Peripheral Neuropathy, Rapidly Receding Gums + Bloods



Sep 27, 2015
Thanks for following up with us. Very helpful. What do you think resolved the neurapathy?
I don't know, probably avoiding caffeine. I don't have neuropathy anymore, but now I have a tremor. My best guess at the moment is that I gave myself nerve damage from slamming sugar/carbs without being able to correctly metabolize them. Possibly undiagnosed diabetes, even though my HbA1c is normal.


May 31, 2015
Interesting thread. Do you still take vitamin A? I used to take megadoses of A which I found to be powerfully anti-estrogen (maybe even creating some kind of long-term low estrogen state) and I now also get nerve tingling that I associate with both low estrogen and low copper, two problems that I am still attempting to disentangle. Boron, copper and (tentatively) pantethine seem to all help my nerve issues. Caffeine’s estrogen antagonizing properties could be why you do better without it. I am still a caffeine addict but I keep it to 200mg a day these days.


Oct 14, 2016
I don't know, probably avoiding caffeine. I don't have neuropathy anymore, but now I have a tremor. My best guess at the moment is that I gave myself nerve damage from slamming sugar/carbs without being able to correctly metabolize them. Possibly undiagnosed diabetes, even though my HbA1c is normal.
Hi there,

Have you managed to make any improvements?


Sep 27, 2015
Hi there,

Have you managed to make any improvements?
I have no peripheral neuropathy. The tremor in my left hand has lessened but it's still there. Basically I think I just diabetes'd my nerves from too much sugar. I don't eat much sugar anymore.


Nov 6, 2015
I have no peripheral neuropathy. The tremor in my left hand has lessened but it's still there. Basically I think I just diabetes'd my nerves from too much sugar. I don't eat much sugar anymore.
Do you still avoid caffeine? Or did lowering sugar fix the neuropathy by itself? Also are you eating less carbs as a whole or just avoiding fructose? Thanks!


Sep 27, 2015
Do you still avoid caffeine? Or did lowering sugar fix the neuropathy by itself? Also are you eating less carbs as a whole or just avoiding fructose? Thanks!
I can handle caffeine at the moment; I don't avoid it.

I think that lowering sugar is what fixed the neuropathy, although I probably gave myself a bit of permanent nerve damage from force feeding myself sugar for years, primarily in the form of orange juice. I still have some sugar in my diet but it's not the staple of my diet like it used to be. I replaced OJ with coconut water.

Starch is fine. I eat sourdough bread daily, and white rice often.

I've been on this forum for 7 years. I know that I'm supposed to say that sugar is manna from heaven, but, well...


Nov 6, 2015
I can handle caffeine at the moment; I don't avoid it.

I think that lowering sugar is what fixed the neuropathy, although I probably gave myself a bit of permanent nerve damage from force feeding myself sugar for years, primarily in the form of orange juice. I still have some sugar in my diet but it's not the staple of my diet like it used to be. I replaced OJ with coconut water.

Starch is fine. I eat sourdough bread daily, and white rice often.

I've been on this forum for 7 years. I know that I'm supposed to say that sugar is manna from heaven, but, well...
Thank you for your response! Haha I understand! I dont do too well with fructose/fruit either.


Oct 14, 2016
I can handle caffeine at the moment; I don't avoid it.

I think that lowering sugar is what fixed the neuropathy, although I probably gave myself a bit of permanent nerve damage from force feeding myself sugar for years, primarily in the form of orange juice. I still have some sugar in my diet but it's not the staple of my diet like it used to be. I replaced OJ with coconut water.

Starch is fine. I eat sourdough bread daily, and white rice often.

I've been on this forum for 7 years. I know that I'm supposed to say that sugar is manna from heaven, but, well...
I think you should post a testimonial as a warning to other forum members, as your case is very serious. I hope you end up making a complete recovery.

Have you found any particular supplement helpful for your condition?


I think you should post a testimonial as a warning to other forum members, as your case is very serious. I hope you end up making a complete recovery.

Have you found any particular supplement helpful for your condition?
Back in 2018 the OP's serum B12 was elevated. Dr Peat has suggested this is caused by endotoxins. Dr Lonsdale on the other hand has demonstrated that this is a result of thiamine deficiency.

A thiamine deficiency can be the cause of both the neuropathy and tremor.


Sep 27, 2015
I think you should post a testimonial as a warning to other forum members, as your case is very serious. I hope you end up making a complete recovery.

Have you found any particular supplement helpful for your condition?
I'm not going to make a separate post because I don't know for sure what's going on. I think that sugar harmed my health, but I'll get torn to shreds on the forum if I make a post about it without coming to the table with semi-annual blood tests, a daily food diary and supplement journal, a Travis-level dissertation on biochemistry, etc. Here is my post: force feeding myself sugar harmed my nerves, gums, and teeth, I think. Take that for what you will. I don't regret it because I had nothing to lose. I was poor and in my late 20's and it was a last ditch effort to salvage my life from the trash heap of a lack of energy and vigor. Now I'm in my early 30's and my condition is probably set in stone. I'm going to start deteriorating soon due to normal aging; my problems will never be fixed, but at least I tried.

@Peatness , I've supplemented with hundreds of grams of thiamine hcl over the years. Did it help? How can I know? The tremor didn't go away. If B1 helped, the effects are too subtle to note. My read on the situation is that the neuropathy went away from reducing sugar intake from very high levels down to merely high levels. My tremor has lessened from reducing sugar even further, cutting it in half by moving from OJ to coconut water. And yet I still have a lack of energy and vigor that has rendered my life nearly meaningless for 33 years. There have been no solutions.


I'm not going to make a separate post because I don't know for sure what's going on. I think that sugar harmed my health, but I'll get torn to shreds on the forum if I make a post about it without coming to the table with semi-annual blood tests, a daily food diary and supplement journal, a Travis-level dissertation on biochemistry, etc. Here is my post: force feeding myself sugar harmed my nerves, gums, and teeth, I think. Take that for what you will. I don't regret it because I had nothing to lose. I was poor and in my late 20's and it was a last ditch effort to salvage my life from the trash heap of a lack of energy and vigor. Now I'm in my early 30's and my condition is probably set in stone. I'm going to start deteriorating soon due to normal aging; my problems will never be fixed, but at least I tried.

@Peatness , I've supplemented with hundreds of grams of thiamine hcl over the years. Did it help? How can I know? The tremor didn't go away. If B1 helped, the effects are too subtle to note. My read on the situation is that the neuropathy went away from reducing sugar intake from very high levels down to merely high levels. My tremor has lessened from reducing sugar even further, cutting it in half by moving from OJ to coconut water. And yet I still have a lack of energy and vigor that has rendered my life nearly meaningless for 33 years. There have been no solutions.
According to Dr Lonsdale when thiamine was withdrawn serum b12 became elevated again and when resumed returned to normal. He writes, “one thing that I had learned is that the part of the brain that deals with a defense against stress becomes very irritable when cellular metabolism becomes inefficient. Thiamine deficiency in that part of the brain produces the same action as a mild to moderate lack of oxygen, because both spell ‘danger’.” Perhaps you need all the B's. Maybe you have already tried those.

I'm reading Adelle Davis' Let's Get Well. She recommends the B's and vitamin C to raise white blood count, page 104. I've been finding that my requirements of vitamin C is greater than is possible for me to meet through diet alone. I used to supplement c before peating but stopped. Gum issues is common with scurvy. I'm not sure how much vitamin C is in coconut. Perhaps try some extra vitamin C?


Sep 27, 2015
I've tried everything with B vitamins.

The blood tests from the original post are from 4 years ago. My gums collapsed 4 years ago and have been relatively stable since then, although not great. I was drinking substantial amounts of orange juice at the time. I shouldn't have had scurvy. Would supplementing vitamin C have prevented my gums from collapsing? I don't know. But I'm not going to go back to eating and drinking tons of sugar just to do some supplement tests while risking diabetic nerve damage and all of my teeth falling out.


I've tried everything with B vitamins.

The blood tests from the original post are from 4 years ago. My gums collapsed 4 years ago and have been relatively stable since then, although not great. I was drinking substantial amounts of orange juice at the time. I shouldn't have had scurvy. Would supplementing vitamin C have prevented my gums from collapsing? I don't know. But I'm not going to go back to eating and drinking tons of sugar just to do some supplement tests while risking diabetic nerve damage and all of my teeth falling out.
I didn't suggest going back to eating tonnes of sugar.


Sep 27, 2015
I didn't suggest going back to eating tonnes of sugar.
Well just FYI, I've been supplementing various amounts of vitamin C for over two years. But what is the point of even doing so? It didn't reduce my tremor (only reducing sugar did that) and it's not going to regrow my gums. That damage is irreversible. In order to see if high dose vitamin C or various doses and ratios of B vitamins have any positive effect then I would have to reintroduce the sugar to see if the vitamins prevent further damage to my gums/teeth, further nerve damage, etc.


Forum Supporter
Jul 11, 2023
northern california
Have you checked the pH of your saliva, @PhilParma? There's a chance it's acidic. If so, you may want to try raising it. We did this with my dog and completely regenerated his gum tissue. The recession was so bad we could see the roots of his canines, and despite us brushing his teeth regularly, he had thick brown plaque. It all completely resolved after we put him on an herbal tea called Heal All. It contains:
  • White Oak Bark
  • Plantain Leaf
  • Black Walnut Hull
  • Chaparral Herb
  • Burdock Root
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Comfrey Root
  • Comfrey Leaf
You use the tea as a rinse by holding it in your mouth for 5 minutes at a time. You can then swallow it since it has positive systemic effects. We used to make the tea up in large batches and put it in our dog's food — he consumed a raw diet high in alkaline minerals —mainly ripe fruit, veggies and coconut water, and small amounts of eggs and scallops. If you don't like the idea of herbs, there's also baking soda rinses. I've never tried it before so I can't comment on how well it works.

I hope you find relief soon! :)
good stuff, especially the comfrey ingredients. however, i just checked 'heal all' and the comfrey - leaf and root - was no longer listed as an ingredient. just fyi. happy about your dog.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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