Is Now


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
VoS said:
I just got a message from Charlie saying "Banned".

Anyone who threatens this forum with legal actions is not welcome here. Good bye and don't come back.


Jul 22, 2012
Charlie said:
VoS said:
I just got a message from Charlie saying "Banned".

Anyone who threatens this forum with legal actions is not welcome here. Good bye and don't come back.

Didn't see that post--guess it was deleted, but...
justified ban, duh--
he threatened legal actions!? :?
VoS had some cool ideas
and I tried to get him to modify some of his uncool ones, but...


Jun 26, 2013
The anti-prefix is gone, I didn’t mean to call the people themselves cultish, it’s the concept I’m talking about (assuming an analogy to ‘Christian’, which seems like a popular interpretation).

Even if one sees the name ‘Peatarian’ as what it means to those who know the website, then still there’s an implication of conversational restriction, I feel like I’ve put a lot of cool people in a small room.
Maybe there’s a necessity for such a forum like pboy says, it was definitely interesting to see the unrestricted talks.

And yes, it was rude to keep the forum and also not to warn this time. It’s relatively easy to make new platforms if that’s what people would want, just seems more appropriate to change the format.


Jun 17, 2014
Anti-Ray-Peat Q&A
A really weird Q&A forum misrepresenting Ray Peat's ideas, sometimes having a good thread. It is hated by every anti-authoritarian.

I thought the above was clever and funny. I guess I'm just in another wavelength from some other people.

Bruno, to be quite honest, you're too good for many people who posted in the forum. They don't appreciate the brilliance, misinterpret, and overreact to it.

When he inserts the prefix ''anti", and at the same time talks about "cultist", it should give you a clue there is a joke in there somewhere! Yet you are oblivious to it, even while complaining about BOTH things! Wow!!


Jun 17, 2014
Every legal action will be immediately dismissed I think. Everything is just free speech. Have you seen reddit?


Apr 25, 2015
my favorite one: "Go to a restaurant that serves overpriced low quality food and to add salt to the wound, gives bad service"

but they are all funny.

ok. i'm done.

reality: i believe that my posts were probably NoobzMoobz leading cause of angst on Peatarian - you seemed to want to start a protest every time i wrote something. : )


Apr 26, 2015
johns74 said:
Wow. What an incredible level of ungratefulness.

At least I say: Thank you Bruno for building the site and letting many people learn with it. As the forum quality went down (this was done by the users, not by Bruno), I can see why you wouldn't want to associate your wonderful, dedicated, artistic work with the lower quality content created by the users. Thus, the decision to take it down makes sense to me. Your work was being associated with lower quality stuff. And it turns out, very ungrateful people as well who clearly didn't deserve it at all.

You're acting like a kid who likes xbox more than Playstation, when in reality these two sites were never in competition, at least not to my eyes. Ray Peat Forum seems to exclusively discuss health from a Peat-centric perspective, whereas Peatarian discussed health from a bunch of different angles. The two forums had different subject matter and any attempt to take a fanboy stance against one or the other is misguided.

I think officially making Peatarian a health forum without a central focus would have been a neat idea instead of shutting up shop.


Jun 17, 2014
Mountain said:
You're acting like a kid who likes xbox more than Playstation, when in reality these two sites were never in competition, at least not to my eyes.

What does that have to do with anything in my post? I didn't even mention RayPeatForum, nor implied anything about RayPeatForum.


Apr 26, 2015
Johns, what's the relative reference point when you use the phrase "lower quality stuff"? This phrase implies that you think think a Peat-centric approach to health is the one true way (i.e. the ethos of Ray Peat Forum) and that any dissent from this is "lower quality".


Jun 17, 2014
Mountain said:
Johns, what's the relative reference point when you use the phrase "lower quality stuff"? This phrase implies that you think think a Peat-centric approach to health is the one true way (i.e. the ethos of Ray Peat Forum) and that any dissent from this is "lower quality".

No. You're reading way too many things I didn't write.

The reference is older posts on that site vs. newer posts on that site. This difference has been mentioned by quite a few people, not just me.


Feb 9, 2013
Wasn't someone else going to take over Peatarian from Bruno? Dan Wich? VoS now that he's banned? Anyone up for this?

It wasn't moderated anyway so the only responsibility would be the monthly hosting... I would be happy to chip in, same as Kapow. (Great post Kapow.)

Does anyone else want to resurrect Peatarian?


Jun 17, 2014
ilovethesea said:
Wasn't someone else going to take over Peatarian from Bruno? Dan Wich? VoS now that he's banned? Anyone up for this?

It wasn't moderated anyway so the only responsibility would be the monthly hosting... I would be happy to chip in, same as Kapow. (Great post Kapow.)

Does anyone else want to resurrect Peatarian?

Isn't it as simple as creating a new site by anyone who wants to do it and saying 'hey, all peatarians.comers, come here to continue having fun!'.


Nov 30, 2012
This is really terrible. I knew this was going to happen; as others have said, the forum did seem to be going downhill. But to shut it down suddenly with no warning? Why? Essentially we're being condemned and now have to apologize for ourselves, which we shouldn't have to do since, in the context in which the forum either was established or had evolved, our use of it was correct: we were really doing as Peat suggested-- engaging creatively-- and though there was ongoing drama, there's no proof that anyone's health was in any way harmed by it.

To recap: Peatarian had become "too cultish". Some or many people were prone to posting "nonsense" and "drivel". The group was filled with "weeds", rule breakers, and unuseful nonconformists. Not being commited enough to faithfully establish a community of strict, protocol-following results-oriented "health seekers", we excommunicated Peatarians are encouraged to accept our punishment and be herded over to the "more active platform" RP Forum, where we can begin to see the error of our ways and accordingly, change, so as not to bring down the good name and work of Ray Peat.

Peat himself says,
Curiosity, esthetics, creativity, and stimulation are necessarily and deeply linked to metabolic efficiency and structural-anatomical development

And also:

To understand our ability to know and discover, I think it's valuable to consider foolishness along with wisdom, since "knowledge" consists of both. Scientists have been notorious for opposing new discoveries, but the mental rigidity of old age is so general, and well known, that many people have believed that it was caused by the death of brain cells. Individual cells do tend to become less adaptive with aging, and metabolism generally slows down with aging, but even relatively young and mentally quick people are susceptible to losing their ability to understand new ideas.

As an aside, it is worth noting that Ray Peat is an academic, intellectual, and scientist, not a licensed health practioner or doctor. Other groups allow debate and discussion within established lines; Other groups allow debate and discussion within established lines, according to the doctor or health practioner's advice. Other topics are accepted so long as no one pushes the bounds or contradicts. It makes for a nice, bland environment in which everyone is happy to follow along and maintain the groupthink. Apparently that's what Peat followers think is best. Admittedly, Peatarian seemed to have a lot of troll activity, name calling, and dissent. That is what you would expect in any group that could be considered at all stimulating, and one could even argue it was thought provoking and even healthy. That every discussion isn't a straightforward, boring problem- solving scenario was refreshing.

To say we're ingrates is really far out. We who posted there contributed to what is now a priceless compendium of info for the rest of the world. To some extent, we've changed the discussion. A few years ago no one was discussing metabolism or thyroid; now everyone is. Taking the forum and our debates (irregardless of influence) away from us is an understandable disappointment.

There's no point in posting the "lower quality" ideas here because they these inquires apparently take away from people being able to "solve" their health issues. That's all good and well, but that means Peat's work really isn't anything more than a bunch of nutritional recommendations; just a protocol, no useless mentalizing or theorizing.

Here are a few:

I would have posted about something I just read about, the Biomat. It emits infrared light and is speculated to cure cancer. Kris Carr, the "crazy" vegan, uses one:

I think it is absolutely crucial that all online health communities begin to confront the problem of EMFs and discuss things like scalar technologies, Telsa, etc. Dirty electricity is huge and it is a major reason why you won't get better regardless of how you eat.

I've started to contemplate whether sunlight is actually good for skin and prevents wrinkles, and whether sunlight avoidance is a major cause of aging (of course it is) and skin damage.

Is cancer caused by losing energy to the environment?

I took this test that helped me understand myself. It made me more conscious of myself and some of my patterns:

(Peat does say you've gotta get more conscious of yourself and how you interact with your environment)

If nothing else, red light is the key factor in aging and health, NOT diet:

“Penetrating red light is possibly the fundamental anti-stress factor for all organisms. The chronic deficiency of such light is, I think, the best explanation for the deterioration which occurs with aging.”

Is Matt Monarch, the Raw Food World guy, proof that environment trumps diet? (Ie, tons of daily light and grounding?)
(go to You Tube and watch any of their videos)

Recent advanced civilizations (Egypt, Greece, etc.) were at sea level. High altitude locations in U.S. associated with social problems; ie, drugs, crime and suicide.

So goodbye, Peatarians. Take care and try to learn not to be so rude. Read the book I'm forever referring to, A Dweller on Two Planets. Try not to be so mean like the Suernis, but remember they understood how to not get locked in a box, something the Atlanteans couldn't seem to figure out.
Nov 26, 2013
gretchen said:
Curiosity, esthetics, creativity, and stimulation are necessarily and deeply linked to metabolic efficiency and structural-anatomical development

And also:

To understand our ability to know and discover, I think it's valuable to consider foolishness along with wisdom, since "knowledge" consists of both. Scientists have been notorious for opposing new discoveries, but the mental rigidity of old age is so general, and well known, that many people have believed that it was caused by the death of brain cells. Individual cells do tend to become less adaptive with aging, and metabolism generally slows down with aging, but even relatively young and mentally quick people are susceptible to losing their ability to understand new ideas. ?


Nov 30, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
gretchen said:
Curiosity, esthetics, creativity, and stimulation are necessarily and deeply linked to metabolic efficiency and structural-anatomical development

And also:

To understand our ability to know and discover, I think it's valuable to consider foolishness along with wisdom, since "knowledge" consists of both. Scientists have been notorious for opposing new discoveries, but the mental rigidity of old age is so general, and well known, that many people have believed that it was caused by the death of brain cells. Individual cells do tend to become less adaptive with aging, and metabolism generally slows down with aging, but even relatively young and mentally quick people are susceptible to losing their ability to understand new ideas. ?

You're a douche.
Nov 26, 2013
gretchen said:
Such_Saturation said:
gretchen said:
Curiosity, esthetics, creativity, and stimulation are necessarily and deeply linked to metabolic efficiency and structural-anatomical development

And also:

To understand our ability to know and discover, I think it's valuable to consider foolishness along with wisdom, since "knowledge" consists of both. Scientists have been notorious for opposing new discoveries, but the mental rigidity of old age is so general, and well known, that many people have believed that it was caused by the death of brain cells. Individual cells do tend to become less adaptive with aging, and metabolism generally slows down with aging, but even relatively young and mentally quick people are susceptible to losing their ability to understand new ideas. ?

You're a douche.

:? Do you not agree that an imageboard is a good place for that style of debate?


Apr 21, 2014
johns74 said:
ilovethesea said:
Wasn't someone else going to take over Peatarian from Bruno? Dan Wich? VoS now that he's banned? Anyone up for this?

It wasn't moderated anyway so the only responsibility would be the monthly hosting... I would be happy to chip in, same as Kapow. (Great post Kapow.)

Does anyone else want to resurrect Peatarian?

Isn't it as simple as creating a new site by anyone who wants to do it and saying 'hey, all peatarians.comers, come here to continue having fun!'.

You are right johns74, so I created a new site:


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Awesome nickotrope! You should start a new thread announcing the site.


Jul 22, 2012
gretchen said:
Such_Saturation said:
gretchen said:
Curiosity, esthetics, creativity, and stimulation are necessarily and deeply linked to metabolic efficiency and structural-anatomical development

And also:

To understand our ability to know and discover, I think it's valuable to consider foolishness along with wisdom, since "knowledge" consists of both. Scientists have been notorious for opposing new discoveries, but the mental rigidity of old age is so general, and well known, that many people have believed that it was caused by the death of brain cells. Individual cells do tend to become less adaptive with aging, and metabolism generally slows down with aging, but even relatively young and mentally quick people are susceptible to losing their ability to understand new ideas. ?

You're a douche.

He's okay.
Give him another chance. :)
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