
Jun 6, 2016
I personally noticed that around the year 2020, it had became increasingly more difficult to get numerous things done in one day. I never considered that time could’ve been moving faster, until I randomly came across this YouTuber talking about it.

I think this phenomenon exists and it started to accelerate in the early 2000s, and during the last 5-10 years it is especially pronounced.

I think it's related to the synthetic EMF grid on earth. It was in the 90s and 2000s that the worldwide mobile phone EMF grid got installed, including the mass use of satellites.

In the book "The invisible Rainbow", Arthur Firstenberg talks about experiments with electromagnetic fields changing the way lab rats age.

Basically, in the present of a certain electromagnetic field, the animals just stopped aging for the most part. Exactly what is happening around us. People no longer get anything done, and they also don't age anymore.

The metabolic activity is shutting down in response to the EMF. So for those who know how it was in the 90s, a day feels like it just passes by without much stuff happening.

It doesn't affect everyone the same, because it's related to metabolism, but generally speaking, it's getting worse with each new generation of the EMF grid, I think.

It was during covid that the largest amount of satellites was installed in low-earth orbit (Starlink), and this was also the most pronounced shift in human energy and time perception, with tens of millions people now feeling fatigued and unable to get anything done anymore.
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Jun 19, 2023
Guys, the time is not speeding up. The time is the same as it always was.
You just have more activities crammed into any given day since it takes less time to complete whatever its is that you are doing. You end up doing more and resting less.
Humanity has become very efficient in all of the things that we are doing so you have possibility to do a lot of things in a one day.
You understand, a day is like a bucket. The one uses a bucket to carry something in it and if you can put more stuff in it why wouldn't you?
It is a competition. You need always to fill the bucket to the fullest. If you don't, you have less.

Today you can sit on a plane and be on the other side of the world for a business meeting in no time. The next day you sit on another plane and you go somewhere else. All of that time you are on the plane you send messages to people, email or instant messaging and you get response back immediately or very soon. In other words the one can complete tasks much sooner then in some past time so you end up working more.

Before if you went to the other side of the world or even in a neighboring country it would take ages to get there in your horse carriage. An while you are traveling, you would write letters, give them to your currier and it would also take ages for those letter to reach destination and then waiting for the people to respond with letters...
You get the point, it takes way less time today to complete tasks so you end up working more and resting less. And since in life there is competition in everything we do, you always have to push the pedal to the metal. If you don't you end up last or somewhere in the middle and who wants that....


Jun 6, 2016
You just have more activities crammed into any given day since it takes less time to complete whatever its is that you are doing. You end up doing more and resting less.

What people mean when they say that time is speeding up is that they are not able to do as much as people were able to do say 100 years ago. And it is supported by studies on metabolic activity, historically, with average calory intake going way down, and also average body temperature going way down during the last 100 years.

There's a list in one of the videos of what a housewife in the 50s in the US had to do in a given day, and today a housewife wouldn't even be able to do a third of it.


I know lots of people who are just being able to get dressed, run errands, and then make lunch, and suddenly it's 3pm and you don't know what happened to your day.

  1. Throw back the covers
  2. Open up the blinds and windows
  3. Freshen up
  4. Make and serve breakfast
  5. Clean up breakfast
  6. Complete a 10-minute exercise regime
  7. Shower, do hair and make-up, get dressed
  8. Gather a basket for tidying. As the rooms of the home are tackled, pick up items that aren’t where they belong and place them in a basket. Redistribute them where they should be as you enter a new room
  9. Straighten up the living and dining room, including picking up potential clutter, light dusting, fluffing / straightening pillows, and watering plants or flowers
  10. Make the beds
  11. Tidy the bedroom, including light dusting
  12. Hang up any clothes that may be about or ensure dirty ones are in the hamper
  13. Do a light tidy of the bathroom including removing and replacing used towels, refilling toilet paper and soap (if needed) and cleaning the sink and basin area including soap dishes
  14. Review the menu for the current day and the next and compare it to what’s currently available in the home. Make note of anything that needs to be prepared ahead of time or marketing (shopping) that needs to get done
  15. Begin long-advance preparations for dinner (such as making dessert)
  16. Wipe down kitchen work surfaces and inside the fridge
  17. Dispose of garbage
  18. Rinse dish cloths and hang to dry
  19. Sweep or mop the kitchen floor
  20. Handle errands that might take you out of the home (such as marketing, volunteering, going to the post office, getting an item fixed, etc), bookkeeping, correspondence, or indulge in a hobby
  21. If returning from the grocery store, wash vegetables, wrap them and put them away. Place rest of groceries or purchases in their proper place
  22. Have a quick lunch <- Yoinks?
  23. Start advance food conditioning like crisping vegetables or thawing frozen foods
  24. Handle weekly chore for the day (more on that below!)
  25. Set the table for dinner
  26. Arrange the living room for evening enjoyment (such as “the Mister’s” newspaper, book, and cigarettes)
  27. Do a quick sweep of the floors and ensure entrance ways are clear
  28. Prepare a special dish for dinner
  29. Freshen up before the husband returns from work. Consider changing into something more festive if the day dress is plain
  30. Set out a tray with equipment for making cocktails, should “the Mister” want to serve drinks before dinner
  31. Greet husband “gayly”
  32. Serve dinner
  33. Clear table and wash dishes
  34. Pour boiling water down the sink to ensure pipes are flushed
  35. If necessary, pack the husband’s lunch for the next day. Set aside a lunch tray in the refrigerator for yourself if having leftovers
  36. Set table for breakfast
  37. Ensure breakfast foods are available and do any make-ahead preparations for it
  38. Shoot yourself in the head Enjoy an evening of relaxation
If that isn’t enough, each day there is a once-a-week chore to tackle, which is basically a deep clean of a particular room. It’s not your typical “wipe the tub” cleaning. Nope. It’s stuff like:
  • Use metal polish on bathroom fixtures
  • Clean and disinfect all kitchen appliances
  • Scald and disinfect bread boxes and garbage pails and bins
  • Replace flowers with fresh bouquets
In addition, laundry should be done at least twice a week (including bedding) and floors should be mopped / vacuumed on a similar schedule.

There is also a recommendation in there to try to squeeze a 10 – 30 minute nap in the afternoon (if not because you’re actually tired but to “look more refreshed” for he-who-wants-to-be-greeted-with-prettiness when he gets home).

While there were certainly brand name cleaning products available to her, the 50s housewife used a lot of simple household products as well – such as baking soda, vinegar, lemon, castile soap and borax – not to mention a good deal of elbow grease. She used things like cheese cloth, rags and old newspapers instead of paper towels. This actually all suits me fine as I figure these are all environmentally friendly options – and who knows – they might even work better than the contemporary products.

I’d also like to note - and will bold this so that a certain someone sees it - that all the guides indicate that a husband shouldn’t expect to be waited on hand and foot. He is fully capable of putting away his coat when he arrives home, fetching and putting away the objects he uses and properly hanging and / or putting his clothes away after undressing. Extras like helping with the dishes after dinner are also "courteous contributions."
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Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
There's a list in one of the videos of what a housewife in the 50s in the US had to do in a given day, and today a housewife wouldn't even be able to do a third of it.
There are no housewifes today. Women today spend time working somewhere. They have less time to do "house stuff".

What people mean when they say that time is speeding up is that they are not able to do as much as people were able to do say 100 years ago.
I just said, there was less things to do 100 years ago. How did you skip that part?

Again, what people mean when they say the time is speeding up is that they have less time to rest. There is more stuff to do in in one day. You have to keep up unless you want to finish last, or in the middle...
If you want to argue about declining metabolism, one of the reasons is exactly because there is a lot more things to do so people end up over worked and their metabolism is shutting down. If they don't want to slow down voluntarily, they are going to slow down involuntarily, which is happening...

You have it backwards.
You propose it is normal to run like crazy all day long and then when you break down you think its because your metabolism is declining.
Wrong, your metabolism is declining because you run like crazy all day long.
Its like whipping a horse and yelling faster! And then when it drops dead, his metabolism is failing because of something else. Its not because you are whipping him and pushing like crazy...
You are trying to normalize craziness...please stop it.


Jun 6, 2016
There are no housewifes today. Women today spend time working somewhere. They have less time to do "house stuff".

There are still a lot of them in the upper middle and upper class. But it doesn't matter, the point is that people can't get that stuff done even if they wanted.

I just said, there was less things to do 100 years ago. How did you skip that part?

There was even more to do back then. The day was packed full - church, cooking, building, sports, hobbies, renovating, partying, school, work, family, etc. etc.

Again, what people mean when they say the time is speeding up is that they have less time to rest. There is more stuff to do in in one day. You have to keep up unless you want to finish last, or in the middle...

Actually there is more time to rest today:

"Using our preferred definition of leisure, we find that leisure has increased by 7.9 hours per week on average for men and by 6.0 hours for women between 1965 and 2003"

If you want to argue about declining metabolism, one of the reasons is exactly because there is a lot more things to do so people end up over worked and their metabolism is shutting down.

That claim is not supported by data. The decline has been steady even since the Civil War:

You are trying to normalize craziness...please stop it.

I am trying to discuss things with people who are interested in sharing perspectives, experiences, data instead of cheap ad-hominem attacks.
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Forum Supporter
Jun 19, 2023
There are still a lot of them in the upper middle and upper class. But it doesn't matter, the point is that people can't get that stuff done even if they wanted.
Yeah, those are not traditional housewifes. Upper class women dont even have to work all that much, they have maidservants.
They spend a lot of time on leisure activities. They are not the ones with declining metabolism.
Lower class women are and there is a lot of them.
There was even more to do back then. The day was packed full - church, cooking, building, sports, hobbies, renovating, partying, school, work, family, etc. etc
I think you are missing my point. All of those activities were done back then and they are also done now, but now they are completed faster so you end up doing more of them in a day.

I will quote my sentence again:
"You just have more activities crammed into any given day since it takes less time to complete whatever its is that you are doing. You end up doing more and resting less."
I am trying to discuss things with people who are interested in sharing perspectives, experiences, data instead of cheap ad-hominem attacks.
There is no ad-hominem attack anywhere. I only said you are trying to normalize craziness. I didnt say you are crazy. That would be an ad-hominem.

It happens with every human, but every time I speak to you or when I read your posts, it seems that you have collected some information and then try to twist and bend everything else to fit that body of information which you hold. Everybody does it, but you do it somehow extremely.

I will not discuss this anymore, I made my point and I also apologize if I have offended you somehow.


May 10, 2022
I think the bible quote is correct, but i believe the things the bible fortells happens often. Every so many generations, well where most generations will see it in their lifetime. So ya the days could be shortened, or people could die or whatever, but it could be a war it could be anything.
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