figure out how to sell their products and do their research and make sure theyre buying authentic high quality product. nobody should have ownership over a name or product or symbol. it's up to people/companies to create products or services which can't be easily copied or recreated. im not sure how this would work with the stock market, i think there would need to be numbers involved or some sort of additional identification methods used when purchasing and owning stocks, or the stock purchases would need to be from specific named people in addition to the company names, in order to differentiate for instance from the original nike company or random copycat companies. but as a bare minimum nobody should have government backed ownership over a symbol.
I don't have strong opinions on patent, trademark or copyright law. A little bit of protection for capital intensive inventions might make sense but I can imagine that the current state of law is abusive & unfair. The business man Rockefeller was certainly deserving of his success. The philanthropist Rockefeller is much more questionable and his children are at least Satanists.


Jun 13, 2019
Dude, can you read or are you retarded? Do you even know what crypro jew means?

I make the EXACT OPPOSITE CLAIM, that everybody in the elites is evil independent from ethnicity.
so you claim rockefeller might be a crypto jew with no evidence, but then you say it doesnt matter cause all elites use Jewish tactics and services anyway so all the evil things elites do is a jewish problem. Blaming everything and anything on jews is to pretend that everyone else would be holy and just if jews didn't exist, which is a laughable assumption, especially considering no one can even agree what it means to be good or evil

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I don't have strong opinions on patent, trademark or copyright law. A little bit of protection for capital intensive inventions might make sense but I can imagine that the current state of law is abusive & unfair. The business man Rockefeller was certainly deserving of his success. The philanthropist Rockefeller is much more questionable and his children are at least Satanists.
these pharma companies in particular, but even other companies, even nike have patent laws which arent even the bare minimum but far beyond. basically once they patent something, even if you obtain or produce it on your own you cant legally sell it. i think nike will come after you if your shoe even looks too similar to theirs or has a symbol that looks somewhat similar. disney actually tried to patent or put some restrictions on thor, but they werent able to do so since i think the thor namesake and character is considered public use or something. hence you have all these varieties of thor and hercules movies for instance, anyone can make their own version, but with batman or superman it's very tightly controlled and you wont be able to produce anything with those characters unless you get permission and pay massive fees. its a special consideration granted to certain industries, the excuse given is that the government wants to "promote research" and "promote cures to diseases" hence they will allow patent laws when it comes to any pharma drugs, and even provide free funding for pharma drugs, but not do the same for the supplement industry. Now I don't think they should allow it in the supplement industry either. there are patented things in the supplement industry but they're actually higher quality and related to the actual production process and source not the ingredient itself. for instance anyone can sell a creatine product, but if you want to sell patented "creapure" creatine you have to get it from the specific factory in germany and actually source that ultra pure form of it. that's at least somewhat acceptable, since it's all voluntarily done and you can still get and source the ingredient on your own.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
so you claim rockefeller might be a crypto jew with no evidence, but then you say it doesnt matter cause all elites use Jewish tactics and services anyway so all the evil things elites do is a jewish problem. Blaming everything and anything on jews is to pretend that everyone else would be holy and just if jews didn't exist, which is a laughable assumption, especially considering no one can even agree what it means to be good or evil
you can definitely find evil people in basically any race, especially with larger population sizes. i think all the races besides maybe native americans, have millions of people in the world so no doubt you can find thousands, even hundreds of thousands or millions of people from every race who are evil. some races are more disproportionately represented in certain professions than others. for instance Jews are over represented in hollywood or finance iirc, asians/indians are over represented in tech, blacks over represented in certain sports like nfl/nba. but over representation alone doesnt automatically mean evil or corruption involved. it's possible that when it comes to evil people some races are more over represented than others. even if that is true, it doesn't imply anything about the race as a whole. for instance in the US, murderers are disproportionately black in general, school shooters have been disproportionately white, terrorists have maybe been disproportionately Muslim.
it doesnt mean anything about the race or group as a whole. So it's definitely possible that when it comes to the elites, specifically the evil groups of elites, they could be disproportionately Jewish. that's something that's probably speculative since unlike murders, school shootings, terrorist attacks, there aren't official statistics available as far as what races are represented in the evil elites. We know there's likely people from every race involved it still wouldn't mean Jews in general are evil, unless you had actual evidence that like over 50% of an entire race is out doing evil things. In fact weren't a lot of the Abrahamic prophets Jewish or Semitic. Also imo there's a difference between Judaism as a religion or just the racial group of people, apparently most Jews actually don't even follow the religion. if you're discussing the religion that should be open to criticism and discussion just like any other political, religious, dietary beliefs etc.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
so you claim rockefeller might be a crypto jew with no evidence, but then you say it doesnt matter cause all elites use Jewish tactics and services anyway so all the evil things elites do is a jewish problem. Blaming everything and anything on jews is to pretend that everyone else would be holy and just if jews didn't exist, which is a laughable assumption, especially considering no one can even agree what it means to be good or evil
Dude, stop the drugs, you say retarded sh!t. I certainly haven't said anything you claim. Being a crypto jew is nothing bad in itself unless you're an antisemite.


Jan 4, 2021
Dude, stop the drugs, you say retarded sh!t. I certainly haven't said anything you claim. Being a crypto jew is nothing bad in itself unless you're an antisemite.
Can confirm, I know a guy who knows a guy who works with/for a Rockefeller (I have seen the photos). They are heavily into influencing certain crypto projects, technology and overall markets.
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