
Mar 3, 2013
Hi Haidut,

I have had severe sleep problems over the last four years, during which time I have been battling Lyme and three co-infections, as well as uncontrolled Hashimoto Thyroid Disease. Recently I tried your Lapodin (5-8 drops) and had the most terrific results. However, as I proceeded to use it over the period of about a month, I was having increasing difficulties upon waking: my eyes were very dry, my vision was hazy and the whites of my eyes were bloodshot and burning, my eyelids were very thick and pink. This progressed into a very large corneal tear in my right eye, identified by my eye doctor, who also said that my other eye was very inflamed as well. Three weeks later, my corneal tear is much better and vision in both eyes has improved, but clearly the DMSO in the Lapodin is not without problems for some people such as myself and some others (e.g., see Hair Loss Help Forums - DMSO damaged my carefull !!) who have posted on raypeatforum. Similarly to another woman's posting, I have also had additional small "bumps" in my eyelids as well for which my eye doctor suggested warm compresses.

Furthermore, about 3 weeks ago (before I understood what was going on with my inflamed eyes) I gave my sister the Lapodin for her sleep difficulties (she also has Hasihimotoa thyroid for which she cannot find a doctor in NYC yet who can help her establish the right dosing) and she was enjoying it until within a week both of her eyes became severely dry and bloodshot with redness and swelling around her eyes. She likewise had to go to see an opthalmologist for extreme inflammation and the doctor did not know why this was occurring, and prescribed antibiotics. Evidently some of us have a high sensitivity to the DMSO in the Lapodin preparation ( it appears between myself and my sister, so we appear to have a gentic predisposition?), and so I am conveying this information so that you and others in the forum are aware that it is not necessarily without any health risks. I am also inquiring whether it might be possible to obtain the Lapodin without the inclusion of the DMSO. I am in much need of your product and without it I go back to increasing my use of sleep drugs (clonidine and trazodone taken together; singly I do not get results). I am trying to get off these meds when my eye problems became impossible to ignore and now I have to go back to them. I have read that you are changing some of your products to tocopherols and am praying that you can consider this very soon also for the Lapodin, which is so critical to some people's basic needs and daily sleep, very poor quality of living.

Thank you very much for your careful efforts to develop these products and I know and trust you will help us with these problems that I feel you know how to improve for us.




May 27, 2015
@Diane I've experienced exactly the same problems. Getting better slowly. Unrelated, but I'm proud of haidut being careful with the 5-alpha progesterone. I need his products too, just not in DMSO.


Mar 3, 2013
@Diane I've experienced exactly the same problems. Getting better slowly. Unrelated, but I'm proud of haidut being careful with the 5-alpha progesterone. I need his products too, just not in DMSO.
Right and thank you for your sharing as your info I noted first and it got me started looking and discovering that the Lapodin with DMSO was the origin of my unusual ocular problems!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi Haidut,

I have had severe sleep problems over the last four years, during which time I have been battling Lyme and three co-infections, as well as uncontrolled Hashimoto Thyroid Disease. Recently I tried your Lapodin (5-8 drops) and had the most terrific results. However, as I proceeded to use it over the period of about a month, I was having increasing difficulties upon waking: my eyes were very dry, my vision was hazy and the whites of my eyes were bloodshot and burning, my eyelids were very thick and pink. This progressed into a very large corneal tear in my right eye, identified by my eye doctor, who also said that my other eye was very inflamed as well. Three weeks later, my corneal tear is much better and vision in both eyes has improved, but clearly the DMSO in the Lapodin is not without problems for some people such as myself and some others (e.g., see Hair Loss Help Forums - DMSO damaged my carefull !!) who have posted on raypeatforum. Similarly to another woman's posting, I have also had additional small "bumps" in my eyelids as well for which my eye doctor suggested warm compresses.

Furthermore, about 3 weeks ago (before I understood what was going on with my inflamed eyes) I gave my sister the Lapodin for her sleep difficulties (she also has Hasihimotoa thyroid for which she cannot find a doctor in NYC yet who can help her establish the right dosing) and she was enjoying it until within a week both of her eyes became severely dry and bloodshot with redness and swelling around her eyes. She likewise had to go to see an opthalmologist for extreme inflammation and the doctor did not know why this was occurring, and prescribed antibiotics. Evidently some of us have a high sensitivity to the DMSO in the Lapodin preparation ( it appears between myself and my sister, so we appear to have a gentic predisposition?), and so I am conveying this information so that you and others in the forum are aware that it is not necessarily without any health risks. I am also inquiring whether it might be possible to obtain the Lapodin without the inclusion of the DMSO. I am in much need of your product and without it I go back to increasing my use of sleep drugs (clonidine and trazodone taken together; singly I do not get results). I am trying to get off these meds when my eye problems became impossible to ignore and now I have to go back to them. I have read that you are changing some of your products to tocopherols and am praying that you can consider this very soon also for the Lapodin, which is so critical to some people's basic needs and daily sleep, very poor quality of living.

Thank you very much for your careful efforts to develop these products and I know and trust you will help us with these problems that I feel you know how to improve for us.



Hi Diane,

Sorry to hear about this. If you feel like Lapodin is what caused this I would stop using it now. If you want, I can refund you for the bottle you bought. Just PM me your order info and we can take it from there.
I am trying to identify solvents that can be used with emodin and other quinones. The problem is that these substances are hard to dissolve in pretty much any solvent and something like tocopherol would probably not be feasible. I can try using pure ethanol but then it becomes illegal to mail the supplement since the alcohol concentration would be too flammable. All DMSO supplements are undergoing revisions right now and will use a lot less DMSO in the near future to eliminate at least skin irritation. But if you believe the DMSO is causing your eye problems then I would not use it and see if the eye improves. If we do identify another solvent that can be used instead of DMSO will change the formulations. But the options are not that many and include acetone, PEG, Tween 80, etc all of which have much more serious toxicity issues than DMSO.
Apologies for any issue the supplements may have cause and thanks for reporting this.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Thanks. Just wanted to point out that a single dose of any of our supplements has several orders of magnitude less DMSO than the doses deemed safe for chronic use as per the studies in those threads. With the new revisions of the formulation, that exposure to DMSO should drop by at least another 50%. And some of the supplements will have a non-DMSO version if we manage to dissolve the ingredient in another solvent.


Mar 3, 2013
Thanks. Just wanted to point out that a single dose of any of our supplements has several orders of magnitude less DMSO than the doses deemed safe for chronic use as per the studies in those threads. With the new revisions of the formulation, that exposure to DMSO should drop by at least another 50%. And some of the supplements will have a non-DMSO version if we manage to dissolve the ingredient in another solvent.
Thanks Haidut, I see that at lower concentrations the DMSO should be protective regarding ocular this is confusing next to my experience. I really benefit from your Lapodin so I am going back and forth with trying a little and then taking a break. Maybe I will be able to sort this out in time and if you are able to make Lapodin with another ingredient, I will gladly purchase it then...maybe the new revision with another 50% drop in DMSO would be an option also. I am trying to do all the Peat suggestions for lowering estrogen, cortisol, adrenaline, serotonin and histamine that I can find. Your products also make an amazing difference for my hormonal challenges and so I am continuing to learn, read and trial and error my way toward improved well being. Thank you for your contributions and helpful guidance via research information and of course your supplements/labs! I will share more specific information, which I believe you prefer from us all on the forum, as I get my bearings with a couple of your supplements.


Sep 13, 2012
Are you sure it is the DMSO? I am having problems with blood shot dry eyes on cyproheptadine. It has anti muscarinic properties that can be drying, though I'm not getting the dry mouth it used to give me. Not sure what receptor DMSO would target to dry out membranes.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I got dry red eyes from taking pansterone/androsterone each day. Doesn't seem to happen when I only take a few drops but when I use the full dose and repeat, my eyes become dry and red. My mother noticed it too and asked if I was feeling okay.


Oct 15, 2016
Thanks. Just wanted to point out that a single dose of any of our supplements has several orders of magnitude less DMSO than the doses deemed safe for chronic use as per the studies in those threads. With the new revisions of the formulation, that exposure to DMSO should drop by at least another 50%. And some of the supplements will have a non-DMSO version if we manage to dissolve the ingredient in another solvent.

Will it reduce the concentration of the dmso? I've seen that depending on dmso concentration there could be a drastic difference in how well it carries and potentiates the steroids through the skin.
As for the studies on dmso I find it very difficult to draw conclusions on its safety, concentration and quantity both play a part, but it seems individuals also react differently from one to an other so if one decides to use it he should just be sensible enough to watch out for weird symptoms.
An other possibility is to try dmso by itself in similar quantities as found in your supplements for a few weeks and see how that works out.

@diane78 do you take any other drug?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Will it reduce the concentration of the dmso? I've seen that depending on dmso concentration there could be a drastic difference in how well it carries and potentiates the steroids through the skin.
As for the studies on dmso I find it very difficult to draw conclusions on its safety, concentration and quantity both play a part, but it seems individuals also react differently from one to an other so if one decides to use it he should just be sensible enough to watch out for weird symptoms.
An other possibility is to try dmso by itself in similar quantities as found in your supplements for a few weeks and see how that works out.

@diane78 do you take any other drug?

Anything over 30% DMSO, depending on what the other solvent used in the mix is, is an effective transdermal carrier The most effective concentration in studies was 90% DMSO, but that seems to be too irritating to the skin. We are trying to find a sweet spot in that range of 30% - 90% that produces minimal skin irritation and still carries most of the chemical through the skin.
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