Piety made me insane. Religion is a brain-devouring cancer.


May 2, 2021
Absolute hogwash. Pastor Murray teaches on the Trinity almost daily. You show your ignorance and unwillingness to do the legwork for yourself and instead read headlines from satanic websites. These attacks can be deflected all day long because they are tired and old and have been tried a million times over, you got nothing.
My wife’s grandfather has been watching shepherds chapel religiously for years, refuses to attend any church, and denies the trinity ad a result of Arnold Murray’s teaching. N of 1 sure but this has been a concern of ours obviously


Jan 6, 2019
God himself said, without the correct knowledge, he (and pretty much the whole world) will eventually literally worship satan.
If the correct knowledge is required -- if mere faith is not enough -- I am most definitely doomed, as I wholly lack the intellectual rigor to separate the redeeming knowledge from the mistaken understandings and malicious falsehoods. What can an idiot like me do, if not simply extend my hand and hope that Christ will take hold of it? I am not wise enough to do anything else.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
If correct intellectual knowledge is required -- if mere faith is not enough -- I am most definitely doomed, as I wholly lack the intellectual vigor to separate the redeeming knowledge from the mistaken understandings and malicious falsehoods. What can an idiot like me do, if not simply extend my hand and hope that Christ will take hold of it? I am not wise enough to do anything else.
I have given you the tools, you have no excuse now really. However, if worse comes to worse, there is always the third earth age where Jesus will rule and you will have nothing in your way to learn as satan will be locked away, including his spirit. It will be just Christ, and it will be the time of teaching.


Jan 6, 2019
I have given you the tools, you have no excuse now really. However, if worse comes to worse, there is always the third earth age where Jesus will rule and you will have nothing in your way to learn as satan will be locked away, including his spirit. It will be just Christ, and it will be the time of learning.
What can an idiot do with the tools he has not been taught to use? I have no means to truly confirm the validity of your views or the soundness of your sources. I could blindly embrace your views, and I could do it with joy, yet I would never be able to verify whether I locked onto truth or lies. I could study a thousand years and still be no less vulnerable to the biases, errors and hubris of my imperfect and limited human intelligence. I could feel like I have come up with the perfect understanding and still be painfully wrong.

Thus I ask you again: what hope does an idiot like me have of salvation, if faith is not enough? The answer of course is: none. Please pray for me, I am lost and will forever be.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
What can an idiot do with the tools he has not been taught to use? I have no means to truly confirm the validity of your views or the soundness of your sources. I could blindly embrace your views, and I could do it with joy, yet I would never be able to verify whether I locked onto truth or lies. I could study a thousand years and still be no less vulnerable to the biases, errors and hubris of my imperfect and limited human intelligence. I could feel like I have come up with the perfect understanding and still be painfully wrong.

Thus I ask you again: what hope does an idiot like me have of salvation, if faith is not enough? The answer of course is: none. Please pray for me, I am lost and will forever be.
You will be given tools and direction so you can check it out for yourself. You just gotta do the work.


Jan 6, 2019
You will be given tools and direction so you can check it out for yourself. You just gotta do the work.
By God or by a man? The latter seems to always boil down to voluntarily subscribing to fundamentally unverifiable judgements and interpretations, does it not? We can build the most marvelous and internally consistent chains of reasoning. We can even ask others to see if they arrive at the same conclusions we did. Yet it all will be in vain if even one of the foundational premises is wrong. Which is demoralizing to acknowledge, since epistemologically it is impossible to verify the intellectual foundation on which our redeeming knowledge would stand. The matter becomes a whole different kind of game of faith: instead of choosing to believe that Christ will save you, you choose to believe that your knowledge is sufficient for Christ to save you. In which case, given that our knowledge happens to be wrong, we risk venturing far deeper into satanism than where our mere ignorance could ever have brought us. Is it not so? It is a game in which only the wisest and most knowledgeable of men stand to gain anything. The rest of us will only risk losing our sight on the only thing that matters in the end, the redeeming face of Christ.


Feb 13, 2021
Want to know what really happened in the garden? Read the link below with open eyes and open ears. Set aside anything you have learned before and discern with an open mind. Pray for God to allow you to receive it if its His Will.

This is really good, thank you 🙏


Sep 20, 2015
Our enemy loves sowing confusion and attacking humanity. Especially Christians/Christianity. Remember to not look to any man (human) for your salvation but only Christ himself. Certainly God can and does use others to help us and the world but there are also many well intentioned yet delusional people spreading lies and doing satans bidding without even realizing it. I personally pray for guidance, protection and Our Father’s Will each day and it helps. We need to stay humble because that’s keeps us from falling into pride which his another favorite tactic of the evil one.
Yep, The Devil is out to get you -- watch out! ChristiANITY = InsANITY.


Mar 29, 2016
Did you know the earth is millions of years old? The mainstream Christians will have you think its 6000 years old. Again, another satanic doctrine to make us look like fools that no one can take seriously. I have to admit, it was a great plan that worked. Did you know there was an earth age before this and we are in the second earth age now with a third one to come?

Read on:
Charlie, my impression is that what you shared is something that isn't well explained, or not emphasized well enough at least in Catholic circles, and possibly in Protestant denominations.

But it is, for lack of s better word, a doctrine that unites the various denominations that unite under the banner of Christianity. Not that it is the only belief that unites all Christians.

But why is the tree of life inconsistent, or seemingly diametrically opposed to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? If one by natural law knows what is good and what is evil, why is this so bad that this knowledge would come to be painted as injurious to life?

Is knowledge a poison that would ruin man's special relationship to God? Is knowledge an intrinsic evil?

If we had no knowledge, wouldn't we merely be bowing and submitting to the high priests of the NWO? Who would simply tell us to "trust the science?" Wouldn't this be contradictory to being pro-life especially when it comes to our own individual lives?

Could it be that the story of the Garden of Good and Evil in itself conditions most people to not think for themselves using the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? Could this story be actually the work of Satan?
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