A given that temperature will be low during sleeping hours or no and sleeping through the night


Dec 11, 2020
So, is it acceptable during the night while sleeping lfor temp to be low- is that normal even for the most thyroid balanced person? Wish i wasnt waking up before actual wake up time and maybe if i could go to sleep closer to 10 when im already tired in winter instead of 11:30, this would help and im going to try; but since i do get up during the night a couple times, i took my temp- at 5am - it was below 97. so i had a medool date, milk, gelatin, salt and honey and took my 1/4 cynoplus dose at that time. Went back to sleep. Got up at 7am, meditated and took temperature and it was 97.8 so yay. had a horrific chemical sensitivity day yesterday so not sure if temperature is the only factor; but good to be getting it up.

per someone on this forum, i also have been sleeping "in the light" the last week or two with my red light shining directly on me while i sleep (brooder with 250 heat lamp clear) and this may be having effect as well. i wear an eye mask and sleep is actually better since ive been doing this. i will continue to monitor my temp today. just would love to fine tune so that i sleep straight through night and dont have to get up to urinate and eat- i think there must be a way.


Dec 11, 2020
not everybody at the same time...
Thank you for this reminder.
not everybody at the same time...
i have had quite the improvement in sleep this last month, much of which i am attributing to sleeping "in the light" rather than in the dark. and per below.

I had been doing very well with sleep generally over the prior dozen plus years until, due to my own misguided attempts to cope with stress stemming much from discontent with my geographical location at that time as well as burnout from the legal freedom battles of the last couple of years, this past February I put myself on a reverse schedule (which i know is disastrous for endocrine health) beginning in late February and continuing into August. Some how it gave me the illusion of calmness and allowed me to numb out a bit I suppose- a sort of escape and respite from the world for spiritual survival for a bit.

i'll chalk it up to a "night shift worker experiment". interestingly, i slept quite well on the reverse schedule; so my body must have adapted to the reversal; but i lost my menstruation for the final three months of the 6-month night shift worker experiment, beginning in june and continuing through august - which finally made me say- ENOUGH - as based upon my story i have shared here prolifically, losing my menstruation is the last straw since that was the original symptom that led to my whole Big Pharma/Big Medical estrogen poisoning saga that almost killed me in my late 20's.

I reset my circadian beginning end of August and got my mensuration back a month later, and it has continued on schedule every month since. however, sleep has been recovering more slowly is what i have concluded now in retrospect; but it is starting to get there.

so, what i believe happened is that my body adapted to the night shift schedule ( thus the good sleep even if at off hours- perhaps due to torpor as Dr. Peat has written), and even though i reset my circadian in terms of mechanics, it is taking more time to reverse the adrenaline and cortisol pattern to which i must have adapted when i was awake during the night all those months. Therefore, despite other positive symptoms of re-establishing a circadian rhythm such as the regular menstrual cycles, i am still in a transition from the 6 full months of reversing it and my body has still been in a mode of "arent i supposed to be up now?" during the traditional sleeping hours. thinking another 3 months perhaps and i will be back to baseline- the same amount of time it took to completely wreck my rhythm? certainly an interesting year long experiment it might end up being.

still wondering though if it is inevitable that temp is just going to be lower during sleeping hours or if things are in order, temp actually stays in optimal range even while sleeping? would help me fine tune more to know the answer to this.


Sep 7, 2022
Hi Advocate2021,

i was wondering if your sleep kept improving because there are 2 interesting aspects to me about your experiment:
You are using a 250W heat lamp during sleep and you are covering your eyes.

I tried to sleep with a infrared LED pointed away from me but after a few days it annoys me tremendously.
I assumed it's about the light, but maybe it's the heat.

I have also recently asked myself if my bad sleep might be related to low temperature because most of the time i wake up in a terrible mood and it takes me most of the day to recover.
I am also working shifts, not night shift though. However i still struggle with it much more then i should.

I do have a 250W infrared bulb, so'll just give it a try.


Dec 17, 2018
Your temperature is supposed to drop right before your expected bedtime. Its related to circadian rhythm and it is very much on purpose. Not much else to it. So no you should not think twice about having a low temp right before bed or in the middle of the night if you wake up.


May 10, 2018
Your temperature is supposed to drop right before your expected bedtime. Its related to circadian rhythm and it is very much on purpose. Not much else to it. So no you should not think twice about having a low temp right before bed or in the middle of the night if you wake up.
Thanks for clearing this up. Presumably then, a low waking temperature would make sense as well, if our temperature drops before bed, and there is no calories/fuel to increase it, it’s going to remain low on waking? How is waking temps a reliable measure? I would’ve thought the speed of it increasing after your first meal would be a better barometer?


Dec 17, 2018
Thanks for clearing this up. Presumably then, a low waking temperature would make sense as well, if our temperature drops before bed, and there is no calories/fuel to increase it, it’s going to remain low on waking? How is waking temps a reliable measure? I would’ve thought the speed of it increasing after your first meal would be a better barometer?
I dont think waking temp is as good of a measure. Unless your waking temp is quite low. But if it was actually a problem of hypothyroidism, it would also reflect anyway in your temps during the day.

A working thyroid does not need calories or fuel to raise body temp. Its supposed to be 98.6 during the day even if you skip a meal. You may feel cold if you skip a meal but your core temp should still be maintained if you have good thyroid function.

I dont always reach broda barnes metric of 97.8 when I wake up. Yet, my temp is always 98.6 during the day and often hits 99+. Your temps during the day are probably more important.


Dec 11, 2020
I dont think waking temp is as good of a measure. Unless your waking temp is quite low. But if it was actually a problem of hypothyroidism, it would also reflect anyway in your temps during the day.

A working thyroid does not need calories or fuel to raise body temp. Its supposed to be 98.6 during the day even if you skip a meal. You may feel cold if you skip a meal but your core temp should still be maintained if you have good thyroid function.

I dont always reach broda barnes metric of 97.8 when I wake up. Yet, my temp is always 98.6 during the day and often hits 99+. Your temps during the day are probably more important.
Thanks all here. This is a very interesting distinction and if true would alleviate a lot of frustration because I can't get my morning temp up no matter what I do even though I seem warm all the time so I've been really struggling with like why I can't wake up with the right temperature but if this is correct then I guess it doesn't matter but Dr Pete and everybody says you're supposed to be at a certain temperature upon Rising so if that's the case I don't understand how that happens as others said here you don't eat during the night usually I mean sometimes you'll get up to eat but what would make your temperature rise all the sudden in the morning when you get up the light maybe which I'm sleeping with light on too so I've been kind of stumped but it would help me a lot if this is true


Dec 17, 2018
Thanks all here. This is a very interesting distinction and if true would alleviate a lot of frustration because I can't get my morning temp up no matter what I do even though I seem warm all the time so I've been really struggling with like why I can't wake up with the right temperature but if this is correct then I guess it doesn't matter but Dr Pete and everybody says you're supposed to be at a certain temperature upon Rising so if that's the case I don't understand how that happens as others said here you don't eat during the night usually I mean sometimes you'll get up to eat but what would make your temperature rise all the sudden in the morning when you get up the light maybe which I'm sleeping with light on too so I've been kind of stumped but it would help me a lot if this is true
Your circadian rhythm is what determines your core temp which responds to the sun and light in general but your circadian rhythm is entrained already to your usual sleep time. Your body prepares to wake up and thus your body temp also starts to rise and the ascending arousal system is what activates once you wake up to get everything moving again so to speak and you slowly warm up.

But when your body is ready to sleep and starts lowering body temp, no amount of bright light at night will change your temp so its no point trying so hard to change that. Is your temperature 98.6 or higher during the day?


Dec 11, 2020
Your circadian rhythm is what determines your core temp which responds to the sun and light in general but your circadian rhythm is entrained already to your usual sleep time. Your body prepares to wake up and thus your body temp also starts to rise and the ascending arousal system is what activates once you wake up to get everything moving again so to speak and you slowly warm up.

But when your body is ready to sleep and starts lowering body temp, no amount of bright light at night will change your temp so its no point trying so hard to change that. Is your temperature 98.6 or higher during the day?
I've caught it at times during the day at that temperature but no I'm having a lot of trouble getting my temp up and I don't understand why because I take a good amount of thyroid my blood work looks perfect with my thyroid and I eat lots of sugar and salt I've tried B vitamins like thiamine or supposed to raise temperature I use red light I just feel like I'm doing everything right to raise my temperature and it's still not where it needs to be I'm just wondering if the thermometers aren't accurate because my hands will feel really warm and I feel really warm I'm not cold at all and my blood work looks great my hormones look good I might post it here because unfortunately the doctor may not have done progesterone he only did estrogen and it was in a ovulation range which I don't know if that means it's too high I would need to see the progesterone so that's the only thing that I'm wondering about because I have this very severe hypersensitivity to chemicals and I believe it might be related to estrogen so that's a piece that I'm trying to figure out but my vitamin D is pretty good everything else is good I cannot figure this out any input very very appreciated and I'm dictating which is why there's no punctuation happy New Year everyone thank you for all input


Dec 11, 2020
Hi Advocate2021,

i was wondering if your sleep kept improving because there are 2 interesting aspects to me about your experiment:
You are using a 250W heat lamp during sleep and you are covering your eyes.

I tried to sleep with a infrared LED pointed away from me but after a few days it annoys me tremendously.
I assumed it's about the light, but maybe it's the heat.

I have also recently asked myself if my bad sleep might be related to low temperature because most of the time i wake up in a terrible mood and it takes me most of the day to recover.
I am also working shifts, not night shift though. However i still struggle with it much more then i should.

I do have a 250W infrared bulb, so'll just give it a try.
Hi there yes my sleep has improved dramatically over the last couple of months once I return to my normal circadian rhythm after having reversed it for a while and the light really has helped and yes I sleep with it on I don't face it right towards me actually I've pointed it a little bit away cuz I feel that that is better when it was right on me I think I was waking up and seeing the light but I do need to cover my eyes because I won't be able to sleep if it's right in my eyes and it works very very well it's Dr Pete even said it's you could shine it on your feet at night and it would still do the job it doesn't have to and be in your eyes just has to be on some aspect of you and just having it on even just shuts down cortisol more so but I think other things that have improved my sleep are taking magnesium at night being on a better rhythm eating the right things at night fine tuning my thyroid regimen so that I have it where I feel pretty stable lapidon I take sometimes so I do a lot of different things cyproheptadine I take at night at times but I've had like a 99% Improvement in my sleep from where it was 3 months ago barely waking up now sometimes I wake up once now it's at least six or seven hours straight before I've been waking up the last week or so which is amazing cuz I used to wake up in 3 or 4 hours to go to the bathroom so I feel like with a little more time I might sleep the straight 8 hours and not even get up at all lots of dreams so I'm very very happy about the Improvement I'm dictating sorry for the rambling hope you understand


Dec 17, 2018
I've caught it at times during the day at that temperature but no I'm having a lot of trouble getting my temp up and I don't understand why because I take a good amount of thyroid my blood work looks perfect with my thyroid and I eat lots of sugar and salt I've tried B vitamins like thiamine or supposed to raise temperature I use red light I just feel like I'm doing everything right to raise my temperature and it's still not where it needs to be I'm just wondering if the thermometers aren't accurate because my hands will feel really warm and I feel really warm I'm not cold at all and my blood work looks great my hormones look good I might post it here because unfortunately the doctor may not have done progesterone he only did estrogen and it was in a ovulation range which I don't know if that means it's too high I would need to see the progesterone so that's the only thing that I'm wondering about because I have this very severe hypersensitivity to chemicals and I believe it might be related to estrogen so that's a piece that I'm trying to figure out but my vitamin D is pretty good everything else is good I cannot figure this out any input very very appreciated and I'm dictating which is why there's no punctuation happy New Year everyone thank you for all input
You know how when you have a fever you can feel cold? Same thing with having a body temp lower than normal (98.6). Your hypothalamus determines your body temperature setpoint. When you have a fever, your body wants your temperature to be higher so it will make you feel cold so you can cover yourself, and you may shiver to increase heat production and the body will also increase heat production internalling through effects on metabolism. There will also be vasoconstriction of the extremities to preserve heat.

Likewise when your body temp is lower than normal, you can still feel warm because its relative to your body's temperature setpoint determined by the hypothalamus. But usually when there is reduced thyroid function, you will be very intolerant to cold because the body cannot compensate well by increasing T3 production in cold weather.


Dec 11, 2020
You know how when you have a fever you can feel cold? Same thing with having a body temp lower than normal (98.6). Your hypothalamus determines your body temperature setpoint. When you have a fever, your body wants your temperature to be higher so it will make you feel cold so you can cover yourself, and you may shiver to increase heat production and the body will also increase heat production internalling through effects on metabolism. There will also be vasoconstriction of the extremities to preserve heat.

Likewise when your body temp is lower than normal, you can still feel warm because its relative to your body's temperature setpoint determined by the hypothalamus. But usually when there is reduced thyroid function, you will be very intolerant to cold because the body cannot compensate well by increasing T3 production in cold weather.
Thank you yes I am aware of all this and I am not bothered by cold and the least I can live in very cold climates and I'm fine I feel warm and my hands are warm and I know hand and feet temperature is also a very good indicator when your body is being warmed up by cortisol usually the hands and feet are cold but my hands and feet are warm and I'm not intolerant of cold at all I'm fine in the cold I don't like it hot I had to leave Florida because I was just miserable there and Dr Pete always said that hypothyroid people like Florida so I don't think that my temperature is indicative of what's going on completely so I'm still pretty much baffled


Dec 17, 2018
Thank you yes I am aware of all this and I am not bothered by cold and the least I can live in very cold climates and I'm fine I feel warm and my hands are warm and I know hand and feet temperature is also a very good indicator when your body is being warmed up by cortisol usually the hands and feet are cold but my hands and feet are warm and I'm not intolerant of cold at all I'm fine in the cold I don't like it hot I had to leave Florida because I was just miserable there and Dr Pete always said that hypothyroid people like Florida so I don't think that my temperature is indicative of what's going on completely so I'm still pretty much baffled
You are baffled by what? That your body temp is still near 98.6 during the day? You said sometimes you get 98.6 but its usually lower than that. What exactly is the reading you get normally?


Dec 11, 2020
You are baffled by what? That your body temp is still near 98.6 during the day? You said sometimes you get 98.6 but its usually lower than that. What exactly is the reading you get normally?
Why my temperatures aren't better lately no they haven't been 98.6 they they're usually much lower like in the '97s during the day but I don't know it is colder now I do live in a place where there's some mild winter weather going on and I'm not sure I trust these stupid thermometers I was in a doctor's appointment where they just use that thing they swipe across your forehead that I feel couldn't be very accurate but it was like early afternoon and I think it was 98.4 and I was thinking wow okay maybe it's not that bad but whenever I take it with my oral thermometer which I always warm up first it's slow and I was sick a couple weeks ago and I had a fever and it seemed to be right when I had the fever cuz it told me I had a fever so then that makes me think thermometer is okay and my temperature is low and I'm still having this severe chemical hypersensitivity which doctor Pete says was probably related to low temperature so my temperature is not right I think even though everything else is good except I do have estrogen surges and I've written everywhere hear about my history of being estrogen poisoned pharmaceutically for 12 years when I was younger and I feel that it's done something to my body that I'm still trying to reverse


Dec 17, 2018
Why my temperatures aren't better lately no they haven't been 98.6 they they're usually much lower like in the '97s during the day but I don't know it is colder now I do live in a place where there's some mild winter weather going on and I'm not sure I trust these stupid thermometers I was in a doctor's appointment where they just use that thing they swipe across your forehead that I feel couldn't be very accurate but it was like early afternoon and I think it was 98.4 and I was thinking wow okay maybe it's not that bad but whenever I take it with my oral thermometer which I always warm up first it's slow and I was sick a couple weeks ago and I had a fever and it seemed to be right when I had the fever cuz it told me I had a fever so then that makes me think thermometer is okay and my temperature is low and I'm still having this severe chemical hypersensitivity which doctor Pete says was probably related to low temperature so my temperature is not right I think even though everything else is good except I do have estrogen surges and I've written everywhere hear about my history of being estrogen poisoned pharmaceutically for 12 years when I was younger and I feel that it's done something to my body that I'm still trying to reverse
Well I would suggest you try getting a new oral thermometer. Cheap ones work just fine in my experience. I am still using one I bought 3 years ago during covid that was super cheap and it is still accurate. If I have a fever it will show it, it will go 101-102 easily. During the day it is 98.6 to 99ish. At night before bed its dropping like its supposed to less than 98. So this cheap one I still use works well.

You can try eating more protein. Low protein diets will lower body temps. There is an old peat quote you can probably find where he said one of the more common causes of low body temperature is protein deficiency. Also rule out iron deficiency via an iron panel. Low iron can cause low T3 and will reduce ATP production which lead to lower body temps. It doesnt matter if you think you are iron sufficient if you eat liver and oysters. You'd be surprised especially if the diet is high in calcium which can significantly inhibit iron absorption.


Dec 11, 2020
Well I would suggest you try getting a new oral thermometer. Cheap ones work just fine in my experience. I am still using one I bought 3 years ago during covid that was super cheap and it is still accurate. If I have a fever it will show it, it will go 101-102 easily. During the day it is 98.6 to 99ish. At night before bed its dropping like its supposed to less than 98. So this cheap one I still use works well.

You can try eating more protein. Low protein diets will lower body temps. There is an old peat quote you can probably find where he said one of the more common causes of low body temperature is protein deficiency. Also rule out iron deficiency via an iron panel. Low iron can cause low T3 and will reduce ATP production which lead to lower body temps. It doesnt matter if you think you are iron sufficient if you eat liver and oysters. You'd be surprised especially if the diet is high in calcium which can significantly inhibit iron absorption.
Thank you I have gone through three or four different oral thermometers in the last maybe 6 months and that is not the issue because they're all the same but good point I definitely be plenty of protein not that could not be the issue I am a weight trainer so I know how much protein I'm eating and if anything I thought maybe it was too much but I I seem to be fine with my weight and everything so I think I'm my diet is good I can't imagine I'd be deficient in Iron based on my diet but your point is well taken last blood draw I had the iron was ample so I don't think that's my issue I am waiting for full blood work I just had done a few weeks ago I believe iron is part of it and unless the doctor forgot to do that but I just never been ironed efficient and I ate tons of food that I liver and oysters like you said and I've just never had that in my history at all but very interesting so I'm still very interested in what could be keeping my temperature low
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