A Biden Presidency?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Feb 13, 2016
I hope you are right that there is still hope. If Trump ends up winning a 2nd term I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Maybe I'm being too pessimistic but I've given up based on my gut feelings about the whole thing. It feels like everyone is against Trump and he stands alone. But I did see Lindsey Graham stand up for Trump so that's something positive. Maybe he doesn't stand alone.

No one in Washington is with him (except Ted Cruz, ever since he grew out his beard he's becoming more and more likeable lol), but there's a silent majority in the general public that's definitely with him... I think seeing the size of his rallies and his vote leads (before the #s were tampered with) gave him confidence.

And I remember back in college I had to read Machiavelli's The Prince, and one of the chapters mentions that in general, hereditary kings needed the support of the existing power structure maintain their position, whereas new kings, even if none of the existing nobility supported them, as long as they had the good will of the general public, then they had a good chance of keeping the throne.

It's going to be an arduous fight definitely but I don't think chances are 0.


Aug 17, 2016
The whole point is the capitalist globalists want to bring China down because the Chinese elites (aka their government) won't open up the nations resources to foreign investment.

The Chinese Communist Party Targets the Private Sector
Oh. I think it is the opposite. The cabal is global. And the banks have moved over to China. The cabal, including our seditious leaders, have given us to them. And will allow the resources of the US to be syphoned. These are robber barons. That's the game.


Apr 8, 2016
I currently live in California, and I got caught up in TWO Trump Car Parades during the month of October.

I live in a city that I will not name but is extremely Trump hating. Last year someone bought a Trump hat, walked one block and got beaten up for it. You can walk around for hours and never see anyone wearing a Trump hat or anything like it.


May 3, 2015
We have the most popular president in a generation and the Democrats pretend that creepy dementia Joe Biden is more popular.

They couldn’t let Trump have his 8 years.

They may be surprised to find there are consequences for such high level fraud.


May 11, 2020
We have the most popular president in a generation and the Democrats pretend that creepy dementia Joe Biden is more popular.

They couldn’t let Trump have his 8 years.

They may be surprised to find there are consequences for such high level fraud.
The coming election trial might be our best hope. Expose the weirdo dems with the trial. Expose the globalists to the entire country with the acceptance speech. Probably a childish dream. Just let me have something good for now lol


Jan 1, 2013
There can also be no police state—no tyranny—no routine violations of our rights without our complicity and collusionwithout our turning a blind eye, shrugging our shoulders, allowing ourselves to be distracted and our civic awareness diluted.
By John W. Whitehead

Saddly, the majority of people will fall for this standard political manipulation by Mr Whitehead and Co.

Mr Whitehead's implying that politicians represent the people because there's voting going on.

The fact is people have never voted for what they really want, but rather voted against what they don't want: the representation system (representative democracy) has been rigged from the start by not taking into account the blank vote.

This system is in reality designed to persist in absence of any representation, with an oligarchy (politicians, judges, etc) taking all the vital decisions at the expense of everyone not part of this oligarchy: it has been like that ever since elections were invented.


This is what Emma Goldman meant in her quote "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal" that you posted.

The only true representation is direct democracy, where people simply don't delegate their individual political power to politicians, but instead exercise it themselves, like early Greeks did.

No sane person would willingly accept to surrender his personal political power (supposing he had one to start with) to a complete stranger who would therefore, through the consequences of economical laws, detain literally the power of life and death over him and family.

And that's why nobody was ever asked if he wanted to participate into the representative democracy system; it was imposed over people, without due lawfull process, whether they liked it or not.

In other words, can democracy spring from a system shoved UN-democratically upon people's throat ?....

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Sep 18, 2016
Yeah, both parties until Trump came around. Now that Trump is on the way out, we will return to just a Democratic party and Republican party that are both ruled by the elites and giant corporations.

The elites, media, and corporations destroyed Trump. This will be the last time anyone tries to clean up corruption and reform the government. No one will ever want to go through what Trump went through.
I am sorry, but I dont really see it. What man of the people would pick Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo in his cabinet? And very curious to know if he did anything to clean the up the corruption since as to my knowledge he has not done anything with campaign finance reform. Hope I am wrong though, but I still see Trump as a standard GOP president.


“We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Joe Biden, is just as corrupt, and just as racist as Donald Trump... the elections are almost irrelevant, since both of the candidates are about equally disgusting. America’s problems are deeper than just the two stooges that America’s aristocracy hires to front for it at the ballot-boxes.

A political system that is structurally incapable of acting for the common good, even when millions of lives are at stake, is not just failing to solve our problems. It is the problem. Hopefully, as we struggle to emerge from today’s tragic pandemic, more and more Americans are understanding that healing our sick, corrupt political system is the vital key to a healthy and peaceful future.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller


Oct 21, 2013
Yeah, nothing will change except the loss of our civil rights especially the right to free speech and the right to peaceful assembly regardless of ideology. Half the country voted for us to become more like what George Orwell warned us about in his novel "1984". They hated Trump so much that they were willing to forever give up their civil rights in order to get rid of Trump.

R.I.P. The United States of America as a bastion of freedom and democracy.

For sure the Equality Act will be passed, which directly attacks Christians, and freedom of religion. And as often these days, religion is exercised through homeschooling, that will be suppressed and with it the last opportunity for the propagation of thought that doesn't conform with the state doctrines, whether about religion, science, philosophy, history or any realm of thought.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller

This is essentially the same as the Planck Principle - truth does not triumph through reason/argument, it eventually triumphs because its opponents die out. I guess it is the same with politics - after enough time has passed the existing systems of govt simply become obsolete, their supporters die out, and something new replaces (both of) them.
Planck's principle - Wikipedia


This is essentially the same as the Planck Principle - truth does not triumph through reason/argument, it eventually triumphs because its opponents die out. I guess it is the same with politics - after enough time has passed the existing systems of govt simply become obsolete, their supporters die out, and something new replaces (both of) them.
Planck's principle - Wikipedia
:darts: Thanks...this is how it will happen... unfortunately not in our life time?

Deleted member 5487

The whole point is the capitalist globalists want to bring China down because the Chinese elites (aka their government) won't open up the nations resources to foreign investment.

The Chinese Communist Party Targets the Private Sector

This is my thinking, it's already been decided and the election is just a show. Fox News was the one that called AZ for Trump, and Murdoch is on record saying he favors Biden.

The republicans are also distancing themselves from Trump. I think this is the evidence that Trump will lose, rather than anything about votes. They all want him out, they're done with him.

As for the reason they're dragging it on so long, maybe it's so that they have a "gradual transition", perhaps avoiding violence by militias? They could've just rigged it to have Biden win on Nov. 3rd, after all

The Elites are probably done with trump, I agree.
The hundreds of billions they added to their wealth is enough to fund militas, Private space programs(blue orgin/space-x), covert operations for decades.
They got the their corporate tax cuts and increased military spending done, now they will cast him aside like a leper.
We really have to hope they don't use him as a scape goat and bring the massive bubble down on him. If Biden does another lockdown, the entire asset bubble will impload and the oligarchs will be sitting their with hundreds of billions.

"From 1927 to 1929 the Fed deliberately created then burst a stock bubble using interest rates. Republican President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act in 1930 to defend American industry, resulting in a trade war that was blamed along with Hoover for the Great Depression that was brought on by an economy bloated with debt and easy money during the Roarin’ Twenties boom. Hoover was blamed and lost re-election to Democrat FDR with his New Deal. Behind all were the actions of the Federal Reserve, the real power. Soon it will be clear if 2020 will be a modern era repeat of the Hoover script, this time with a Democrat whose “New Deal” will likely be green."

Will Fed Make Trump A New Herbert Hoover?
Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever | Markets Insider


Aug 17, 2016
The Elites are probably done with trump, I agree.
The hundreds of billions they added to their wealth is enough to fund militas, Private space programs(blue orgin/space-x), covert operations for decades.
They got the their corporate tax cuts and increased military spending done, now they will cast him aside like a leper.
We really have to hope they don't use him as a scape goat and bring the massive bubble down on him. If Biden does another lockdown, the entire asset bubble will impload and the oligarchs will be sitting their with hundreds of billions.

"From 1927 to 1929 the Fed deliberately created then burst a stock bubble using interest rates. Republican President Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act in 1930 to defend American industry, resulting in a trade war that was blamed along with Hoover for the Great Depression that was brought on by an economy bloated with debt and easy money during the Roarin’ Twenties boom. Hoover was blamed and lost re-election to Democrat FDR with his New Deal. Behind all were the actions of the Federal Reserve, the real power. Soon it will be clear if 2020 will be a modern era repeat of the Hoover script, this time with a Democrat whose “New Deal” will likely be green."

Will Fed Make Trump A New Herbert Hoover?
Warren Buffett's favorite market indicator nears record high, signaling stocks are overvalued and riskier than ever | Markets Insider
Yeah. That's what it looks like.


Jul 22, 2020
I think the string pullers of Biden are the same people as the string pullers of Trump

Deleted member 5487

I think the string pullers of Biden are the same people as the string pullers of Trump

Probably so, maybe some factional differences.

Permanent Bureaucracy runs the empire, nothing really changes.
Donors try to get their guy into office for "ideological" differences. Like basic Identy politics of liberal vs conversvative.

The "Control structure" is best kept secret is the. So us plebeians are probably just being played agianst eachother over and over.

This is the Deep State. Coincidentally started in 1913 same as the Central Bank

List of Alfalfa Club members - Wikipedia

Which celebrates Robert E. Lees birthday,


Oct 2, 2018
Biden looks like he can barely walk to the podium sometimes. He shuffles like many old people do.

How is he going to be able to read 80 page briefing papers everyday? I’m sure Kamala will be doing the work and take over if Biden dies during the term.

These guys view everything in America as systemically racist and will try to implement all sorts of politically correct reforms.


Jul 31, 2019
Not really trying to be snide, but so many people think the United States of America is a Democracy. But it was always a Republic. Democracy SHOULD be dead in a America, as it's nothing more than Mob Rule. There has been a long campaign to make the US a Democracy, and that's nothing I want any part of.

You clearly missed the point of the distinction between a republic and what the founding fathers understood as democracy. They were afraid of direct democracy, but saying that they didn't want the Republic to be democratic is misleading, and it looks like you are ignoring this not because of a lack of knowledge but deliberately. Madison made this distinction clear in the Federalist papers:

"In a democracy, the people meet and exercise the government in person; in a republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives and agents. A democracy, consequently, will be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region."
So, what he is talking about is pretty much what we nowadays call a representational democracy. They envisioned a democracy that was tamed by elected delegates and a constitution that would prevent any majority from establishing any sort of "mob rule", and protect individual rights. The founding fathers were never against democratic principles. At the time, democracy was still understood in the same way as Aristotle distinguished it from polity, i.e. a form of mass rule without a rule of law that would most often lead to the rule of demagogues. If anything, it is Mr. Trump that is embracing this kind of democracy. He is the one ignoring the laws and procedures of the republic, he is the one with the populist rhetoric pandering to the masses, encouraging them to take up arms for him to fight the ruling elites, i.e. the swamp.
Hamilton said:

"A representative democracy, where the right of election is well secured and regulated & the exercise of the legislative, executive and judiciary authorities, is vested in select persons, chosen really and not nominally by the people, will in my opinion be most likely to be happy, regular and durable.”
This is basically what democracy is anywhere in the world. There is no "mob rule" that you seem to despise so much. Saying that America's problem is drifting towards more Aristotelian democracy is almost comical, as clearly the opposite is happening.


Oct 11, 2015
I am sorry, but I dont really see it. What man of the people would pick Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo in his cabinet? And very curious to know if he did anything to clean the up the corruption since as to my knowledge he has not done anything with campaign finance reform. Hope I am wrong though, but I still see Trump as a standard GOP president.
The Heritage Foundation is responsible for a lot of Trump's cabinet. They have been very successful at getting Americans to accept neo-liberalism as somehow synonymous with preserving American traditions. Wicked people, plus somehow unknowing and unassuming pawns I'm sure


Jul 22, 2020
Probably so, maybe some factional differences.
So us plebeians are probably just being played agianst eachother over and over.
Divide and conquer
better to not think about it at all and focus on achieving a greamt metabolism, then you could deal with the stress and changes


Jan 25, 2014
At the time, democracy was still understood in the same way as Aristotle distinguished it from polity, i.e. a form of mass rule without a rule of law that would most often lead to the rule of demagogues. If anything, it is Mr. Trump that is embracing this kind of democracy. He is the one ignoring the laws and procedures of the republic, he is the one with the populist rhetoric pandering to the masses, encouraging them to take up arms for him to fight the ruling elites, i.e. the swamp.


The laws of the Republic were written down in plain language in a document that is easy for anyone to understand, known as the Constitution for the United States of America. I would like you to point me to the specific Article, Section, and Clause that Trump has violated, and what, specific action violated that clause. If not, please point me to the specific Amendment to which you refer, and the specific action again.
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