
Apr 19, 2020
I don't think that's a known entity, at all. Where is the proof that the mRNA shots are producing the "Spike Protein?" Or producing ANY protein? The "official" story is that they were rushed through development and trials. They didn't test for any Spike Protein in the trials that got them EUA, just for "Covid" itself. The only thing you have on this point is the drug companies word that, oh yes, the mRNA shots really do produce the Spike Protein. If they go back on that point, they risk the billions of dollars they raked in from selling these shots to governments (still the only real consumer, I believe).

I have seen a couple of small trials with healthcare workers (2 trials, both with less than 20 people) and in some of those receiving the vaccine, they never detected ANY spike protein, not after the first or second shot. In the vast majority of others, there was detectable spike protein after the first shot, but nothing after the second. Since they were small trials in the same location, it's quite possible that the detected "Spike Protein" was even from some other stimulus, especially considering they were health care workers, that would be exposed to any sort of "virus," if there is indeed one going around. Or, lab error. Really, studies with less than 20 people aren't good enough to form a conclusion on. Even the trials they used to get EUA approval had over 40,000 people.
So is this fake? https://newsrescue.com/stanford-study-finds-cytotoxic-spike-protein-level-in-vaccinees-overlaps-with-the-range-of-spike-antigen-in-acute-infection/

They are measuring picograms of plasma spike proteins. So? I am not qualified (to understand or) see how they are doing this measurement. At least they are saying the 'complaints' of Covid mrna vaccine skeptics is that the spike protein is cytotoxic! (But obviously the Whole Entire Premise to give peeps the Antigen and the genetic code to reproduce it in order to get the immune system to make antibodies to it is absolutely INSANE!)


Jan 25, 2014
That's a "news" story, not the trial itself. The trial is right here-

The study itself doesn't have to be "fake," but it's still only with 59 people. Meaning, even if you combine the total number of volunteers with the other two studies I mentioned, you still have less than 100 people. Nowhere near the 40,000+ volunteers that original trials had.
They are measuring picograms of plasma spike proteins. So? I am not qualified (to understand or) see how they are doing this measurement. At least they are saying the 'complaints' of Covid mrna vaccine skeptics is that the spike protein is cytotoxic! (But obviously the Whole Entire Premise to give peeps the Antigen and the genetic code to reproduce it in order to get the immune system to make antibodies to it is absolutely INSANE!)
But again...... are we seeing any "proof" that it does that? Even this minimal study shows less detectable "Spike Protein" with each shot-

Spike protein was detected in the plasma of 96% of the vaccinees at days 1–2 (median spike concentration of 47 pg/mL) and in 63% at day 7 (median spike concentration of 1.7 pg/mL) after the prime vaccine dose. In contrast, spike antigen detection after the vaccine boost on day 21 was reduced, with half of the study participants being positive on days 1–2 (median spike concentration of 1.2 pg/mL) and only one individual on day 7 post-boost (Figure 7J).

It's pretty funny that, as an explanation, they say their own test is inaccurate. I guess they have to make this explanation, because otherwise, if you buy into the idea of the vaccines in the first place, the second shot itself seems useless in at least half of those tested.


May 6, 2022
Danny and Georgi talked about Spike Protein in podcast #83. Minimizing PUFA helps.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

Remember that covid is part of a psychological operation. Do not let things get you down. You can fight and win. Your not as helpless as the powers tht be would like you to beleive.

First, never under estimate the power of the sun. Sunshine is much better than just swallowing vitamin D.



Jun 26, 2022
Right, but the concern I have read elsewhere has to do with REPEATED infections in say, within a 6 month window, when certain T-cells have not finished being replenished after the first infection. Not saying this is true, just that this is the concern whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.
It's all mumbo jumbo, and as mentioned above - fear porn. How do they even know who has repeated infections? The very test they are using to make that diagnosis is invalid. Any kind of sickness is now called Covid - i.e. purportedly from the sars cov2 virus.

I think the key is accepting that everything is manipulated now, including all these studies - what they are studying, and what kind of results are being published. Worse, most people don't read studies, but rather blog or some you tuber's interpretation of them - which are notoriously inaccurate.

The 'research' showing the ill effects of the spike protein from the 'natural virus' help keep the illusion of the pandemic going, and perhaps justify the injection.. which of course causes more problems, Either way.. you are screwed.. you are helpless. That is exactly the end goal of all of this. That is what they want.

Do not let them win. There have been 'plagues' that were going to wipe us all out every few years since forever. Having the lab produced protein injected into your body is a bad idea. Also spending close contact with recently injected persons. Other than that, your chances of encountering such a protein are slim, and if you are healthy, your body will reject it, and eliminate it, like it does with all the other crap you ingest daily. You are much more likely to suffer ill health and early demise from the fear and obsessing.


Jan 9, 2019
Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?

I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go. From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).
If you are afraid of the spike protein you are late to the game, you should have been in fear since your birth as it seems the existence of such proteins can be conjured up with much less than bioweapon labs, all it might require is some slight of hand!

Watch 49:25 onward.
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rekrHZ52IKZy/


Jan 25, 2014
If you are afraid of the spike protein you are late to the game, you should have been in fear since your birth as it seems the existence of such proteins can be conjured up with much less than bioweapon labs, all it might require is some slight of hand!

Watch 49:25 onward.
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/rekrHZ52IKZy/

Well, obviously, the EMs with the arrows are SARS-Cov-2, and the ones without arrows are not.

It was really helpful that the arrows were seen by the electron microscope too, so that they knew exactly what to look at.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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