Survived late stage covid phneumonia


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Oct 5, 2014
I will leave this here in case it can help someone. It is totally "broscience" in the sense that is anecdotal and there is no way to know what would have happened if I wouldn't have done the following :

I got the covid 10 days ago. I immediately started to take usual countermeasures : Iodine (even very high doses in the range of 300mg KI), NAC, Aspirin, Zinc, Antihistamines, etc. the usual.

I never got any strong symptoms or felt my health was in danger. But I was feeling super tired and could feel that I was not ok. After a few days I wasn't seeing any progress. I started to get bored and wanted to be 100% ASAP. Out of boredom honestly. So I did the following :

- Took around 4mg methylene blue
- Immediately after that, I went to the solarium and sat under the lamps for 9 minutes. I don't know the spectrum but they for sure give some UV.

Immediately after that, I felt a big relief on that "gloomy, flueish" feeling. Tiredness reduced. Next days after were uphill steady. I am now much better than before the MB experiment. Not 100% though but what I have now I will take as the typical residual tiredness I always get after any kind of infection.

CAVEAT: I took a big dose of cypro that same night and I had a TERRIBLE nightmare in which I was losing my mind. Woke up 3-4 hours earlier than usual still shocked and thinking I lost my mind. I am not sure why but it reminded me a bit when I mix diamant and cypro. Things that directly mess with neurotransmitters should be taken with caution. I am totally fine now btw. But scary experience.

Just wanted to post this somewhere and I thought this could be a good place.


Aug 10, 2018
I will leave this here in case it can help someone. It is totally "broscience" in the sense that is anecdotal and there is no way to know what would have happened if I wouldn't have done the following :

I got the covid 10 days ago. I immediately started to take usual countermeasures : Iodine (even very high doses in the range of 300mg KI), NAC, Aspirin, Zinc, Antihistamines, etc. the usual.

I never got any strong symptoms or felt my health was in danger. But I was feeling super tired and could feel that I was not ok. After a few days I wasn't seeing any progress. I started to get bored and wanted to be 100% ASAP. Out of boredom honestly. So I did the following :

- Took around 4mg methylene blue
- Immediately after that, I went to the solarium and sat under the lamps for 9 minutes. I don't know the spectrum but they for sure give some UV.

Immediately after that, I felt a big relief on that "gloomy, flueish" feeling. Tiredness reduced. Next days after were uphill steady. I am now much better than before the MB experiment. Not 100% though but what I have now I will take as the typical residual tiredness I always get after any kind of infection.

CAVEAT: I took a big dose of cypro that same night and I had a TERRIBLE nightmare in which I was losing my mind. Woke up 3-4 hours earlier than usual still shocked and thinking I lost my mind. I am not sure why but it reminded me a bit when I mix diamant and cypro. Things that directly mess with neurotransmitters should be taken with caution. I am totally fine now btw. But scary experience.

Just wanted to post this somewhere and I thought this could be a good place.


Oct 5, 2014
Oh! haha I knew MB+light killed infections (that's why I did it) but didn't know adding iodide helped as well. Very interesting. Thanks.


Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for that, I love write ups from someone who has a passion for a subject.

So does bag breathing create the same effect as using this machine? I wrote about my experience a long time ago with bag breathing would be interested in your thoughts on this.
Bag breathing is helpful. I haven't used it when the occasion came when it may help because I have carbogen. But I had used it on my mom when she was in hospital and wasn't eating and it her out of stupor and she began to eat shortly.

I don't know how practical it is on an extended basis if you have to keep holding on the bag or someone has to hold it for the patient. Not everyone is the same as well, so the possible excess CO2 may or may not be harmful after a period of continual use.

People with respiratory acidosis, for example, would not need the extra CO2, as they have difficulty expelling CO2 already from poor gas exchange in the lungs from conditions such as emphysema, or possibly COVID patients in such an advanced state where mucus impedes good gas exchange.

I think that's why the practice of Buteyko requires training by an instructor.

Even the use of carbogen has to be in the hands of individuals that know the effect of CO2 breathed in too quickly as that would affect the acid-base balance and that could also have fatal consequences. It's not likely to happen but we don't have the luxury of crossing our fingers as the patient has only one life and his kin will sue you to kingdom come also.


Aug 9, 2015

Yeah the disruption of that carbon dioxide and oxygen balance that's pretty scary, I guess low and slow applies more then ever to these experiments

What about high pressure oxygen Chambers? I've heard that people have good results but some time ago I remember Peat writing that it reduces amount of oxygen to the brain.

Do you have any experience with those?


Feb 3, 2020
I will leave this here in case it can help someone. It is totally "broscience" in the sense that is anecdotal and there is no way to know what would have happened if I wouldn't have done the following :

I got the covid 10 days ago. I immediately started to take usual countermeasures : Iodine (even very high doses in the range of 300mg KI), NAC, Aspirin, Zinc, Antihistamines, etc. the usual.

I never got any strong symptoms or felt my health was in danger. But I was feeling super tired and could feel that I was not ok. After a few days I wasn't seeing any progress. I started to get bored and wanted to be 100% ASAP. Out of boredom honestly. So I did the following :

- Took around 4mg methylene blue
- Immediately after that, I went to the solarium and sat under the lamps for 9 minutes. I don't know the spectrum but they for sure give some UV.

Immediately after that, I felt a big relief on that "gloomy, flueish" feeling. Tiredness reduced. Next days after were uphill steady. I am now much better than before the MB experiment. Not 100% though but what I have now I will take as the typical residual tiredness I always get after any kind of infection.

CAVEAT: I took a big dose of cypro that same night and I had a TERRIBLE nightmare in which I was losing my mind. Woke up 3-4 hours earlier than usual still shocked and thinking I lost my mind. I am not sure why but it reminded me a bit when I mix diamant and cypro. Things that directly mess with neurotransmitters should be taken with caution. I am totally fine now btw. But scary experience.

Just wanted to post this somewhere and I thought this could be a good place.
Extreme histamine lowering causes the same for me. Histamine is antagonistic to adrenaline.


Oct 5, 2014
I can take as much as I want if I don't take anything else that does something to neurotransmitters directly. But if I mix it... hell ensues.
This is what I was saying about Cypro, you can get nightmares from it.


Nov 23, 2020
I can take as much as I want if I don't take anything else that does something to neurotransmitters directly. But if I mix it... hell ensues.
I see.
How did you know you had the virus, have you done a saliva test?


Oct 5, 2014
I see.
How did you know you had the virus, have you done a saliva test?
Checked via self quick test. Then a satanical nasal PCR test up to the brain. And then other with I had contact with got it so... according to official standards, I got it. Whether it was covid or a simple mild flu that tested positive (because we know even papaya juice tests positive) that I don't know.


Nov 23, 2020
Checked via self quick test. Then a satanical nasal PCR test up to the brain. And then other with I had contact with got it so... according to official standards, I got it. Whether it was covid or a simple mild flu that tested positive (because we know even papaya juice tests positive) that I don't know.
I see.
Interesting that I had some PCRs done before, some done exclusively in the throat, some in the nose but they went hard perpendicularly in the face, none in the "brain".
I had the "brain" one done 20years ago for some other test.


Mar 29, 2016

Yeah the disruption of that carbon dioxide and oxygen balance that's pretty scary, I guess low and slow applies more then ever to these experiments

What about high pressure oxygen Chambers? I've heard that people have good results but some time ago I remember Peat writing that it reduces amount of oxygen to the brain.

Do you have any experience with those?
If you do a search on carbogen, the articles you will find will mostly be propaganda where they talk about the dangers. Just as how the establishment would paint progesterone as harmful while promoting estrogen, and get away with it, they would just magnify the danger of carbogen while completely disregarding its benefits. That is very typical of the way misleading narratives are played out.

As it is always the case, anything in the hands of stupid people becomes harmful. And in a hospital setting with stupidly trained doctors and nurses, it would be very disruptive for the idiots to have to choose between using pure oxygen and carbogen. They would have to think, even if all that's needed is simple boolean logic.

As for high pressure oxygen chambers, I have no experience with them but I don't see why they're needed given our understanding of the Bohr effect.


Apr 26, 2018
For one, it contains 5% CO2 already and 95% O2 (of course, when you're assisted with a respirator, you're breathing in both atmospheric air and carbogen, so you're not really breathing 5% CO2).

With more CO2 in blood, more tissue oxygenation occurs and with more oxygen available, you are better able to get out of anaerobic glycolysis (where lactic acid is produced) into mitochondrial respiration, where CO2 is produced.

In a body where efficient metabolism is hindered, it would be difficult to get the body back up because internally no significant quantity of CO2 can be produced. With no CO2, the body increases its acidity and this leads to a downward spiral in a vicious cycle. It creates an unhealthy terrain that causes more imbalance microbially.

To keep this spiral from occurring, external assistance in the form of carbogen would provide CO2 continually and this slowly spurs the restoration of metabolic health, and the body can recover, especially when it can restore its CO2 production ability. CO2 is not a byproduct of metabolism, but an essential product of it.
Didn't Dr. Peat suggest sleeping with the blanket or covers over one's head in order to take in more carbon dioxide? Would that be effective and produce health results? I do that sometimes when it is really cold in my room but haven't noticed any health benefits. I sometimes feel like I am not getting enough oxygen.


Apr 26, 2018
I will leave this here in case it can help someone. It is totally "broscience" in the sense that is anecdotal and there is no way to know what would have happened if I wouldn't have done the following :

I got the covid 10 days ago. I immediately started to take usual countermeasures : Iodine (even very high doses in the range of 300mg KI), NAC, Aspirin, Zinc, Antihistamines, etc. the usual.

I never got any strong symptoms or felt my health was in danger. But I was feeling super tired and could feel that I was not ok. After a few days I wasn't seeing any progress. I started to get bored and wanted to be 100% ASAP. Out of boredom honestly. So I did the following :

- Took around 4mg methylene blue
- Immediately after that, I went to the solarium and sat under the lamps for 9 minutes. I don't know the spectrum but they for sure give some UV.

Immediately after that, I felt a big relief on that "gloomy, flueish" feeling. Tiredness reduced. Next days after were uphill steady. I am now much better than before the MB experiment. Not 100% though but what I have now I will take as the typical residual tiredness I always get after any kind of infection.

CAVEAT: I took a big dose of cypro that same night and I had a TERRIBLE nightmare in which I was losing my mind. Woke up 3-4 hours earlier than usual still shocked and thinking I lost my mind. I am not sure why but it reminded me a bit when I mix diamant and cypro. Things that directly mess with neurotransmitters should be taken with caution. I am totally fine now btw. But scary experience.

Just wanted to post this somewhere and I thought this could be a good place.
Did you think of taking Ivermectin? Has anyone here taken Ivermectin either as treatment for Covid or as a prophylaxic measure together with Zinc, Vit D, etc?


Didn't Dr. Peat suggest sleeping with the blanket or covers over one's head in order to take in more carbon dioxide? Would that be effective and produce health results? I do that sometimes when it is really cold in my room but haven't noticed any health benefits. I sometimes feel like I am not getting enough oxygen.
No, that was me. I didn't recommend falling asleep under them though.


Apr 26, 2018
No, that was me. I didn't recommend falling asleep under them though.
May I ask you to explain? Why not fall asleep under them if it increases your C02? DIdn't he recommend covering yourself in a whole bag for breathing...or was that you too? Is regular bag breathing, like a paper bag, recommended for several times a day?


May I ask you to explain? Why not fall asleep under them if it increases your C02? DIdn't he recommend covering yourself in a whole bag for breathing...or was that you too? Is regular bag breathing, like a paper bag, recommended for several times a day?
It becomes uncomfortable after a while because the CO2 level becomes too high for too long. If you rebreathe air for a short period of time, your body easily adapts to the acidity. Mold will also grow if humidity is high for too long.

I've found bag breathing to be inconvenient and only practical outside of the house, during a flare-up of symptoms. However, breathing in your shirt would likely have a similar effect.

I believe Peat was referring to using a giant plastic bag, such as a leaf bag, tying it around the torso, and filling it with CO2. He does this when he feels cold because it increases the production of warmth. I never tried it. I sat in a tub filled with CO2 and it made me feel giddy. Breathing CO2 and letting your skin absorb it are different somehow.

Breathing rebreathed air and CO2 from a tank are also different. I tried breathing the CO2 in the tub and it gave me the same sensation as drinking a soda and letting the CO2 exit through your nose, which I found pleasant.
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