Vertigo Affecting Me For While Now


Nov 23, 2020
Hi everyone,

Since September 28th I started having vertigo, dizziness, head pressure, feeling like being on a boat.
All happened after 3 days (September 25th) after a tooth was extracted, while there was a sinus infection, it was said the sinus got infected because of the teeth.
Never had this vertigo or dizzies issue, so I am very surprised.
The weirdest thing how it all started after 3 days the tooth was extracted, at this point I was already taking Zinnat (cefuroxime) for 3 days, I initially thought it was because of the antibiotic but after a long tine the issue is still here.

I have been prescribed Betaserc (Betahistine) 24mg twice per day, but it is not doing anything, if anything my situation is getting worse.
Actually in the mean time I have found out some people are on Betaserc for months or years without even helping them, various doctors keep prescribing them the same drug over and over. Not really encouraging hearing others having this issues for years.

The neurologist says I should not expect result faster than 1 month and that some only do better after taking it 3 months, not very encouraging, but it seems I am rather treated like a number, so maybe they just said it like that so I do not say again there was no improvement.

Can't think straight, bumping into things, lack of strength, feeling like being on a boat. etc.
Most problematic I can't do my work.

The major problem seems pretty much everything is making things worse and nothing seems to make thing better.
For example like K2 seems to give chest pains since this vertigo started, so I am not taking that.
On paper everything seems fine with serum minerals, thyroid, etc (which as far as I hear it is also the case of other people suffering from this issue)

Currently I am on Levofloxacin, in an attempt by the ORL doctor to possibly cut a small inflammation seen in all sinuses, but it surely improved nothing in the last 7days, I am either the same or worse I would say.

Has anyone had this problem before solved in anyway, as far as I have read the forum I see this is not a common issues for members here while strangely it seems not as uncommon to hear others having it now that I have it.

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May 8, 2017
I had vertigo for about 9 months a few years ago. Ironically, it also got worse after I had a tooth extracted. These are some things you can look into:

-Search youtube on how to do the epley maneuver. This helps rebalance the calcium crystals in your inner ear and this is a common cause.
-Disc degeneration in your neck. Especially C1 / the atlas may be slightly out of place. In which case, you need to do some combination of rehab/pt/chiropractor care
-Excess vitamin A and serotonin has also been shown to cause vertigo. Seems less likely in your case but something to keep in mind.
Nov 21, 2015
I would be VERY hesitant to take levofloxacin except for a disease that can be fatal, such as pneumonia. It is very nasty stuff, indeed.

I have had vertigo for about a month here or there. It went away. I may be experiencing a little now in fact, and I'm not feeling great.

I wouldn't take anything for it except serotonin antagonists such as ginger. Antihistamines such as cyproheptadine may be okay.


Nov 23, 2020
I had vertigo for about 9 months a few years ago. Ironically, it also got worse after I had a tooth extracted.

I actually had zero vertigo or floating sensation before this extraction which is the most contrasting thing possible, only had the left sinus inflamed from the first premolar for at least 18months, after which I decided to extract it since it also caused the tooth to ache without ending, even if it had no nerve and doctors kept treating it as they say, which in reality is basically over washing of the canals with sodium hydrochloride and waiting for improvement, which never came.

Ironically I even read that these canals can end up infected with Streptococcus faecalis as a secondary infection and sodium hypochlorite or chlorhexidine barely have an effect on it, which are the typical substances used by dentists.

Especially C1 / the atlas may be slightly out of place. In which case, you need to do some combination of rehab/pt/chiropractor care

I had an IMR a couple of weeks ago and C1 seems to be fine, the imagist is saying and then the neurologist.
There are some not that bad issues (they say) between C5-C6 and C6-C7 that are noted (terminology used is a bit hard to understand, which have already bothered me in the past for a long time way before this, causing me some migraines and pains in that area. But like I have said, never had vertigo or floating sensations before the extraction.

As for excess serotonin causing vertigo, this is a tricky one, because if you read about betahistine of it's effects beside the so called histamine receptors being modulated, it increases serotonin in certain parts of the brain.
But well the vertigo started well before this drug was prescribed to me.
And I find it strange that you can find people in real life that take it for months without even helping them just because the doctors say they need to take it for a long time to see an improvement. Now I know only a case really in which they say after several days they got rid of the issues using it by taking this drug.
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Nov 23, 2020
I would be VERY hesitant to take levofloxacin except for a disease that can be fatal, such as pneumonia. It is very nasty stuff, indeed.

I think they just gave it to me like that "to make sure" since they all think the sinus inflammation is looking mild on the MRI, but it is surely in all sinuses which probably intrigued them.
Now I do not quite know why nothing is being secreted from the nose or going down into the the throat.
One thing is for sure, I am not feeling any better while I am now at this moment on Levofloxacin.

I honestly wonder if there isn't maybe a fungal infection in the sinuses, or some virus in the ears, maybe as a side effect from being prescribed Cefuroxime right after the extraction.

Surely after 2 months since the extraction (September 25th, now is November 24th) the area where there is no tooth still aches and if enough pressure is in my head from lifting something heavy or pushing something heavy it will make me feel it even more.


Nov 23, 2020
I have had vertigo for about a month here or there. It went away. I may be experiencing a little now in fact, and I'm not feeling great.

I am sorry.
For me it is every day without stopping.

I wouldn't take anything for it except serotonin antagonists such as ginger. Antihistamines such as cyproheptadine may be okay.

I will try to take some ginger and see what happens, but in the past I was getting headaches from ginger which is the reason I kind of steered away from it.
Not sure about Cyproheptadine mixed with prescribed Betahistine that I am on right now, doesn't sound safe.
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Nov 23, 2020
I realized I also got an almost very low level of tinnitus, can be ignored, but it is there.
But then my hearing is quite sharp, hearing all kind of "silent fans", low to mid frequency pulse width modulation used in devices, etc.

Interestingly now the pressure in my head can't be relieved anymore by Ibuprofen or Metamizole at need, after starting these Levofluxacine and Betahistine.
I wish I would feel any sort of improvement from these but there is none.

Weirdly enough last night I woke up not long after went sleep with a hard pounding hart. And felt the penis was lacking blood.
Took my pulse and it was my regular 70, which was strange.
It also seemed this pounding was increasing while laying down compared to sitting on a chair.

I took 500mg of glycine and 15grams of sugar to try to get some sleep.
Then I also took 150mg of magnesium chloride.
Then I fell asleep pretty quickly after that.

I have to be careful with magnesium amount as I feel that can worsen the dizziness and being on a boat sensation.

Today I stopped both of these prescribed drugs, to see if there will be an improvement, because while taking them was no improvement rather aggravation, but I was relatively able to function, not like before staying in bed and not being able to do anything.
Not that I do not have the same symptoms but at a more non-fully debilitating level, maybe a coincidence for the day.
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Jan 25, 2016
Have you tried a low salicylates diet. Many foods, supplements and medications are high in salicylates. Salicylate sensitivity include your symptoms. Corn, asprin and many other things trigger reactions.


Nov 23, 2020
I still can't get past the fact I never had this before and it just appeared after the tooth extraction, at 3 days after.
Oh well, who knows what other issues there are, after all the sinuses even them being mild inflamed clearly means there is an issue.

Well, for what is worth I have not eaten corn or products made from corn as far as I am aware of.
I have used a small dose of aspirin here and there like 150mg (a quarter of 500mg tablet), on occasion.
I used it too rarely and not in the last several days.

Curious is that in the last 3 days I started developing a mild ear pain in both ears, more so in my right ear than the left ear.
The ORL specialist looked into the ear around 12 days ago and said it ok (not that accused anything regarding the ears at the time).
Interestingly if I inflate my mouth with a lot of air (not letting air escape) and increase pressure in my mouth the right ear makes a mild sound like folding paper or something like that.


Jan 25, 2016
Did you have any injections with the extraction. There may be something in the injection that you are reacting to.


Nov 23, 2020
Actually more than a year ago I requested the tooth to be extracted at another dentist and they refused saying it needs more "treatment" (basically wash the canals this is the treatment, since they bored already the canals), but the treatment had no effect for months, the occasional antibiotics helped a bit on the moment but never cleared the issue, nor the pain when the tooth was touched.
Imagine if I was speaking for more than 5 minutes a massive pain started in that area and a migraine also.
The first dentist was so convinced that I need months of cleaning and the issue was going to go away, when it fact is spread inside the sinus (or was already there), while I was only having massive headaches after each tooth treating session, nothing was improving.

They injected an anesthetic at the time of the extraction, but I was ok for 3 days only then the path of floating, dizziness, vertigo started.
3 points of injection as far as I remember.
They said the gum was affected from the infection and a bit the bone too, it was only verbally told to me.


Nov 23, 2020
Well after all this time, the floating sensation is still here, it does not feel like anything helps, like Allthiamine, Riboflavin, etc.
Hard to concentrate at some times, it is hard to walk or go up and down the stairs, moving my head around makes me more dizzy like something is putting pressure in the nape area.
My muscles are now weak basically lacking strength, lost quite some muscle mass in all this time, seems the same amount of body fat is still present as 4 months
ago. Taking a shower seems quite risky.
My appetite also slowly went down.

Sometimes my mood is good for quite a while with all these issues that I am surprised how come it is good, but sometimes my mood is down.

Interestingly whomever I contact about this issue does not have anything to actually relief the issue, everyone wonders off with their own unhelpful
rhetoric, like anemia (which it is not), high TSH (which is not).

I guess I will have to keep finding new doctors, but I already know they all prescribe Betahistine for this issue anyway, which is a H1 receptor
agonist, H3 receptor antagonist and H2 agonist.
Ironically far from the H1 antagonists specific anti-vertigo anti-dizziness drugs which at some point were prescribed.

Last time I have tried it for several days the results were very bad but I was under the antibiotic at that time, maybe that made it work ultra bad, maybe the antibiotic had nothing to do.
I may have to try it again when someone could watch me.
Weird is that I have not been put a diagnose of a certain disease by neither 2 ORL specialist or 1 neurologist I have been to.

Some nice info here on it who wants to read, I quote:
"For those who want the quick answer, nobody has a reasonable rationale of why betahistine should work for dizziness."


Oct 19, 2019

"Clinical global impression was rated “very much improved” or “much improved” in 79% of patients treated with EGb 761 and in 70% receiving betahistine. With 27 adverse events in 19 patients, EGb 761 showed better tolerability than betahistine with 39 adverse events in 31 patients. In conclusion, the two drugs were similarly effective in the treatment of vertigo, but EGb 761 was better tolerated."


May 13, 2015
Well after all this time, the floating sensation is still here, it does not feel like anything helps, like Allthiamine, Riboflavin, etc.
Hard to concentrate at some times, it is hard to walk or go up and down the stairs, moving my head around makes me more dizzy like something is putting pressure in the nape area.
My muscles are now weak basically lacking strength, lost quite some muscle mass in all this time, seems the same amount of body fat is still present as 4 months
ago. Taking a shower seems quite risky.
My appetite also slowly went down.

Sometimes my mood is good for quite a while with all these issues that I am surprised how come it is good, but sometimes my mood is down.

Interestingly whomever I contact about this issue does not have anything to actually relief the issue, everyone wonders off with their own unhelpful
rhetoric, like anemia (which it is not), high TSH (which is not).

I guess I will have to keep finding new doctors, but I already know they all prescribe Betahistine for this issue anyway, which is a H1 receptor
agonist, H3 receptor antagonist and H2 agonist.
Ironically far from the H1 antagonists specific anti-vertigo anti-dizziness drugs which at some point were prescribed.

Last time I have tried it for several days the results were very bad but I was under the antibiotic at that time, maybe that made it work ultra bad, maybe the antibiotic had nothing to do.
I may have to try it again when someone could watch me.
Weird is that I have not been put a diagnose of a certain disease by neither 2 ORL specialist or 1 neurologist I have been to.

Some nice info here on it who wants to read, I quote:
"For those who want the quick answer, nobody has a reasonable rationale of why betahistine should work for dizziness."
Although this thread is several months old, I'd like to try to provide a little input.

When they extracted the tooth, did they ream out the socket down to healthy bone? Or did they just pull the tooth out? If they didn't ream out the socket to healthy bloody pulp, you may have developed an infected pocket under the healed gum; if so, it will cause lots of health problems until it is properly addressed. Head infections are very bad. I had an infected abscessed molar for several years that drained into my sinus and did not show up on xray. Finally, the molar broke in two and the dentist extracted it and reamed out the socket (until he was shooting water out my nose). It was amazing how much better I felt even an hour after the dental work because he got the source of infection out of my head.

The antibiotic they put you on, levofloxacin, is some really bad stuff. Here's an article: Do Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics Trigger Charcot Marie Tooth and Other Genetic Diseases? - Hormones Matter

also: A Light at the End of the Tunnel: Uncovering Thiamine Deficiency- Hormones Matter

The second article includes this:

"At the Root of My Symptoms: Severe Thiamine Deficiency​

After reading the work of Dr. Lonsdale, I measured my transketolase and the result suggests quite a deficiency of thiamine: activation TPPE 25%. So I’ll see if trying this I can improve, until now I was lost and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel."


Nov 23, 2020

Things advanced since then, as in several things changed, around the maxilla physically.
Rergarding X-ray, we never used X-ray to find any issue as it shows nothing for me when X-ray-ed, only CBCT showed various issues.

Currently I am after 3 weeks of a surgery around that area of the maxilla.
Doctors on all levels deny this maxilla issues can cause anything, maybe it matters or not but around these areas they don't seem too concerned with much, maybe in top of cities in the world is better.

I will have to get back with a more detailed reply as to what is going on now.
Jun 16, 2021
I had a vertigo debacle after getting a bacteria in my inner ear and sinus. The one and only thing that really helped it Claritin D which actually dried it all up. You have to get the one that you have to show an ID for. Also , when my D gets low, I get ear crystals. Try Claritin D
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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