Pregnenolone and DHEA.


May 13, 2015
Really feels like harsh adrenal fatigue. Low energy, mood, desensitization towards life etc.

Im not overweight either.

27 year old male 6’4 200 lbs

Im low in thiamine i believe.
Ill attach photos of my recent blood tests showing Thyroid & seperate tests for micronutrient
I'm not very good at deciphering these tests but I'll give it a try. I see that your TSH is high; you would feel better if it was below 1. There are other things that affect TSH (a pituitary hormone) besides thyroid hormone. But your other thyroid numbers don't look low. One of the wrinkles re. thyroid supplementation and thiamine is that if your are hyperthyroid (i.e. taking too much thyroid supplement) it will block your thiamine function. These two things need to be in balance. Thiamine deficiency will keep the thyroid from functioning properly.

One thing that I did notice on your lab results is that your sodium is low. If your electrolytes are off it can make you feel pretty awful. My electrolytes got off when I had been high dosing thiamine for a few months. I suspect that the high dose thiamine might have had something to do with my electrolyte problem. So I started salting my food more and I got over it.


Nov 29, 2022
I'm not very good at deciphering these tests but I'll give it a try. I see that your TSH is high; you would feel better if it was below 1. There are other things that affect TSH (a pituitary hormone) besides thyroid hormone. But your other thyroid numbers don't look low. One of the wrinkles re. thyroid supplementation and thiamine is that if your are hyperthyroid (i.e. taking too much thyroid supplement) it will block your thiamine function. These two things need to be in balance. Thiamine deficiency will keep the thyroid from functioning properly.

One thing that I did notice on your lab results is that your sodium is low. If your electrolytes are off it can make you feel pretty awful. My electrolytes got off when I had been high dosing thiamine for a few months. I suspect that the high dose thiamine might have had something to do with my electrolyte problem. So I started salting my food more and I got over it.
If you look at the b1 level you’ll see serum and white blood cell. It shows im super low on the celluar level. I think because of the amount of stress ive been under i depleted a lot. Also, im now taking B supreme by deaigns for health which is a b complex methylated properly. Along with salting water and my food to get back in balance.

Will i be okay at just supplementing 100mg b1 and keep it low and slow?


May 13, 2015
If you look at the b1 level you’ll see serum and white blood cell. It shows im super low on the celluar level. I think because of the amount of stress ive been under i depleted a lot. Also, im now taking B supreme by deaigns for health which is a b complex methylated properly. Along with salting water and my food to get back in balance.

Will i be okay at just supplementing 100mg b1 and keep it low and slow?
I don't know. You could just be feeling bad from the low sodium; I know it made me feel pretty awful.

100mg of oral thiamine hcl isn't diddly squat because it doesn't cross the intestinal wall very well. Dr. Costantini goes into the details of how much oral thiamine hcl you need to take to equal 100mg of thiamine hcl by injection. You should never take thiamine hcl with anything sweet (like juice) or take it within 30 minutes of ingesting anything sweet (before or after) because the sugar will cancel out the benefit of the thiamine. The amount of thiamine needed varies wildly between people. Thiamine hcl is considered a safe supplement and because the blood tests for thiamine deficiency are so unreliable simply taking 200-300mg of thiamine hcl and evaluating your response to it is suggested. If thiamine deficiency is a problem for you, you will probably notice a response within an hour. That happened to me the first time I took around 250-300mg; within 45 minutes my body temperature normalized and my inflammation disappeared.

Here's an article about the different types of thiamine.

and here's a video or two:




Nov 29, 2022
I don't know. You could just be feeling bad from the low sodium; I know it made me feel pretty awful.

100mg of oral thiamine hcl isn't diddly squat because it doesn't cross the intestinal wall very well. Dr. Costantini goes into the details of how much oral thiamine hcl you need to take to equal 100mg of thiamine hcl by injection. You should never take thiamine hcl with anything sweet (like juice) or take it within 30 minutes of ingesting anything sweet (before or after) because the sugar will cancel out the benefit of the thiamine. The amount of thiamine needed varies wildly between people. Thiamine hcl is considered a safe supplement and because the blood tests for thiamine deficiency are so unreliable simply taking 200-300mg of thiamine hcl and evaluating your response to it is suggested. If thiamine deficiency is a problem for you, you will probably notice a response within an hour. That happened to me the first time I took around 250-300mg; within 45 minutes my body temperature normalized and my inflammation disappeared.

Here's an article about the different types of thiamine.

and here's a video or two:



Its taking quite some time to raise my sodium levels. I definitely am feeling cruddy from it which is probably why i cant handle thyroid hormone right now. I remember listening to a podcast on the better form which i think was benfotiamine. I have this supplement at home that i included. See sttached photo. Why would carnosine be with it?

I also feel like i get anxiety from it


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May 13, 2015
Its taking quite some time to raise my sodium levels. I definitely am feeling cruddy
The chiropractor advised me to drink an electrolyte drink but I didn't like the additives that were in them so I didn't do that. I started eating a salty lunch every day instead. Lots of OJ and milk don't have any salt in them, you see.

My favorite lunch is faux pizza:
Finely chop a half of a mild sweet onion and saute it in some coconut oil in a small skillet that has a lid. While the onion cooks (careful! don't let it brown), beat 2 eggs in a bowl. Add some mozzarella cheese, some feta cheese, some kalamata olives (chopped or sliced), blend well, then pour it over the sauted onions and put the lid on it. Cook on low for 7-8 minutes. Pour on a little organic pizza sauce. Slide & fold in half out onto a plate. Add a little bit of salt if you want but don't over do it because the feta and the olives are salty.
I have this supplement at home that i included. See sttached photo. Why would carnosine be with it?
I don't know anything about carnosine or why it would be included with benfotiamine, sorry. I use the bulk pure powder thiamine hcl from Although Elliot Overton has said good things about benfotiamine, I don't know much about it as I've never tried it.

Elliot mentions benfotiamine several times in this article: Mega-Dose Thiamine: Beyond Addressing “Deficiency”
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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