Do I Need To Supplement With Thyroid?


May 30, 2021
I've wondered for quite some time if I have some sort of thyroid issues. In the Winter it's not uncommon for me to have cold hands and feet and I feel a lot better in the Summer. Mentally I can be quite slow, with poor concentration and my physical endurance feels quite low. Over the years I've had my thyroid hormone levels tested which have always been within normal ranges.

I know RP has said that blood tests aren't always a good barometer as presence in your blood is no indication that your cells are properly utilising them. Are there any tests you recommend doing to determine if I might have thyroid issues?

I'm hesitant to just start taking thyroid supps but no Idealabs produces some great lab products for rats.




Jan 15, 2022
United States
Adding more thyroid to your body won't improve your symptoms. You'll have to improve your body's utilization of it. I'm struggling with the same thing right now


Feb 10, 2016
It takes me out of the dumps. In the winter, I need about 2 grains. In the summer, half a grain. I might need more but I am hesitant as I try to cover my other pillars of energy support.

Without thyroid, I quickly develop cold hands and feet, severe GI problems, high adrenaline, mentation issues, etc...

I learned that for now, I need thyroid to feel good. Whether this changes with time is yet to be seen.

Symptoms are very obvious with TSH of 3-4 and low with TSH of 1.


May 30, 2021
It takes me out of the dumps. In the winter, I need about 2 grains. In the summer, half a grain. I might need more but I am hesitant as I try to cover my other pillars of energy support.

Without thyroid, I quickly develop cold hands and feet, severe GI problems, high adrenaline, mentation issues, etc...

I learned that for now, I need thyroid to feel good. Whether this changes with time is yet to be seen.

Symptoms are very obvious with TSH of 3-4 and low with TSH of 1.
Thanks. What source do you use?


Aug 9, 2019
I also feel better in the summer / warmer seasons. Glad winter is almost gone now in my country.
Have you tested your TSH? Above 2 is moderately hypothyroid, above 5 is severely hypothyroid.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Have you done the basal temperature tests? That is the first place to start to see where your metabolism is at. It isn't exact science, even Ray has said that other things can affect body temperatures, but still the morning basal temperature plus pulse rate is a good place to begin to find out how well your thyroid is working.


Jan 4, 2021
Have you done the basal temperature tests? That is the first place to start to see where your metabolism is at. It isn't exact science, even Ray has said that other things can affect body temperatures, but still the morning basal temperature plus pulse rate is a good place to begin to find out how well your thyroid is working.
How do you accurately measure? I tested 36.4Cº before I broke my old **** mercury termometer. Luckily I got rid of it and didn't spill much and I didn't touch it. Im considering buying an Oura Ring 3. Why take only a measurement when we can monitor 24/7 now and get a real log?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
How do you accurately measure? I tested 36.4Cº before I broke my old **** mercury termometer. Luckily I got rid of it and didn't spill much and I didn't touch it. Im considering buying an Oura Ring 3. Why take only a measurement when we can monitor 24/7 now and get a real log?
I am not an expert on this, and others may chime in, but first thing in the morning ,in bed, as soon as you wake up, you take your temperature, and it should be at least or above 97.8 F to normal 98.6 F. You should do this for two weeks, and then figure an average, and it should be 97.8 or above, if not, your thyroid is subpar. Your daytime temps and pulse can be looked at, and should be up as well, but your temps first thing in the morning at resting, shows how well your thyroid is performing. Even Ray says other things can affect temperatures, but this test is pretty accurate. Then there is also the test where you hit your Achille's tendon and see how readily it responds. I don't know much about that test, you will have to do a search on that.
Sorry, I don't have a conversion at hand for Celsius to Fahrenheit, so I am not sure what 36.4 C is in F. I know 35 is about 95.


Jan 4, 2021
I am not an expert on this, and others may chime in, but first thing in the morning ,in bed, as soon as you wake up, you take your temperature, and it should be at least or above 97.8 F to normal 98.6 F. You should do this for two weeks, and then figure an average, and it should be 97.8 or above, if not, your thyroid is subpar. Your daytime temps and pulse can be looked at, and should be up as well, but your temps first thing in the morning at resting, shows how well your thyroid is performing. Even Ray says other things can affect temperatures, but this test is pretty accurate. Then there is also the test where you hit your Achille's tendon and see how readily it responds. I don't know much about that test, you will have to do a search on that.
Sorry, I don't have a conversion at hand for Celsius to Fahrenheit, so I am not sure what 36.4 C is in F. I know 35 is about 95.
According to google 97.52 is 36.4

Where do you place the termometer and what termometer to use?

Also, im waking up at near 3 pm, so there's no "morning" for me. I wake up at around 2 to 3 pm, and go to bed at around 5 to 6 am.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
According to google 97.52 is 36.4

Where do you place the termometer and what termometer to use?

Also, im waking up at near 3 pm, so there's no "morning" for me. I wake up at around 2 to 3 pm, and go to bed at around 5 to 6 am.
Most put the thermometer in their mouth. I am not sure of he consensus of using it under the arms, anus, etc. Just use it orally, and personally, I have used these digital thermometers and the results were disastrous. I had five of them, all different brands, and they gave me five different results, I wouldn't trust them. I can't elaborate on the sleep cycle issue, except to say, when ever you are at the end of your sleep cycle, after you wake up, stay as still as possible, so as not to crank up your metabolism, and take your temps. If someone knows something different, they can comment. Your temp now is below optimum levels, but do two weeks worth of temps and average them out to see where you are at.


Jan 4, 2021
Most put the thermometer in their mouth. I am not sure of he consensus of using it under the arms, anus, etc. Just use it orally, and personally, I have used these digital thermometers and the results were disastrous. I had five of them, all different brands, and they gave me five different results, I wouldn't trust them. I can't elaborate on the sleep cycle issue, except to say, when ever you are at the end of your sleep cycle, after you wake up, stay as still as possible, so as not to crank up your metabolism, and take your temps. If someone knows something different, they can comment. Your temp now is below optimum levels, but do two weeks worth of temps and average them out to see where you are at.
How do I do this if termomethers aren't accurate?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
How do I do this if termomethers aren't accurate?
A standard glass thermometer, like they have used for ages. Where ever you are at, France {?}, some entity will carry them there, perhaps a drug store or whatever department stores you have over there. Like I said, my opinion is that the digital thermometers are not accurate, but if that is all you have, you can try it. I advise a standard glass thermometer.


Jan 4, 2021
A standard glass thermometer, like they have used for ages. Where ever you are at, France {?}, some entity will carry them there, perhaps a drug store or whatever department stores you have over there. Like I said, my opinion is that the digital thermometers are not accurate, but if that is all you have, you can try it. I advise a standard glass thermometer.
Can you link to such a product? I assume you are not advising for me to buy a mercury termomether and put it on the mouth.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Can you link to such a product? I assume you are not advising for me to buy a mercury termomether and put it on the mouth.
Mercury thermometers are accurate and used for years, if that is all you can get, use it, just don't break it. I am not saying to seek out a mercury thermometer, but in my generation, that is all they had, and there are no problems with them as long as you don't break them. the big issue with mercury is the disposal of it, since it is considered hazardous waste. i don't know where you are, but you are going to have o do some due diligence and go out and find an oral thermometer, or just order one on line.


Jan 4, 2021
Mercury thermometers are accurate and used for years, if that is all you can get, use it, just don't break it. I am not saying to seek out a mercury thermometer, but in my generation, that is all they had, and there are no problems with them as long as you don't break them. the big issue with mercury is the disposal of it, since it is considered hazardous waste. i don't know where you are, but you are going to have o do some due diligence and go out and find an oral thermometer, or just order one on line.
Well that is the problem isn it, it's all good until you break it and I broke one the other day and it was an insane task finding all the small mercury stuff. Never again. And imagine it somehow breaks in your mouth, yikes.

So what is the best alternative then? galinstan? i've read people here saying how that is bad too (I think that's used on deep x-ray screenings)

No comments on the Oura Ring 3? if that was accurate then it would be the best. They claim this:

As a result of this study, Oura’s temperature sensor was validated to measure changes as precisely as 0.13°C (0.234°F), every minute. Oura’s performance matches near-perfect with the research-grade iButton at >99% under lab conditions, and 92% under real world conditions.
It would also be more hygienic than sticking something in your mouth everyday.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Well that is the problem isn it, it's all good until you break it and I broke one the other day and it was an insane task finding all the small mercury stuff. Never again. And imagine it somehow breaks in your mouth, yikes.

So what is the best alternative then? galinstan? i've read people here saying how that is bad too (I think that's used on deep x-ray screenings)

No comments on the Oura Ring 3? if that was accurate then it would be the best. They claim this:

It would also be more hygienic than sticking something in your mouth everyday.
I have no knowledge of the Oura ring. Looks good on paper, but many things do. My advice is to stick to the basics, use a standard glass thermometer, Hg free or not, do not bite on it, treat it with care, and it will not break. My mother, grandmothers, etc., etc., etc. used them for decades with NO problems. Breaking a thermometer is unusual if one takes care using it. Maybe someone else here has more to offer you, that is the best advice I can give.


Jan 4, 2021
I have no knowledge of the Oura ring. Looks good on paper, but many things do. My advice is to stick to the basics, use a standard glass thermometer, Hg free or not, do not bite on it, treat it with care, and it will not break. My mother, grandmothers, etc., etc., etc. used them for decades with NO problems. Breaking a thermometer is unusual if one takes care using it. Maybe someone else here has more to offer you, that is the best advice I can give.
I didn't break my mercury thermometer in 30 years until it happened the other day, so im not taking the risk again. You never know what can happen so why would you risk mercury breaking in your mouth. If you are doing a log for 2 weeks, using it daily in your mouth 10 minutes, I have ruled out thermometer. I may have to use the geratherm that someone here recommended. But reviews about thermometers are all over the place. Some people say digitals are accurate, others innacurate, same for pretty much any thermometer. I've read Peat uses braun ear thermometer and I just read it's innacurate by some people. So you end up thinking well, what the **** do I use then?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I didn't break my mercury thermometer in 30 years until it happened the other day, so im not taking the risk again. You never know what can happen so why would you risk mercury breaking in your mouth. If you are doing a log for 2 weeks, using it daily in your mouth 10 minutes, I have ruled out thermometer. I may have to use the geratherm that someone here recommended. But reviews about thermometers are all over the place. Some people say digitals are accurate, others innacurate, same for pretty much any thermometer. I've read Peat uses braun ear thermometer and I just read it's innacurate by some people. So you end up thinking well, what the **** do I use then?
I would just get a standard mercury free thermometer, use it orally. This technique is what Dr. Broda Barnes recommended, you can research his work if you want. I personally think you are going to drive yourself crazy with this. This does not have to be analized, get a Hg-free oral thermometer, put it in your mouth when you wake up, write down the numbers for two weeks and take an average. You will then know if you are going to have to work on your thyroid.
Or using Las Vegas odds, you can get yourself a mercury thermometer, and use it for thirty years before you have a problem, lol. Sorry for the levity, but you really are making too much of this.


Jan 4, 2021
I would just get a standard mercury free thermometer, use it orally. This technique is what Dr. Broda Barnes recommended, you can research his work if you want. I personally think you are going to drive yourself crazy with this. This does not have to be analized, get a Hg-free oral thermometer, put it in your mouth when you wake up, write down the numbers for two weeks and take an average. You will then know if you are going to have to work on your thyroid.
Or using Las Vegas odds, you can get yourself a mercury thermometer, and use it for thirty years before you have a problem, lol. Sorry for the levity, but you really are making too much of this.
Im getting a Germatherm as recommended by someone here. I will not gamble again with a mercury incident. Imagine you put it in your mouth, and in the morning you fall asleep with it and rest your head in some odd angle and it snaps. Why risk it if galistan works fine instead of mercury.

I will get the readings and save them on a spreadsheet.

About how to do the log, I saw someone recommend this

1) reading upon waking up
2) reading after dosing
3) reading 2 hours after dosing

However, I take the eutirox before sleep so I cant take it 2 hours after dosing.
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