Water Structure, Osmolytes And Cancer


Jan 11, 2019
Disclaimer: Im not as scientifically literate as you.
A thought i had was the connection possibly between CR and dehydration both contributing to longevity. From my days in the past of watching clickbait thomas delauer videos about dry fasting (fasting for a few days without even drinking water), i recalled that one mechanism that was explained was that in the absence of water, fat cells were broken down and used to make water (using the hydrogen and oxygen i think, somehow LOL). and CR obviously causes an appreciative loss in fat because of a caloric deficit. I think its pretty common knowledge that being a low body fat % contributes to longevity, but i guess my question is wether theres a route of achieving low BF that contributes to the highest quality of life. Starving oneself of food and water sounds like a terrible time, but perhaps just raising metabolism as peat suggests is the best way to go about things.


May 30, 2018
Yes you are right, metabolim of glucose and fat provides hydrogen which, combined with oxygen, makes water. However, it's not really sufficient to sustain long term.

Regarding fasting, you would not even have to do it. I've heard people having results with just limiting their water intake (cycling 600 mL for 5 days and having unlimited fluids 2 days a week, for example).

Some people had results (like improved digestion, reduced eczema, better metabolism, reduced inflammation, etc.) with prolonged dry fasting but maybe intermittent dry fasting with sufficient refeeding each day (thus a small fasting window) is the way to go.

I don't find that "starving" is a really well defined notion. If your body has enough nutrients (including water) at each refeeding period, and that it's able to sustain itself between those (good glycogen storage, metabolism that can easily switch between carbs and fat, and sufficient vasopressin and oxytocin) then it might not be an issue.


Jan 11, 2019
Yes you are right, metabolim of glucose and fat provides hydrogen which, combined with oxygen, makes water. However, it's not really sufficient to sustain long term.

Regarding fasting, you would not even have to do it. I've heard people having results with just limiting their water intake (cycling 600 mL for 5 days and having unlimited fluids 2 days a week, for example).

Some people had results (like improved digestion, reduced eczema, better metabolism, reduced inflammation, etc.) with prolonged dry fasting but maybe intermittent dry fasting with sufficient refeeding each day (thus a small fasting window) is the way to go.

I don't find that "starving" is a really well defined notion. If your body has enough nutrients (including water) at each refeeding period, and that it's able to sustain itself between those (good glycogen storage, metabolism that can easily switch between carbs and fat, and sufficient vasopressin and oxytocin) then it might not be an issue.
Yeah i only say starving in regards to caloric restriction. And interesting, ill try limiting fluid intakes from now on for periods of time and seeing how it affects me physically


May 30, 2018
Sensory perception modulates lifespan across taxa, presumably due to alterations in physiological homeostasis after central nervous system integration. The coordinating circuitry of this control, however, remains unknown. Here, we used the Drosophila melanogaster gustatory system to dissect one component of sensory regulation of aging. We found that loss of the critical water sensor, pickpocket 28 (ppk28), altered metabolic homeostasis to promote internal lipid and water stores and extended healthy lifespan. Additionally, loss of ppk28 increased neuronal glucagon-like adipokinetic hormone (AKH) signaling, and the AKH receptor was necessary for ppk28 mutant effects. Furthermore, activation of AKH-producing cells alone was sufficient to enhance longevity, suggesting that a perceived lack of water availability triggers a metabolic shift that promotes the production of metabolic water and increases lifespan via AKH signaling. This work provides an example of how discrete gustatory signals recruit nutrient-dependent endocrine systems to coordinate metabolic homeostasis, thereby influencing long-term health and aging.
Although conclusions from previous work over the role of dietary water in mediating the Drosophila DR–lifespan extension axis have been mixed (24, 25), our studies suggest that water restriction, inasmuch as it decreases stimulation of water-sensing neurons, may also be a viable strategy for enhancing physiological state.

Desiccated nematodes undergo extended life span, and it is critical to maintain health during such process. Our data have shown that genes that are key to xenobiotic detoxification network were activated in desiccated nematodes, suggesting the connection between desiccation and healthy aging via detoxification.

The broad induction of detoxification-related genes was the single most striking pattern to emerge from the desiccation-related transcriptome. This result is intriguing, as it parallels the broad induction of detoxification-related gene expression that has been reported in C. elegans’ stress-tolerant, growth-arrested dauer larvae and in the long-lived C. elegans daf-2 mutant (Gems and McElwee, 2005; Erkut et al., 2013). Both dauers and long-lived mutants upregulate CYPs, SDRs, UGTs and GSTs (McElwee et al., 2004). Evidence suggests that induction of the detoxification program may occur broadly in response to dehydration: several previous studies of anhydrobiotic organisms have noted upregulation of detoxification-related genes.

Reminds me the experience on the rats, which seemed to extend the maximal lifespan quite significantly.

Also, vitamin K is an agonist to the SXR/PXR receptor which is involved in detoxification.


Jan 11, 2019

Reminds me the experience on the rats, which seemed to extend the maximal lifespan quite significantly.

Also, vitamin K is an agonist to the SXR/PXR receptor which is involved in detoxification.
Things that induce dehydration also include salt, and avoiding PUFA


May 30, 2018
Things that induce dehydration also include salt, and avoiding PUFA
Pufa can promote osmolyte efflux (according to a publication referenced in a Ray Peat article) IIRC. I did not know that it could induce dehydration :):


Jan 11, 2019
Pufa can promote osmolyte efflux (according to a publication referenced in a Ray Peat article) IIRC. I did not know that it could induce dehydration :):
Yeah rats with pufa deficiency grow extremely thirsty, kind of like how ray peat drinks liquids and tons of coffee and only pees a few times lol


Feb 29, 2016
More info about structured water. Dr. Thomas Cowan wrote Cancer and the New Biology of Water. This interesting interview on a wand that was developed, at the time the wand wasn't available but now he has them. I put this discussion under the face masks and worm stands. Dr. Carrie Madej's report end with the thought that water can be a support to our natural coherence. Here is the interview with Dolf Zantinge/exciting times, right? Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends| Ep16: Dolf Zantinge (bitchute.com)


May 30, 2018
More info about structured water. Dr. Thomas Cowan wrote Cancer and the New Biology of Water. This interesting interview on a wand that was developed, at the time the wand wasn't available but now he has them. I put this discussion under the face masks and worm stands. Dr. Carrie Madej's report end with the thought that water can be a support to our natural coherence. Here is the interview with Dolf Zantinge/exciting times, right? Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends| Ep16: Dolf Zantinge (bitchute.com)
Thanks, I've not watched it (just the introduction).
Do you plan to buy one? I would be interested in your feedback if it's the case.


Mar 29, 2016
Bought one and love it
I may order one.

Am thinking of using it to improve my koi pond's water. I had thought before of buying magnets from Japan to improve the koi pond's water. But this seems like a cheaper solution - as long as the wand can amplify the coherence of the water in the wand to my 20-ton pond. If I fail to do that, I can be the one to benefit from it still. By the way, my koi pond is practically maintenance-free, which is akin to having an aquarium where I never have to clean it, and yet the fish are happy and healthy, as evidenced by their good conformation (build) and nice skin and coloration. aside from their happy demeanor and good appetite.

I'd like to test the effects of this coherence by comparing such metrics such as ORP, conductivity, and index of refraction.
Last edited:


May 30, 2018

Activation of xenobiotic metabolism pathways has been linked to lifespan extension in different models of aging. However, the mechanisms underlying activation of xenobiotic genes remain largely unknown. Here we showed that although FXR mRNA levels do not change significantly, FXR (farnesoid X receptor, Nr1h4) protein levels are elevated in the livers of the long-lived Little mice, leading to increased DNA binding activity of FXR. Hepatic FXR expression is sex-dependent in wild-type mice but not in Little mice, implying that up-regulation of FXR might be dependent on the reduction of growth hormone in Little mice. Growth hormone treatment decreased hepatic expression of FXR and xenobiotic genes Abcb1a, Fmo3 and Gsta2 in both wild-type and Little mice, suggesting an association between FXR and xenobiotic gene expression. We found that Abcb1a is transactivated by FXR via direct binding of FXR/retinoid X receptor α (RXRα) heterodimer to a response element at the proximal promoter. FXR also positively controls Fmo3 and Gsta2 expression through direct interaction with the response elements in these genes. Our study demonstrates that xenobiotic genes are direct transcriptional targets of FXR and suggests that FXR signaling may play a critical role in the lifespan extension observed in Little mice.

Low growth hormone levels might be an important condition so that FXR protein levels are elevated in the liver of these mice. FXR seems to have for target detoxification genes whose expression is associated with longer lifespan. Authors conclude that FXR might play a role in lifespan extension.

The effects of acute and chronic water restriction on the circadian rhythms of corticosterone, growth hormone (GH), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) were studied in adult male rats. Water restricted rats were allowed to drink between 9.00 and 9.30 a.m. only. Chronic water restriction but not one day of such treatment altered the circadian pattern of corticosterone so that a peak of this hormone appeared before water presentation. In contrast, neither acute nor chronic water restriction altered the qualitative patterns of circadian GH and TSH rhythms although both treatments depressed the secretion of the two hormones, the depression being greater in chronic than in acute water restricted rats.

Chronic water restriction seems to potently decrease growth hormones' production in rats. Authors make the hypothesis that this is due to the reduced caloric intake generated by water restriction as water restricted rats seemed to "naturally" restrict their food intake by 30%.


May 30, 2018
Never heard about such water before today:

Many infectious diseases have yet to be conquered by modern medicine. This is generally attributed to both a failure of the immune system and the lack of an effective anti-microbial pharmaceutical. Infections can be regarded as a competitive process between the microbe and the host for cellular energy-generated resources. Cells obtain energy not only from the metabolism of food but also from the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway utilizes an environmental force termed KELEA (kinetic energy limiting electrostatic attraction), which provides an added kinetic/chemical energy to the body’s fluids. The ACE pathway can be enhanced through the use of KELEA activated water, which is currently available under different names from several sources. Enhancing the body’s ACE pathway, including the use of a wearable waterceutical™ , provides a novel means of potentially increasing the body’s resistance against all infectious diseases.
The author of this publication seems to have written a lot about this: W John Martin (0000-0002-9947-4374)

I don't know if this is BS.


Mar 29, 2016
Never heard about such water before today:

The author of this publication seems to have written a lot about this: W John Martin (0000-0002-9947-4374)

I don't know if this is BS.
Nice find, I think.

I'm writing my impressions as I read and the way the author writes shows clarity of thought and no intent to inject any ambiguity into the language, which is seldom seen. After reading so many studies, I have started to gain the ability to distinguish whether the author's intent is to continue to push an established narrative or one that is favored by the authorities; or whether the intent is science- and earnest inquiry-driven. I also sympathize with the author's framing of the challenges we face in dealing with infections where both the body's immune system and the use of drugs fail to overcome the infection. As you are well aware, I continue to try to defeat my high blood pressure situation, and my discoveries as I go along bring me to the same challenges that is characteristic of such infections. While I have at least identified the root cause - which is infection - it is still a challenge to outwit the pathogenic community in a biofilm that has many evasive tricks up its sleeve. I'm trying to get into its mind, so to speak, in order to defeat it. i've managed to lower slightly my blood pressure, but I don't know if the downward trend will be sustained. I have to start questioning some generally accepted precepts, so that previously discarded possibilities and approaches have to be put back into play. Assumptions have to be revisited and re-evaluated before I proceed, after I hit a wall.

Reading on to see if there is something I could use against the infection that would turn the tide against it.


Mar 29, 2016
Never heard about such water before today:

The author of this publication seems to have written a lot about this: W John Martin (0000-0002-9947-4374)

I don't know if this is BS.
I came across this water and I'm going to order this to try. I've been holding off, but after reading this article, I'm just going to order it:

Tom Cowan interviews a researcher about the coherence of water, from where I got the link to the product (posted by @bzmazu) in an RPF thread :

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3O5nLbpTYYh5/


May 30, 2018
I came across this water and I'm going to order this to try. I've been holding off, but after reading this article, I'm just going to order it:

Tom Cowan interviews a researcher about the coherence of water, from where I got the link to the product (posted by @bzmazu) in an RPF thread :

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3O5nLbpTYYh5/

I will be interested by your feedback yerrag ?

If find it a bit pricy but if it brings significant benefits then I'm ready to invest!

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I came across this water and I'm going to order this to try. I've been holding off, but after reading this article, I'm just going to order it:

Tom Cowan interviews a researcher about the coherence of water, from where I got the link to the product (posted by @bzmazu) in an RPF thread :

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3O5nLbpTYYh5/

I decided against purchasing this item. I seems that the water retains its new ability for a least 2 months. What happens after 2 moths? I I need to purchase a new wand every 3 months? Will the wand change the water in a 10 gallon tank? Will the wand change the water in a back yard swimming pool? These things have never been tested and reported. They may know the answer but they are certainly not reporting.

An equally expensive alternative that caught my eye is

Amazon product ASIN B014BWXE3CView: https://www.amazon.com/Natural-Action-Portable-Water-Structuring/dp/B014BWXE3C/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8


Jan 9, 2019
One can easily make their own "water wand" with the information found in the book, "Dancing with water" by MJ Pangman

like the theme of the thread I also agree that water structure in the body and the bodies ability to retain that structure into old age is a big part in preventing major disease.

Almost every health expert I respect recognizes this very interesting phenomenon. The most likely explanation is that it indicates good energy function in the cell, hence the whole body, and without Rays knowledge one can induce this proper cell function with interventions that only focus on the water in the body (not ideal). I find the conversations about water with Robert Slovak interesting too, especially Quinton Sea Minerals ampules.


Feb 29, 2016
David PS They tested the water after 4 years and it was still coherent.
We have had the wand for 1 month and have found that changing the water in a 1 gallon pitcher has gone from about 2 minutes to around 1 1/4 minute, I can tell the exact second of the change as rather than the vortex dissipating rapidly it maintains the shape longer and the water seems thicker,
Viktor Schauberger deduced that water wants to be pure and that if bad water is exposed to good water then the bad water will be affected by the good water in a positive way, We place a quart bottle of analemma in our 100 gallon water trough for the cows with the intent that the analemma in the bottle will transfer to the other.
Dr, Cowan is no carnival barker and he sells only what he deems worthy
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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