Help needed urgently! Non-stop coughing to the point of bleeding.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
He may need a steroid. My brother recently caught covid and a steroid was the only thing that helped with his cough. If you’re in the US, he can likely do a telemed appt and pick up a steroid in the next couple hours. Also, my daughter has asthma. She sometimes needs a steroid to get over her sicknesses. Do you have a nebulizer? Nebulizing the albuteral will get it deeper into the lungs. A nebulizer can be purchased on Amazon, if you don’t have one. If he has asthma, he should always have a nebulizer on hand. His doctor will need to call in the nebulized albuteral solution. And Try eating a tablespoon of honey every couple hours. Honey coats the bronchial tubes and throat. If he doesn’t normally take vitamin D, he may want to take 10K a day for the next 3 weeks, to get his level up. Then 5K a day forever, for maintenance. Get D levels checked in near future. Optimal level is 60-100.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Tiny breath holds on the out breath.


I have lung disease. The more you cough, the more you cough. Breaking it with anything should be the aim. Whatever works. Lots of suggestions here in the thread.

Straining can create bleeding. I've had that.

Even trying to cough with the mouth shut might start off the cycle of reducing the cough.

Tim Lundeen

Feb 19, 2017
You can get nasal budenoside spray otc, might help.

Vitamin C thins mucus and makes coughs more productive, also reduces inflammation.


Mar 21, 2018
My little brother got vaccinated 2 months ago, he had some minor side effects like fatigue that eventually wore off. He recently got sick, and has had a non stop persistent HORRIBLE cough for past couple of days.

Coughing hard and deep every other moment, he started coughing some blood too. The cough is triggered by an itch in his throat. I need advice on how to get immediate relief from the cough, it truly is horrible hes basically bed ridden and in constant agony.

The doctors are useless of course, giving him asthma puffers and saying he got a "random sickeness, but the cough stayed because he has asthma." I've never seen a cough like this in my life. I gave him aspirin for a few days now. Now I added K2 and Camophosal, thinking it might be bacteria related.

Please don't say, I or my brother deserve this because he got vaccinated, he's basically a kid that had no clue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Stop using the inhaler if you think it causes the irritation (from the memory about 25% of people have adverse reaction to it).
Use antihistamine to reduce the throat itch. Give him regular warm baths with MgSO4 (Epsom salt). I use about 0.5kg for half-full bathtub for my little one.
After you reduce the immediate symptoms look into Buteyko breathing method (if he is old enough to try it - it requires some mental focus).
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Mar 21, 2018
Someone suggested codeine. Do NOT do it at all. If he gets an allergic reaction (many people do) - you'll be in a lot more troubles.

Trying to hold on on cough - is a good suggestion. Ask him to close his mouth when coughing but don't seal lips tightly, so cough does not damage the trachea.

Hope he gets better.
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Sep 13, 2012


Mar 29, 2016
I struggled the past 3 weeks with dry coughing. It wasn't incessant, but there were times I had to trigger the cough to go on a momentary strong series of coughs that comes close to retching, and I would somewhat throw up some brown colored mucus that wasn't even phlegm. But the relief was only temporary, and I would still cough. It wasn't causing my pharynx to get inflammed, but the coughing would always happen just when I don't want it- when I want to sleep.

Last night, I had just about had it and decided to do something different. I would put a piece of cough candy ( the old fashioned sugary honey kind, and not the newfangled sugar free kind such as the Swiss-made herbal Ricola) in my mouth and plant my face against a pillow that's at a 45° slant, and attempt to sleep.

It worked. The vapor from the cough drop must have worked it's way past the blood-brain barrier, and told the nerves causing the cough to calm down.

I had the soundest sleep in a while, even though the position wasn't the most comfortable.

I imagine that using a nebulizer infused with Vicksburg vapor rub would have worked just as well.But I don't have a nebulizer, and I'm glad my little setup worked the way it did.


Jul 31, 2020
My little brother got vaccinated 2 months ago, he had some minor side effects like fatigue that eventually wore off. He recently got sick, and has had a non stop persistent HORRIBLE cough for past couple of days.

Coughing hard and deep every other moment, he started coughing some blood too. The cough is triggered by an itch in his throat. I need advice on how to get immediate relief from the cough, it truly is horrible hes basically bed ridden and in constant agony.

The doctors are useless of course, giving him asthma puffers and saying he got a "random sickeness, but the cough stayed because he has asthma." I've never seen a cough like this in my life. I gave him aspirin for a few days now. Now I added K2 and Camophosal, thinking it might be bacteria related.

Please don't say, I or my brother deserve this because he got vaccinated, he's basically a kid that had no clue. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Lots of good comments here. I developed a cough which sounds a lot like this cough last December and coughed my way through until October when it finally went away. The nebulizer did help when I finally got around to using it. I hope your little brother gets better.


Dec 26, 2016
Sorry this is so very belated, but Dr. Bastian in Illinois has helped many people, with protocols for Sensory Neuropathic Cough. Look up his YT video's.
He mentions that people get relief from 100mg Gabapentin. Also he mentions cayenne - in fact, some commenters on his below URL were helped by Fisherman's Friend Original lozenges (Walmart) which includes capsaicin in its ingredients.

Also, as an experiencer myself, I very much agree with those above who mentioned either mint/menthol or chocolate.
What I personally find synergistically best is York peppermint patties.


My wife and I had this a couple months ago, which I also relate to receiving the vaccine back in August. This information might help.

I tried inhaling MMS thinking that would be a quick fix, as has been for me before. It was not. What worked for me and my wife was colloidal silver and black seed oil. 1 tablespoon colloidal silver morning and night, 1 teaspoon black seed oil morning and night.

And anything to knock you out for night time, a sedative that heavily induces drowsiness.

We suffered horribly for 1.5 weeks and it was not getting better with no amount of cough medicine, mms, immune supplement support etc helping whatso-ever. The day we got some colloidal silver, it immediately started getting slightly better and was mostly gone within a few days. It lingered for a couple more weeks (a few itchy coughs a day) Black seed oil also helped.

I have never in my life had an itchy throat cough, the only coughs I've ever had were phlegm/flu based that last like a day. Anytime I've ever been sick has lasted 2-3 days at most. That changed as soon as I got the first jab.

This itchy throat cough lasted 2 whole weeks, for both my wife and I. Every single breath in was an itchy feeling in my throat and urge to cough, every 3 breaths in was an uncontrollable cough, every 10 or so breaths was an uncontrollable cough spasm. It was 10x worse when lying down so I got probably 2-3hrs of sleep a night for a whole week.

Those precious 2-3 hrs were directly from taking a heavy sedative. Without a sedative I would have not had any sleep.
The times I was awake and listening to my sleeping wife, she sounded like she was choking in her sleep.

Colloidal silver cured it for us.
Black seed oil is also good.

Hope this helps in some way!


Sep 13, 2012
My wife and I had this a couple months ago, which I also relate to receiving the vaccine back in August. This information might help.

I tried inhaling MMS thinking that would be a quick fix, as has been for me before. It was not. What worked for me and my wife was colloidal silver and black seed oil. 1 tablespoon colloidal silver morning and night, 1 teaspoon black seed oil morning and night.

And anything to knock you out for night time, a sedative that heavily induces drowsiness.

We suffered horribly for 1.5 weeks and it was not getting better with no amount of cough medicine, mms, immune supplement support etc helping whatso-ever. The day we got some colloidal silver, it immediately started getting slightly better and was mostly gone within a few days. It lingered for a couple more weeks (a few itchy coughs a day) Black seed oil also helped.

I have never in my life had an itchy throat cough, the only coughs I've ever had were phlegm/flu based that last like a day. Anytime I've ever been sick has lasted 2-3 days at most. That changed as soon as I got the first jab.

This itchy throat cough lasted 2 whole weeks, for both my wife and I. Every single breath in was an itchy feeling in my throat and urge to cough, every 3 breaths in was an uncontrollable cough, every 10 or so breaths was an uncontrollable cough spasm. It was 10x worse when lying down so I got probably 2-3hrs of sleep a night for a whole week.

Those precious 2-3 hrs were directly from taking a heavy sedative. Without a sedative I would have not had any sleep.
The times I was awake and listening to my sleeping wife, she sounded like she was choking in her sleep.

Colloidal silver cured it for us.
Black seed oil is also good.

Hope this helps in some way!
I had this back in early 2019 winter. So it's not a 'new virus'. Didn't get any sleep every breath came an urge to cough for 4 days. Then finally I steamed some onions and took raw crushed garlic and the next day I finally stopped coughing.
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