Hoping Someone Can Help Me Sort Out My Issues


Jun 20, 2018
I wasn’t quite sure where to post this and I’m really hoping that someone can help me sort out some of the issues I’m having with metabolism and weight.

About 3 years ago, I started noticing my digestion slow down and I started gaining weight regardless of weight training and eat healthy. I am 5’6” , 29 year old female and have always been at a constant weight of 120 lbs. I am now around 150 which, for my frame and comfort, is overweight. I’ve had other symptoms crop up like hair loss and depression and lethargy and signs of estrogen dominance. Before stumbling onto the peat diet about a month ago, I put my like body through some horrendous diets and ways of trying desperately to get the weight off such as extremely low calorie diets, fasting for days if not weeks at a time, fruitarianism/raw vegan, and then binge eating all while stressing the **** out due to external influence and burning myself out with rigorous excercise day after day after day.....until I ended up in the pretty piss poor state health state I’m in today.

I have tried exercising (low-impact weight lifting) while implementing the peat diet (trying to go 30-40g of fat while keeping moderate proteins and high carbs) and generous salting and it’s helped my mood a bit as well as I feel I have more energy. My temps are around 97.3-96.4 in the morning and around early afternoon they are about 98.4 and then around 5-9pm they are around 99 which I find a bit off that it gets higher later in the evening which is probably why I have trouble falling asleep. But I don’t notice myself losing any weight and I actually seem to be losing any of the feminine curve I once had and becoming a fat square shape lol. I eat around 1500-1700 calories in a day as I have a sedentary job and only weight lift afterwards. It’s not that I am even purposely trying to restrict my calories currently but I find myself only being hungry enough to eat the above mentioned amount of calories. Maybe I’m not getting enough calories in… But I guess what I’m wondering is that I feel like if I have a metabolism that isn’t functioning properly and I try and eat more calories and I am capable of having my metabolism and burn, that I would just gain more weight…

I’m just wondering how long it can possible take to fix a damaged metabolism. I’ve honestly put it through the wringer in the last few years and it seems that it could be a long and slow process which just really worries me and bothers me.

My digestion is certainly not what it used to be and I have had to cut out gluten and processed dairy although I do still drink raw milk and it seems to be fine with me. I have to take a magnesium supplement at night in order to have one, maybe two bowel movements a day if I’m lucky. I feel like I should be eating more food but I am just not having the appetite for it and even then I am worried that the more I eat, the more I will gain if my body’s metabolism is not fast yet it seems the irony is that body needs to know that it is not in starvation mode… Like I put it through on and off for the years prior, and it also seems the body needs excess calories in order to heal itself and that is what will eventually increase the metabolism. But I really cannot stand to gain anymore weight then I’m already at and I guess I am just wondering if anyone can help me figure some things out or maybe shed a light on a perspective that I haven’t seen for myself yet.

I really do not want to go the route of supplementation because I feel like there’s a lot of trial and error with that and I would much rather build myself up through natural means rather than supplementation. I would be open to other natural remedies such as red light and anything else that might help the situartion. I know I am rather impatient perhaps, but I have been strict pitting for at least a month and well my temperatures have been getting higher and the energy feels better… I have yet to lose any weight and I’m just frustrated because I thought that once temperature increase… Then basal metabolic rate would increase as well and that doesn’t seem to be the case or at least happening yet. I am open to any and all advice or opinions… Thank you all very much.


Sep 23, 2017
I wasn’t quite sure where to post this and I’m really hoping that someone can help me sort out some of the issues I’m having with metabolism and weight.

About 3 years ago, I started noticing my digestion slow down and I started gaining weight regardless of weight training and eat healthy. I am 5’6” , 29 year old female and have always been at a constant weight of 120 lbs. I am now around 150 which, for my frame and comfort, is overweight. I’ve had other symptoms crop up like hair loss and depression and lethargy and signs of estrogen dominance. Before stumbling onto the peat diet about a month ago, I put my like body through some horrendous diets and ways of trying desperately to get the weight off such as extremely low calorie diets, fasting for days if not weeks at a time, fruitarianism/raw vegan, and then binge eating all while stressing the **** out due to external influence and burning myself out with rigorous excercise day after day after day.....until I ended up in the pretty piss poor state health state I’m in today.

I have tried exercising (low-impact weight lifting) while implementing the peat diet (trying to go 30-40g of fat while keeping moderate proteins and high carbs) and generous salting and it’s helped my mood a bit as well as I feel I have more energy. My temps are around 97.3-96.4 in the morning and around early afternoon they are about 98.4 and then around 5-9pm they are around 99 which I find a bit off that it gets higher later in the evening which is probably why I have trouble falling asleep. But I don’t notice myself losing any weight and I actually seem to be losing any of the feminine curve I once had and becoming a fat square shape lol. I eat around 1500-1700 calories in a day as I have a sedentary job and only weight lift afterwards. It’s not that I am even purposely trying to restrict my calories currently but I find myself only being hungry enough to eat the above mentioned amount of calories. Maybe I’m not getting enough calories in… But I guess what I’m wondering is that I feel like if I have a metabolism that isn’t functioning properly and I try and eat more calories and I am capable of having my metabolism and burn, that I would just gain more weight…

I’m just wondering how long it can possible take to fix a damaged metabolism. I’ve honestly put it through the wringer in the last few years and it seems that it could be a long and slow process which just really worries me and bothers me.

My digestion is certainly not what it used to be and I have had to cut out gluten and processed dairy although I do still drink raw milk and it seems to be fine with me. I have to take a magnesium supplement at night in order to have one, maybe two bowel movements a day if I’m lucky. I feel like I should be eating more food but I am just not having the appetite for it and even then I am worried that the more I eat, the more I will gain if my body’s metabolism is not fast yet it seems the irony is that body needs to know that it is not in starvation mode… Like I put it through on and off for the years prior, and it also seems the body needs excess calories in order to heal itself and that is what will eventually increase the metabolism. But I really cannot stand to gain anymore weight then I’m already at and I guess I am just wondering if anyone can help me figure some things out or maybe shed a light on a perspective that I haven’t seen for myself yet.

I really do not want to go the route of supplementation because I feel like there’s a lot of trial and error with that and I would much rather build myself up through natural means rather than supplementation. I would be open to other natural remedies such as red light and anything else that might help the situartion. I know I am rather impatient perhaps, but I have been strict pitting for at least a month and well my temperatures have been getting higher and the energy feels better… I have yet to lose any weight and I’m just frustrated because I thought that once temperature increase… Then basal metabolic rate would increase as well and that doesn’t seem to be the case or at least happening yet. I am open to any and all advice or opinions… Thank you all very much.

sounds like THYROID ISSUES

you should stop working out so much...maybe do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) once a week and then rest. work on stress management with stretching, meditation, aroma therapy..

do you have depression?

losing weight requires a fast metabolism and adequate adrenaline and cortisol. its why people lose weight on stimulants like ephedra, amphetamines, and cocaine these chemicals suppress the appetite but they also speed up the metabolism and increases adrenaline which increases fat burning.

thyroid is linked to the hypothalamus/pituatry/adrenal axis...so if you have any issues with those three it can affect your thyroid.
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May 6, 2014
I have been doing Peat for about five years now, and it is only this past week or two that I think I have found the key for very good bowel movements. For the past week or so, I have had three or more easy ones daily.

This has been a result of, I believe, this combination: one cascara capsule in the evening, one large raw carrot during the day, abundant ripe fruit, and consuming real gelatin (Knox, made into a hard fruit-juice jello). In other words, a multiprong approach. In the past, the carrot salad never impressed me. Cascara alone was good for one daily BM. Great Lakes collagen hydrolysate gelatin produced no noticeable benefit, but I kept using it on faith that it was doing me good on some level. Homemade lamb broth (in other words, real gelatin) was always good for BMs.

I am hopeful that this encouraging breakthrough will finally produce some weight loss. I think I have lost a little off my waist. I am eating a boatload of calories with all the summer fruit, so a perception of weight loss instead of weight gain is a win in itself.

Have you tried aspirin to lower estrogen?


Jun 20, 2018
sounds like THYROID ISSUES

you should stop working out so much...maybe do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) once a week and then rest. work on stress management with stretching, meditation, aroma therapy..

do you have depression?

losing weight requires a fast metabolism and adequate adrenaline and cortisol. its why people lose weight on stimulants like ephedra, amphetamines, and cocaine these chemicals suppress the appetite but they also speed up the metabolism and increases adrenaline which increases fat burning.

thyroid is linked to the hypothalamus/pituatry/adrenal axis...so if you have any issues with those three it can affect your thyroid.

Thank you for the reply! I’m thinking it could be thyroid too. However you did mention that ephedrine and amphetimines raise metabolism and cause weight loss except I was doing meth intermittently...over weekends only for the last three months and did not experience ANY weight loss! So if they do raise metabolism why did I not lose weight even on meth? I’ve stopped now and it was honestly mostly to see if I could lose weight for it.

The excercise thing seems self-contradictory. If I don’t excercise, I don’t get the endorphins which help with the depression. I like to excercise...is it really that counterproductive when thyroid issues are at play?


Jun 20, 2018
I have been doing Peat for about five years now, and it is only this past week or two that I think I have found the key for very good bowel movements. For the past week or so, I have had three or more easy ones daily.

This has been a result of, I believe, this combination: one cascara capsule in the evening, one large raw carrot during the day, abundant ripe fruit, and consuming real gelatin (Knox, made into a hard fruit-juice jello). In other words, a multiprong approach. In the past, the carrot salad never impressed me. Cascara alone was good for one daily BM. Great Lakes collagen hydrolysate gelatin produced no noticeable benefit, but I kept using it on faith that it was doing me good on some level. Homemade lamb broth (in other words, real gelatin) was always good for BMs.

I am hopeful that this encouraging breakthrough will finally produce some weight loss. I think I have lost a little off my waist. I am eating a boatload of calories with all the summer fruit, so a perception of weight loss instead of weight gain is a win in itself.

Have you tried aspirin to lower estrogen?

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply! I really appreciate the bm ideas, I do the carrot salad and the collagen and I can get cascara but I didn’t know the difference of gelatin vs. collagen would have such a positive effect in effecting BM’s! I’ll give it a try!

I have not tried aspirin in lowering estrogen. I’m hesitant to throw chemicals into the body not knowing if they could disrupt biological processes more than benefit them. Have you had any success lowering estrogen with aspirin? How much do you know how to take?


Jul 8, 2016
Thank you for the reply! I’m thinking it could be thyroid too. However you did mention that ephedrine and amphetimines raise metabolism and cause weight loss except I was doing meth intermittently...over weekends only for the last three months and did not experience ANY weight loss! So if they do raise metabolism why did I not lose weight even on meth? I’ve stopped now and it was honestly mostly to see if I could lose weight for it.

The excercise thing seems self-contradictory. If I don’t excercise, I don’t get the endorphins which help with the depression. I like to excercise...is it really that counterproductive when thyroid issues are at play?

You're asking for health advice, while taking meth and didn't think to mention it in your first post? Pretty sure meth isn't compatible with good health.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
I wasn’t quite sure where to post this and I’m really hoping that someone can help me sort out some of the issues I’m having with metabolism and weight.

About 3 years ago, I started noticing my digestion slow down and I started gaining weight regardless of weight training and eat healthy. I am 5’6” , 29 year old female and have always been at a constant weight of 120 lbs. I am now around 150 which, for my frame and comfort, is overweight. I’ve had other symptoms crop up like hair loss and depression and lethargy and signs of estrogen dominance. Before stumbling onto the peat diet about a month ago, I put my like body through some horrendous diets and ways of trying desperately to get the weight off such as extremely low calorie diets, fasting for days if not weeks at a time, fruitarianism/raw vegan, and then binge eating all while stressing the **** out due to external influence and burning myself out with rigorous excercise day after day after day.....until I ended up in the pretty piss poor state health state I’m in today.

I have tried exercising (low-impact weight lifting) while implementing the peat diet (trying to go 30-40g of fat while keeping moderate proteins and high carbs) and generous salting and it’s helped my mood a bit as well as I feel I have more energy. My temps are around 97.3-96.4 in the morning and around early afternoon they are about 98.4 and then around 5-9pm they are around 99 which I find a bit off that it gets higher later in the evening which is probably why I have trouble falling asleep. But I don’t notice myself losing any weight and I actually seem to be losing any of the feminine curve I once had and becoming a fat square shape lol. I eat around 1500-1700 calories in a day as I have a sedentary job and only weight lift afterwards. It’s not that I am even purposely trying to restrict my calories currently but I find myself only being hungry enough to eat the above mentioned amount of calories. Maybe I’m not getting enough calories in… But I guess what I’m wondering is that I feel like if I have a metabolism that isn’t functioning properly and I try and eat more calories and I am capable of having my metabolism and burn, that I would just gain more weight…

I’m just wondering how long it can possible take to fix a damaged metabolism. I’ve honestly put it through the wringer in the last few years and it seems that it could be a long and slow process which just really worries me and bothers me.

My digestion is certainly not what it used to be and I have had to cut out gluten and processed dairy although I do still drink raw milk and it seems to be fine with me. I have to take a magnesium supplement at night in order to have one, maybe two bowel movements a day if I’m lucky. I feel like I should be eating more food but I am just not having the appetite for it and even then I am worried that the more I eat, the more I will gain if my body’s metabolism is not fast yet it seems the irony is that body needs to know that it is not in starvation mode… Like I put it through on and off for the years prior, and it also seems the body needs excess calories in order to heal itself and that is what will eventually increase the metabolism. But I really cannot stand to gain anymore weight then I’m already at and I guess I am just wondering if anyone can help me figure some things out or maybe shed a light on a perspective that I haven’t seen for myself yet.

I really do not want to go the route of supplementation because I feel like there’s a lot of trial and error with that and I would much rather build myself up through natural means rather than supplementation. I would be open to other natural remedies such as red light and anything else that might help the situartion. I know I am rather impatient perhaps, but I have been strict pitting for at least a month and well my temperatures have been getting higher and the energy feels better… I have yet to lose any weight and I’m just frustrated because I thought that once temperature increase… Then basal metabolic rate would increase as well and that doesn’t seem to be the case or at least happening yet. I am open to any and all advice or opinions… Thank you all very much.

Have you had any blood tests? I would recommend you test your hormones and vitamin/minerals.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Thank you for the reply! I’m thinking it could be thyroid too. However you did mention that ephedrine and amphetimines raise metabolism and cause weight loss except I was doing meth intermittently...over weekends only for the last three months and did not experience ANY weight loss! So if they do raise metabolism why did I not lose weight even on meth? I’ve stopped now and it was honestly mostly to see if I could lose weight for it.

The excercise thing seems self-contradictory. If I don’t excercise, I don’t get the endorphins which help with the depression. I like to excercise...is it really that counterproductive when thyroid issues are at play?

Why in the world would you try meth? You know how dangerous it is? Crack, heroin, and meth is like the three most addictive drugs on the planet. I used to do drugs and I felt ***t eventually but I never went as far doing any of those three just for the common sense you don't just experiment with them for weight loss. Would be like me saying yeah I had trouble falling asleep. I tried some heroin but it didn't do the job oh well. There are so many people in the world today that has metabolic problems. There's tons of reason why and you're not alone. My first tip to heal is to stop drugs and never do drugs again. Do you smoke? if you do then quit that as well. You have to start with the major things before doing the smaller stuff like eating a carrot salad. I would say no drugs or nicotine. Alcohol once in awhile and no need to get freaking blasted like a lot of people do. Start eating healthy foods. No processed, no junk crap. Buy and cook your own meals. exercise regularly and I don't mean hardcore stuff every day. Like someone mentioned if you can do HIT training once a week then make sure you get air go for walks and if there's stairs or elevator. Take the stairs. If you live in an apartment and have stairs just by walking them every day it adds up by the end of a year walking in stairs every day you probably saved yourself a couple of Kilos of fat and it's easy. It's both these small changes that add up in the end and make a difference and the big ones. The big ones have a faster impact the small one you will notice after awhile. My life has totally turned around 180 degrees. Now I'm focusing on the things like following peat advice and taking supplements doing all that extra to improve extra. My energy is through the roof. I can like I mentioned previously recommend you to go take a blood test


Jun 20, 2018
You're asking for health advice, while taking meth and didn't think to mention it in your first post? Pretty sure meth isn't compatible with good health.
It’s not something one readily mentions in forums like this out of fear of getting responses exactly like yours.

You made a sweeping statement about ephedrine and amphetimines causing weight loss. I’m refuting or challenging that statement by saying it didn’t work for me....WHY. I took meth for 3 months on weekends and I didn’t lose weight. I’m not denying it’s not great for your health but chastising someone’s choices doesn’t change them, you know. So let’s work with the current scenario, can we? No one talks about the amount of alcohol they drink regularly and alcohol is just as damaging in ways as meth.


Sep 1, 2017
I have been doing Peat for about five years now, and it is only this past week or two that I think I have found the key for very good bowel movements. For the past week or so, I have had three or more easy ones daily.

This has been a result of, I believe, this combination: one cascara capsule in the evening, one large raw carrot during the day, abundant ripe fruit, and consuming real gelatin (Knox, made into a hard fruit-juice jello). In other words, a multiprong approach. In the past, the carrot salad never impressed me. Cascara alone was good for one daily BM. Great Lakes collagen hydrolysate gelatin produced no noticeable benefit, but I kept using it on faith that it was doing me good on some level. Homemade lamb broth (in other words, real gelatin) was always good for BMs.

I am hopeful that this encouraging breakthrough will finally produce some weight loss. I think I have lost a little off my waist. I am eating a boatload of calories with all the summer fruit, so a perception of weight loss instead of weight gain is a win in itself.

Have you tried aspirin to lower estrogen?
Maybe you could try cocoa or cacao powder, it feels like if it speed ups my gut transit. But don't overdo it, you might feel bloating.

Posting lab tests would be a nice idea. Along with temps and pulse readings

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
It’s not something one readily mentions in forums like this out of fear of getting responses exactly like yours.

You made a sweeping statement about ephedrine and amphetimines causing weight loss. I’m refuting or challenging that statement by saying it didn’t work for me....WHY. I took meth for 3 months on weekends and I didn’t lose weight. I’m not denying it’s not great for your health but chastising someone’s choices doesn’t change them, you know. So let’s work with the current scenario, can we? No one talks about the amount of alcohol they drink regularly and alcohol is just as damaging in ways as meth.

Yeah, I can agree with you about the alcohol. People who drink in excess or go out every weekend are equally as dumb in my opinion. Sure it's more socially acceptable but you gotta make your own norms and rules. This world is not run by common sense or by people who are trying to look out for you in any way. This world is run by greed and profiting of of other peoples misery. Just like drug dealers, Wall Street traders, Bankers, Politicians, and pharma. It's not a nice fluffy place and just because something like alcohol is accepted doesn't mean you should either. I wont lie I go out and get shitfaced from time to time but its maybe once every other month just to blow of some steam and it's a bottle of wine at the most.

Also, the difference between meth and alcohol is not the damage it does. It's how addictive it is. They can do the same damage in the long run. But it can take years to develop alcohol addiction. It can go really ******* fast to develop a meth addiction. And meth makes you stay up for days and not eat anything. You're starving yourself from food and sleep. There's no other faster way to ruin your ******* body than not to eat and sleep


Jun 20, 2018
Why in the world would you try meth? You know how dangerous it is? Crack, heroin, and meth is like the three most addictive drugs on the planet. I used to do drugs and I felt ***t eventually but I never went as far doing any of those three just for the common sense you don't just experiment with them for weight loss. Would be like me saying yeah I had trouble falling asleep. I tried some heroin but it didn't do the job oh well. There are so many people in the world today that has metabolic problems. There's tons of reason why and you're not alone. My first tip to heal is to stop drugs and never do drugs again. Do you smoke? if you do then quit that as well. You have to start with the major things before doing the smaller stuff like eating a carrot salad. I would say no drugs or nicotine. Alcohol once in awhile and no need to get freaking blasted like a lot of people do. Start eating healthy foods. No processed, no junk crap. Buy and cook your own meals. exercise regularly and I don't mean hardcore stuff every day. Like someone mentioned if you can do HIT training once a week then make sure you get air go for walks and if there's stairs or elevator. Take the stairs. If you live in an apartment and have stairs just by walking them every day it adds up by the end of a year walking in stairs every day you probably saved yourself a couple of Kilos of fat and it's easy. It's both these small changes that add up in the end and make a difference and the big ones. The big ones have a faster impact the small one you will notice after awhile. My life has totally turned around 180 degrees. Now I'm focusing on the things like following peat advice and taking supplements doing all that extra to improve extra. My energy is through the roof. I can like I mentioned previously recommend you to go take a blood test

I appreciate the response but no one is really in a position to say anything to me about my drug usage. I DONT REGULARLY do them. I have STOPPED doing them. Don’t judge what I do or don’t do if you’ve ever drank alcohol or taken any drugs period. I’m an adult and I knew full well what I was getting into. Addiction isn’t an issue for me at all, hence why I was able to quit cold turkey without issue. I didn’t do it regularly either and I certainly don’t need to defend my methods or reasoning to people over the internet. The health issues began 3 years ago before I ever tried any meth.

I do not smoke tobacco and never have...I do however use the nicotine pouches in my mouth. Like snus but only nicotine, no tobacco. Would those still be something I should be quitting or looking into giving up? It seems to have a positive effect on raising temp and helping with BM’s...


Jun 20, 2018
Why in the world would you try meth? You know how dangerous it is? Crack, heroin, and meth is like the three most addictive drugs on the planet. I used to do drugs and I felt ***t eventually but I never went as far doing any of those three just for the common sense you don't just experiment with them for weight loss. Would be like me saying yeah I had trouble falling asleep. I tried some heroin but it didn't do the job oh well. There are so many people in the world today that has metabolic problems. There's tons of reason why and you're not alone. My first tip to heal is to stop drugs and never do drugs again. Do you smoke? if you do then quit that as well. You have to start with the major things before doing the smaller stuff like eating a carrot salad. I would say no drugs or nicotine. Alcohol once in awhile and no need to get freaking blasted like a lot of people do. Start eating healthy foods. No processed, no junk crap. Buy and cook your own meals. exercise regularly and I don't mean hardcore stuff every day. Like someone mentioned if you can do HIT training once a week then make sure you get air go for walks and if there's stairs or elevator. Take the stairs. If you live in an apartment and have stairs just by walking them every day it adds up by the end of a year walking in stairs every day you probably saved yourself a couple of Kilos of fat and it's easy. It's both these small changes that add up in the end and make a difference and the big ones. The big ones have a faster impact the small one you will notice after awhile. My life has totally turned around 180 degrees. Now I'm focusing on the things like following peat advice and taking supplements doing all that extra to improve extra. My energy is through the roof. I can like I mentioned previously recommend you to go take a blood test

Also Douglas, I have been peating for a month straight. Temps seem to be improving but energy fluctuates. Wondering if I should add in supplements but I’m wary of throwing something off majorly with adding supplements and “tinkering” around. That can often be as dangerous as drug usage if done ignorantly.

The problem with excercising less is that I enjoy the endorphins from the workouts and I guess I can’t seem to wrap my mind around not being active in the gym, eating more to raise metabolism, and not gaining tons of weight while I try to wait for my metabolism to heal and therefore gain a bunch of weight in the meantime?

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
I appreciate the response but no one is really in a position to say anything to me about my drug usage. I DONT REGULARLY do them. I have STOPPED doing them. Don’t judge what I do or don’t do if you’ve ever drank alcohol or taken any drugs period. I’m an adult and I knew full well what I was getting into. Addiction isn’t an issue for me at all, hence why I was able to quit cold turkey without issue. I didn’t do it regularly either and I certainly don’t need to defend my methods or reasoning to people over the internet. The health issues began 3 years ago before I ever tried any meth.

I do not smoke tobacco and never have...I do however use the nicotine pouches in my mouth. Like snus but only nicotine, no tobacco. Would those still be something I should be quitting or looking into giving up? It seems to have a positive effect on raising temp and helping with BM’s...

Everyone say addiction ain't a problem how do you think you end up addicted? There are tons of other adults in rehab. Yeah, your health issues might have started 3 years ago but done drugs won't improve them as far as I know. If anyone is fit to judge or give his/her opinion about it it's someone who also had health issues like you and done drugs right? If you can't handle opinions then don't go on the internet asking for advice......

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Also Douglas, I have been peating for a month straight. Temps seem to be improving but energy fluctuates. Wondering if I should add in supplements but I’m wary of throwing something off majorly with adding supplements and “tinkering” around. That can often be as dangerous as drug usage if done ignorantly.

The problem with excercising less is that I enjoy the endorphins from the workouts and I guess I can’t seem to wrap my mind around not being active in the gym, eating more to raise metabolism, and not gaining tons of weight while I try to wait for my metabolism to heal and therefore gain a bunch of weight in the meantime?

yes thats very wise. You shouldn't supplement at least any vitamins or minerals without having bloodwork done

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Also Douglas, I have been peating for a month straight. Temps seem to be improving but energy fluctuates. Wondering if I should add in supplements but I’m wary of throwing something off majorly with adding supplements and “tinkering” around. That can often be as dangerous as drug usage if done ignorantly.

The problem with excercising less is that I enjoy the endorphins from the workouts and I guess I can’t seem to wrap my mind around not being active in the gym, eating more to raise metabolism, and not gaining tons of weight while I try to wait for my metabolism to heal and therefore gain a bunch of weight in the meantime?

Ever thought of that you might be over-exercising? Also if you eat less and not enough fat and exercise a lot that's a bad combination. Exercise also depletes your minerals especially zinc and iron. You're also a female so the risk of low iron is higher aswell. You might want to go do a ferritin test (iron stores). Iron in the right amounts is super important for proper energy and thyroid function. It's also the worlds most common deficiency. Getting my iron levels up helped me a lot. Some symptoms are restless legs when you sit, brain-fog, fatigue that feels unusually overwhelming, fatigue in the morning hard to get out of bed and then energy in the evening when you supposed to go to sleep, Cold hands, and feet, Low sex drive.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome @DanielleB. I appreciate the courage it took for you to be honest and open yourself up to criticism. I just wanted you to know that we have a lot of caring members here that are serious about health and please don't take any responses the wrong way. I believe they come only from genuine concern. I'm glad you joined, thrilled you stopped meth and I truly wish you the very best.


Jun 20, 2018
Ever thought of that you might be over-exercising? Also if you eat less and not enough fat and exercise a lot that's a bad combination. Exercise also depletes your minerals especially zinc and iron. You're also a female so the risk of low iron is higher aswell. You might want to go do a ferritin test (iron stores). Iron in the right amounts is super important for proper energy and thyroid function. It's also the worlds most common deficiency. Getting my iron levels up helped me a lot. Some symptoms are restless legs when you sit, brain-fog, fatigue that feels unusually overwhelming, fatigue in the morning hard to get out of bed and then energy in the evening when you supposed to go to sleep, Cold hands, and feet, Low sex drive.

I may be over exercising but my issue with stopping the exercise is that it gives me beneficial endorphins and my job is quite sedentary so I was under the impression the exercise was doing me good. Peat advocates for low-impact exercise. I am doing 45 min of low impact weight lifting a day. This is literally my only exercise daily. I am worried about cutting out exercise completely because if I do that and then continue to up my calories to stoke the metabolism, it would seem unavoidable that I would start gaining weight as the metabolism isn't repaired yet...

I haven't had recent blood tests but will be getting some soon. I know in the past I have had low iron and I had all of the symptoms you mentioned for low iron. However, since Peating consistently. My symptoms from the low iron have pretty much alleviated. Some days they are worse than others but they seem to be getting better since peating.


Jun 20, 2018
Welcome @DanielleB. I appreciate the courage it took for you to be honest and open yourself up to criticism. I just wanted you to know that we have a lot of caring members here that are serious about health and please don't take any responses the wrong way. I believe they come only from genuine concern. I'm glad you joined, thrilled you stopped meth and I truly wish you the very best.
Thank you, Blossom!


Jun 20, 2018
Ever thought of that you might be over-exercising? Also if you eat less and not enough fat and exercise a lot that's a bad combination. Exercise also depletes your minerals especially zinc and iron. You're also a female so the risk of low iron is higher aswell. You might want to go do a ferritin test (iron stores). Iron in the right amounts is super important for proper energy and thyroid function. It's also the worlds most common deficiency. Getting my iron levels up helped me a lot. Some symptoms are restless legs when you sit, brain-fog, fatigue that feels unusually overwhelming, fatigue in the morning hard to get out of bed and then energy in the evening when you supposed to go to sleep, Cold hands, and feet, Low sex drive.

Can I ask how you upped your iron levels?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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