We Should've Known By Now How Blood Markers Correlate With Symptoms


Mar 15, 2014
That we don't yet is an indicator that the medical system is a failure.

Often, the only input a doctor receives from a patient is a list of subjective symptoms. Therefore, it should be a priority to correlate various symptoms to measurable levels of things in the blood (or tissue). This still hasn't been done in a systematic way.

Only people on health forums like ours will try to guess at stuff by saying "Oh I think I had high serotonin because I had diarrhea" or things like that. And we're mostly making slightly educated guesses, but we wouldn't have to do this if there was ever an attempt to correlate symptoms and labwork in a systematic way.

If you knew which immune cells, hormones, were responsible for what symptoms in the human body, you could diagnose people with much higher accuracy. Perhaps elevated IL-6 and low histamine would cause scalp itchiness (just an example). So if a patient came in with scalp itch, you could do an IL panel + histamine right off the bat. More often than not it would be positive, and you could proceed with treatment.

We've had big data for decades but the medical system is still in the stone age, even by its own standards.


May 30, 2018
It requires tons of data (millions of records ideally without missing values) to model a complex system (an understatement in this case) such as the human body.

Also, all the most relevant parameters might not be easy to measure with just a blood test.


Mar 15, 2014
Also, all the most relevant parameters might not be easy to measure with just a blood test.
agreed, tissue levels and such are even more important, but blood is at least a starting point.

I think the really politically incorrect truth here is that most doctors would be out of a job if patient symptoms were properly "data-ized".

I mean, 70% of doctors basically only function as input-0utput machines that dispense medicine anyway. Only a minority actually try to help patient cases with human intelligence.


Nov 22, 2017
agreed, tissue levels and such are even more important, but blood is at least a starting point.

I think the really politically incorrect truth here is that most doctors would be out of a job if patient symptoms were properly "data-ized".

I mean, 70% of doctors basically only function as input-0utput machines that dispense medicine anyway. Only a minority actually try to help patient cases with human intelligence.

Well for example with baldness, particular serum levels of hormones are not out of the ordinary with the pathology, except maybe DHEA and prolactin but those are elevated during general stress, so it wouldn’t tell us much. We need to improve our ability to test tissue saturation (which I don’t know anything about) , because since the 80s there is some evidence that serum and tissue levels are sometimes not even correlated, which complicates things further.

That being said, it would be magical if we could access anonymous blood test data and associated pathologies and biometrics. It was one of the aspects for which I was most optimistic regarding big data and one of the few positives of the data revolution...


You go to the hospital, they match your symptoms, they run your labs, they do any tests. If you're not going to die. They don't care. It's not their business model.
You go to your physician, you got 5-10 minutes with the nurse, then you get maybe 10 with the physician, to talk about referrals for testing, specialists, and drug medications.
The system is so dysfunctionally compartmentalized, that you better pray that you have found an ethical doctor, or else they are going to say sorry, I don't know how to help you etc. They get rid of patients all the time. If you are a bad patient game over. Every DR will tell you the same. They are worse than Cops. They kill more people than Cops.
They do not recommend hormonal therapies, Preg, Prog, DHEA, HCG.
You want diet advice, they get exactly what they were taught, you already know the motto.
If you have any sort of neurological pain and autoimmune condition, you are in the rabbit hole straight to hell.

The Hermetic Cabal of the Medical Industrial Complex.
We face a society that has strayed from its patriarchal and communal ties, a role once fulfilled by an elder figure, shaman, priest, wise man, etc.
Once ruled by superstition and tradition, we now face division and conquest by subliminal subversion. The digital age progressed society, but destroyed humanity.
What is truth, What is false, What is new, What is old. What is health. What is food. What is water. What is vitality.
The middle class, the working man was destroyed. Through world wars, drugs, economic challenges, more wars, cultural past times, technology, pornography.

We are a nation ruled by sociopaths. Just look at the careers out there. Power over people.
Trillions and Trillions of dollars.
Profit Over People: MIC 101
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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