A Biden Presidency?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Deleted member 5487

Looks like Biden has won, Nothing will really change it never does. Right-Left is one side of the same Coin. Neoliberal Imperial Party.(Clinton/Bush/Obama/Pelosi/McConnell)

Even if some Liberal House Members try and push proposals for jobs/tax increase on corps/ military spending cuts. It will be Crushed in Senate and/or by Neoliberal War Hawk Biden.

Trump MAY have been trying to bring us back to manufacturing/real economy stuff like china. But Seems like the elites used him to get massive corporate tax cuts through and increased military spending, as well as MASSIVE distraction for the population thats slowly sliding into debt-peonage.

He was also useful bring independent Midwestern's back into the "voting fold" as they we're dangerously disenfranchised with the system. He was likly just a harsher side of the Neoliberal War Hawk Coin (Bush, Biden, Oboma, Bill, Cheney, Clintons). Though he was very anti-war and the only president not to start an invasion since Carter.

What to expect going foward?

Nothing Really. Mabey some tax increases if your making more than 100k or so. Small increase in welfare state, and tons of virtual signaling/smiling as we continue to try and expand the empire. Alot more people under the bidges/highways.

Stocks? Renewable energy and War are your best bets. War budget is going nowehere under war hawk biden, who voted for every invasion in 40 years.

LMT for military buildup Cold War with China/Russia.

BEP/VST/NEE & Renewables for as USA/Canada/Western Europe try to become "GREEN" to rely less on Iran/Russia/Venezuela Oil as our empire is/was incapable of beating them and they hold all the energy cards

Election is over, nothing changes. Us Plebeians go back to work and our Rogue empire pocks and prods the Tirdworld. Hopefully we don't blow up the whole thing, including us.

Best of luck in the wars to come.
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Aug 17, 2016
Looks like Biden has won, Nothing will really change it never does. Right-Left is one side of the same Coin. Neoliberal Imperial Party.(Clinton/Bush/Obama/Pelosi/McConnell)

Even if some Liberal House Members try and push proposals for jobs/tax increase on corps/ military spending cuts. It will be Crushed in Senate and/or by Neoliberal War Hawk Biden.

Trump MAY have been trying to bring us back to manufacturing/real economy stuff like china. But Seems like the elites used him to get massive corporate tax cuts through and increased military spending, as well as MASSIVE distraction for the population thats slowly sliding into debt-peonage.

He was also useful bring independent Midwestern's back into the "voting fold" as they we're dangerously disenfranchised with the system. He was likly just a harsher side of the Neoliberal War Hawk Coin (Bush, Biden, Oboma, Bill, Cheney, Clintons). Though he was very anti-war and the only president not to start an invasion since Carter.

What to expect going foward?

Nothing Really. Mabey some tax increases if your making more than 100k or so. Small increase in welfare state, and tons of virtual signaling/smiling as we continue to try and expand the empire. Alot more people under the bidges/highways.

Stocks? Renewable energy and War are your best bets. War budget is going nowehere under war hawk biden, who voted for every invasion in 40 years.

LMT for military buildup Cold War with China/Russia.

BEP/VST/NEE & Renewables for as USA/Canada/Western Europe try to become "GREEN" to rely less on Iran/Russia/Venezuela Oil as our empire is/was incapable of beating them and they hold all the energy cards

Election is over, nothing changes. Us Plebeians go back to work and our Rogue empire pocks and prods the Tirdworld. Hopefully we don't blow up the whole thing, including us.

Best of luck in the wars to come.
Pretty much agree.
But rogue empire is thee critical issue.

Deleted member 5487

Pretty much agree.
But rogue empire is thee critical issue.

I really like harley schlanger and found him only a few weeks back. I understand his point.

But I am skeptical of trump as Pompeo/Esper and pretty much the whole cabnient are different then trump.

Hopefully he is right.

To give trump credit he was very anti-war and mentioned MIC several times, saying its real.


Aug 17, 2016
I really like harley schlanger and found him only a few weeks back. I understand his point.

But I am skeptical of trump as Pompeo/Esper and pretty much the whole cabnient are different then trump.

Hopefully he is right.
I agree that Biden Harris are smoothly aligned with NATO--the personal army of the rogue empire.
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Apr 8, 2016
Yeah, nothing will change except the loss of our civil rights especially the right to free speech and the right to peaceful assembly regardless of ideology. Half the country voted for us to become more like what George Orwell warned us about in his novel "1984". They hated Trump so much that they were willing to forever give up their civil rights in order to get rid of Trump.

R.I.P. The United States of America as a bastion of freedom and democracy.


Aug 17, 2016
Yeah, nothing will change except the loss of our civil rights especially the right to free speech and the right to peaceful assembly regardless of ideology. Half the country voted for us to become more like what George Orwell warned us about in his novel "1984". They hated Trump so much that they were willing to forever give up their civil rights in order to get rid of Trump.

R.I.P. The United States of America as a bastion of freedom and democracy.
Code Red: Barr Seizes Internet Domains of Media Outlets - Accuracy.Org


Jul 9, 2020
Last thing I read was they prematurely called Arizona for Biden. Unless this has been updated (I haven't looked today), I don't think the election has been technically won yet. If AZ flips then that's -11 votes for Biden and +11 for Trump. Then it becomes a whole new can of worms, because Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania.

But don't let that distract you from the fact the country is basically f***ed either way. I was marginally more critical of democrats coming into the 2020 race, but that was mostly related to their disturbing views on gun rights. After losing some house seats, and the fact the supreme court has swung in conservative favor, there's no way Biden could push a gun bill even if he tried.


Apr 8, 2016
Last thing I read was they prematurely called Arizona for Biden. Unless this has been updated (I haven't looked today), I don't think the election has been technically won yet. If AZ flips then that's -11 votes for Biden and +11 for Trump. Then it becomes a whole new can of worms, because Trump is currently leading in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania will be won by the Democrats guaranteed. They will make sure they have enough votes to win the state by any means necessary.


“We the people.”

"What the founders wanted us to understand is that we are the government.

There is no government without us—our sheer numbers, our muscle, our economy, our physical presence in this land. There can also be no police state—no tyranny—no routine violations of our rights without our complicity and collusion—without our turning a blind eye, shrugging our shoulders, allowing ourselves to be distracted and our civic awareness diluted.

No matter which candidate wins this election, the citizenry and those who represent us need to be held accountable to this powerful truth."

America After the Election: A Few Hard Truths About the Things That Won’t Change | By John W. Whitehead


Sep 24, 2016
I'm somewhat unsure about how a Biden-puppet machinery positions itself towards China.

Don't you think it is possible the elites have already made some sort of pact or understanding with authoritarian China on a global scale? I don't think a true cold war and hostility with China is desired - maybe desired, but they might know that this is no longer possible due to Chinas strenght and thus atrue and incalculable risk to global rule. The Chinese elites also effectively rule and control 1+ billion people. Won't the globalist not just assimilate that big share and integrate the chinese Elites with their share?

Also, I never figured out the U-turn on Iran under Obama. Really only the inability to overthrow or control the energy states like Iran and Russia? Wouldn't that be contradictory to the alleged attempt to control/cold war China which is substantially stronger?


Aug 17, 2016
“We the people.”

"What the founders wanted us to understand is that we are the government.

There is no government without us—our sheer numbers, our muscle, our economy, our physical presence in this land. There can also be no police state—no tyranny—no routine violations of our rights without our complicity and collusion—without our turning a blind eye, shrugging our shoulders, allowing ourselves to be distracted and our civic awareness diluted.

No matter which candidate wins this election, the citizenry and those who represent us need to be held accountable to this powerful truth."

America After the Election: A Few Hard Truths About the Things That Won’t Change | By John W. Whitehead


Jun 16, 2015
The election is clearly being stolen. Trump got us out of the trade deals that have been raping our middle class since the mid 90s and he hasn't started any wars unlike peace prize Obama.


Sep 10, 2019
With all of the evidence, if the courts do not do something about it then the outcome doesn’t matter because essentially all branches of government will have proven themselves to be compromised.


Apr 8, 2016
Should have written that in 1860, or 1871, or 1913, or 1933.

And the USA was NEVER a democracy. Have you ever read the Constitution?

I stand corrected.

No need for a snide comment though. I actually have read the Constitution but its been a while.


Jan 25, 2014
No need for a snide comment though.

Not really trying to be snide, but so many people think the United States of America is a Democracy. But it was always a Republic. Democracy SHOULD be dead in a America, as it's nothing more than Mob Rule. There has been a long campaign to make the US a Democracy, and that's nothing I want any part of.


Apr 8, 2016
I think everyone else underestimated Trump's willingness to fight.

I'm worried that after this is all over, the left wing will try to punish Trump and his supporters through politically motivated prosecutions. I heard that the Southern District of New York wants to prosecute Trump really badly and they have had 4 years to study all the laws on the books and dig up something they can charge him with. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and this won't happen.
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