What Would You Do If You Were Diagnosed With Cancer

Mar 10, 2021
If I got cancer I would be drinking my organic coffee with orange peels in it everyday…

“Many studies over the last 30 years have shown caffeine to be highly protective against all kinds of carcinogenesis, including estrogen’s carcinogenic effects on the breast. Caffeine is now being used along with some of the standard cancer treatments, to improve their effects or to reduce their side effects. There are substances in the coffee berry besides caffeine that protect against mutations and cancer, and that have shown strong therapeutic effects against cancer. Although many plant substances are protective against mutations and cancer, I don’t know of any that is as free of side effects as coffee.” -Ray Peat
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Mar 10, 2021
If I got cancer, I would be basking in the sun everyday….

"...New research reveals that improving your vitamin D levels can be a matter of life or death. A new population study from Annals of Internal Medicine shows mortality risk increases with vitamin D deficiency, which is defined as a 25(OH)D serum level of 20 ng/ml or lower. Considering 29% of U.S. adults1 are deficient in vitamin D, this new research is a bit alarming. The study also found an association between low vitamin D status and mortality from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases. This means the 60% of U.S. adults2 living with at least one chronic disease and 40% that have two or more chronic diseases could be at even higher risk of mortality if they're also deficient in vitamin D."



Nov 29, 2017

--Beginning of quote--
10/04/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "The truth is the popularity in aspirin was the very fact that 1918 Spanish flu viruse STOPPED the epidemic. It didn't just stopped by itself. I learned this only AFTER I have found that independently that aspirin did kill the bird flu, swine flu and dengue fever. I have as yet looking over the possibility of use in Hanta viruses, but that I don't know. What the aspirin does is it just digest the viruses when I look over a very high powered electron microscope during my student days even in very weak solutions. May I also remind you that I have seen (I can't say I cured for legal reason) that I have this person with a two year Chlamydia, which resists ALL KINDS of antibiotics (you name it, azithromycin, terramycine, amoxcillin, etc) and I finally gave up and aspirin was tried. The dose was 500 mg of aspirin, taken hourly for four tablets, each tablets is DISSOLVED in a cup of warm water. It was completely gone. The uniqueness of the aspirin is the salicyclic acid portion that dissolves any bacteria and many viruses sight. The chlamydia NEVER came back! Imagine a man with chlamydia eating up his testicles and you can imagine the pain he's suffering with the Chlamydia.

People who goes to talk shows are likely have vested financial interests, I DON'T go to any talk shows and rather tell the truth under the radar or scrutiny of the pharma industry and I think this is the best approach for me. For the unbelievers, I have plenty of people here who can vouch that the aspirin did work and it's synergistic with the vitamin C. It wasn't easy finding the cure, but once it's found I hope people will find some benefit, especially the fact that vaccinations are dangerous with highly dangerous bacteria and viruses, and they are live bacteria and viruses. Hence, to neutralize these, I only expect at least just taking ASPIRIN (or lysine) hourly for only 4 times in one day. It's the bare minimum so that the vaccination should it be mandatory there is A WAY AROUND this problem. The use of digestive enzyme works too, but it is not nearly as dramatic as lysine or aspirin. Perhaps I have to look into this further with dose/frequency issue.

Thank you for your support!

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In Thailand, we currently have an epidemic running, which is mostly Swine flu (2009 virus), Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya. While it is somewhat of an epidemic, the currently "mainstream" media recognized is the Swine flu 2009 virus or the same Bird flu. It's still H1N1 regardless of the name and to subdue the virus scare, by naming new names to the H1N1. One of the MAJOR problems concerning its cure and my remedies is that Lysine isn't available in Thailand, or is difficult to obtain. BHT is impossible to get for most people. Therefore I have to devise a very simple cure (yes a real cure) using a simple aspirin from and perhaps some vitamin C, if you can get it. Now Thailand in some remote villages vitamin C are harder to get then getting an aspirin.

The idea of using aspirin as a cure for pneumonia, and all kinds of flu, is nothing new. During my studies in microbiology during my college year stint in the U.S., I have noticed that a serial dilution of aspirin virtually dissolves any virus in sight. Fellow students who got lazy sometimes throw aspirin tablets in a shrimp egg hatching facility to kill the shrimp viruses as well. The chemical of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. When I say it kills any viruses, this applies for metastatic cancer, which is a viral form of cancer virus. It works the same way using the aspirin too and you can see results in less than 6 hours, using the hourly dose of taken for 4 or 5 times of aspirin.

The acetyl portion makes the salicylic acid "water soluble" as well as it's unique properties in digesting viral or bacterial coating, especially the viral coating (alkaline potassium compound being the other one), that it can come into contact with.

In fact there's an almost 100% kill, more closer to about 99% kill rate when a very weak solutions of aspirin is in contact with any viral coating, and aspirin replenished for the next 3 or 4 hours as it is "used up".

It's the acetyl portion plus the salicylic acid which makes it deadly. It digest these viral proteins thousand times more quicker than it does damage to the healthy cells. Obviously, the aspirin was working better than any antiviral medicines known, so my colleagues mentioned that "they" were going to stop that dreaded practice. (It hurts research funding on novel very expensive but ineffective antiviral medications LOL). Remember at the time of my studies, that was in the late 1970s., so obviously (2009) aspirin is now almost universally condemned.

Because of this, I have to make another trials last month to prove that aspirin does work. It SHOULD be noted that aspirin is effective even if it is taken ALONE. But if you want it to be more effective, a vitamin C sodium ascorbate can be taken on INITIAL dose, being the bare minimum such as 500 mg. This causes the white blood cells to uptake the vitamin C more than it's usual capacity allowing for the body's immune system to go much higher than normal. In any case the simplest of all cure of any flu that I know of regardless of what kind of flu you have is the following remedy:

For adult dose 500 mg of aspirin taken LESS than 1 hour apart, preferably, 50 minutes but not exceeding 1 hour. The dose is taken for no more than 4 times, with maximum of 5 times. I haven't quite work about the optimal frequency between dose to keep active acetylsalicylic acid blood concentration stable so that it's antiviral capabilities at a maximum.
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It would be nice if we could test it out to identify the most ideal dosing/protocol (I think Ted recommended doing this protocol once every 3 or 4 days) It's extremely safe and definitely worth trying. I can see how it would be even more effective than the best cancer "drug" on the market given all the research we have read on this forum and what Peat has been saying for years.


Jun 17, 2020
Ted from Bangkok’s cancer protocol using aspirin and vitamin c

Directly Attacking the Cancer – Core Protocol

* Here is the main Vitamin C, Lysine and Aspirin cancer protocol as advised by Ted:

  • Aspirin – Taken once an hour for only 4 hours. Taken for one day only.
  • Lysine -- Taken everyday once an hour until bedtime. Last dose should be 4000 mgs.
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbate form) – Taken everyday once an hour, only 6 times.
This protocol is a daily protocol where the Aspirin is only taken one day out of 4 only, then repeated if necessary. The user should have no blood issues, ulcers, bleeding issues, anemia or susceptibility to Reyes Syndrome with this protocol. If there are issues, just eliminate the aspirin and use the protocol without the Aspirin.

Aspirin is what effectively dissolves the cell wall of the tumor punching holes into it, which allows the body’s leukocytes in to finally attack and digest the cancer cells. The lysine also aids in dissolving the tumor cell walls (but not as effective as aspirin) and also boosts the immune system and ensures that the leukocytes attack the tumor. Vitamin C also boosts the Immune System, and also helps in tissue and collagen repair. The Vitamin C and Lysine combination also works to greatly benefit the heart, similar to The Linus Pauling Therapy.
But it doesn't say how much he should take. Aspirin vitamin c Lysine once an hour?


May 4, 2022
I would start a 7 day dry fast and then do the grape diet for a while.


Oct 18, 2021
The whole "diagnosed" part is the trickier than I'd like. I had been dealing with 24/7 pain in the roof of my mouth, molars, nose, ear, neck lymph nodes and the general whole right side of my head. I thought it may have been a tooth abscess, but the dentist couldn't find anything on x-rays so she sent me to a facial surgeon. The facial surgeon did a facial CT and was like "well right here's your problem". There was a "mass" below my right maxillary sinus. He wanted to do a biopsy followed by surgery to remove it. He wouldn't touch it without a biopsy. A biopsy... you know, the procedure where they intentionally metastasize a tumor... Nope. I opted to trust YHWH had a plan. That was in 2017 and I'm not dead yet. It's been a long slow roll, but things have improved. There are times of the day when I don't even think about it now. It would have been cool to have somehow gotten a diagnosis without a biopsy though so people could at least understand why I do things differently and don't partake of their food.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I opted to trust YHWH had a plan. That was in 2017 and I'm not dead yet. It's been a long slow roll, but things have improved.
Beautiful. :pray


Jun 17, 2020
I am glad that you are well. I also believe in YHWH the only true God. What treatment did you have?


Oct 18, 2021
I am glad that you are well. I also believe in YHWH the only true God. What treatment did you have?
Greetings brother! I've had no treatment. Thankfully my tumor swells and causes a good bit of pain rather quickly in response to poor life choices. I use the negative feedback as a guide to assist me in determining things I should avoid. Lots of foods are problematic including the Petetarian staples, OJ, coffee and milk. Anger, sleep depravation and stress also result in increased pain so as much as possible I endeavor to avoid these states. I thoroughly believe YHWH allowed this for good so I try to make the most of it.
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Feb 22, 2014
If I got cancer, I would be basking in the sun everyday….

"...New research reveals that improving your vitamin D levels can be a matter of life or death. A new population study from Annals of Internal Medicine shows mortality risk increases with vitamin D deficiency, which is defined as a 25(OH)D serum level of 20 ng/ml or lower. Considering 29% of U.S. adults1 are deficient in vitamin D, this new research is a bit alarming. The study also found an association between low vitamin D status and mortality from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases. This means the 60% of U.S. adults2 living with at least one chronic disease and 40% that have two or more chronic diseases could be at even higher risk of mortality if they're also deficient in vitamin D."

Do you supplement vitamin D, and how much? Topically or orally? Thanks-
Mar 10, 2021
Do you supplement vitamin D, and how much? Topically or orally? Thanks-
I don’t supplement vitamin D. I get mine from extra corn and soy free egg yolks, cheese, occasional liver and oysters, and being outdoors. Lately I have been puting sliced mushrooms in the sun to absorb extra vitamin D.




Jun 17, 2020
I found several articles about acetozolamide from which it appears that it would be very effective in cancer, but I did not find what amount to take per day. Can someone please help me if they know how many milligrams are taken per day


Feb 22, 2014
I don’t supplement vitamin D. I get mine from extra corn and soy free egg yolks, cheese, occasional liver and oysters, and being outdoors. Lately I have been puting sliced mushrooms in the sun to absorb extra vitamin D.

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Oh my Rinse- what DON'T you do? You are amazing! Interesting fact about mushrooms- are you sure they produce vit D after they're harvested and no longer growing in soil? I recently learned that even though we don't see the sun everyday, there is still enough vitamin D for our skin to absorb and synthesize. I believe it. I remember some of the worst sunburns I ever got was when I laid out on the beach on a "cloudy" day- ha! So, maybe I'll make some vitamin D mushrooms in my cloudy clime!
P.S. Where can you find eggs that are soy and corn-free? Sadly, I lived in an area where I could find such eggs, but not where I live now.
Mar 10, 2021
I found several articles about acetozolamide from which it appears that it would be very effective in cancer, but I did not find what amount to take per day. Can someone please help me if they know how many milligrams are taken per day
Ray Peat told me the same in this email…

“Carbon dioxide, in the form of gas or baking soda, helps to strengthen bones, without the side effects of commonly used drugs. The drug acetazolamide which is used for altitude sickness, sleep apnea, and epilepsy, increases the amount of CO2 in the body, and favors bone integrity and reduces pain.” -Ray Peat
Mar 10, 2021
Oh my Rinse- what DON'T you do? You are amazing! Interesting fact about mushrooms- are you sure they produce vit D after they're harvested and no longer growing in soil? I recently learned that even though we don't see the sun everyday, there is still enough vitamin D for our skin to absorb and synthesize. I believe it. I remember some of the worst sunburns I ever got was when I laid out on the beach on a "cloudy" day- ha! So, maybe I'll make some vitamin D mushrooms in my cloudy clime!
P.S. Where can you find eggs that are soy and corn-free? Sadly, I lived in an area where I could find such eggs, but not where I live now.
You made me smile kray! I am positive about the mushrooms soaking up sun. I have been posting about that for a year or so, and I keep coming across current articles about it.

I have access to two companies that don’t feed their hens corn or soy. I use to feel kind of “off” when I ate vegetarian fed eggs, and never since making the switch.



Feb 22, 2014
You made me smile kray! I am positive about the mushrooms soaking up sun. I have been posting about that for a year or so, and I keep coming across current articles about it.

I have access to two companies that don’t feed their hens corn or soy. I use to feel kind of “off” when I ate vegetarian fed eggs, and never since making the switch.

View attachment 61047
Good to know on the shrooms! But oh how depressed I am to see that brand of eggs. My old hunting grounds. I need to find them here. Give me a G&T- now!
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