

Sep 9, 2019
Mr Sausage expert, stick me in a room with a 60 inch 4k OLED displaying lossless output from a GAN at the native resolution of the display and I’ll tell you what’s fake.

Give me the master and I’ll run it through one of the myriad GitHub projects capable of detecting GAN output to indisputably prove my results without any confirmation from you.

That’s before we’ve even touched on my reference to that fact the observers determination of authenticity depends on more than the visual component. Assuming there are contextual, behavioural and audible features, they can also be detected computationally and perceptually (depending on the competency of the observer, which is really what’s being tested). Expression and context are a big part of this. And if you have any idea about how to seriously control for that in an experiment, paint it.

For example, let’s say some sperg retard put out a deepfake of Joe Biden in the oval office denouncing the fed, proposing to recapitalise the population of the US, reduce the tax code to a single sheet of A4 and make significant capital accumulation mathematically impossible (which could be done in week). Do you think my determination of authenticity is going to be made at the moment I view it? And do you think my determination of authenticity is going to depend on any individual or combination of the visual, audible or behavioural components? Are you getting it yet?

Now, you can imagine and make statements about some infallible endgame of undetectable methods for synthetic image/audio generation all you want (PBR shares the same fate as these optical flow techniques btw). The fact of the matter is this, it’s always going to be visible to your mind and tools you could easily obtain. Assuming your cognitive, auricular and ocular functions are intact. Assuming you haven’t deferred them.


Sep 9, 2019
In fact, for certain specific areas there are already extremely realistic images being generated that I believe could fool the most intelligent people out there. Also, it seems rather arrogant to think that you're just that much better than "all those dumbarses" out there.
We live in a world where (allegedly) 14 billion doses of an experimental medication have been administered under a consensual pretext, to ameliorate the effects of a disease that never posed an immutable threat to the recipients. Among a seemingly endless stream of other highly prevalent dumbfuckery.

Aside, there is no reliable method to determine the “intelligence” of another and there probably never will be. It’s debatable “intelligence” is even an objective thing in the first place. Psychological, anthropological and sociological disciplines have never really been able to define it.

I'm not arrogant lad. I just have a low tolerance for bull****.
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2018
We live in a world where (allegedly) 14 billion doses of an experimental medication have been administered under a consensual pretext, to ameliorate the effects of a disease that never posed an immutable threat to the recipients. Among a seemingly endless stream of other highly prevalent dumbfuckery.

Aside, there is no reliable method to determine the “intelligence” of another and there probably never will be. It’s debatable “intelligence” is even an objective thing in the first place. Psychological, anthropological and sociological disciplines have never really been able to define it.

I'm not arrogant lad. I just have a low tolerance for bull****.
Perry Staltic

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Saying that we're "nowhere near" this seems highly unreasonable, given the quality of the images being generated at this point are. In fact, for certain specific areas there are already extremely realistic images being generated that I believe could fool the most intelligent people out there. Also, it seems rather arrogant to think that you're just that much better than "all those dumbarses" out there.

99.9+% of people won't be able to distinguish between fake and real based solely on graphics or sound


Sep 9, 2019

99.9+% of people won't be able to distinguish between fake and real based solely on graphics or sound
"The doubts about Malone are shady; his character and intelligence are stellar; I'd love to have friends like that." - Perry Staltic

Sure thing Pezza.



Oct 13, 2022

99.9+% of people won't be able to distinguish between fake and real based solely on graphics or sound

Yep, exactly. That's the point I was trying to make to them, i.e. that it's doubtful that they are able to distinguish reliably between real and fake images even now.


Oct 13, 2022
"The doubts about Malone are shady; his character and intelligence are stellar; I'd love to have friends like that." - Perry Staltic

Sure thing Pezza.

Instead of being dismissive of the idea that you can't really distinguish well between real and fake images anymore, perhaps you should try checking out the last webpage I linked to and try for yourself. I mean, it proves my point that you feel you need a huge screen with extremely high resolution to be able to do it, or resort to literally detecting the differences algorithmically.

It's really not going to take long before it becomes completely indistinguishable even for attempts at algorithmic detection, let alone with high resolution. And of course people using it for nefarious means aren't going to generate something that is blatantly false due to context.

Also, in my analogy, you are that sausage expert, not me. You're the one who insists that it's very easy to distinguish; based on the findings that people who are the most confident about their ability to do so tend to fail the hardest at it, I definitely wouldn't be betting on you if it ever came to that.


Sep 9, 2019
Hmm, “Dr. Eli David” eh 🤔. Hmm 🤔. Graduate and resident of Israel, prolific “leading AI expert” grifter. Ok “Dr. David”.

Safe to say we can progressively diminish the likelihood a constituent of Eli’s (alleged) 2,323 (allegedly) unique sample group hasn’t deferred their cognitive function as we work our way down the following list.
  • Browses Twitter.
  • Has a Twitter account.
  • Engages with Twitter under said account.
  • Subscribes to “DrEliDavid”s “leading AI expert” grift.
  • Notices “DrEliDavid”s retarded Twitter poll.
  • Engages with “DrEliDavid”s retarded Twitter poll.
  • Makes a summary judgement on any old device, in any old situation and casts a vote.
I wonder how far Pezza would get…


Jan 16, 2023
Hmm, “Dr. Eli David” eh 🤔. Hmm 🤔. Graduate and resident of Israel, prolific “leading AI expert” grifter. Ok “Dr. David”.

Safe to say we can progressively diminish the likelihood a constituent of Eli’s (alleged) 2,323 (allegedly) unique sample group hasn’t deferred their cognitive function as we work our way down the following list.
  • Browses Twitter.
  • Has a Twitter account.
  • Engages with Twitter under said account.
  • Subscribes to “DrEliDavid”s “leading AI expert” grift.
  • Notices “DrEliDavid”s retarded Twitter poll.
  • Engages with “DrEliDavid”s retarded Twitter poll.
  • Makes a summary judgement on any old device, in any old situation and casts a vote.
I wonder how far Pezza would get…
Dr. Eli David is 2023 entertainment ;)


Sep 9, 2019
Instead of being dismissive of the idea that you can't really distinguish well between real and fake images anymore, perhaps you should try checking out the last webpage I linked to and try for yourself. I mean, it proves my point that you feel you need a huge screen with extremely high resolution to be able to do it, or resort to literally detecting the differences algorithmically.
No lad, it suggests you didn't understand my counterpoint (which was admittedly crass, lol) to your claim we're "extremely close" to a point where "we can no longer believe what our eyes/ears perceive in images/videos". I’m not being dismissive, this wild speculation is simply technically untrue. Nevertheless the consequences of widescale belief that it is are grim.

For your test to have any validity about it the device rendering the output should be capable of doing so at or above the output resolution of the generator, at or above whatever framerate was intended, with accurate colour representation and something resembling a standard or common pixel density. My living room TV would fit the bill up to 4k and 120fps at a 10-bit colour depth.

And computational detection would simply prove it to another, or to yourself as you refine an understanding of deviations all these techniques will inevitably and always produce. Else there would be a requirement to trust the person making a visual (and audible, and behavioural, and contextual) determination, which might involve trusting yourself. Which is where things will probably go if enough people tap out and there’s a shocking event or two involving its use.

Conceptually similar to the way SSL works right now. Where “trusted” certificate “authorities” have the privilege of having their root certificates embedded almost everywhere. And the privilege of issuing (and revoking) chained end user certificates or chained certificates to intermediate “authorities” to do the same. In our brave new world we may see “trusted” “authorities” verifying (or more importantly claiming) authenticity, cryptographically signing the output and delivering it over an encrypted channel to a device with a tight DRM mechanism. On an ID verified network. God help us all if we get there.

Also, I don't know what you mean by "analogy" but you seem to have some expertise in the sausage area. Hence.

It's really not going to take long before it becomes completely indistinguishable even for attempts at algorithmic detection, let alone with high resolution.
This ridiculous statement suggests to me you have no idea what you're dealing with here.
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