COVID-19 is a serotonin-dependent disease


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
As the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world in early 2020, some of the earliest studies identified serotonin (5-HT) as a culprit in the severity of the disease and proposed using 5-HT antagonists such as cyproheptadine as treatment. Other studies found by accident that the anti-acid drug famotidine also helped reduce severity of the disease but were baffled by its effectiveness since only a handful people around the world know that famotidine has a potent anti-serotonin effects. Despite multiple studies implicating 5-HT as a pathological factor in COVID-19, modern medicine moved quickly to quash attempts to paint 5-HT in a negative light and even funded a few studies demonstrating that SSRI drugs such as fluoxetine (Prozac) were beneficial for COVID-19. Since fluoxetine is marketed as an SSRI drug, its benefits effectively precluded a discussion on the role pathological role of 5-HT in COVID-19, yet unbeknownst to most people is the fact that fluoxetine/Prozac is actually a potent antagonist on several 5-HT receptors (especially the widely expressed 5-HT2 family). So, once again Big Pharma managed to avoid exposing 5-HT as a pathological factor, even in infectious disease such as COVID-19. Well, the study below demonstrates that the serotonin-producing cells in the gut express all three proteins/receptors necessary for viral entry/infection of a cell and that the overproduction of serotonin as a result of those cells' exposure to SARS-CoV-2 accelerated COVID-19 development and exacerbated its clinical course. As such, usage of 5-HT blocking drugs is once again highlighted as perhaps the most systemic approach to both preventing and treating COVID-19, and the drugs (cyproheptadine, famotidine, bromocriptine, etc) for such treatment are widely available and much cheaper/safer than the "modern" therapies (e.g. Paxlovid) pushed by Big Pharma.

Single-cell gene expression links SARS-CoV-2 infection and gut serotonin | Gut
How the gut may help to drive COVID-19

"...New findings from Flinders University have demonstrated a molecular link between COVID-19 and serotonin cells in the gut...COVID-19 displays an array of symptoms, which can regularly include gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea. Recent research has indicated that these gut symptoms in COVID-19 patients worsen with the severity of the disease, and this is linked to heightened gut-derived serotonin, released to cause gut dysfunction, increasing the body's immune response and potentially worsening patient outcomes. Published in Gut, this new collaborative study involved three Flinders research teams, including teams led by ARC DECRA Fellow Dr. Alyce Martin and FAME Director of Bioinformatics and Human-Microbe Interactions, Professor Robert Edwards. "Our study endeavored to understand whether the gut could be a site of disease transmission and what genes might be associated with the virus entering the cells lining the gut wall," says study senior author Professor Damien Keating, Deputy Director of the Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute and Head of the Gut Sensory Systems research group. The researchers looked at gene expression amongst the different cell types that line the gut wall, analyzing whole genome sequences from thousands of individual cells from within the intestine. They found specialized cells within the gut that synthesized and released serotonin had a highly enriched expression of a particular SARS-CoV-2 receptor and were the only type of cell that expressed all the genes associated with COVID-19. "Many genes linked to COVID-19 were found expressed in the different cell types lining the gut wall but only serotonin cells expressed all three receptors for the virus," says Professor Keating. "Expression of all three SARS-CoV-2 receptors triples the rate of cell infectivity, compared to expression of only two receptors." With the exact sites of infection and the primary drivers of COVID-19 disease severity not yet fully understood, the authors say this study provides important information on the gut's role in the virus. "Our study adds further evidence that COVID-19 is far more likely to infect cells in the gut and increase serotonin levels through direct effects on specific gut cells, potentially worsening disease outcomes," says Professor Keating."
Mar 10, 2021
this study provides important information on the gut's role in the virus. "Our study adds further evidence that COVID-19 is far more likely to infect cells in the gut and increase serotonin levels through direct effects on specific gut cells, potentially worsening disease outcomes," says Professor Keating."
This is very specific and off the beaten path of only those with underlying conditions succumbing to Covid. So would those who eat high serotonin foods and take serotonin for sleep be more at risk?


Nov 9, 2016
You mention 'preventing' covid, so is it possible to take a certain dosage of one of the supplements mentioned every single day without side effects? I've harmed my health with supplements before, so a little worried about that.

If covid enters thru your nose, but you are only taking something to affect the gut, how does that prevent it? Isn't the rest of the body, besides the gut, also susceptible to harboring an infection?

I went from thinking covid was not a big deal for most, to becoming terrified of covid after reading one horror story after another about what might be (actually what is) happening to people, so if there is a way to prevent infection, I'm all for it.


Jul 25, 2013
It's not possible to accurately diagnose "covid" since PCR is not a diagnostic test (no FDA-approved covid diagnostic test exists), and the symptoms are vague and overlap with numerous other conditions. Taking "covid" studies seriously is part of the problem.



Sep 24, 2016
This is very specific and off the beaten path of only those with underlying conditions succumbing to Covid. So would those who eat high serotonin foods and take serotonin for sleep be more at risk?
You mention 'preventing' covid, so is it possible to take a certain dosage of one of the supplements mentioned every single day without side effects? I've harmed my health with supplements before, so a little worried about that.

If covid enters thru your nose, but you are only taking something to affect the gut, how does that prevent it? Isn't the rest of the body, besides the gut, also susceptible to harboring an infection?

I went from thinking covid was not a big deal for most, to becoming terrified of covid after reading one horror story after another about what might be (actually what is) happening to people, so if there is a way to prevent infection, I'm all for it.

Serotonin and the receptor system it interacts with is a major part of the organism‘s response to pathogens and endotoxins.

It is meant to cause nausea so that vomiting helps clearing toxins. Also as a warning system: if you eat contaminated food nausea might help to warn you to stop.
Another matter are some herbal substances or hard to digest complements of plant food: some substances can release serotonin in the gut. Or estrogenic components that initiate a cascade which also sets free serotonin.

So, as always there is a functional principle behind things that can potentially derail to harm. Depending on both the host Situation and the pathogen at Time of infection.

Since the CoV has also been demonstrated to act with a plethora of receptors itself it might have evolved to „sicken“ the organism in order to temporarily weaken / burden it’s immune response. Speculation on my part.

Increased Sero-signaling in that gut increases the likelihood of fever. So the strength of a Covid Infection can be increased if it reaches the gut In sufficient quantity and the local immune response is as such.

Eating serotonerg food has its uses sometimes but never during an Infection. Supplementation of 5-HT as well.

And no, you can’t prevent Covid Infectiln with a daily supp routine.

If your daily supp routine though is improving your health and fitness it helps prevent sever sickness and issues.

There is absolutely no reason to fear Covid if you’re reasonably healthy and normal weight.

If you’re metabolically sick or a fat **** then thf risk increases, but that goes for a lot of things


Sep 24, 2016
It's not possible to accurately diagnose "covid" since PCR is not a diagnostic test (no FDA-approved covid diagnostic test exists), and the symptoms are vague and overlap with numerous other conditions. Taking "covid" studies seriously is part of the problem.


I disagree. A positive PCR test coupled with a set of common symptoms of Covid is good enough indication that you’re actually infected.

and I don’t see anything wrong with it since treatment of either Covid or other common cold pathogens (like the other beta-Coronaviridae or gastrointestinal cold viruses) is virtually identical.


May 4, 2022
I developed Covid in July of this year. It was not some floating pathogen that landed on me but rather I went off diet and was bombarded with travel radiation. My gut became dysfunctional and that was a big part of it.
I used MB with vitamin C and homemade quinine (from grapefruit peels) and just rode it out. It didn't go away in just a few days. I was tired for several weeks.


Sep 24, 2016
I developed Covid in July of this year. It was not some floating pathogen that landed on me but rather I went off diet and was bombarded with travel radiation. My gut became dysfunctional and that was a big part of it.
I used MB with vitamin C and homemade quinine (from grapefruit peels) and just rode it out. It didn't go away in just a few days. I was tired for several weeks.
Yep, it can be a burden since it interacts with many cells and organelles within it.

As you said, at the time of infection you were weakened and suspectible.


May 4, 2022
Yep, it can be a burden since it interacts with many cells and organelles within it.

As you said, at the time of infection you were weakened and suspectible.
Yes, its all about the terrain.


Jan 25, 2014
I disagree. A positive PCR test coupled with a set of common symptoms of Covid is good enough indication that you’re actually infected.
No, it's not. PCR tests are easily manipulated, and one study showed that a cycle count of 35 produced 97% false positives. And some labs are using even higher cycle counts, and have been pressured to use cycle counts as high as 45.

Couple that with the fact that 100% of "Covid Symptoms" are completely non-specific, share a 100% overlap with the common cold and flu, and each individual symptom overlaps with dozens, if not hundreds, of other conditions, and you are using two completely random events to diagnose a "new disease," which is really just a rebranding of the common cold. Why not use a coin flip and dart board to diagnose Covid? It would be just as accurate.

And you ignore the fact that even symptoms with a negative test, or positive test with no symptoms (and even no symptoms with a negative test) have been used to diagnose "Covid." It's pure fraud, in every which way.

It's really the same nonsense they use with HIV tests. If you had an alcohol detection test for drunk drivers, and things like coffee, tea, soda, milk and juice all produced "false positives," you could never use it to get a conviction in court. Shouldn't medicine be held to a similar, or even higher, standard?
and I don’t see anything wrong with it since treatment of either Covid or other common cold pathogens (like the other beta-Coronaviridae or gastrointestinal cold viruses) is virtually identical.
Except for, you know, the insanely dangerous drugs that have been pushed on the public, the economic devastation, putting real causes of death like cancer and heart disease on the backburner for a "pandemic" that only is associated with 5% of deaths even using the ridiculously inflated numbers given at face value, and the BILLIONS of dollars made by testing companies selling worthless, fraudulent products. There have been over 1 Billion "Covid Tests" performed in the US alone, with a cost of between $5 and $200 per test. The upper end number would make even Pfizer's haul from the demonvax look like peanuts in comparison.
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Jan 25, 2014
There is absolutely no reason to fear Covid if you’re reasonably healthy and normal weight.
There's no reason to fear it if you are overweight or obese, either.
If you’re metabolically sick or a fat **** then thf risk increases, but that goes for a lot of things
People hear about "Comorbidities," and then just assume "oh, people who are overweight are dying." Complete nonsense.

The vast majority is older people, usually over 80, and they tend to have serious comorbidities, like cancer, kidney failure, heart disease, and such. The real killers, I mentioned above. It's not someone who is just a little (or even a lot) overweight.

Colin Powell, for example, had cancer, parkinsons, and was 84. Yet, he went down as a Covid death-

In no sane world would someone with cancer and parkinsons in their 80s go down as dying from a common cold, but clearly, the world isn't sane.

And it's not just a famous, isolated incident. As Anthony Colpo noted-

The page at the CDC website hosting this information has since been updated with new figures. Those new stats show that, of all US deaths attributed to COVID-19, only 5% had the virus listed as the only cause of death. In the remaining 95% of deaths ascribed to COVID-19, there were on average 4.0 additional conditions or causes of death (see below).

What seems to be happening is that seasonal influenza cases are being diagnosed as COVID-19 cases.

It also appears influenza is among the many causes of death either being re-assigned as COVID-19, or being relegated as a contributing condition secondary to COVID-19.

95% of the CDC's current COVID death count equates to 533,288 people, each of whom had an average of 4 comorbidities. That's a total of 2,133,152 comorbidities.

And so, in addition to the fraudulent methodology acknowledged by Fauci and Birx, the bad joke that is PCR testing, the officially sanctioned practice of assigning "probable" or "suspected" COVID-19 as cause of death, the Medicare-sanctioned bribes to hospitals and the pressure on doctors to assign COVID-19 even when they believe they shouldn't, we also have confirmation of millions of comorbid conditions among those allegedly dying of COVID-19.

With all these enabling factors present, it becomes incredibly easy to create hundreds of thousands of fallacious "COVID-19" deaths out of thin air.​


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
Except for, you know, the insanely dangerous drugs that have been pushed on the public, the economic devastation, putting real causes of death like cancer and heart disease on the backburner for a "pandemic" that only is associated with 5% of deaths even using the ridiculously inflated numbers given at face value, and the BILLIONS of dollars made by testing companies selling worthless, fraudulent products. There have been over 1 Billion "Covid Tests" performed in the US alone, with a cost of between $5 and $200 per test. The upper end number would make even Pfizer's haul from the demonvax look like peanuts in comparison.

I remember in 2020 roadside tents popping up to provide "rapid covid tests." They were totally 100% scamming. Good stuff.
Mar 10, 2021
“In vivo, serotonin appears to be pro-inflammatory, as a number of studies have shown depletion of serotonin within the CNS acts to reduce animal models of inflammation such as adjuvant-induced arthritis (9–11).”



Sep 24, 2016
Except for, you know, the insanely dangerous drugs that have been pushed on the public, the economic devastation, putting real causes of death like cancer and heart disease on the backburner for a "pandemic" that only is associated with 5% of deaths even using the ridiculously inflated numbers given at face value, and the BILLIONS of dollars made by testing companies selling worthless, fraudulent products. There have been over 1 Billion "Covid Tests" performed in the US alone, with a cost of between $5 and $200 per test. The upper end number would make even Pfizer's haul from the demonvax look like peanuts in comparison.
I assumed we talk about non-mainstream treatment when I made the statement. I don’t need convincing that Vax, Pill and Cortisone galore aren’t sane options.

And I agree that there was Never need to make a Fuss about Covid. But I disagree that it can’t be diagnosed. It’s a moot point though if it was treated like every other respiratory diseases. But they preferred to make it a devious experiment and cashcow


Sep 24, 2016
“In vivo, serotonin appears to be pro-inflammatory, as a number of studies have shown depletion of serotonin within the CNS acts to reduce animal models of inflammation such as adjuvant-induced arthritis (9–11).”

This shouldn’t be news. Peat speaks of nothing else since decades. It’s part of the inflammatory immune response. It’s best People regard it similar to Cortisol. It has its role and vaults, but narrow ones. And the default status of too many with Sero is like with estrogen. Too much, imbalanced, In too many sites and and too many times.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is very specific and off the beaten path of only those with underlying conditions succumbing to Covid. So would those who eat high serotonin foods and take serotonin for sleep be more at risk?

I'd say yes, since people with depression (i.e. people with elevated serotonin and/or presumably already taking SSRI drugs) were found in several studies to be at higher risk for both infection and severe disease.


Jan 25, 2014
But I disagree that it can’t be diagnosed. It’s a moot point though if it was treated like every other respiratory diseases. But they preferred to make it a devious experiment and cashcow
Sure, it can be "diagnosed," just not accurately diagnosed. When you base a disease on the existence of one particular virus, you can never accurately "diagnose" it. Viruses can't be detected in ANY human bodily fluid, and virologists will tell you this, straight up. This only leaves surrogate tests and symptoms, both of which are prone to error.

It's also weird that you would defend the PCR, but don't defend the "Covid Vaccines," seeing as the "Covid Vaccines" were tested more than the PCR detection tests ever were. For example, at least 40,000 people were recruited to test the "effectiveness" of the Pfizer vaccine, in what ended up being a two month period. No such tests were carried out verify the PCR test. It was just granted EUA after a lab tech came up with an internal test based on the "genetic sequence."

Of course, the honest thing to do would have been to continue to diagnose colds and flus by symptoms, and not worry about whether they were "caused" by a "Novel Corona Virus" or a regular corona virus, or by something like bacteria, endotoxin, serotonin, and not even a "virus" at all. Especially since the way viruses are "discovered" shows that there is no logical way to prove (or even suspect) that they cause any symptom of any condition in the first place.

But anyone can check the listed symptoms of "Covid" and those of the common cold and flu, and see that there is 100% overlap. And the "serious" and "mild" cases of "Covid" are no different than the "serious" and "mild" cases of common colds or the flu.
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Aug 4, 2020
I'd say yes, since people with depression (i.e. people with elevated serotonin and/or presumably already taking SSRI drugs) were found in several studies to be at higher risk for both infection and severe disease.
This makes me think of your earlier post @haidut with regards to glycine being effective against all viruses not allowing them to form a capscid and thus being easily identified by the immune system.
Since gelatin opposes serotonin do you feel that this might be a reinforcement of that study and related to all viral infections?

This would be my understanding since serotonin thins the stomach lining it would seem a reasonable hypothesis that viruses could gain access to the rest of the body in the same manner or pathway that endotoxin (LPS) would take.
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