Coronavirus: How Come Germans Have 40 Times Less Chances To Die Than Italians ?


Oct 11, 2015
Incidentally, Germany is open to the use of homeopathy. The US doesn't. Ironic. Since it was invented in the US.
Well I can go into the local health store and find homeopathy products so it is around still in the U.S., just maybe not officially. Anyone promoting to treat illness in the United States without being a dr. is liable to being sued.


Aug 9, 2013
9 Deaths, and 9 in "serious or critical" care in Germany. Is the medical system really making that much of a difference if it only has to care for 20 cases?

I assume that better quality care with faster access means fewer people make it to the “critical” level.

also linked would be better worker rights, so eg that Germany has amongst the highest mandatory paid sick leave, meaning people can actually take time off work when needed, and get treatment.

It’s going to be interesting how this spreads in the US, with 10s of millions unable to access basic healthcare and also 10s of millions of workers with no paid sick leave.


Sep 24, 2016
I assume that better quality care with faster access means fewer people make it to the “critical” level.

also linked would be better worker rights, so eg that Germany has amongst the highest mandatory paid sick leave, meaning people can actually take time off work when needed, and get treatment.

It’s going to be interesting how this spreads in the US, with 10s of millions unable to access basic healthcare and also 10s of millions of workers with no paid sick leave.

True. In the US all is set for Corona to evolve more drastically than in Germany, Korea etc. Calls for health-care reorganization will get louder.
I‘m a great admirer of the US, but the Health care and libertarian propaganda around it’s accessibility is strange


Mar 29, 2016
Well I can go into the local health store and find homeopathy products so it is around still in the U.S., just maybe not officially. Anyone promoting to treat illness in the United States without being a dr. is liable to being sued.
Compare the products available in the US with that of Germany of Boiron. Some products are not carried in the US because the litigation risks don't justify having those products sold.


May 30, 2018
Compare the products available in the US with that of Germany of Boiron. Some products are not carried in the US because the litigation risks don't justify having those products sold.

Boiron is French. I think french take a lot of homeopathy, while in the recent past, doctors made actions so that it's not reimbursed by social security anymore. It's called the FakeMed movement.


Mar 29, 2016
Boiron is French. I think french take a lot of homeopathy, while in the recent past, doctors made actions so that it's not reimbursed by social security anymore. It's called the FakeMed movement.
Oh, thanks for the correction. Had always thought of it as German.

The FakeMed movement is really something. Pretty sure big pharma is behind the machinations. But I'm glad big pharma can't touch TCM, Kampo, nor Ayurveda.
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Aug 14, 2019
[emphasis mine]

The vast majority of those who have died were old or had pre-existing diseases.

Germany - death rate 2007-2017 | Statista

So this is 1,3%. It's the same group who is at risk. It is mainly the old and the sick that die. Being old or being sick is a risk factor independent of Covid-19 infection.

If 60% got ill and 1.5 % of those would die (= 0.9 % of the population), and all this would happen within 4 weeks: This would be scary. But neither the Chinese nor the South Korean nor the Italian figures are even in the vicinity. If all this happened over the course of two years for example, it would probably not alter the total number of deaths at all.

Depends on if the virus is spreads, get control, and equipment runs out. Sweden is out of hospital equipment now and according to the hospitals people have just started to get sick and they expect it to get much worse. Goverment domt know what to do.
Anyway 140 000 known corvid cases world wide and about 5000 dead. About 3500 death cases for every 100 000 sick. If 60% of a population of 10 miljon people got sick that would amount to 210 000 dead. Thats 3,5%. My opinion was that its likely 1/5 to 1/2 of that number. 0,5-1,5% Which is 30 000 - 120 000 dead once so many has become sick. Then I’ve taken into account the unknown cases that has not been diagnosed etc... the virus is not so deadly but it becomes more deadly when it gets to spread and when hospitals get overwhelmed. Which will happen just like in Wuhan and started to happen in italy. Soon france. And Sweden. Before we even get close to 6 000 000 known infected cases I think the 5000 death rate will easily be 30 000-120 000 dead.
It all depends on if we can stop the spread.


Mar 25, 2016
Perhaps there's a high level of oxidized fat in the northern Italian's tissues???


Jul 13, 2014
havent read the comments but main reason is we have most ICU beds in europe and the govt actually cares about the health and well being of the people


Mar 29, 2016
havent read the comments but main reason is we have most ICU beds in europe and the govt actually cares about the health and well being of the people
I would see a problem in having so many ICU beds. Many people are dying stuck with pins and needles in ICUs instead of dying at home peacefully in their sleep. I wouldn't see number of ICU beds as a measure of government concern. It may just mean government is there for them when they're about to die. I rather see a government provide for conditions that enable people to live a long and healthy life not needing to step foot in a hospital. Tlhis is where a government gives due attention to public health, and a large part of public health is with dealing with prevention of poor health.


Sep 24, 2017
Germany spends the most on health in EU so they probably have a much better health care system.


Feb 14, 2020
What a bunch of stereotypes...eating pasta? Really? You don't know anything about Italy. Despite years of cuts to the healthcare due to the crazy austerity's policies, health system in north Italy is at the top in Europe. Maybe in Germany deaths have not been correlated to coronvirus as have been in Italy, mostly old people over 80 died WITH corona virus but not due to. If you don't test for it after death, as they did in Italy, the dead is not in the stats. The difference is in the way the countries present the data. Don't worry, it will come out soon.


Sep 24, 2016
havent read the comments but main reason is we have most ICU beds in europe and the govt actually cares about the health and well being of the people

In what Germany do you live? That’s a poor joke man


Jul 13, 2014
In what Germany do you live? That’s a poor joke man
im from the uk but live in germany. theres a huge amount of money and resources being made available for the german healthcare system to deal with corona. my girlfriends a doctor so i personally know 20-30 doctors in nordrhein westfalen.


Jan 25, 2014
Anyway 140 000 known corvid cases world wide and about 5000 dead. About 3500 death cases for every 100 000 sick. If 60% of a population of 10 miljon people got sick that would amount to 210 000 dead. Thats 3,5%. My opinion was that its likely 1/5 to 1/2 of that number. 0,5-1,5% Which is 30 000 - 120 000 dead once so many has become sick. Then I’ve taken into account the unknown cases that has not been diagnosed etc... the virus is not so deadly but it becomes more deadly when it gets to spread and when hospitals get overwhelmed. Which will happen just like in Wuhan and started to happen in italy. Soon france. And Sweden. Before we even get close to 6 000 000 known infected cases I think the 5000 death rate will easily be 30 000-120 000 dead.
It all depends on if we can stop the spread.

The problem with this entire method of thinking is that it's all due to the virus, the percentages will always hold, and that you can extrapolate a very small sample size to a much larger sample size. The percentages always vary, with seasons and regions. You can already see how it varies by country, how it's concentrated mostly into three, and even then, it's only certain areas of those countries.

I still don't think the total number of deaths worldwide will surpass the number from Swine Flu in 2009, which was 18,183.


Aug 14, 2019
The problem with this entire method of thinking is that it's all due to the virus, the percentages will always hold, and that you can extrapolate a very small sample size to a much larger sample size. The percentages always vary, with seasons and regions. You can already see how it varies by country, how it's concentrated mostly into three, and even then, it's only certain areas of those countries.

I still don't think the total number of deaths worldwide will surpass the number from Swine Flu in 2009, which was 18,183.

yeah just as infections vary from equator to northern part etc. But that means less reports from those countries. So you cant include them in the analysis. Only confirmed cases to death number. Sure there wont be a perfect correlation. Thats actually what I said. Right now death rate is 3,5% my opinion was that it was gonna go down to 0,5-1,5% not stay the same. Accounted for many factors.
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