Thyroid help needed after Carnivore


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
Hello, I am new to this forum and new to the Ray Peat lifestyle. Thank you in advance for listening and for your thoughts. I am trying to not write a book.

I have been a paleo eater for most of my life and just now coming off of Carnivore for two years. I have always been a whole food eater - no processed food. I have Hashimotos for 15 years now and have been on 105mg of NDT for the entire 15 years. My thyroid tanked while on Carnivore to where my FT4 and FT3 was under range and my TPO for the first time in over 10 years flew up to near 600. Though I was constantly being told that carnivore cures hashimotos and does not affect thyroid.

For the last two years, I would get these spells of hyperthyroid symptoms. Similar to thyroid storm. First time it sent me to the ER. Extreme sweating, racing hear rate, nausea, diarrhea, high BP, dizzy, extreme anxiety, trembling. The symptoms would last for about 5-7 days and then go away. But I was always really hot, sweating, nauseous and diarrhea everyday and run temps in the 99 range. But also gaining weight.

During this time, when I had these spells, my FT4, FT3 were always under the range. TPO antibodies high and TSH suppressed. I was definitely experiencing hypo symptoms too with these spells of hyperness. So my labs confirmed hypo symptoms, but not hyper.

3 months ago, I had another severe hyper spell. I finally made the connection that it was my thyroid meds causing it. I completely stopped the thyroid meds and it all totally went away. However, I am now severely hypo. FT4 and FT3 are under range even more. TPO is near 300. RT3 is under range.

So now I am seriously trying to understand the relationship between my eating and thyroid and wondering if I did this to myself with the zero carb eating. I have not even been able to add back even 30mg of thyroid without having these bad hyper symptoms again. I can handle 15mg ok. But the hypo symptoms are getting worse and worse by the day. My TSH is now 31. My temp is always 98.8 when I wake up and ends up around 99.3 by evening.

I have gained 15 pounds and really scared to even eat anything. My Dr keeps pointing to adrenals. But there does not seem to be any real treatment for that. I have been taking HPA Axis adaptogens for over a month now, but it does not seem to make a difference.

I have been adding carbs back in for two months now. But I can only get to 100mg per day. I cannot have dairy because of allergies. Mostly eating white rice and fruit. I have cut my meats down significantly. Fat is now around 50%. Protein and carbs are both 25%. Not a fan of vegetables. I didn’t realize how hard this would be to do.

I do not really know how to gauge it all since my temps are so high all the time. My heart rate is pretty consistently between 64 and 74. I use to be very athletic and have not been able to work out since being off the thyroid meds. I do take a ton of progesterone cream to counter adrenaline. My Dr told me to do this. I am also on BHT.

I guess I am asking on thoughts on why I cannot seem to tolerate the thyroid meds anymore when I clearly need it. If my temps are so high, why do I keep gaining weight? Who should I turn to for help? My Dr has been no help at all. Could this all really be from eating little carbs?

Thank you so much!!


Sep 13, 2012
Welcome to the forum! Wow this reminds me so much of my story except I was eating a lot of carbs, but I had been using thyroid and my temps all of sudden shot up to 98.8 and remained there for yrs while I had every symptom of adrenaline under the sun for yrs (other than high blood pressure, mine trended lowish except during a stress reaction). What really helped was stabilizing my blood sugar, this might be a long journey. It won't be magic overnight results. I'd recommend starting beans very slowly, it can help bind up adrenaline in the gut prevent it from recirculating. Will help ground you a bit so that your thyroid can return to normal. But what I did back then was eat more starch as I was eating a lot of sugars and dairy.


New Member
Jun 30, 2024
Welcome to the forum! Wow this reminds me so much of my story except I was eating a lot of carbs, but I had been using thyroid and my temps all of sudden shot up to 98.8 and remained there for yrs while I had every symptom of adrenaline under the sun for yrs (other than high blood pressure, mine trended lowish except during a stress reaction). What really helped was stabilizing my blood sugar, this might be a long journey. It won't be magic overnight results. I'd recommend starting beans very slowly, it can help bind up adrenaline in the gut prevent it from recirculating. Will help ground you a bit so that your thyroid can return to normal. But what I did back then was eat more starch as I was eating a lot of sugars and dairy.
Thank you!! I was afraid that blood sugar could become an issue now too when introducing carbs again. My blood sugar was in the 90s while I was carnivore and insulin really low. I am definitely feeling the swings now with the carbs added. I will add some beans and starches.
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