Pregnenolone + Letrozole = Amazing Energy Again?

Nov 16, 2012
About 3 months ago I was experimenting with letrozole to lower my estrogen levels. Let me just say it's a very harsh drug and I had some unpleasant side effects and it will nuke your estrogen levels beyond all reason so it's not really a good tool for precise hormone control.

HOWEVER. For about 2 days while I was taking letrozole, I took pregnenolone in the evening just before bedtime.

The next day when I went out for my usual walk, I ended up doing sprints and interval training instead of walking, because I had so much excess energy that walking felt like "grandpa sports" to me.

Years ago, I used to be that energetic all the time. But the last 5 years, my legs feel so heavy, and I am so fatigued, that the thought of running just makes me nauseous, and I feel like my legs are two lead bags that I have to drag behind me instead of body parts which are actually helping me to get somewhere. And I am only 25.

How did pregnenolone and letrozole enable me to run again? Taking pregnenolone on its own DOES NOT do this sadly, I assume because it all normally goes into estrogen. I suppose when taking letrozole concurrently it cannot go into estrogen and ends up being converted into androgens like T & DHT which is what gave me the energy.

Is there a way to supplement pregnenolone and ensure it goes into androgens? First time seeing light at the end of the tunnel and I want out of zombie mode. Haven't felt that kind of energy in years!


Oct 14, 2016
Are you taking the pregnenolone orally or topical?

Hope you're still getting good effects from this formula.


Mar 17, 2017
If you want to lower Estrogen, you can try low dose Exemestan.
There are study shows that 2.5mg exemestane is just as effective as the higher doses.
It is more Androgenic than Letrozole and can raise your T level too.
If you take low dose, you can avoid side effects like joint pain,low libido.

Pregnenolone does not converted to Estrogen.
It mainly converted to Progestererone.
but If you take larger dose like 100mg/day without Androgens,you may get anti Androgenic effects from Progesterone.
I think you better try topical DHEA(~15mg a day by split doses) with Pregnenolone.
DHEA would prevent possible anti Androgenic effect from Pregnenone,and Pregnenolone would prevent conversion of dhea to estrogen.

When DHEA and Pregnenolone topically apllied on scrotum,It can raise your testosterone.
Nov 21, 2015
Well this is a Ray Peat forum. I would think that well cooked mushrooms are more Peat-compatible than aromatase inhibitor drugs.

@japanesedude Are you sure your nutrition is where you want it to be?


Mar 17, 2017
Well this is a Ray Peat forum. I would think that well cooked mushrooms are more Peat-compatible than aromatase inhibitor drugs.

@japanesedude Are you sure your nutrition is where you want it to be?

Yes.That would be great natural idea to lower Estrogen through Peating.

I feel great since I started taking Pansterone + Androsterone. 
Im not do Peating but I take 4 cups of coffee with Sugar.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Maybe T3 can be used instead of letrozole. It seems like thyroid and pregnenolone is the combo Dr. Peat recommends for most conditions in men.

James IV

Drugs are bad, mmkay...

Here's a prescription:
Meat, eggs, and potatoes with salt and butter. Wash it down with whole milk.

Eat the above and then use your new found power to throw a Volkswagen like a frisbee.
Nov 16, 2012
Are you taking the pregnenolone orally or topical?

Hope you're still getting good effects from this formula.

I had to quit letrozole because it has nasty side effects, wrecks your hair and bones... not a long term drug. Pregnenolone alone does not give this effect. I took it orally when it worked.

Maybe T3 can be used instead of letrozole. It seems like thyroid and pregnenolone is the combo Dr. Peat recommends for most conditions in men.

Tried T3 & T4, comes close but wears off after a few days due to thyroid downregulation.

Drugs are bad, mmkay...

Here's a prescription:
Meat, eggs, and potatoes with salt and butter. Wash it down with whole milk.

Eat the above and then use your new found power to throw a Volkswagen like a frisbee.

Can't come anywhere near that energy level with just diet alone...

I think I might try to increase my androgens with K2, DHEA, or things like that... sounds like the ticket.

James IV

What is your experience with exercise/movement and energy. What kind of movement did you do, and how much did it increase energy?

Regular weight lifting and maximal daily outdoor movement has done more for my health than any dietary interventions I've tried. I believe people put far too much emphasis on food and neglect the role of movement. I can essentially eat anything I want at this point.
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Apr 17, 2013
Regular weight lifting and maximal daily outdoor movement has done more for my health than any dietary interventions I've tried. I believe people put far too much emphasis on food and neglect the role of movement. I can essentially eat anything I want at this point.

Interesting. Did you have any hypoglycemia issues?

I've tried to force myself to workout as way to jumpstart metabolism and had it badly backfire due to inability to eat enough.
Did you up protein and calories much when adding in weights?

James IV

Interesting. Did you have any hypoglycemia issues?

I've tried to force myself to workout as way to jumpstart metabolism and had it badly backfire due to inability to eat enough.
Did you up protein and calories much when adding in weights?

I had hypoglycemia symptoms, but i monitored my blood sugar and I wasn't hypoglycemic, I was hyper.

I felt terrible the first few times I started back training, but I just powered through. Easy to digest food, IF, sunlight, and eating plenty of all macros were all crucial to recovering.
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Jul 8, 2016
Regular weight lifting and maximal daily outdoor movement has done more for my health than any dietary interventions I've tried. I believe people put far too much emphasis on food and neglect the role of movement. I can essentially eat anything I want at this point.

Have you mentioned anywhere what your workout "routine" is, or if you even have one? Do you go for high weight, low reps, medium of both, low weight high reps, etc? How often?

James IV

Have you mentioned anywhere what your workout "routine" is, or if you even have one? Do you go for high weight, low reps, medium of both, low weight high reps, etc? How often?

I've moved towards mostly moderate weight with higher reps. I find this stressed the muscle well, with minimal taxing of the nervous system. I lift 2-3 times a week. Lots of enjoyable movement otherwise.

Deleted member 5487

About 3 months ago I was experimenting with letrozole to lower my estrogen levels. Let me just say it's a very harsh drug and I had some unpleasant side effects and it will nuke your estrogen levels beyond all reason so it's not really a good tool for precise hormone control.

HOWEVER. For about 2 days while I was taking letrozole, I took pregnenolone in the evening just before bedtime.

The next day when I went out for my usual walk, I ended up doing sprints and interval training instead of walking, because I had so much excess energy that walking felt like "grandpa sports" to me.

Years ago, I used to be that energetic all the time. But the last 5 years, my legs feel so heavy, and I am so fatigued, that the thought of running just makes me nauseous, and I feel like my legs are two lead bags that I have to drag behind me instead of body parts which are actually helping me to get somewhere. And I am only 25.

How did pregnenolone and letrozole enable me to run again? Taking pregnenolone on its own DOES NOT do this sadly, I assume because it all normally goes into estrogen. I suppose when taking letrozole concurrently it cannot go into estrogen and ends up being converted into androgens like T & DHT which is what gave me the energy.

Is there a way to supplement pregnenolone and ensure it goes into androgens? First time seeing light at the end of the tunnel and I want out of zombie mode. Haven't felt that kind of energy in years!

You are not alone in this. The EXACT same thing occurred to me today. Whent to do some light weights after taking low dose of preg earlier.

Started doing sprints LOL. I use to have the same energy that you spoke of a few years ago, High school middlinebacker working out 3-4 hrs a day and looked incredible.

After about the 5th 80 yard sprint. I got super light headed and felt incredibly spaced out. I walked home and thought I was loosing my mind. Ate like 5 rice krispie squares my mom made and drank some milk felt completly normal in 5 mins.

Here is my theory. The pregnenolone Shifts the metabolism/body out of glycolsis. Which is inefficient use of carbs. So even though we all eat a lot of carbs we still don't have super energy or sugar rushes like kids get. These carbs essentially burned very inefficiently. And I find good energy when I eat fat instead.

SO pregnenolone Shifts you out of glycolsis and actually burns your carbs/glycogen efficiently and you can actually workout and have energy and be explosive.

This is my theory and I believe it's true. Based of the face lift effect of pregnenolone and it's shifts the body out of the stress glycolsis.

So I have been craving and bounding carbs all day after my sprints and feel great, for the first time in a long time. My tongue is also not white and my BPM and heat are up.
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