Neuro effects and mechanisms of SARS-COV-2


Mar 8, 2021
Then surely they’d know there’s people like you who see “both angles” (as if the whole world revolves around a left/right paradigm—BS) and they have contingencies for your ilk too.

so you’re ****88 regardless, bud.


Jan 13, 2021
Hello @haidut and Peaters,

This isn’t a Peat-related topic but relevant to what we’re dealing with right now as a society and almost nobody in the scientific community is talking about it.

I’d specifically like to hear Georgi’s thoughts. The hypothesis is RE potential neurodegeneration from prion-genesis sites on the spike protein of SARS-COV-2.

There was a study released in early Feb showing lewy-body formations in the brains of Macaque monkeys one year after an *asymptomatic* infection with SARS-COV-2. This seemed to happen to ALL the monkeys in the study:

It’s interesting this happened even in asymptomatic monkeys who never became ill from the virus. So being able to fight off the virus effectively may NOT mean it doesn’t get to our brains.

Kevin McCairn, neuroscientist, believes this may be due to the “prion-like domains” on the spike protein of the virus.

SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enables Higher Affinity to ACE2 | Request PDF

You’ll remember that mad-cow’s disease was caused by prions getting into the brain of cows. Not all cows would succumb to this, but a lot did.

Prions cause infectious *protein misfolding* and are thought to be the prime suspect in the etiology of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc. The dysfunctional proteins aggregate in the brain and disrupt communication between neurons. Prions are the hot topic in current neuroscience research and they aren’t understood very well. And there are no treatments.

This protein clumping becomes like its own infection and it self-replicates via the process of mis-folded proteins (caused by the prion-genesis sites) bumping into normal proteins and causing them to misfold, and so on and so forth.
It’s almost like a fourth class of infection, different from viruses, parasites, and bacteria.

The prions on the spike protein are interesting in light of the high-rate of neurological symptoms people experience from SARS-COV-2. In fact, 1/5 people suffer from Long-Covid, a persistent chronic fatigue-like condition that doesn’t get better with time. Is this evidence of the virus attacking the CNS?

The Problem of ‘Long Haul’ COVID

The following study shows the spike protein in isolation, when injected intramuscularly, can cross the BBB in mice and get into the brain.

The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice

This is HIGHLY relevant for the vaccine since the vaccine is IM and the spike protein manufactured by our cells circulates throughout our body in the bloodstream.

Is it the prions on the spike protein that’s getting into the brain and causing lewy-body formation in those monkeys? Is this a clue as to what we can expect to see develop in humans down the line?

It’s worth noting that if the virus *is* causing protein-misfolding in the brains of humans, it would take 1, 3, 5, even 10 years to notice these effects. In other words, this could be a virus with delayed-effects.

Might the prions be like the sting in the tail of this virus? A Trojan-horse, if you will, that has tricked us into thinking that the respiratory and immediate immune-storm effects are the only thing worth paying attention to? A “look here not over there” distraction?

If you think about it, a virus that seems harmless up-front but is backloaded with strong incubatory period that produces slow, delayed effects is the perfect bioweapon.

A virus that is harmful up-front with a high death rate would never spread successfully. People would just bolt themselves inside and the virus would extinct itself.

But a virus that *seems* relatively harmless with a 99% survival rateso many people like to point out, would get people’s guard down and allow them to spread it far and wide, effectively seeding the population with a “ticking time-bomb” in the brain, so to speak, which are the prions.

Interestingly, prions being used as a bioweapon is not a new idea:

The Next Plague: Prions are Tiny, Mysterious and Frightening

Prions: the danger of biochemical weapons


Airborne Prions Make for 100 Percent Lethal Whiff

If anyone’s interested, I’d watch Neuroscientist Kevin McCairn’s videos on this topic before coming to a conclusion. He seems to know what he’s talking about.

Twitter and YouTube has been censoring his content, and Reddit as well whenever the topic is brought up. Which is highly suspicious since he’s not anti-vax and is actually urging people to take the virus more seriously until we learn more. For those who are awake, it seems that getting censored is a clue you’re over the target.

I would start with these videos of . He does live streams everyday on this topic as well.

SARS-CoV-2 An Aerosolized Prion Disease - And Potential Symptomatic Profile:

SARS-CoV-2 A Weaponized Prion Disorder Disguised as Respiratory Disease

Vx mRNA Induced Prion Genesis - Another Look At The SARS-CoV-2 Spike

Would be interesting to hear Ray’s perspective on this, since nobody is talking about it at all.

Again, this is also highly relevant for the type of treatment we use as the Mouse study shows IM injection of isolated spike protein crosses the BBB in mice. The mice showed spongiform encephalopathy, which is what you’d expect, and died

I don’t think we want a virus or vaccine with prion-genesis sites getting anywhere near our brains. So people should probably be looking into.

We need Ray on this. @haidut can you please bring this up next time on the podcast with Ray, and send him the studies I’ve linked to beforehand?

I've got long haul. What can I do?

Eating Peat diet.

Aspirin - 81-150 mg a day
2-6 Mg ingested K2
2000 mg topically applied calcirol
Oxidal - 2-4 drops every morning on back of tongue
Red light 5 minutes on back of head then 15 minutes full body
Tocovit 2-5 drops daily
Magnoil recently 3-5 drops on hands before bed
Pyrucent recently on hands 5 drops

Faced covid in June. Almost died from what I suspected was serotonin syndrome. Felt like multi organ failure, blood vessels popping. Hunched over to breath.

I've been getting better, slowly, over the course of the last year in all symptoms. Was able to get back out snowboarding and dancing just about every night. Over the last five days my sense of smell is still good. But my chest feels heavy, lightheaded, fearful, on and off breathing difficulty more than usual. numbness in mouth. I'm scared I will die soon.

I have DeFibron, Cardenosine, Cyproheptadine and Progest-E at my disposal. Been trying to incorporate one supplement at a time but obviously it's not enough. I'm willing to try anything to live. Not sure where else to look on this forum or who to talk with, but need expertise.

Having a Doctors appointment tomorrow, what tests should I ask for? Thank you.


Nov 18, 2019
I've got long haul. What can I do?

Eating Peat diet.

Aspirin - 81-150 mg a day
2-6 Mg ingested K2
2000 mg topically applied calcirol
Oxidal - 2-4 drops every morning on back of tongue
Red light 5 minutes on back of head then 15 minutes full body
Tocovit 2-5 drops daily
Magnoil recently 3-5 drops on hands before bed
Pyrucent recently on hands 5 drops

Faced covid in June. Almost died from what I suspected was serotonin syndrome. Felt like multi organ failure, blood vessels popping. Hunched over to breath.

I've been getting better, slowly, over the course of the last year in all symptoms. Was able to get back out snowboarding and dancing just about every night. Over the last five days my sense of smell is still good. But my chest feels heavy, lightheaded, fearful, on and off breathing difficulty more than usual. numbness in mouth. I'm scared I will die soon.

I have DeFibron, Cardenosine, Cyproheptadine and Progest-E at my disposal. Been trying to incorporate one supplement at a time but obviously it's not enough. I'm willing to try anything to live. Not sure where else to look on this forum or who to talk with, but need expertise.

Having a Doctors appointment tomorrow, what tests should I ask for? Thank you.
Try a CPAP machine (like people use for snoring at night) for the breathing difficulties. My brother in law had Covid and used it to help get over his breathing problems and he already had Asthma. Made a huge difference. My sister actually had the idea and they told the MD. He was impressed and started prescribing to all his Covid patients. My brother in law also used Losartan like Ray recommends. Worked well definitely helps with breathing and I am sure that heaviness in the chest. Ask your MD to prescribe it to you. I would also use Ivermectin for a short time to help with recovery. Sounds like your body never fully got over it.

Hope these help. Be careful at the MD appointment. Don’t let the doctor put you on horrible meds. Demand Losartan and Ivermectin first.


Jan 13, 2021
Try a CPAP machine (like people use for snoring at night) for the breathing difficulties. My brother in law had Covid and used it to help get over his breathing problems and he already had Asthma. Made a huge difference. My sister actually had the idea and they told the MD. He was impressed and started prescribing to all his Covid patients. My brother in law also used Losartan like Ray recommends. Worked well definitely helps with breathing and I am sure that heaviness in the chest. Ask your MD to prescribe it to you. I would also use Ivermectin for a short time to help with recovery. Sounds like your body never fully got over it.

Hope these help. Be careful at the MD appointment. Don’t let the doctor put you on horrible meds. Demand Losartan and Ivermectin first.

I'll look into cpap this weekend. Never heard of Losartan, will research that too. We have ivermectin on reserve in case of infections but I'll consider using it.


Nov 18, 2019

I'll look into cpap this weekend. Never heard of Losartan, will research that too. We have ivermectin on reserve in case of infections but I'll consider using it.
One more thing I forgot to write @AndrewGesell the MD also prescribed an anti-inflammatory along with Losartan. I would continue to use aspirin.


Feb 2, 2021
Try a CPAP machine (like people use for snoring at night) for the breathing difficulties. My brother in law had Covid and used it to help get over his breathing problems and he already had Asthma. Made a huge difference. My sister actually had the idea and they told the MD. He was impressed and started prescribing to all his Covid patients. My brother in law also used Losartan like Ray recommends. Worked well definitely helps with breathing and I am sure that heaviness in the chest. Ask your MD to prescribe it to you. I would also use Ivermectin for a short time to help with recovery. Sounds like your body never fully got over it.

Hope these help. Be careful at the MD appointment. Don’t let the doctor put you on horrible meds. Demand Losartan and Ivermectin first.
Where can one get Ivermectin?


Nov 18, 2019
Where can one get Ivermectin?
Perhaps from Mexican pharmacies? Also, you can buy the horse paste ivermectin, but need to figure out dosage as it is designed for horses. Check out the thread entitled “Coronavirus how to treat” I think people have put where to source from. Here is a natural way to make hydroxychloroquine by the way:



Feb 2, 2021
Perhaps from Mexican pharmacies? Also, you can buy the horse paste ivermectin, but need to figure out dosage as it is designed for horses. Check out the thread entitled “Coronavirus how to treat” I think people have put where to source from. Here is a natural way to make hydroxychloroquine by the way:

View attachment 23328
Awesome, thanks!


Nov 18, 2019
Awesome, thanks!
It looks like a medical journal is calling for widespread ivermectin use:



Jan 13, 2021
Perhaps from Mexican pharmacies? Also, you can buy the horse paste ivermectin, but need to figure out dosage as it is designed for horses. Check out the thread entitled “Coronavirus how to treat” I think people have put where to source from. Here is a natural way to make hydroxychloroquine by the way:

View attachment 23328

I just read that you can get a prescription of Ivermectin from Americas Front Line Doctors! Contact them and they will help you.
You can get it from text2md too. That's where I got mine. Thanks for sharing


Nov 18, 2019
I will. Feeling much better today and thank you.
Awesome! This is apparently how the AFLD say to use it:

a protocol of 5, 3mg tabs every other day for 3 sessions then 4 tabs a week for one month or more..

edit...this was for a 71 year old man having long hauler effects.


Nov 9, 2020
No the psyop is not for them. The vaccine is for them. The psyop is for you because they know you wouldn’t take the vaccine. So they need you to get the virus. Vaccine and virus are same thing lol.

45% fear the virus and get the vaccine (political left). The other 45% fear the vaccine and get the virus (political right). A small slice of the population would be smart enough to recognize the psyop coming from both directions and avoid both.

this makes the most sense. I’ve always thought this, about trump too. If I can come up with the idea of finding a way to “work on” the skeptics and right wingers and I have no vested interest and haven’t been studying human nature and motivation for a hundred years then what horrors can “they” come up with who have serious vested interests and unlimited access to whatever they need to figure it out?
Sitting ducks most of us!

Hoping ivermectin can help with potential long haul, think i had it dec 2019 But testing is banned in NZ so I can’t accurately check. Here’s to doing whatever we can to prevent being one of their long anticipated population reduction statistics


Nov 9, 2020
Awesome! This is apparently how the AFLD say to use it:

a protocol of 5, 3mg tabs every other day for 3 sessions then 4 tabs a week for one month or more..

edit...this was for a 71 year old man having long hauler effects.
This is for ivermectin?


Apr 28, 2018
This is a very very pre-mature reaction. He is on medical leave and yes he does live streams everyday for hours and openly asks for donations to pay for all the equipment needed to do his streams. What the F is your point? Focus on the science.
There are several threads posted on rpf featuring the prion/spike protein topic with multiple references and vids for exploration. The neurological impact is front and center for inquiring minds. Thanks AJ1 for contributing to the conversation.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
Hello @haidut and Peaters,

This isn’t a Peat-related topic but relevant to what we’re dealing with right now as a society and almost nobody in the scientific community is talking about it.

I’d specifically like to hear Georgi’s thoughts. The hypothesis is RE potential neurodegeneration from prion-genesis sites on the spike protein of SARS-COV-2.

There was a study released in early Feb showing lewy-body formations in the brains of Macaque monkeys one year after an *asymptomatic* infection with SARS-COV-2. This seemed to happen to ALL the monkeys in the study:

It’s interesting this happened even in asymptomatic monkeys who never became ill from the virus. So being able to fight off the virus effectively may NOT mean it doesn’t get to our brains.

Kevin McCairn, neuroscientist, believes this may be due to the “prion-like domains” on the spike protein of the virus.

SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enables Higher Affinity to ACE2 | Request PDF

You’ll remember that mad-cow’s disease was caused by prions getting into the brain of cows. Not all cows would succumb to this, but a lot did.

Prions cause infectious *protein misfolding* and are thought to be the prime suspect in the etiology of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s etc. The dysfunctional proteins aggregate in the brain and disrupt communication between neurons. Prions are the hot topic in current neuroscience research and they aren’t understood very well. And there are no treatments.

This protein clumping becomes like its own infection and it self-replicates via the process of mis-folded proteins (caused by the prion-genesis sites) bumping into normal proteins and causing them to misfold, and so on and so forth.
It’s almost like a fourth class of infection, different from viruses, parasites, and bacteria.

The prions on the spike protein are interesting in light of the high-rate of neurological symptoms people experience from SARS-COV-2. In fact, 1/5 people suffer from Long-Covid, a persistent chronic fatigue-like condition that doesn’t get better with time. Is this evidence of the virus attacking the CNS?

The Problem of ‘Long Haul’ COVID

The following study shows the spike protein in isolation, when injected intramuscularly, can cross the BBB in mice and get into the brain.

The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice

This is HIGHLY relevant for the vaccine since the vaccine is IM and the spike protein manufactured by our cells circulates throughout our body in the bloodstream.

Is it the prions on the spike protein that’s getting into the brain and causing lewy-body formation in those monkeys? Is this a clue as to what we can expect to see develop in humans down the line?

It’s worth noting that if the virus *is* causing protein-misfolding in the brains of humans, it would take 1, 3, 5, even 10 years to notice these effects. In other words, this could be a virus with delayed-effects.

Might the prions be like the sting in the tail of this virus? A Trojan-horse, if you will, that has tricked us into thinking that the respiratory and immediate immune-storm effects are the only thing worth paying attention to? A “look here not over there” distraction?

If you think about it, a virus that seems harmless up-front but is backloaded with strong incubatory period that produces slow, delayed effects is the perfect bioweapon.

A virus that is harmful up-front with a high death rate would never spread successfully. People would just bolt themselves inside and the virus would extinct itself.

But a virus that *seems* relatively harmless with a 99% survival rateso many people like to point out, would get people’s guard down and allow them to spread it far and wide, effectively seeding the population with a “ticking time-bomb” in the brain, so to speak, which are the prions.

Interestingly, prions being used as a bioweapon is not a new idea:

The Next Plague: Prions are Tiny, Mysterious and Frightening

Prions: the danger of biochemical weapons


Airborne Prions Make for 100 Percent Lethal Whiff

If anyone’s interested, I’d watch Neuroscientist Kevin McCairn’s videos on this topic before coming to a conclusion. He seems to know what he’s talking about.

Twitter and YouTube has been censoring his content, and Reddit as well whenever the topic is brought up. Which is highly suspicious since he’s not anti-vax and is actually urging people to take the virus more seriously until we learn more. For those who are awake, it seems that getting censored is a clue you’re over the target.

I would start with these videos of . He does live streams everyday on this topic as well.

SARS-CoV-2 An Aerosolized Prion Disease - And Potential Symptomatic Profile:

SARS-CoV-2 A Weaponized Prion Disorder Disguised as Respiratory Disease

Vx mRNA Induced Prion Genesis - Another Look At The SARS-CoV-2 Spike

Would be interesting to hear Ray’s perspective on this, since nobody is talking about it at all.

Again, this is also highly relevant for the type of treatment we use as the Mouse study shows IM injection of isolated spike protein crosses the BBB in mice. The mice showed spongiform encephalopathy, which is what you’d expect, and died

I don’t think we want a virus or vaccine with prion-genesis sites getting anywhere near our brains. So people should probably be looking into.

We need Ray on this. @haidut can you please bring this up next time on the podcast with Ray, and send him the studies I’ve linked to beforehand?

If this is the case and Covid causes prion formation why the push for vaccines...which would do the same? I mean, why not just let the virus infect everyone on the planet?
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