Esophageal Fungus?


Aug 27, 2014
Hello everyone, just registered to the forum.

I'm a 20 year old male having a problem over 2 years now.
2 Years ago I got pretty drunk and caught a very bad cold in winter, after that my throat started hurting and didnt stopped since, first I got antibiotics, just got worse.
Then eventually they diagnosed it as reflux, and got acid blocking medication wich ****88 up my digestion, I lost ~70 pounds had to quit training. Thanks to the acid blocking medications my GI track got very inflamed (undigested food I guess) I stopped takeing them since ~6 months and started figureing out health on my own. Tryd a lot of diet from vegan to paleo, eventually putting pieces together. I finally managed to fix my gut issues, following a diet similar to the Perfect Health Diet, with no fiber at all, lot of bone broth, eggs, milk, white rice. Since I came across to work of Ray Peat, I started adding raw honey to my milk, feeling amazing. Body Temp is 98,6 quite consistently unless I do smth stupid. Even though my digestion got better however, I still have ear popping and theres consistently mucus coming from my nose down my throat. Could this be a fungal infection? If so is there something I can do besides following a good diet, keeping my temp/pulse high, and avoiding bad food?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Ear popping and mucus running down your throat could be allergies. If the mucus is colored yellow that usually indicates an infection. Bacterial or viral infection can cause yellow mucus. You could consider trying some over the counter benadryl and if it helps that would point toward an allergy. If you suspect a fungal infection then the Peat approach would be a pinch of flowers of sulfur. Warning: benadryl can cause drowsiness so if you have never taken it you may want to try it when you don't have to do much until you know how it effects you!


Aug 27, 2014
Thanks Blossom!

Will try the sulfur, definitely not bacterial infection, since I got arround 5 rounds of antibiotics, maybe viral though, thats worth a try.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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