What Would You Do If You Were Diagnosed With Cancer


Nov 28, 2016
I have two close friends that are dealing with cancer. In both cases it has spread. One has lung cancer with mets to the bone and vocal cord. The other had breast cancer which went into remission with the typical mainstream treatment of poison, burn, cut but eventually came back with lesions in the bone and liver. My friend with lung cancer did not discover she had it until it had already spread. She is dealing with pain and pain medication side effects. She is a fighter and is opting to try chemo and radiation. My other friend is already well into chemo and radiation. It saddens me to see the changes in their vitality. The medications and treatments take a terrible toll!

I have two close friends that are dealing with cancer. In both cases it has spread. One has lung cancer with mets to the bone and vocal cord. The other had breast cancer which went into remission with the typical mainstream treatment of poison, burn, cut but eventually came back with lesions in the bone and liver. My friend with lung cancer did not discover she had it until it had already spread. She is dealing with pain and pain medication side effects. She is a fighter and is opting to try chemo and radiation. My other friend is already well into chemo and radiation. It saddens me to see the changes in their vitality. The medications and treatments take a terrible toll!

Following the Peat diet recommendations, we all hope to avoid this kind of diagnosis but if, god forbid, it happened to you...what would you do? There are some brilliant minds on this forum and I would love to know your thoughts.

Following the Peat diet recommendations, we all hope to avoid this kind of diagnosis but if, god forbid, it happened to you...what would you do? There are some brilliant minds on this forum and I would love to know your thoughts.


Nov 28, 2016
Sorry for the duplicate entry...here is some info that was pivotal for my wife who has been cured of breast cancer. Of course there are never any guarantees, but this treatment has at least 30 years of clinical application behind it.

Revici’s Patents | That Crazy Pharmacist

If you want to look into pursuing this, I would suggest calling Revici Biological Research in NYC at 718.729.6703 or 713.729.7126. Elena Avram, who is Revici's niece runs the clinic. Please be patient, as her English is not great...


Oct 29, 2016
There you go: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3391&p=84968&hilit=rick+simpson#p84968

And i too agree with others about
- altitude
- aspirin in high doses
- vitamins and minerals (Abrah Hoffer and Linus Pauling did a great book about extending 10 to 20 times fold the life span of cancer patients with vitamins and minerals)

I might add Haidut posted a few studies about treating cancer with tetracyclines and other antibiotics

And Hydrazine Sulfate is something to consider as well.
Interestingly doctors advice against taking antioxidants when having cancer.


Nov 22, 2017
Maintain a clean intestine as much as possible, with antibiotics, and maybe even enemas as the Gerson Therapy used to recommend.

Aspirin, K2 seems to be good for all cancers. Vitamin E, niacinamide, vitamin C and other substances as needed.

Go some place sunny and eat good delicious food, including lots of gelatinous cuts of meat. Shellfish, liver etc. Spice, hot peppers etc. to taste. Saturated fats only and no PUFAs.

Caffeine, thyroid, to keep the pulse, temperature elevated at all times as per Otto Warburg's ideas. Maintain a high oxidative metabolism at all times.

No X-rays, Ultrasounds only. No chemo, maybe radio or surgery if there is a valid reason otherwise leave it as is.


Oct 29, 2016
Ray is talking here about experimental scientific data.
Empirical data, from Max Gerson and others ( notably the very successful clinical results of treating cancer with hydrazine sulfate, which prevents the liver reconverting lactic acid to glucose) contradict him.

If you had cancer, which advice would you follow ?

The ones from Max Gerson, who spent 25 years treating cancer through diet, very successfully, or Peat's, who reads scientific literature but hasn't actually applied ( as far as i know) to cancer patients his theoretical data ?

I'm not slamming the door on Peat here ( god knows you can never do this with his writtings) but i would need to see the results of his sugar diet on cancer patients before i consider it.
I agree with you @burtlancast


Nov 28, 2016
Here is what I would do, personally.

First, I would tell whoever diagnosed me, that I understand I am going to die someday, and I don't fear this fact. This is actually something I have thought about for a while, and I really don't fear death itself. A much bigger fear of mine is the chronic pain that can precede death, and a loss of mental and/or physical abilities. Much better, in my opinion, to have a relatively quick and painless death, than a long, drawn out one where you slowly waste away.

I would listen to their recommendations (which would likely include standard chemo and radiation), and likely reject them. I would demand references and studies for any and all of their recommendations. I would also demand a full iron panel, full thyroid panel, full androgen panel, and full stress hormone panel (at minimum). If they refused to do this, I would pay for the panel myself.

I would then research the BEJEEZUS out of whatever kind of cancer I had. Pubmed, Case Studies, Alternative Treatments, This Forum, Clinical Trials, second opinions, you name it, I would look into it. I'm sure a lot of it I would reject, but no doubt I would learn something interesting. I have no doubt than within a week or two, I would be more knowledgeable about whatever kind of cancer I had than pretty much any doctor I would meet.

Things I know I would look into right off the top of my head would be- increasing thyroid, aspirin, Vitamin E, K2 and biotin (already using these), make sure my ferritin levels are near deficiency (I donate blood for this reason currently), maybe do a couple rounds of IV vitamin C (risks and cost are minimal, benefits potentially huge), and analyze diet big time. Since I think Estrogen is a big part of most cancers, I would probably be doing some sort of DHT supplementation or Aromatase inhibitor, or both. I would also be looking into antibiotics. I believe a combination of antibiotics and an iron chelation drug (like desferal) has worked great in reducing tumors.

If I were in serious pain and really didn't think, after all I had looked into, that the outlook was good, a I would probably opt for a Kevorkian type option. But understand, this would really be a last resort.

Edit- The "Move to a low stress Tropical Island" option also sounds delightful.
@haidut Guys, this may seem like a broken record, but this is the most dramatic cure I have ever heard of (link below). There are many others getting similar results. Joe Tippens is a college friend of my insurance agent. Keep in mind, he had gotten to 115 lbs (after massive chemo and radiation to treat stage 4 small cell lung cancer) with a prognosis in 2016 from MD Anderson of a 1% chance to live another 3 months, body-wide metastases, and a PET scan that "lit up like a Christmas tree", when he decided to try fenbendazole (Panacur C by Merck for $7-$8 per weekly dose), CBD oil, curcumin and vitamin E. 3 months later the follow up scan showed he was completely clear. He did so after hearing of a Merck scientist curing her stage 4 brain cancer in 6 weeks using only fenbendazole. I encourage you to read the entire account.


Nov 22, 2017
@haidut Guys, this may seem like a broken record, but this is the most dramatic cure I have ever heard of (link below). There are many others getting similar results. Joe Tippens is a college friend of my insurance agent. Keep in mind, he had gotten to 115 lbs (after massive chemo and radiation to treat stage 4 small cell lung cancer) with a prognosis in 2016 from MD Anderson of a 1% chance to live another 3 months, body-wide metastases, and a PET scan that "lit up like a Christmas tree", when he decided to try fenbendazole (Panacur C by Merck for $7-$8 per weekly dose), CBD oil, curcumin and vitamin E. 3 months later the follow up scan showed he was completely clear. He did so after hearing of a Merck scientist curing her stage 4 brain cancer in 6 weeks using only fenbendazole. I encourage you to read the entire account.

Wow, if true it it only reinforces for what seems like the millionth time the importance of working on disinfecting the intestine as the most important factor.


Nov 28, 2016
Wow, if true it it only reinforces for what seems like the millionth time the importance of working on disinfecting the intestine as the most important factor.
His case has been fully documented by MDA. Fenbendazole is a deworming med with many different anti-cancer features.


Nov 22, 2017
His case has been fully documented by MDA. Fenbendazole is a deworming med with many different anti-cancer features.

I know it's a deworming, anti-parasite medication. That was my point, even common antibiotics have been found to be anti-cancer.
All roads seem to lead to the intestine.


Nov 28, 2016
@haidut Guys, this may seem like a broken record, but this is the most dramatic cure I have ever heard of (link below). There are many others getting similar results. Joe Tippens is a college friend of my insurance agent. Keep in mind, he had gotten to 115 lbs (after massive chemo and radiation to treat stage 4 small cell lung cancer) with a prognosis in 2016 from MD Anderson of a 1% chance to live another 3 months, body-wide metastases, and a PET scan that "lit up like a Christmas tree", when he decided to try fenbendazole (Panacur C by Merck for $7-$8 per weekly dose), CBD oil, curcumin and vitamin E. 3 months later the follow up scan showed he was completely clear. He did so after hearing of a Merck scientist curing her stage 4 brain cancer in 6 weeks using only fenbendazole. I encourage you to read the entire account.
I know it's a deworming, anti-parasite medication. That was my point, even common antibiotics have been found to be anti-cancer.
All roads seem to lead to the intestine.
That's great. If traditional antibiotics can produce results similar to this, it would be great to see some cases posted here. Truth be told, I think there are many different ways to successfully treat cancer. I also found an article on pubmed one time where a Japanese man was cured of schizophrenia by minocycline after other psych meds failed.


Mar 26, 2018
@haidut Guys, this may seem like a broken record, but this is the most dramatic cure I have ever heard of (link below). There are many others getting similar results. Joe Tippens is a college friend of my insurance agent. Keep in mind, he had gotten to 115 lbs (after massive chemo and radiation to treat stage 4 small cell lung cancer) with a prognosis in 2016 from MD Anderson of a 1% chance to live another 3 months, body-wide metastases, and a PET scan that "lit up like a Christmas tree", when he decided to try fenbendazole (Panacur C by Merck for $7-$8 per weekly dose), CBD oil, curcumin and vitamin E. 3 months later the follow up scan showed he was completely clear. He did so after hearing of a Merck scientist curing her stage 4 brain cancer in 6 weeks using only fenbendazole. I encourage you to read the entire account.

He was also receiving Keytruda which has now been FDA approved FDA approves pembrolizumab for metastatic small cell lung cancer


Nov 22, 2017
That's great. If traditional antibiotics can produce results similar to this, it would be great to see some cases posted here. Truth be told, I think there are many different ways to successfully treat cancer. I also found an article on pubmed one time where a Japanese man was cured of schizophrenia by minocycline after other psych meds failed.

Georgi aka haidut has posted several studies on this site about the anti cancer properties of minocycline and other antibiotics.

From what I’ve been reading, it’s starting to validate Max Gerson’s approach of doing coffee enemas to treat cancer. He also liked using thyroid, which is basically what Otto Warburg thought most important .Ray has been harping on the idea of keeping the intestine clean. That along with thyroid function seem to be part of a very clear approach not just for cancer but for general health.


Jun 17, 2020
My wife has breast cancer. From several studies it appears that the ketogenic diet would be indicated. The PET analysis is done by introducing glucose and where there is very high glucose consumption, there is cancer, so it means that cancer feeds on glucose.
In PET, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein, and a scanner makes a picture of where the glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells show up brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up more glucose than normal cells do.
What do you think? I don't want to make a mistake.
Mar 10, 2021
My wife has breast cancer. From several studies it appears that the ketogenic diet would be indicated. The PET analysis is done by introducing glucose and where there is very high glucose consumption, there is cancer, so it means that cancer feeds on glucose.
In PET, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein, and a scanner makes a picture of where the glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells show up brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up more glucose than normal cells do.
What do you think? I don't want to make a mistake.

What a great husband you are taking your wife’s health into your hands to be her protector. I have a thread on cancer, that I could have given a better title, but I was in the place you are frantic to help him. In any case I post in that thread anything I come across about cancer that is helpful. I linked it below for you….

“There are many people currently recommending fish oil (or other highly unsaturated oils) for preventing or treating cancer, and it has become almost as common to recommend a sugar free diet, "because sugar feeds cancer." This is often, incorrectly, said to be the meaning of Warburg's demonstration that cancer cells have a respiratory defect that causes them to produce lactic acid from glucose even in the presence of oxygen. Cancer cells use glucose and the amino acid glutamine primarily for synthetic purposes, and use fats as their energy source;the growth stimulating effect of the "essential fatty acids" (Sueyoshi and Nagao, 1962a; Holley, et al., 1974) shows that depriving a tumor of those fats retards its growth. The great energetic inefficiency of the cancer metabolism, which causes it to produce a large amount of heat and to cause systemic stress, failure of immunity, and weight loss, is because it synthesizes fat from glucose and amino acids, and then oxidizes the fat as if it were diabetic.“ -Ray Peat



Jan 28, 2022
eliminate sugar (keto) and limit glutamine

among other obvious things like avoiding seed oils and proper environment.


May 30, 2018
My wife has breast cancer. From several studies it appears that the ketogenic diet would be indicated. The PET analysis is done by introducing glucose and where there is very high glucose consumption, there is cancer, so it means that cancer feeds on glucose.
In PET, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein, and a scanner makes a picture of where the glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells show up brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up more glucose than normal cells do.
What do you think? I don't want to make a mistake.
The ketogenic diet is not praised here.

You can have a look at deuterium depletion for cancer: Deuterium Depletion: A New Way in Curing Cancer and Preserving Health by Gábor Somlyai.

Deuterium depleted water is rather costly (but it's managable I believe, and still far less than the real cost of standard therapies), which is an issue.


Jan 1, 2013
Eat organic.

Nearly all fruits and vegetables are contaminated with glyphosate, which damaged the liver of mice at doses 100 times lower than admitted in our food supply.

And the liver is the principal organ protecting against cancer, together with the pancreas. The liver produces a substance fighting cancer, as many researchers proved.
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