
Jun 30, 2020
I personally noticed that around the year 2020, it had became increasingly more difficult to get numerous things done in one day. I never considered that time could’ve been moving faster, until I randomly came across this YouTuber talking about it.

Here's a playlist on it:

View: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcqIqeE4rn7VoN0nPeJAm9xreWJIEWOpM

I highly suggest you check out this playlist if you are interested in this topic. I’ve numbered my notes and ideas to better organise things. They are not all arguments for.

(KJV) Matthew 24:22
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

The youtuber talks about it from a biblical perspective, though I know in eastern religion (Kali Yuga) and also in Islam they talk about time speeding up.

More Examples That Prove People Don't Age Like They Used To

This article shows people in the past looking much older than their age. I think it’s because a year back then would’ve been a much more longer duration of time than a year these days. So for a rough example, a 50 year old today would have been alive for a similar duration of time (ignoring the number of days) as a 35 year old in the 1950s (as a rough idea).

If time was always moving at a constant rate, we’d see the opposite - people of the past ageing better, and modern people ageing faster with all the pufa, chemicals in the water, micro plastics, emfs, fluoride, V…..s, low social morale around these days. I also doubt that cigarettes caused this either. I think in the past cigarettes would have been less toxic, and while in the long term they are costly to health, I think it has been discussed on this forum that cigarettes are a short term metabolic booster, so they were probably having just as much of an anti-aging effect than pro ageing effect, dare I say.

Something else I want to note, especially with above conditions considered, I think that puberty is happening even earlier due to these modern day toxins, but this is being offset by time speeding up, so the ages at which puberty begins are consistent with the past. People don't notice the earlier puberty. I think that’s the best explanation for why people seem to age much slower, but still hit puberty at the similar ages as those in the past.


In the 90s, people would count seconds using ‘Mississippi’s’ - but this no longer works for ten seconds. Nowadays, 10 Mississippi’s comes to about 14-17 seconds if you count them using the accurate tempo from the 90s. (note: its not about rushing them to fit them into ten seconds, its about the rhythm)


i am well aware of the concept of proportion and time alive being related to time perception. Please do not waste any energy explaining that ‘when ur 2 years old, a year is 50% of your lifetime, where as at 50 its 2%.’ (People on reddit love to comment this as if everyone isn’t already aware of this concept, they’re like automatons, its hilarious especially with Reddits logo considered)

There are many young people who comment on this feeling of time moving by too quickly, and gen z-ers have no reference of the 90s / how slow time was back then either.

I think this is beyond the mere proportion of time passing relative to ones total time alive. that is, i suspect that the day night cycle is literally speeding up.

One criticism / test I thought of: If old videos aren't being sped up, the listed duration of a youtube video posted in, say 2005 - 2009 should have increased. I have not kept track / don’t seem to remember the specific lengths of any old youtube videos to compare with today.

I have checked old olympics and New Years countdown footage from different years in the past. They all seem to match todays time.

ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ_laZoMzxs - 1970 new years countdown
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=ug8zgkq4WuQ - 2022 new years countdown
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=ZviNK1OZnFU&t=650s - every new years countdown 1975-2022
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=XcOPiLG6pFw - 1996 100 meter sprint
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=1qot4u59ft4 - 1988 100 meter sprint
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=P6I_Y3HyliI
ww w.youtube.com/watch?v=G63cab_WwQc - 2000s footage, with a timer on the footage

It’s worth considering is that if a vhs video is uploaded to youtube for example - the vhs tapes would have had to have been converted to a modern digital format - and the internal clocks on the vhs player would be running at the speed of time on the date it was being converted, not the date it was recorded. So a vhs video shot in 1990 converted and uploaded in the year 2009 would have been playing in ‘2009 seconds’. more on this later.

At first I wondered that if recorded music from the past would be speeding up upon playback like other media, it would be out of tune with modern instruments and tuners, ie that the sound / pitch of a note, eg A=440hz, would remain the same throughout time despite seconds/ everything else speeding up. But i then realised that musical notes, being tuned to hertz - oscillations per second, and tempo being counted in bpm - beats per minute, would just speed up with everything else and so changes in it would only be able to be measured qualitatively by memory and not with a tuner device / bpm counter etc. I imagine that the clocks in the music playback devices would just match the present moments rate of time (clocks run using crystals).(and side note, it is the case that some songs are in 'in-between' keys eg 1/2 or 1/4 semitone sharp or flat due to tape machines / speed adjustments be it for taste / easier to sing, so there are some songs that have always been 'out of tune' in a sense)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9UwxUirVKU - old tuning fork matches a modern tuner, this would mean, that if time is faster, what ever has caused it, would have also made the elements in a tuning fork from the 60s resonate at the same rate today.

In old black and white film footage people seem to move awkwardly fast - It would be because the frame rate is being played back to modern seconds, so the reel runs faster than when it was recorded, yet the same fps.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNvFpAgNBQA - 20s/ 30s footage

www.youtube.com/watch?v=knD2EhjGwWI - round hay garden scene 1888

This should also apply to movies as well - the voices would sound higher in pitch, and the movements would be a bit faster. Though I suppose this wouldn’t be as pronounced as it was in older black and white film. I'm not sure.

A friend constantly mentions that social media / digital consumption is absorbing hours of the day and that it’d be the cause of this ‘fast time feeling’. I do agree that using social media will cause time perception to speed up, but I don’t think this idea adequately accounts for everything. I think many gen z-ers will gravitate towards this explanation, but like I said earlier I think it’d be because they have no reference of time being significantly slower in the 80s, 90s etc - regardless of if they do a task that has a low stimulation and information ratio to time passing (eg going for a walk, vs scrolling on tiktok)

(disclaimers: Some people may find the conspiracy content on the channel to be ridiculous, which is totally fine. Some may also notice that on the channel he refers to 33 being a coded number for satanists and freemasons, and then it may also noticed that I have 33 in my username. I am neither of those things. Its purely coincidental and I made the username before I was aware of that association. Please keep this discussion respectful )

Personally I find this idea to be a relief. I’m no longer ashamed about my feelings of not being as productive as I used to think I ought to be. Im comfortable spacing tasks out, and it makes me more selective about what I do / watch / read etc.

(for some of the youtube links you'll have to remove the space between the ws)

Im interested to hear what the people on this forum think about all this.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."
This scripture is about when the antichrist will be on earth. He will be so convincing that Father shortened the time from 3 1/2 years to 2 1/2 months, otherwise, even the elect would eventually be convinced by the antichrist because he will be that damn good at what he does.


Jun 30, 2020
This scripture is about when the antichrist will be on earth. He will be so convincing that Father shortened the time from 3 1/2 years to 2 1/2 months, otherwise, even the elect would eventually be convinced by the antichrist because he will be that damn good at what he does.
i think that line though is referring to days of tribulation being shortened to protect the elect from whatever brutal stuff is occurring (i mean we all know modernity lol) shorter days allows for less stuff to happen during a day, so less exposure. a new day is to start things again, so more time is spend commuting once again / opening / preparing things once again. ie more monotony of day to day life and less actual events. and so perhaps less evil is accomplished

Its after that he talks about the risk of elect being deceived / what not to listen to, and how the true son of man will emerge. i dont know where the 3 1/2 years to 2 1/2 months comes from. And idk what an extra 3 years and 3 1/2 months (interesting 3 3 there...) will benefit the antichrist?? not really sure what to make of that
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Sep 9, 2019
It's a thing, I feel it.

More than the usual contraction caused by aging and memory accumulation.


Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
I was reading book on human history and in medieval times people really had no concept of time and clocks weren’t really introduced until the industrial revolution and now are live are totally consumed by time. And since stress is such a killer and shortens life how many years are lost trying to adapt are lives in these time constraints that are put on us and the stress it causes.


Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
I wonder about looking older back then versus, could it be fashion and style that contributes. Just the few exceptions to the rule and these types would have no work nowadays. Possibly lower testosterone and dht levels and men being more estrogenic these days. But we are looking younger we are far more unhealthier.

I saw one photo of Betty white during here time on golden girls with a modern hair style and she looked years


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Sep 27, 2015
I wonder about looking older back then versus, could it be fashion and style that contributes. Just the few exceptions to the rule and these types would have no work nowadays. Possibly lower testosterone and dht levels and men being more estrogenic these days. But we are looking younger we are far more unhealthier.

I saw one photo of Betty white during here time on golden girls with a modern hair style and she looked years
Their faces have been filtered and photoshopped, rendering the hair argument moot. More like, "if Betty White wore too much makeup and instagrammed the hell out of her face, here's what she might look like."


Sep 27, 2015
It's a thing, I feel it.

More than the usual contraction caused by aging and memory accumulation.
How could you know that it's not time contraction caused by aging? This is the first time that you're experiencing the phenomenon, so unless you have memories of past lives, you have nothing else to compare it to. As you get older, time seems to move more quickly. The older you get, the more quickly it seems to move. Maybe you're in denial about your aging and have a desire to attribute the time loss to some other esoteric phenomenon.


Jan 6, 2019
Perception of time is likely intertwined with metabolic health, the latter of which has declined considerably even during the lifespan of zoomers. Like the concept of fps (frames per second), each second comes with a certain amount of 'moments of consciousness', with the number increasing or decreasing depending on your state of metabolism. The less frames you get, the slower time will appear to go. When we age, we become slower in many ways; an elder talking, thinking and moving slower probably doesn't even feel like they're being slow from their perspective, but rather that the world goes fast.

At times I've tried to see if the seconds on the clock go faster than they did when I was a child, and it kind of feels like they do. The differerence is about 10-20%. As I said above, I think it's only because of my biology. In any case, it's somehow comforting that life isn't that long after all.


Well nothing can be proven at this point in time (hehe). But for all we know, our position in the galaxy, or the universe could change the rules/effects of time and space. Or anomalies unknowable and invisible to our technologies could affect time and space.

I'd wager a guess and say it has something to do with the stuff CERN is doing. They may be creating space/time anomalies.

There's more and more videos popping up of aeroplanes and birds frozen in place midair. I have seen this personally with an aeroplane while I was driving. It was very very low as if to land at a nearby airport and it was not moving at all, I drove underneath it and past it. It wasn't one of those small one seater planes but a proper large commercial plane. It was one of the freakiest things I've witnessed, when you see something that simply is impossible, yet there it is in daytime for all to see, it makes your skin crawl.

I've personally seen and experienced quite a few things in the past 5-6 years that suggest space and time and the fabric of our reality are not as rigid as they once were. Once you perceive one thing that seems impossible or doesn't make sense, you start to see them everywhere. The Baader Meinhof phenomenon. Perhaps it was always like this, just that it has only recently been perceived.
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Aug 9, 2019
I'd argue that men looked more 'older' and robust in the past at young ages because of higher Testosterone masculinizing effects, lack of endocrine disruptors. In contrast, now we have a generation of men with childish features, but who don't actually age that well.
Also life was harsher. Less entertainment, distractions, more time to contemplate, to live life slowly.


Jul 10, 2016
When you are 15 years old, a year is 1/15 of your entire perceived life.

When you are 40, it's only 1/40th.

The older you get the faster it seems to pass by no doubt. But let's not throw away all the EMF we are exposed to now.... it's quite a subject.


Oct 13, 2017
quantum time dilation by orbit altitude directed energy weapons, not even new, 1st recorded use is in 1984, the guy even tried to prove it and save us, look up gallium arsenide transistors 4x 250 Ghz is about 1 Thz (universe freqency is 1.1 Thz)

use win-e-gurr and all-co-hall together to stop the body stretching by them or it turns your food into endotoxin, that's why peat recommends less than 80g protein now also OTBOAT interviews he is constantly fidgeting (whole body) this stops them stretching your body with exitotoxicity its like electronic mono sodium glutamate

this is why Peat was so private if he is not dead, this was his last massage to us... also anything sequential like language or thinking ahead is poison, peat said he only thinks 5 seconds ahead and keeps hope alive... if he just wanted to be away from the spotlight he was probably planning this since 2013 when his new handler didn't come to visit him anymore because of satellite tracking... he knows how bad it is... its the kings of the past ages doing this, now in hiding...protected by automatic turrents...
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Dec 20, 2016
Perception of time is likely intertwined with metabolic health, the latter of which has declined considerably even during the lifespan of zoomers. Like the concept of fps (frames per second), each second comes with a certain amount of 'moments of consciousness', with the number increasing or decreasing depending on your state of metabolism. The less frames you get, the slower time will appear to go. When we age, we become slower in many ways; an elder talking, thinking and moving slower probably doesn't even feel like they're being slow from their perspective, but rather that the world goes fast.

At times I've tried to see if the seconds on the clock go faster than they did when I was a child, and it kind of feels like they do. The differerence is about 10-20%. As I said above, I think it's only because of my biology. In any case, it's somehow comforting that life isn't that long after all.

This is how I see it


Mar 15, 2014
I noticed the exact opposite, time slowed down exceptionally for me in 2022/2023 and even 2024

Time perception depends entirely on your metabolism at the moment and how many things you're achieving

people in the past only looked old at young ages. They conversely looked younger at old ages.
people today are DEFINITELY reaching puberty at very early ages and it's very obvious, so I don't think your theory holds

the comment about the track world records also confirms it
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