Income idea for anyone who's lost or may lose their job


May 10, 2018
Did you read the thread mate? This has been mentioned several times. I thought you mentioned that you were going to leave this forum a few weeks ago as per your 50th psoriasis thread?


Feb 13, 2021
Step 1 - create a shopping site with a free trial (Shopify is really easy for example and for most of these sites you can complete everything in the scope of the free trial) - (free)

Step 2 - figure out what you are going to sell (your niche)- (free - this process never stops - keeping up with trends and adjusting is important)

Step 3 - find suppliers for these products (this is the hard part - a lot of guys think they can just easily wing some aliexpress supplier in China and it is a done deal - you need to ensure quality for your products is good and that shipping is reasonable - if you find a supplier in China the average shipping time is 30+ days for all of the products I was trying to dropship and then you need samples to quality- check yourself because with China you really never know what you're receiving sometimes in terms of product

This is why this is the most important part. It's easy to advertise your products if the product is good - if it's useful and the quality doesn't disappoint marketing is a lot easier on you and you don't have to deal with returns or negative feedback as much - but finding a good quality product with a reasonable supplier that checks the boxes is much easier said than done, but the good news is once you have this done the next steps are a lot easier.

Step 4 - list the products - focus on improving your site in terms of looks and experience and it's ready for marketing - figure out your audience for what you're selling and run ads on social media or other platforms targeting those specific audiences. Learn what gets your site the most traffic and continue growing.

Dropshipping isn't a scam I would say it just seems like it is because the majority of guys getting into it aren't willing to spend a lot of time and effort into steps 3 and 4 - these steps are really important for success and it becomes what you make of it, creativity is a huge help here.
Thanks so much, James!

I have saved your comment here for later reference. Might actually try this as I do have some free time to allot.

Do you know anything about dropshipping blue light blocking glasses? Seems like most of the high-quality ones are pretty pricey. It'd be cool to make something more affordable available.


Feb 13, 2021
How do you charge for editing? meaning what is the formula there (versus 10-20 cents per word for writing)
I don't do many editing-only jobs...

But usually 5 cents/word or $50/hour, whichever is more.


Apr 28, 2018
Hmmm following with interest, as a prev technical writer, editor, and grammar nazi


Feb 13, 2021
Hmmm following with interest, as a prev technical writer, editor, and grammar nazi
Wouldn't normally recommend making money thru blogging...

But I bet you could have a really cool classic literature review blog of some sort.


Jun 18, 2021
[Sorry, this is some TL;DR...]


Dropshipping is acceptable in-terms of having the supplier in your local country.
I myself would agree on that, since there's already websites like Wish (I mean the days of just relying on AliExpress & Oberlo are long gone).
Now it requires effort more than you've imagined, so that these local suppliers would vouch for you.

A typical starting point will be:

1. Having a neat looking website that specifically caters to your local supplier's products
2. Facebook Groups & other Social Media engagement

[So basically it's about imposing a Pseudo Brand first; asides from using #amazonfinds on TikTok (just an example) to pick your niche.]

Having those 2 will get you a supplier more easier (but I'm not saying that it would be an instant).
Since these days, everybody can do online selling -- even the suppliers do it themselves.
It's just that most suppliers don't do it very well, and that's where I come in... hahaha.

I actually do E-commerce Consultation as my main gig (close to 3 yrs now), but I'm not taking anymore clients at the moment.
Since I'm already having more than I can handle, thank goodness that I have 3 trusted employees (remote).
Prior to that, I was selling on Amazon with 2 failed products that easily went down the drain.
And that cost me a total of 12k wasted on Ads & trying to revamp the product design (product images, packaging, etc).
So having all those failures got me zoned in on what to focus/know more about.

What's good with Dropshipping is that it's an additional Cash Flow if you can "really" nail it.
But at the same time, it's not a Sellable Asset since you don't own anything (except the website/websites you've put up).
Personally, I'd use Dropshipping as a Product Validation tool before you come-up with an OEM product.

And as far as the state of Dropshipping goes, you'll always be in the 'bleeding edge' of:

- Whether to spend more on Ads (at the cost of "way more" lower margins)
- Or increase your Sale Price (at the cost of having 'Lower Conversion Rate')

Also I find it really expensive to run ads for a Droshipping business.
Since you'll most likely put up Ads on Social Media platforms, which doesn't have any buying intent to begin with.
So most likely, they'll just end up clicking just to see what's it about (but not buying anything).

And when it comes to the True ROI (ie. owning a brand for at least 3-4 years), it's actually about selling the Asset itself (and Dropshipping is not an Asset).
'Cause most of the money you'll end up acquiring would just be funneled back into its: Marketing Efforts, Business Processes, etc.

Overall, if you're going to try this for yourself, have a starting budget of somewhere around 1k.
But if you've already gone past $500 and not seeing any potential, you should start thinking of something else.
Btw, all you see out there saying that you'll only need $300 (or less than that) is a bit too far-fetched.

As with what I can recommend:

- Axie Infinity (or other NFT games)
+ costs money to get started (it's a bit pricey now a days)
+ you'll most likely get your ROI in about 3 months (that's in relation to the current date of this posting)
+ have someone play it for you, 'cause it'll typically cost you 3-4hrs of your time a day
+ there are also way more elaborate ways on doing this; ie. you being the manager then hiring people to play several accounts for you
+ the only biggest main con when it comes to this, is if there comes a time when their server crashes...

I was also about to say Affiliate Marketing... but the real deal when it comes that requires a lot of time and budget (before you get things going).
'Cause if you want to cut the time, you'll most likely buy existing domains that already has Domain Authority.
And not just that, but you'll also have to pay for tools to use like for: Site Audit, Keyword Research, etc (which goes by monthly or whichever subscription you've opt for).

I guess the only cookie cutter approach to that, is to become a mini celebrity (or an authority figure or something) and put Affiliate Links to your recommended items.
A really good example of that is Matt Blackburn and Extreme Health Radio (also Ben Greenfield).
There are also others , but those are the only ones that came to my mind at the moment.

As with something 'career-wise' type thing:

- Get a Linkedin Premium account (I prefer the Business account)
+ make sure you selectively interact with potential contacts
+ that is to make sure that the 'algorithm' won't send you feed that you don't need
+ but only use it when your looking for clients

Though this requires a monthly subscription but if you already have something to offer it's worth it, you'll just have to tidy-up your profile.
And from there you'll just have to look for potential contacts on whichever industry that is.
If you're lucky, you can even find CTOs that you can pitch your idea for (ie. AI related or something else that solves problems).

- Register yourself as a business
+ doing so will get you access to business loans & higher credit limit
+ but that only happens if you've been doing well way past a year from your date of business registration (as far as the money going into your account is concerned)

And just for laughs (or maybe is already doing this -- care to elaborte if you do):

- G4P
+ I think most gay people are loveless and just needs someone to be with
+ so I think it's a great market to be in, since there's an increasing number of gay people around
+ I've also heard of something similar in Japan but not G4P, basically you just hangout with the person who hired you for that period of time


Since you mentioned writing, I've remember this Crypto Earning Blog Platform called Steemit -- and I'm not sure if it's still a viable option to pursue this time around; I think there's been an issue with the owner(s) and haven't heard of them ever since.

I just mentioned this, 'cause I've thought maybe you've done some writing with that platform.

But with all those said, everything that I've mentioned aren't really 'Peaty' (since it requires stressing you out)... so I'd be also be interested to see other suggestions.
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Jan 27, 2021
Did you read the thread mate? This has been mentioned several times. I thought you mentioned that you were going to leave this forum a few weeks ago as per your 50th psoriasis thread?
reeee james has an axe to grind


Mar 6, 2020
Why don't we start a thread that identifies, from twitter accounts and the like, all solo-sport athletes that have announced themselves as Veople. We then bet against them in close fights/contests knowing they are likely to be performing somewhat below par.


Jul 13, 2014
Crypto currency. Seriously. You need maybe a year to understand the entire space and you should definitely practice trading and testing but there's a LOT of opportunity to make money


Mar 6, 2020
You need maybe a year to understand the entire space
do you mean it takes a while to understand how to get it annonymously, or you mean it takes a while to master some none-HODL approaches to trading?


Jul 13, 2014
do you mean it takes a while to understand how to get it annonymously, or you mean it takes a while to master some none-HODL approaches to trading?
yes it takes a long time to learn swing trading or leverage trading which is particularly dangerous but also particularly lucrativce if you know what youre doing

also just time to research alt coins and which ones to invest in

but i must reiterate...anyone with less than 1-2 years experience has HUGE potential to lose money with leverage trading


Feb 13, 2021
Crypto currency. Seriously. You need maybe a year to understand the entire space and you should definitely practice trading and testing but there's a LOT of opportunity to make money

Can you be more specific without giving away any undue secrets?

What crypto coins/approaches have worked for you in the past? Do you think these same strategies will continue to work in the future?


Feb 13, 2021
Since you mentioned writing, I've remember this Crypto Earning Blog Platform called Steemit -- and I'm not sure if it's still a viable option to pursue this time around; I think there's been an issue with the owner(s) and haven't heard of them ever since.
Never heard of it but will research this, thnx!
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