Jennifer's Recovery Log



Jul 8, 2014
Thank you so much everyone for the support! :cry:

Hehe! BingDing! I never thought I'd be talking this much about stool before I ever hit motherhood or old age.

thebigpeatowski said:
Wow Jennifer, that is AWESOME!!! Interesting that your doc was convinced that you had yeast and you don't.

I have been telling my doctor the EXACT same thing for over four years now, that I feel like I have some sort of gut infection/imbalance. I also tested extremely deficient for iron and B-12. I only feel somewhat normal when I take copious B vitamins, but because I am not "wasting away" she does not take me seriously. Can you please tell me exactly what the test was called that you took? Also, do you mind sharing the name of the bad bugs that you have and which good bugs are lacking? All of my issues seem to stem from the terminal ileum/cecum down. I wish Peat would talk more about the ones we might need. A sterile colon is NOT even remotely doable and does not appear to be desirable.

I have felt, ever since my Garlic Shock and Awe, that this is the answer for me too. My problem lies in the gut flora re-population phase: I cannot get enough quantity and diversity of flora from a capsule...or even ten! I'm pretty sure I need a full on fecal microbiota transplant after broad spectrum antibiotics in order to fix things.

I'm so happy for you, that has to be a MAJOR load off your mind. As I have stated in other posts, this seems to be a vicious circle. If you can't absorb enough nutrition due to gut issues then your body can't seem to fight the infection in your gut, it's like a tail spin and it DEFINITELY causes hormone problems.

DOING THE HAPPY DANCE WITH YOU!!! :carrot :dancenanner :kisscheek
I thought about you when I received my results. I was going to PM you just in case you missed this log. I wanted to catch you before you committed to the Nystatin enema. I took the Genova GI Effects comprehensive stool test. Here's the link: ... stool-test

The bacteria strains that were found to be high have some crazy long names so I'll just let you check out the test page where you'll see a list of the species they check for.

Yeah, the lack of "wasting away" seems to often deceive doctors. It's the same thing with hypothyroidism. Doctors assume patients can't be hypothyroid if they're underweight. Ray has talked about how patients have gone undiagnosed and untreated because of this false belief.

This is evident even with my mother and I. I've already dropped 10 pounds in a month due to chronic diarrhea, despite getting 2300+ calories a day. My mom doesn't eat as much as me and has chronic diarrhea much worse than I and yet she hasn't dropped a pound. I'd say that your body and hers, though it can feel quite frustrating if you're not comfortable at the weight you're at, have done a good job of preventing you two from losing protective weight. Once your weight gets too low...well, you get a case like mine. Scary!

It definitely is a load off my mind, though I'll admit I do have mixed feelings. I've been sick for so long that I have a hard time imagining who I'll be after all this is, if that makes sense? Though I've gained so much as a person/emotional strength, I've lost pretty much everything I had been working towards in terms of career and starting my own life. I just feel very much behind my peers at this point. Though, I know I shouldn't look at it as a need to catch-up.

Let me know if you want any other info, okay BP!? :)


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Hey Jennifer, I was reading a Linus Pauling Institute article about vitamin D and it mentioned bone pain (low vitamin D). Thought I would mention it, though you're probably well versed about it.

I've read a lot about vitamin D, in part because of one member's constant negativity, and taking 20,000 IU/day for three weeks is almost certainly harmless and may be required to get levels up to near a healthy state. Supplements like this are fine, IMO.

RP has said 50 ng/mL serum level of D3 is good, a search will find some related threads.


Mar 29, 2014
Congrats on finally getting those results.
Knowledge is power.
Out of curiousity, if you feel like revealing, was c. difficile amongst the culprits?
Hopefully minocycline will knock 'em back.
Seems like repopulating is not always straight-forward, but there should be a way.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Yay Jennifer!! Congrats on the diagnosis!! Answers are so nice to have :) I hope things will go very well for you!!

A note about the Minocycline, I think that was what I took. It definitely stopped further infection for me post appendicitis, but I DO recommend probiotics when it is finished - not a capsule though. Eat good foods. I've mentioned the Kefir and potato starch with honey - this works really well, I kid you not. And limiting starch is important or the infection can come back. I was doing really well recently until I ate a bowl of my bone broth loaded with potatoes yesterday - feel awful today.

I would not be afraid of trying dairy while you are taking the antibiotics and seeing how you do - my cheese cravings were so strong (and still are) following the antibiotics. It's like my body knows it wants that K2 and good bacteria. I would give it a whirl and see if you get that rash - if not, it was likely the infection all along and the dairy was just causing a bacterial frenzy.

Also, regarding probiotics, most of them do not survive the small intestine, which is why the raw potato starch (a resistant starch) mixed with Kefir or raw milk and honey (another antimicrobial food) works so well because the starch carries both all the way through. I cannot tell you how well it worked for food poisoning.

Best of Luck!!!

P.S. I mentioned this in the other thread, but I did have UTI issues after antibiotics. It might have been from the catheter post-surgery, but I would just be aware. Cranberry extract works real well to help UTI symptoms.


Jun 12, 2013
I haven't kept up with logs and posts much lately, but I see you got information and on your way to getting well. Congrats, Jennifer.

I have PCOS too, btw.


Jul 8, 2014
BingDing said:
Hey Jennifer, I was reading a Linus Pauling Institute article about vitamin D and it mentioned bone pain (low vitamin D). Thought I would mention it, though you're probably well versed about it.

I've read a lot about vitamin D, in part because of one member's constant negativity, and taking 20,000 IU/day for three weeks is almost certainly harmless and may be required to get levels up to near a healthy state. Supplements like this are fine, IMO.

RP has said 50 ng/mL serum level of D3 is good, a search will find some related threads.
Thanks for the info, BingDing! I'm glad to know what D3 level Ray feels is good. I need to work on getting mine up.

Right before I fractured, the doctor checked my D3 level and it was at 6. I was having extreme pains in my shins. I was put on one weekly dose of 50,000 IU for a month and my level got up to 53 ng/mL. After that, the shin pains were gone. Every time my level drops too low, the shin pains come back. I'm not sure why that is, but my aunt gets the same symptom when her level gets too low. My shins have been hurting again so I started dosing 20,000 IU every few days. I'll try taking it everyday for three weeks like you suggest. Thanks!

I was actually supplementing with that exact D3 you linked too. It works really well like the Carlson D drops I'm currently using.


Jul 8, 2014
tara said:
Congrats on finally getting those results.
Knowledge is power.
Out of curiousity, if you feel like revealing, was c. difficile amongst the culprits?
Hopefully minocycline will knock 'em back.
Seems like repopulating is not always straight-forward, but there should be a way.
Thank you very much, tara. :)

Clostridium results came back as normal. I took photos of my results and will post them tonight since narouz expressed interest in seeing them.


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you, Lindsay! :D

I was going to ask you again about the potato starch/raw milk/honey since you mentioned before that it worked really well for you. Now, the starch wasn't a problem for you given that you're not doing so well on starches or is it the raw/resistance part that makes all the difference? That's the one thing I was concerned about. I love my French bread, but when I have plenty of calories from dairy and sugar, I don't seem to crave starches at all.

If Ray is correct about starches being problematic for those with intestinal issues, I start to question if I should even attempt them again. I think if I tried to satisfy cravings with other foods yet still continued to crave starch, then I would give into my craving as being a true one. At this point, I don't know what craving is true or not anymore. That will be the hard part for me to figure out after I'm done with the minocycline.


Jul 8, 2014
Peata said:
I haven't kept up with logs and posts much lately, but I see you got information and on your way to getting well. Congrats, Jennifer.

I have PCOS too, btw.
Thanks so much, Peata! :D

I'm sorry to hear about the PCOS. There seems to be quite a few of us on here with it. Though, I don't know if my diagnoses was accurate after reading other members had more than just blood tests to confirm it. My doctor only went by my blood tests and after 6 weeks of high dosing progest-e, she told me I no longer had it. All I can think is that it stems from the infection.

Anyhow, I hope your stomach has been treating you kindly. :)


Jul 8, 2014
Narouz expressed interest in seeing my actual results so here they are:

This sheet is Genova's treatment recommendations based on my results:


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Jan 24, 2014
Um, it wasn't JUST narouz that wanted to see your poo results...LOL! What a sick bunch we are. :lol: Thanks for sharing!!!


Jul 8, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
Um, it wasn't JUST narouz that wanted to see your poo results...LOL! What a sick bunch we are. :lol: Thanks for sharing!!!
Hehe! It's all in the name of science and health. We're not sick, we're experimenters! :lol:

You're welcome, BP! I'm happy to share!


Jul 8, 2014
So far this has been my experience with 1 dose (100mg) per day of minocycline taken each night before bed...

Day 1 - Barely slept at all and woke up very light headed and dizzy. Ran errands and by noon I needed to sleep for an hour. No change in digestion.

Day 2 - Again, I didn't sleep well and woke up light headed and dizzy. I bumped into the wall and hit the kitchen counter a few times while trying to make breakfast so decided to go back to bed to try and combat the dizziness. That led to a 2 hour nap. One good thing I noticed was when I brushed my teeth before bed, my tongue was pink. After taking the Neomycin a while back, my tongue had started to become almost grey in color and developed a bit of white that I would always have to brush off. My teeth would also develop a slight coating on them by the end of the day.

Day 3 - The diarrhea has subside greatly and so has the bleeding. Yay! I still woke in the morning lightheaded and dizzy and needed to take another 2+ hour nap. If sleep does in fact equal beauty, I better be drop dead gorgeous by the end of all this because I've been fully committed to the cause. Right now I feel like a cross between an infant and the resident of a retirement home. My tongue is even pinker today and not one trace of white. It also had a nice healthy gloss to it. My mouth/tongue/teeth have felt extremely clean all day just like they use to before taking the Neomycin. I also noticed my urine was yellow throughout the day like that in my youth and not clear like it's been ever since my fruitarian debacle. One of two things I took away from RBTI, the importance of urine Brix and pH. My urine Brix has not crashed once today.

Day 4 - Last night I was lying in bed and kept feeling that sense of falling, if that makes sense? If you've ever taken a muscle relaxer, it was that same feeling. I did sleep through the night, finally. Also, the diarrhea and bleeding have stopped completely. The dizziness and need to sleep are still here and now nausea too. I actually feel like I'm coming down with the flu. I've come to the conclusion that I must of been held together by bacteria and stress related nerves. LOL This antibiotic is making me feel like jello and most of my muscles are killing me. My habit of taking a squatting position while reading on the iPad is really felt now. I feel like it's the day after a very tough climb. Although, my breasts no longer hurt and my urine was nice and yellow again so something positive seems to be taking place.

Day 5 - I slept through the night and had vivid dreams like I use to. Still woke with dizziness. I'm thinking this is just my bodies reaction to the antibiotic and won't improve until I'm off it. I never handle meds well and always suffered most of the side effects so I'm really not surprised with my bodies reaction to this one. I've had completely normal bowel movements and yellow urine all day. My skin seems to be clearing up too. The underlying redness/rash is slowly going away. I've continued to have plenty of juice and I'm craving lots of lightly salted fried eggs. I'm still eating a fair amount of chocolate because it's quick to grab and high calorie. I think I've tried every variety of soy-free chocolate that Whole Foods carries. Hmm...maybe I should write a log specifically about chocolate like I did for creamed honey. Just kidding! I won't do that to you all again.

Day 6 - Today I've had absolutely no lower intestinal pain and see even more improvement in my skin. Small wounds are healing up quickly and the redness under my skin is even less apparent. Also, the red burning ears and cheeks I would get in the evening haven't happened the past couple of nights. I still feel a bit nauseous. I'm going to try some dairy in another week. I want to give my body a chance to clear out more bacteria before I start having it again, but oh lordy am I craving it like crazy!

My temps have stayed consistent from morning to night, hovering at 98 degrees. My morning pulse has been around 75 and around 88 throughout the day and evening.

Tonight's song is inspired by my temps...


Jan 3, 2014
Great progress! I get dizzy with some antibiotics too. Can make one very nauseous.


Jul 8, 2014
Thank you, sueq and BP! I'm glad to know what I'm feeling is normal. I'll just keep plugging along and napping. Lots of napping. :roll:


Jul 8, 2014
Over the past five days I've added dairy back into my diet. I figured at some point I was going to have to give it a shot and decided it was now or never. I've had ricotta, milk and milk chocolate and there have been absolutely no signs of a rash. My skin has completely cleared up and is so soft again despite the dry winter weather. Also, my left big toe that had been completely numb for years has now gotten a lot of its sensation back.

I'm still feeling the same symptoms of dizziness and the need to nap from the minocycline, but I'm not surprised of this and just see it as par for the course. My pulse is now above 90 in the evenings and my temps have risen to 98.6 degrees so I'm officially out of boy band territory. :D

Much of 2014, I found myself shuffling along down grocery store aisles sobbing and rambling on and on about how I couldn't eat. People were coming up to me handing me money saying "Here you go love! Now you can eat a good meal." Just kidding! I love to spice up my stories. The real version is so uneventful. LOL

Truth be told, I was at the point where I wanted to cry at the thought of going to another grocery store and having to stand in the aisles completely at a loss for what to buy, knowing I couldn't tolerate most foods yet needed to eat. Thanks to the antibiotic, I now treat grocery shopping like I'm one of those contestants on Supermarket Sweep just frantically grabbing food off the shelves and piling it into my cart because I currently have the appetite of a linebacker. I've been packing in the calories and not suffering one iota of digestive troubles. I've been craving so much protein it's insane. I can't get enough of maple chicken breast, whole milk ricotta, eggs, maple milk, apple juice, and chocolate. Such bizarre cravings.

My brother jokes that my money maker cost me $500 to fix, but you know what? It was worth every penny. Ha!

Tonight's song is to give the little critters a message to continue skedaddling because they were most certainly uninvited...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm so glad to hear your appetite is back Jennifer! It's a very life confirming and healing sign to regain your lost appetite. I'm sure it will serve you well.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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