Ignorant Ignorance


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Jun 6, 2023
United States
My parents are both ignorant, they are immigrants, and have very little knowledge about health, and the world. I am very thankful for being born with the ability to think for my self. I have a love hate relationship with my anxiety, it makes my life miserable but it also lights a fire under me to address my anxieties as best as I can. I feel so sorry for those who are ignorant and are too uneducated and incapable of doing their own research and coming to their own conclusions. What a scary world it must be... living like that. Imagine having all these health issues and being hopeless and incapable of researching for yourself. This is the case for so so many people. I think we sometimes take this for granted. Those on this forum at least have a bit of sense in them to try to read between the lines of deceit. The spread of truthful knowledge is critical, the evolution of the ability to spread knowledge has been key to the growth of our society. The innovation in the ability to spread information however also opens up the ability to spread misinformation sadly there is far more misinformation than correct information, it is astonishing. And TOO MANY people are incapable of discerning the truth in the sea of lies.

Imagine if you didn't know about Ray, if you were incapable of researching due to a lack of knowledge or a language barrier. There are so many people in third world countries suffering immensely, while we swim in our pleasures and our cognitive abilities. The average person is not very smart. And there is a massive population of people with low IQ's. Are they still not people too? They still feel, and experience suffering, and the inability to get out of that pit, which is dug even deeper by those who they trust. Stop teaching kids so much trigonometry in school and put a greater emphasis on other useful tools to ACTUALLY help them. Even the modern era of kids are still stupid, it hasn't changed. The whole system is f&cked up, from the education system to the health system. Major reform is still needed in our society, yet our priorities seem to be jacked all the way up, and our governments can't get anything done, progress is too slow, maybe if more people woke up and saw the world for how it actually is and not how they want it to be, and that if we all came together against those who are really our enemies, the world could change for the better. World peace and a perfect society will never be within our reach, not even if we were given all the time that time could give to try and reach it. Sadly it seems like our human nature will be our species' downfall.
Mar 10, 2021
My parents are both ignorant, they are immigrants, and have very little knowledge about health, and the world. I am very thankful for being born with the ability to think for my self. I have a love hate relationship with my anxiety, it makes my life miserable but it also lights a fire under me to address my anxieties as best as I can. I feel so sorry for those who are ignorant and are too uneducated and incapable of doing their own research and coming to their own conclusions. What a scary world it must be... living like that. Imagine having all these health issues and being hopeless and incapable of researching for yourself. This is the case for so so many people. I think we sometimes take this for granted. Those on this forum at least have a bit of sense in them to try to read between the lines of deceit. The spread of truthful knowledge is critical, the evolution of the ability to spread knowledge has been key to the growth of our society. The innovation in the ability to spread information however also opens up the ability to spread misinformation sadly there is far more misinformation than correct information, it is astonishing. And TOO MANY people are incapable of discerning the truth in the sea of lies.

Imagine if you didn't know about Ray, if you were incapable of researching due to a lack of knowledge or a language barrier. There are so many people in third world countries suffering immensely, while we swim in our pleasures and our cognitive abilities. The average person is not very smart. And there is a massive population of people with low IQ's. Are they still not people too? They still feel, and experience suffering, and the inability to get out of that pit, which is dug even deeper by those who they trust. Stop teaching kids so much trigonometry in school and put a greater emphasis on other useful tools to ACTUALLY help them. Even the modern era of kids are still stupid, it hasn't changed. The whole system is f&cked up, from the education system to the health system. Major reform is still needed in our society, yet our priorities seem to be jacked all the way up, and our governments can't get anything done, progress is too slow, maybe if more people woke up and saw the world for how it actually is and not how they want it to be, and that if we all came together against those who are really our enemies, the world could change for the better. World peace and a perfect society will never be within our reach, not even if we were given all the time that time could give to try and reach it. Sadly it seems like our human nature will be our species' downfall.
Too many people are procrastinators. They want instant gratification, and will figure out the more difficult or boring things later. When later comes, they don’t know where to start to unraveling their big tangled mess. As long as their are greedy people out there, there will always be danger, and the ones who will be the victims are the ignorant and lazy ones.



Feb 4, 2019
World peace and a perfect society will never be within our reach, not even if we were given all the time that time could give to try and reach it. Sadly it seems like our human nature will be our species' downfall.

Hi @dervmai -- Interesting post, to be sure. I was struck by your summation. It reminded me of something I ran across (below) in some spiritual works a few years back. I've come to believe it's true, and perhaps something you might find interesting..

The physical world is a world of turmoil and strife. Never shall there be any peace in it ... It is so designed ... that the worlds shall have nothing but strife for the good of each Soul who must dwell therein. For these worlds are the testing ground of Soul: the place it must spend its long periods of existence, creating perfection and spiritual maturity.


Apr 28, 2018
I was also intrigued by your post title.
I hope the following assists you in understanding the problems of "ignorance" and how you might both soften and strengthen your emoto reactions to same.
There are two distinct meanings for the state of being ignorant. One, is that of not knowing, not yet cognizant of information:
"I locked the door, ignorant that cousins had arrived and were asleep upstairs".
The second meaning of ignorant is that of willful, and usually continuous, rejection of info. And yes, to include those who cannot take concepts to extrapolate information towards decisionmaking.
Many humans are unwilling to take a step from their comfort zone, or reject being told anything, or just do not WANT to know anything about the world at large.
We all have to decide which humans we wish to interact with, as we know how much environment affects our biology, our growth, our lives.
When I feel like I am losing IQ points interacting with certain humans, I am forced to withdraw and move on.
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