Where to live?


Mar 15, 2018
isnt monopoly opposite to free markets? in a free market, you couldnt have a monopoly unless the so called 'monopoly' was actually offering more value and the market made it a monopoly. for instance if walmart has 95% of the market share because everyones willingly buying from them because theyre beating others prices, thats not monopoly. yet if walmart is bribing politicians to pass crazy regulations and laws which give an advantage to walmart and reduce or prevent others from competing against walmart, and then walmart gets 95% market share, that would be a monopoly.
There is no such thing as a 'free market' controlled by banker family terrorism.

that's interesting, every one of those countries is constantly demonized in the media, no? so can we pretty much assume anytime a country is hated in the media its actually a good place to live?
Good? Good as in supposedly away from the merchant banks? Race? Religion? "Opportunity"? Banker theatre? What kind of country do you actually want to live in? Ask yourself these questions.
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Jun 13, 2019
I could be wrong, but i don't think ray said those countries are good to live in. he simply said they're good countries in the sense that they resist the west, therefore they get punished for it. living there would be difficult, especially iran and venezuala. there's very few jobs and a large portion of the population is poor because of the sanctions

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
isnt monopoly opposite to free markets? in a free market, you couldnt have a monopoly unless the so called 'monopoly' was actually offering more value and the market made it a monopoly. for instance if walmart has 95% of the market share because everyones willingly buying from them because theyre beating others prices, thats not monopoly. yet if walmart is bribing politicians to pass crazy regulations and laws which give an advantage to walmart and reduce or prevent others from competing against walmart, and then walmart gets 95% market share, that would be a monopoly.
Free markets means free access for globalist, oligarchs, bankers but not for the small guy competing with a lower price. You need markets were the needs of the people can be determined but markets need control/protection against hostile forces who want to bring down your nation by economic or violent means. Marxism and Free Market capitalism is always about creating a monopoly position.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Free markets means free access for globalist, oligarchs, bankers but not for the small guy competing with a lower price. You need markets were the needs of the people can be determined but markets need control/protection against hostile forces who want to bring down your nation by economic or violent means. Marxism and Free Market capitalism is always about creating a monopoly position.
how would you provide the control/protection in the marketplace? isnt this already done via regulations, which it turns out actually help the wealthier companies more than the poorer ones
if you gain a monopoly position in a free market it would have to be because youre outselling everyone or providing something they cant. a marxist economy seems opposite of that, with all kinds of regulations

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
how would you provide the control/protection in the marketplace? isnt this already done via regulations, which it turns out actually help the wealthier companies more than the poorer ones
if you gain a monopoly position in a free market it would have to be because youre outselling everyone or providing something they cant. a marxist economy seems opposite of that, with all kinds of regulations
So Western markets are Marxist economies then? Because you won't find markets with more regulations then western economies. In Marxist economies the party/elites own and control all assets and productive means. There's only a black market. In western economies there's no free market mainly because money markets and the media are controlled by jews and the oligarchs. Then there's a tidal wave of regulations to protect the profits of the elites. The main problem is the absence of an independent ruler who tries to balance the different interest for the greater good. Politicians today are nothing more than the representatives of the elites.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
So Western markets are Marxist economies then? Because you won't find markets with more regulations then western economies. In Marxist economies the party/elites own and control all assets and productive means. There's only a black market. In western economies there's no free market mainly because money markets and the media are controlled by jews and the oligarchs. Then there's a tidal wave of regulations to protect the profits of the elites. The main problem is the absence of an independent ruler who tries to balance the different interest for the greater good. Politicians today are nothing more than the representatives of the elites.
yes, I was curious what you were saying is the proper economic system. most economies around the world are considered "mixed economies" due to the blend of capitalistic/socialistic traits. maybe there was an actual free market before FDR's time. a free market would likely include things like drugs, prostitution, even slavery.


Mar 15, 2018
So Western markets are Marxist economies then? Because you won't find markets with more regulations then western economies. In Marxist economies the party/elites own and control all assets and productive means. There's only a black market. In western economies there's no free market mainly because money markets and the media are controlled by jews and the oligarchs. Then there's a tidal wave of regulations to protect the profits of the elites. The main problem is the absence of an independent ruler who tries to balance the different interest for the greater good. Politicians today are nothing more than the representatives of the elites.
People always seem to go 'monarchy vs oligarchy'? The one who controls the 'ruler''s wallet is the real 'king' in that sense.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
People always seem to go 'monarchy vs oligarchy'? The one who controls the 'ruler''s wallet is the real 'king' in that sense.
Not sure what you mean. A conflict between king and nobility / oligarchs was a historical constant in most nations.


Mar 15, 2018
Any of these 'oligarchs' or 'kings' has to use finances or resources for their wars, otherwise they wouldn't have to funds to wage it, hire people to fight it.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
but im wondering arent masks actually beneficial due to increase in c02, similar effect to bag breathing? obviously nobody should be forced to wear or not wear but i think they may have benefits. now the plastic masks apparently have graphene oxide or something but other cloth masks shouldnt be too bad and maybe more breathable.
With bag breathing you do it for 5 or 10 minutes and then stop. If you keep doing it you will soon begin to feel very poorly indeed.

I hate the F***ing masks. They are so pod people, wipe away individuality, make everyone look uniform like some sort of worker drone. On the rare occasion I was forced to do it or forego some necessity, I always wore a bandana like an 1880s Old West bank robber. Then at least I felt mysterious and a bit sinister, not like I was being absorbed into a collectivist hive. And you don't breathe through the material of a bandana, the air goes in and out underneath where it hangs down over your chin.


Jun 14, 2020
So Western markets are Marxist economies then? Because you won't find markets with more regulations then western economies. In Marxist economies the party/elites own and control all assets and productive means. There's only a black market. In western economies there's no free market mainly because money markets and the media are controlled by jews and the oligarchs. Then there's a tidal wave of regulations to protect the profits of the elites. The main problem is the absence of an independent ruler who tries to balance the different interest for the greater good. Politicians today are nothing more than the representatives of the elites.
It's futile to label anything Marxist, because Marxism is an ideology and an ideology is not tangible, it's not physical. The West is bloated with pages upon pages of regulation that only favour companies big enough to have a dedicated team of lawyers.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
It's futile to label anything Marxist, because Marxism is an ideology and an ideology is not tangible, it's not physical. The West is bloated with pages upon pages of regulation that only favour companies big enough to have a dedicated team of lawyers.
Only physical, tangible things shall be named...or what ever. What is your argument?


Jan 15, 2016
You guys could just actually read his book;Economic Manuscripts: Capital: Volume One
introduction by Max Eastman; Introduction to Capital etc by Max Eastman 1932

Here's an outline of book 1, definitely looks supportive of the Rothschilds, LMAO;
Part I: Commodities and Money

Ch. 1: Commodities
Ch. 1 as per First German Edition
Ch. 2: Exchange
Ch. 3: Money, or the Circulation of Commodities

Part II: The Transformation of Money into Capital

Ch. 4: The General Formula for Capital
Ch. 5: Contradictions in the General Formula of Capital
Ch. 6: The Buying and Selling of Labour-Power

Part III: The Production of Absolute Surplus-Value

Ch. 7: The Labour-Process and the Process of Producing Surplus-Value
Ch. 8: Constant Capital and Variable Capital
Ch. 9: The Rate of Surplus-Value
Ch. 10: The Working-Day
Ch. 11: Rate and Mass of Surplus-Value

Part IV: Production of Relative Surplus Value

Ch. 12: The Concept of Relative Surplus-Value
Ch. 13: Co-operation
Ch. 14: Division of Labour and Manufacture
Ch. 15: Machinery and Modern Industry

Part V: The Production of Absolute and of Relative Surplus-Value

Ch. 16: Absolute and Relative Surplus-Value
Ch. 17: Changes of Magnitude in the Price of Labour-Power and in Surplus-Value
Ch. 18: Various Formula for the Rate of Surplus-Value

Part VI: Wages

Ch. 19: The Transformation of the Value (and Respective Price) of Labour-Power into Wages
Ch. 20: Time-Wages
Ch. 21: Piece-Wages
Ch. 22: National Differences of Wages

Part VII: The Accumulation of Capita

Ch. 23: Simple Reproduction
Ch. 24: Conversion of Surplus-Value into Capital
Ch. 25: The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation

Part VIII: Primitive Accumulation

Ch. 26: The Secret of Primitive Accumulation
Ch. 27: Expropriation of the Agricultural Population from the Land
Ch. 28: Bloody Legislation against the Expropriated, from the End of the 15th Century. Forcing down of Wages by Acts of Parliament
Ch. 29: Genesis of the Capitalist Farmer
Ch. 30: Reaction of the Agricultural Revolution on Industry. Creation of the Home-Market for Industrial Capital
Ch. 31: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist
Ch. 32: Historical Tendency of Capitalist Accumulation
Ch. 33: The Modern Theory of Colonisation
Also you don't need religion to be moral or a good person, Christianity has been used to do a lot of terrible things and I really doubt any of the Christians who've done good things required Christianity to be or do good works. Peter Kroptkin's "Mutual Aid:A Factor in Evolution" explains it nicely; https://ecology.iww.org/PDF/Kropotkin/Mutual Aid.pdf


Jan 15, 2016
Free markets means free access for globalist, oligarchs, bankers but not for the small guy competing with a lower price. You need markets were the needs of the people can be determined but markets need control/protection against hostile forces who want to bring down your nation by economic or violent means. Marxism and Free Market capitalism is always about creating a monopoly position.
Do you have any sources for your assertions? That is not what a "Free Market" is, in a truly free market there is no state intervention, coercion, or monopoly as a monopoly is unsustainable without intervention by the state-

"In every system of class exploitation, a ruling class controls access to the means of production in order to extract tribute from labor. Under capitalism, access to capital is restricted by the money monopoly, by which the state or banking system is given a monopoly on the medium of exchange, and alternative media of exchange are prohibited. The money monopoly also includes entry barriers against cooperative banks and prohibitions against private issuance of banknotes, by which access to finance capital is restricted and interest rates are kept artificially high."

The Iron Fist Behind The Invisible Hand


Jan 15, 2016
Cain Herschel Mordechai (writer's name Karl Marx) wasn't German but Jewish. His father and grandfather as his maternal grandfather were rabbis. He was a 1. degree cousin of the Rothschild, who supported him after he fell out of favour with Friedrich Engels, who had sponsored Marx. This is why he moved to London after being expelled by the Prussian state although he had never learned English. This explains his vision that every common man should be expropriated and only a (proletarian = cooperated) elite should control property. Like what the Rothschild do with central banking, they privatised money (gold & silver) and made it a tender, fiat currency. The same will happen with land, mines, water, oil, coal, industries. Do you still believe Marxists fight for the interest of the common man?

Your half baked slander against Christianity (or did you mean the Church?) and Nationhood is just dull marxist brainwasching.
The Church promoted science, founded universities, founded charity, promoted arts & philosophy.
The Church is Western Civilisation.
The nation state is the protector against outside threats and internal conflicts, the protector of peace and economic prosperity until he was perverted my cooperated globalist forces.
Marxism is the ultimate and total monopoly and is identical with liberal capitalism or free markets.

P.S. Dude the only sensible paragraph in your post was copy & past, make an effort.
Boom Bust cycles are only possible with fiat money/central banking.
"Karl Heinrich Marx (German: [maʁks]; 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883[13]) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university. He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843."

So his grandparents were Jewish but his parents had converted to Christianity and received a secular education, as did Marx. We have no evidence that he was involved in any Jewish activities, but we do have his text, "On the Jewish Question". In fact some people accused Marx of being antisemitic

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
"Karl Heinrich Marx (German: [maʁks]; 5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883[13]) was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Born in Trier, Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university. He married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843."

So his grandparents were Jewish but his parents had converted to Christianity and received a secular education, as did Marx. We have no evidence that he was involved in any Jewish activities, but we do have his text, "On the Jewish Question". In fact some people accused Marx of being antisemitic
Oh, you found a wiki entry, fabulous! Anything you have to say? You can look up the wiki page of Marx's father and grandfather, both rabbis. You can also educate yourself about the term crypto jew. Jews call each other constantly Nazi and Nïgger, does this make them anti semitic?


Jan 15, 2016
Oh, you found a wiki entry, fabulous! Anything you have to say? You can look up the wiki page of Marx's father and grandfather, both rabbis. You can also educate yourself about the term crypto jew. Jews call each other constantly Nazi and Nïgger, does this make them anti semitic?
Okay post a source that explains crypto jews. By the way, jews disagree and fight with other jews all the time over issues that have nothing to do with Judaism. Jews have fought each other in wars over issues that have nothing to do with Judaism. Having jewish relatives or being related to jews doesn't mean all actions of a person are in the interest of some international jewish cabal that is trying to take over the entire world.

What exactly did Marx advocate for that was in the interests of the Rothschilds or your asserted "Jewish Society". Many of the capitalist that he critiqued were Anglo-Saxon Christians or Jewish.

If a person has a father who is a protestant pastor and they leave the religion, are they a crypto-protestant?

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
This constant demand for sources makes you look petty and retarded. You can certainly find some information that will hold you back from saying dumb sh!t like crypto protestant. Marxism demands the expropriation of everybody for the benefit of some jewish revolutionaries. The Rothshild Creditsystem in the long run will cause the expropriation of everybody for the benefit of some Jewish bankers. Do you see the converging lines?
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