Fixing Leaky Gut, i need some help and feedback. Water Fasting for 20 days and diet afterwards.


Oct 12, 2020
Hello to all, so i think i have finally figured out that my Post Accutane Related sexual symptoms are due to my leaky gut causing pelvic floor dysfunction and causing a some sort of an auto-immune like disease and inflaming my prostate.

First, here is my gut microbiome results:
So, Akkermansia is really low which is the most important bacteria when it comes to intestinal permability. It creates the gut mucus and defends you from pathogen leakage...

My objective is simple. Im on my 5th day of water fasting, and will do 15 days more to kill the bad bacteria and give some time to my gut lining to heal. After that, my body would be in a reset mode with increased stem cell and cell regeneration production...

Do you guys please recommend me what to do to increase Akkermansia besides these things? Or can you take a look at my tests and give some good advices about how auto- immune disorders or leaky gut- PC muscle dysfunction works? I need to know more, anything would be helpful.

Luckily i found a direct probiotic which contains Akkermansia itself, so that would be good. Is it okay and healthy to to do ENEMAS with that probiotic? Would that work?

I am going to eat Polyphenol rich diet when i finish my water fast which increases Akkermansia and re- builds gut mucus. All kinds of Berries, nuts, chia seeds and many things you can imagine. So im informed about this one. Other things that i will start to take after my fast to feed Akkermansia.

- Von Tisso Probitoics

- Acacia fiber containing pre- biotics

- High dose L- Glutamine

- L- Glycine

- Berberine

- No gluten. Whole weats with oats. Bone broth soups.

- Melotonin and Metformin which is known to increase Akkermansia

What else should i take for my gut health and to fix the leaky gut?


Mar 2, 2016

This might be useful​

Triggering Akkermansia with dietary polyphenols: A new weapon to combat the metabolic syndrome?

The gut and its bacterial colonizers are now well characterized as key players in whole-body metabolism, opening new avenues of research and generating great expectation for new treatments against obesity and its cardiometabolic complications. As diet is the main environmental factor affecting the gut microbiota, it has been suggested that fruits and vegetables, whose consumption is strongly associated with a healthy lifestyle, may carry phytochemicals that could help maintain intestinal homeostasis and metabolic health. We recently demonstrated that oral administration of a cranberry extract rich in polyphenols prevented diet-induced obesity and several detrimental features of the metabolic syndrome in association with a remarkable increase in the abundance of the mucin-degrading bacterium Akkermansia in the gut microbiota of mice. This addendum provides an extended discussion in light of recent discoveries suggesting a mechanistic link between polyphenols and Akkermansia, also contemplating how this unique microorganism may be exploited to fight the metabolic syndrome.
Jul 17, 2021
Hello to all, so i think i have finally figured out that my Post Accutane Related sexual symptoms are due to my leaky gut causing pelvic floor dysfunction and causing a some sort of an auto-immune like disease and inflaming my prostate.

First, here is my gut microbiome results:
So, Akkermansia is really low which is the most important bacteria when it comes to intestinal permability. It creates the gut mucus and defends you from pathogen leakage...

My objective is simple. Im on my 5th day of water fasting, and will do 15 days more to kill the bad bacteria and give some time to my gut lining to heal. After that, my body would be in a reset mode with increased stem cell and cell regeneration production...

Do you guys please recommend me what to do to increase Akkermansia besides these things? Or can you take a look at my tests and give some good advices about how auto- immune disorders or leaky gut- PC muscle dysfunction works? I need to know more, anything would be helpful.

Luckily i found a direct probiotic which contains Akkermansia itself, so that would be good. Is it okay and healthy to to do ENEMAS with that probiotic? Would that work?

I am going to eat Polyphenol rich diet when i finish my water fast which increases Akkermansia and re- builds gut mucus. All kinds of Berries, nuts, chia seeds and many things you can imagine. So im informed about this one. Other things that i will start to take after my fast to feed Akkermansia.

- Von Tisso Probitoics

- Acacia fiber containing pre- biotics

- High dose L- Glutamine

- L- Glycine

- Berberine

- No gluten. Whole weats with oats. Bone broth soups.

- Melotonin and Metformin which is known to increase Akkermansia

What else should i take for my gut health and to fix the leaky gut?
Slippery Elm. It’s soothing to your gut lining. And Aloe Vera Juice
Jul 17, 2021
Thanks! Looking some places to buy right now seems good. Also added Pomegranate juice to my list.
Health food stores, Amazon, probably has it in loose powder form or capsules but it's great if you have digestion issues.


Aug 17, 2018
Hello to all, so i think i have finally figured out that my Post Accutane Related sexual symptoms are due to my leaky gut causing pelvic floor dysfunction and causing a some sort of an auto-immune like disease and inflaming my prostate.

First, here is my gut microbiome results:
So, Akkermansia is really low which is the most important bacteria when it comes to intestinal permability. It creates the gut mucus and defends you from pathogen leakage...

My objective is simple. Im on my 5th day of water fasting, and will do 15 days more to kill the bad bacteria and give some time to my gut lining to heal. After that, my body would be in a reset mode with increased stem cell and cell regeneration production...

Do you guys please recommend me what to do to increase Akkermansia besides these things? Or can you take a look at my tests and give some good advices about how auto- immune disorders or leaky gut- PC muscle dysfunction works? I need to know more, anything would be helpful.

Luckily i found a direct probiotic which contains Akkermansia itself, so that would be good. Is it okay and healthy to to do ENEMAS with that probiotic? Would that work?

I am going to eat Polyphenol rich diet when i finish my water fast which increases Akkermansia and re- builds gut mucus. All kinds of Berries, nuts, chia seeds and many things you can imagine. So im informed about this one. Other things that i will start to take after my fast to feed Akkermansia.

- Von Tisso Probitoics

- Acacia fiber containing pre- biotics

- High dose L- Glutamine

- L- Glycine

- Berberine

- No gluten. Whole weats with oats. Bone broth soups.

- Melotonin and Metformin which is known to increase Akkermansia

What else should i take for my gut health and to fix the leaky gut?


May 13, 2019
I have been on high dose MSM/slippery elm slurry for four months and it (along with other things!) has almost completely eliminated my life-destroying gut issues. My Zonulin levels were 10x what they should be indicating permeability. You can look at my post history for what I did.


Oct 12, 2020
I have been on high dose MSM/slippery elm slurry for four months and it (along with other things!) has almost completely eliminated my life-destroying gut issues. My Zonulin levels were 10x what they should be indicating permeability. You can look at my post history for what I did
Hi, im on water fast and functioning on low energy right now. Did it take really 4 months to fix that? May i ask when did you start to see improvements?

Also what was your diet like, did you consume Gluten or drink alcohol on the weekends for example? My Zonulin is weirdly fine, but i have very low Akkermansia. What was the dosage of your Slippery Elm?

Also, did you have any sexual symptoms like Pelvic Floor dysfunction etc.?

Jul 17, 2021
Thanks! Looking some places to buy right now seems good. Also added Pomegranate juice to my list.
If you are into Pomegranate juice, getting a pomegranate juicer is good. The fresh juice is the best. The ones especially designed for its shape.
Dec 27, 2021
Had the same issue, diagnosis: Ileitis (Crohn's?)

I tried water fasting, glutamine, keto, everything you can find on mainstream media doctors like Dr. Berg.

I dosed 100.000 IUs of Vitamin D for a whole year and used fulvic minerals. Also, Leaky Gut is linked to a Valgus Nerve disruption, so I started to use shoots of Vitamin B12, B6 and B1 each 30 days for 6 months, the most important for the Valgus Nerve is thiamin. Also, I had been supplementing a complex of Vitamin B, minerals a lot, everything that is sold as supplement in Iherb I used to take, like trace minerals, vanadium, molybdenium everything!
But honestly, I think the Vitamin D, the Fulvic Minerals and the B vitamins shots were very important.

I can't say I cured it because I did not do exams again, altrough I stopped taking the high amounts of vitamin D and I got lazy to supplement all those things again, but I can eat everything I want again without any pain, it includes PUFA, Gluten, Cheese, Milk, everything!
Dec 27, 2021
Oh forgot to mention, also used a peptide called "BPC-157" which was first created to heal IBD/IBS, I got free of pain for 2 weeks using it, and then the pain would come back again, but I think it was also very important, I would give it a try, because in the worst moments of pain, the peptide shot was very important to get me free of pain.


Oct 15, 2021
Maybe 2 days at week of a very low cal diet about 800-1200 Cal. I read studies about obese person that restore they gut barrier in this way.



May 31, 2018
Hello to all, so i think i have finally figured out that my Post Accutane Related sexual symptoms are due to my leaky gut causing pelvic floor dysfunction and causing a some sort of an auto-immune like disease and inflaming my prostate.

First, here is my gut microbiome results:
So, Akkermansia is really low which is the most important bacteria when it comes to intestinal permability. It creates the gut mucus and defends you from pathogen leakage...

My objective is simple. Im on my 5th day of water fasting, and will do 15 days more to kill the bad bacteria and give some time to my gut lining to heal. After that, my body would be in a reset mode with increased stem cell and cell regeneration production...

Do you guys please recommend me what to do to increase Akkermansia besides these things? Or can you take a look at my tests and give some good advices about how auto- immune disorders or leaky gut- PC muscle dysfunction works? I need to know more, anything would be helpful.

Luckily i found a direct probiotic which contains Akkermansia itself, so that would be good. Is it okay and healthy to to do ENEMAS with that probiotic? Would that work?

I am going to eat Polyphenol rich diet when i finish my water fast which increases Akkermansia and re- builds gut mucus. All kinds of Berries, nuts, chia seeds and many things you can imagine. So im informed about this one. Other things that i will start to take after my fast to feed Akkermansia.

- Von Tisso Probitoics

- Acacia fiber containing pre- biotics

- High dose L- Glutamine

- L- Glycine

- Berberine

- No gluten. Whole weats with oats. Bone broth soups.

- Melotonin and Metformin which is known to increase Akkermansia

What else should i take for my gut health and to fix the leaky gut?



May 13, 2015
Hello to all, so i think i have finally figured out that my Post Accutane Related sexual symptoms are due to my leaky gut causing pelvic floor dysfunction and causing a some sort of an auto-immune like disease and inflaming my prostate.

First, here is my gut microbiome results:
So, Akkermansia is really low which is the most important bacteria when it comes to intestinal permability. It creates the gut mucus and defends you from pathogen leakage...

My objective is simple. Im on my 5th day of water fasting, and will do 15 days more to kill the bad bacteria and give some time to my gut lining to heal. After that, my body would be in a reset mode with increased stem cell and cell regeneration production...

Do you guys please recommend me what to do to increase Akkermansia besides these things? Or can you take a look at my tests and give some good advices about how auto- immune disorders or leaky gut- PC muscle dysfunction works? I need to know more, anything would be helpful.

Luckily i found a direct probiotic which contains Akkermansia itself, so that would be good. Is it okay and healthy to to do ENEMAS with that probiotic? Would that work?

I am going to eat Polyphenol rich diet when i finish my water fast which increases Akkermansia and re- builds gut mucus. All kinds of Berries, nuts, chia seeds and many things you can imagine. So im informed about this one. Other things that i will start to take after my fast to feed Akkermansia.

- Von Tisso Probitoics

- Acacia fiber containing pre- biotics

- High dose L- Glutamine

- L- Glycine

- Berberine

- No gluten. Whole weats with oats. Bone broth soups.

- Melotonin and Metformin which is known to increase Akkermansia

What else should i take for my gut health and to fix the leaky gut?
Thiamine and magnesium. The thiamine is primary; the magnesium is needed to help the thiamine function (it gets used up).

also this one:

and this one:


Feb 24, 2019
Ray Peat approved foods and thyroid of course. You cannot have a healthy gut without a healthy thyroid, and you cannot have a healthy thyroid without a healthy gut. Gastrointestinal health, Thyroid and Immune connection – Jon Trister MD

fasting is an extreme form of elimination diet, but is going to make thyroid function worse and so leaky gut not any better.

acacia fiber is not recommended for it is soluble, you dont need it. You want the carrot or oatbran fiber

don't take isolated amino acids. Eat proper foods that contain it. You need the complete package of nutrients

don t take metformin or berberine, they poison the mitochondria, slowing metabolism, slowing healing

You are doing everything wrong. Take a step back and relax.

Recommended is some aspirin and vitamine E against estrogen and reduce inflammation so thyroid can work better.
And enough cascara for up to 6 days to clear constipation, and from then on just a quarter dose to improve the gut.
Consider thyroid medicin and some one who can help you with dosing with the broda Barnes method

Greek yoghurt helps to form a thicker gut mucus lining. Don't take polyphenol rich foods, they decrease the elimination of estrogen

When you eat proper food and support thyroid function, the gut bacteria will be restored. In the mean time reduce serotonin and estrogen.
Getting enough calcium in to reduce endotoxin uptake is important while gut is still leaky. Aspirin helps against their bad effects
Last edited:
Dec 27, 2021
Thiamine and magnesium. The thiamine is primary; the magnesium is needed to help the thiamine function (it gets used up).

also this one:

and this one:
Great sharing.


Nov 13, 2021
Remove the oats from your diet. Go starch and grain free. Focus on nutrient dense foods such as animal product and supplement with well cooked vegetables. The simplest your diet is the easiest it is to reduce inflammation and slowly rebuild your gut flora.
If you do too much at once you might hinder your progress by doing something that's causing more harm.


Feb 24, 2019
Losartan improves visceral sensation and gut barrier in a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome
Abstract Background:
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or repeated water avoidance stress (WAS) induces visceral allodynia and colonic hyperpermeability via corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and proinflammatory cytokines, which is considered to be a rat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) model. As losartan is known to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine release, we hypothesized that it improves these visceral changes.

full article link - PDF


Feb 24, 2019
Also recommendd for gut health and Akkermansia population: Leafy greens high in calcium. Beet greens, collard greens. Well cooked broccoli, Brussels sprouts are high in vitamin C.
We investigated the specific role of dietary insoluble fiber on maintenance of gut homeostasis. Under a steady-state condition, a low-cellulose diet (LCD) resulted in crypt atrophy, goblet cell depletion, and up-regulation of pro-inflammatory genes in the colon. Accordingly, LCD-fed mice were more susceptible to DSS-induced colitis, while a high-cellulose diet (HCD) was protective against colitis. Notably, HCD-fed mice showed expansion of symbiotic Akkermansia and altered lipid metabolite profiles, although no significant changes in SCFA levels were apparent. We further observed that administration of A. muciniphila reversed the crypt shortening, goblet cell depletion, and susceptibility to colitis caused by LCD consumption. These results indicate that dietary cellulose is associated with the maintenance of gut homeostasis via the expansion of symbiont and related beneficial metabolites.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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