Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Just wanted to everyone know that I am creating my own site where all my “Peaty” recipes will be well organized. I hope to see you there when I get some content in. Leave me a message at the email address below so I can put you on my mailing list and contact you when it is ready to go!

My website is:


Email me at [email protected]
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Cow shared with me her favorite snack, apple slices with defatted peanut powder, and boy was that ever good! I added brown sugar to my peanut powder and it reminded me of the chocolate dipped apple I use to get that was rolled in crushed Butterfinger candy. I had a couple slices of Brie afterwards and slept a solid eight straight hours last night!…

“100 g peanuts consumption is capable of providing up to 75 % RDA of Niacin, 60 % RDA of folate, 53 % RDA of thiamin, 10 % RDA of Riboflavin, 35 % RDA of pantothenic acid, 27 % RDA of pyridoxine, 55.5 % RDA of vitamin E.”

“Table Table22 illustrates that small amounts of peanut consumption can meet the most part of RDA of many minerals which are crucial for health and proper functioning of the body. It is clear from the dates that 100 g of peanut can provide RDA levels of 127 % copper, 84 % manganese, 57 % iron, 54 % phosphorus, 42 % magnesium intake is associated with reduced inflammation (King 2005: Song et al. 2005) and a decreased risk of metabolic syndrome (Song et al. 2005) and type II diabetes (Larsson and Wolk 2007).”​

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I'm so glad something I offered was good for you, @Rinse & rePeat, as I have gotten so many great ideas and recipies from your posts!
I am going to build on this idea of yours Cow! I did have a couple of bites of Greek yogurt with my homemade lemon marmalade as well, but if those three things are a magic sleeping aid then count me in, because it was so delicious! I will repeat it again tonight.


Dec 5, 2021
Let me know how your experiments go! I still do not sleep through the night. I go to bed between 9PM and 9:30, but I wake up around 1:30 - 2:00 and then sleep another 3-4 hour segment at some point and wake up around 7. It is what it is, and I don't stress about it, and I am energetic and in good mood almost every day. ...but I sure would like to sleep through the night and will always keep experimenting myself.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Let me know how your experiments go! I still do not sleep through the night. I go to bed between 9PM and 9:30, but I wake up around 1:30 - 2:00 and then sleep another 3-4 hour segment at some point and wake up around 7. It is what it is, and I don't stress about it, and I am energetic and in good mood almost every day. ...but I sure would like to sleep through the night and will always keep experimenting myself.
I get naturally tired around nine or ten and really get tired ready for for sleep by ten, but usually I push it to stay on my schedule to ten thirty. I find if I can push it to eleven I can sleep until the sun comes up, but otherwise I wake up aso darned early, usually 5:00/5:30, which makes the sleepy struggle that evening harder. Sleeping a straight eight hours last night without waking up after six hours was really helpful this morning. Granted I keep forgetting to replace the bulb in my bathroom shower which I use for a nightlight, would help too, but last night’s snacks, made up for it. I will definitely keep you posted on more of this.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Naturally fermented sourdough is less harmful than standard or unleavened wheat products, but any starch tends to stimulate appetite by activating fat synthesis. The same number of calories in fruit would be less fattening, and would keep your blood sugar steadier, improve your sleep and mental energy." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“At rest your brain and red blood cells needs sugar and they will keep burning sugar regardless of where they get it.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This morning I am making myself a sleep potion for tonight! I have read that kiwis are really good for sleep, but because of the seeds I don’t eat them, but they may be a fruit I will buy now. I received a couple of kiwis by accident and decided to test the sleep theory. I ate one before bed two nights ago and slept REALLY solid. So putting my mind to it, I decided to soak the second one in water all day, which I will also give a gentle muddle to tonight, and combine it with my chamomile sun tea. Then an hour before sleep I will combine the two and strain it through a sieve and drink the magic elixir!





Aug 8, 2022
You are such a witch 😉 @Rinse & rePeat !
Loving the idea ...
Chamomile tea has been my bedtime staple lately. I occasionally eat golden kiwis (after after scoping out the seeds).
I haven’t had any for a while though. I think they contain quite a bit of vitamin E.
Let us know about your beauty sleep success!! Cold or warm potion? What did it taste like? Did you add honey?


Dec 5, 2021
Interesting! I was going to come here to report that I was sleeping longer after taking 1 drop of Unique E with dinner. I added it cuz I was not getting hardly any E from food. It was a pronounced effect, so I googled around and found this study....

"Chronic insomnia disorder is one of the most common problems in postmenopausal women, exacerbated by underdiagnosis and improper treatment. This double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the potential of vitamin E to treat chronic insomnia as an alternative to sedative drugs and hormonal therapy. This study demonstrates vitamin E’s potential as an excellent alternative treatment for chronic insomnia disorder that improves sleep quality and reduces sedative drug use."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
You are such a witch @Rinse & rePeat !
Loving the idea ...
Chamomile tea has been my bedtime staple lately. I occasionally eat golden kiwis (after after scoping out the seeds).
I haven’t had any for a while though. I think they contain quite a bit of vitamin E.
Let us know about your beauty sleep success!! Cold or warm potion? What did it taste like? Did you add honey?
I’m a mad scientist Honeycomb! I loved my combo last night. I just sweetened it with sugar and added a couple of my kale ice cubes for some blood clotting vitamin K1. It was delicious, and I did sleep solidly, but I do most times now anyway. I slept 8 straight hours!

“Researchers at Taiwan’s Taipei Medical University studied the effects of kiwi consumption on sleep. They found that eating kiwi on a daily basis was linked to substantial improvements to both sleep quality and sleep quantity. Their study included 22 women and 2 men between the ages 20-55. All were experiencing some form of disrupted sleep. For a period of 4 weeks, the volunteers ate 2 kiwifruit 1 hour before bed. Researchers collected data on volunteers’ sleep throughout the study period using sleep diaries, a standard sleep-quality questionnaire, and wristwatches that measured aspects of sleep quality and quantity. After 4 weeks of kiwi consumption, researchers found significant improvements to several measures of sleep:

  • People fell asleep more quickly. Sleep onset latency—the amount of time it takes to fall asleep after going to bed—decreased by 35.4%.
  • People slept more soundly. Waking time after sleep onset—the amount of time spent in periods of wakefulness after initially falling asleep—fell 28.9%.
  • Sleep quality improved. Scores on a standardized sleep quality questionnaire—where lower scores mean better sleep—decreased by 42.4%.
  • Sleep efficiency—a measurement of the amount of time spent actually sleeping compared to the total amount of time spent in bed—increased by 5.41%.
  • People slept more overall. Total sleep time among the volunteers increased by 13.4%.
These are some pretty dramatic improvements to quality, quantity and efficiency of sleep. We need to see additional research explore the sleep-promoting effects of kiwifruit, but this is a pretty intriguing start.”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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