Corona Virus How To Treat

Dec 18, 2018
Politics and science Coronavirus pt 2 -
"A chemist, a free radical specialist, dissolved 500mg of reagent grade, purest available, ascorbic acid in a liter of repeatedly distilled water and then put it in an ESR apparatus to measure the free radicals and he said that that amount of vitamin C contained enough heavy metals to oxidize Vitamin C into it's free radical state so that the free radical concentration was equivalent to a killing dose of X-ray, I forget, I think he said it was 60 grays, super instense dose of X-ray to produce that free radical activity in water." RP

he goes on to talk more about the heavy metals and their high presence. I believe around the 1:05:00 mark is where it starts.

That is some nonsense,lol.
So, i took around 1000mg/d for a couple of years,
how do i have a working stomach at all.
It would be so severely irradiated,like during radiatio
for cancer,nothing should be working after a couple of C-sessions.
He got fooled by this guy.


May 22, 2019
I'm eating 3000-4000 calories a day yet I've love 6 kilograms since the start of my symptoms a month ago.

Also vitamin c worsens my breathing difficulties noticeably. Tried four brands.
Nov 21, 2015
When I was very sick, I was taking azithromycin and amoxicillin. Did it help? Probably. I think it helps a great deal. It didn’t stop resistant pneumonia but I think it hastened my recovery.


Mar 29, 2016
When I was very sick, I was taking azithromycin and amoxicillin. Did it help? Probably. I think it helps a great deal. It didn’t stop resistant pneumonia but I think it hastened my recovery.
Were you taking them together? I've researched them, and my understanding is that bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics shouldn't be taken together, generally. Azithromycin is bacteriostatic, and amoxicillin is bactericidal.
Nov 21, 2015
Were you taking them together? I've researched them, and my understanding is that bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics shouldn't be taken together, generally. Azithromycin is bacteriostatic, and amoxicillin is bactericidal.

I don’t know about this. They are commonly prescribed together to get rid of H. Pylori. As you point out they have very different effects but each is anti inflammatory in a major way, which is why I was taking them (and to prevent a bacterial opportunistic infection, which I got anyway)


Mar 29, 2016
Here's what I read:

Since periodontal diseases contain a wide variety of microorganisms, a single antibiotic cannot eliminate all bacteria. Therefore, it may be beneficial to use more than one antibiotic, serially or in combination3 . Bacteriostatic antibiotics should not be given in combination with bactericidal ones, since they do not function well. If both types of drugs are required, they should be given serially i.e. one after the other. E.g. Tetracycline (bacteriostatic) should not be combined with amoxicillin (bactericidal). However, amoxicillin can be given in combination with metronidazole. MTZ with ciprofloxacin and MTZ with Augmentin are very effective drug combinations against refractory and aggressive periodontitis3,4,5 .

This article was on periodontal diseases, but I think its discussion on antibiotic combos apply to others. Your case, if you're familiar with the approved usage, may fall under the exceptions. Which was why I had to qualify what I said as "generally."
Nov 21, 2015
So you were dying and had to be saved by doctors but somehow it still worked ?
By the way, there have been other reports of people getting better and then worse.

Very cheery note, thank you! LOL.

I’m grateful for doctors. The only 4 medical advances are aspirin, antibiotics, insulin and ER medicine if you get into an accident. Thankfully my illness fell within the domain of medical competence at least at the end. My object was always to stay out of the hospital. I got better rapidly and then pneumonia set in quickly. I was listening to a medical lecturer on pneumonia and he said young and healthy people show very strong symptoms especially respiratory, and older people just feel kind of “blah” when they had pneumonia. I had strong symptoms and felt “blah”, lol, luckily so I knew pneumonia was a strong possibility. It sets in quickly, very quickly.

I doubt I’ll get worse. It’s possible but I feel no sign of it.

There was an interesting story today how people who supposedly had COVID-19 have no antibodies and could “be reinfected.” But I don’t think this is so. I think they have cellular immunity, lysogeny, and they don’t need to bother their Thymus-based immune system with it. If they tested their cells, their cells wouldn’t be susceptible to the virus, having the provirus. In modern virology, there is no difference between the provirus and the virus. It’s a complete mess, a false model, resulting in errors everywhere. Similar to pure oxygen from the basic misunderstanding of CO2, this Fundamental Error of Virology results in fake vaccines that stimulate the immune system to generate massive response that can hurt us, without conferring immunity at all from the provirus.
Nov 21, 2015
Here's what I read:

Since periodontal diseases contain a wide variety of microorganisms, a single antibiotic cannot eliminate all bacteria. Therefore, it may be beneficial to use more than one antibiotic, serially or in combination3 . Bacteriostatic antibiotics should not be given in combination with bactericidal ones, since they do not function well. If both types of drugs are required, they should be given serially i.e. one after the other. E.g. Tetracycline (bacteriostatic) should not be combined with amoxicillin (bactericidal). However, amoxicillin can be given in combination with metronidazole. MTZ with ciprofloxacin and MTZ with Augmentin are very effective drug combinations against refractory and aggressive periodontitis3,4,5 .

This article was on periodontal diseases, but I think its discussion on antibiotic combos apply to others. Your case, if you're familiar with the approved usage, may fall under the exceptions. Which was why I had to qualify what I said as "generally."

Yes but a protocol for H. Pylori is precisely these antibiotics.
EBSCOhost | 16440151 | Triple Therapy with Azithromycin, Omeprazole, and Amoxicillin is Highly Effective in the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: A Controlled Trial versus Omeprazole plus Amoxicillin.


Azithromycin in a triple therapy for H.pylori eradication in active duodenal ulcer


Mar 29, 2016

I should try this next time. I just had Augmentin (Amoxicillin with clavunalate) for 10 days, and am now on Azithromycin.

The triple protocol shown had Azithromycin for the first 3 days of the 14-day period only, while Amoxicillin and Omeprazole was for each day of that period. Interesting.
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Aug 31, 2015
Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) stimulates the rate of iron oxidation

Iron appears to play a number of diverse roles in the promulgation of bacterial infection and sepsis. Iron is an essential nutrient for bacterial proliferation, and bacteria have high affinity siderophores in order to utilize host sources of iron. It has long been hypothesized that hypoferremia, a characteristic of infections and sepsis, represents a host response to limit bacterial proliferation.

Iron-containing hemoglobin is also a pathogenic factor in infection. Enhanced morbidity and mortality from infection has been documented in the settings of hemorrhagic peritonitis, hemoglobinemia secondary to hemolysis during sepsis, or when cell-free hemoglobin (a red blood cell substitute) is infused in the presence of sepsis. In these conditions, it is possible that heme-derived iron may become available for bacterial growth. Alternatively, a variety of mechanisms other than providing nutrient iron may be involved in the deleterious combination of hemoglobin and infection, including inhibition by iron of leukocyte anti-bacterial activity, depression of reticulo-endothelial cell system function, and enhancement of lipopolysaccharide-mediated toxicity.

Recent studies from our laboratory have examined the role of the interaction between bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), and hemoglobin in the pathogenesis of sepsis. We have demonstrated that cell-free hemoglobin enhances LPS-mediated mortality and augments the tumor necrosis factor response, in vivo, to LPS. In addition, LPS and hemoglobin have been shown to form stable complexes in vitro, with a resultant increase in LPS biological activity as measured by Limulus amebocyte lysate activation, peripheral blood monocyte procoagulant activity, and endothelial cell procoagulant activity. Disaggregation of high molecular weight LPS particles was observed after hemoglobin binding, and a correlation between LPS disaggregation, increased solubility, and enhanced biological activity in vitro was demonstrated. These in vitro consequences of the hemoglobin–LPS interaction suggest a possible mechanism for enhanced LPS-mediated morbidity and mortality in the presence of free hemoglobin.

In addition to the potential for hemoglobin to increase LPS-mediated pathology, it is also possible that LPS may augment deleterious iron-mediated processes such as free radical production or lipid peroxidation. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that LPS-hemoglobin complex formation was associated with hemoglobin auto-oxidation and resultant production of methemoglobin.

Coincident with the observed hemoglobin auto-oxidation were spectral changes in the hemoglobin molecule consistent with a partial loss of heme and iron. Our previous investigations did not address experimentally the possible mechanisms for this auto-oxidation, which could potentially include LPS interactions with globin and/or heme causing destabilization of the hemoglobin molecule, or direct interaction of LPS with heme iron. Cations, including iron, are known to complex naturally with LPS. We reasoned that iron lost from heme in destabilized hemoglobin might become associated with the LPS in the hemoglobin-LPS complexes. In fact, our most recent studies demonstrated saturable binding of iron to LPS. Thus it seemed possible that LPS binding to hemoglobin initially could result in hemoglobin destabilization and ferrous iron loss, followed by iron binding to adjacent LPS molecules. The present studies were undertaken to examine whether binding of ferrous iron to LPS could, in turn, produce the iron oxidation noted in our earlier experiments with hemoglobin.


In conclusion, bacterial LPS-dependent oxidation of Fe2+ is likely to occur through a variety of mechanisms, including simple iron ‘auto-oxidation’ as well as free radical formation. In previous studies, we have demonstrated that the binding of iron to endotoxin decreased the biological activity of LPS and, if endotoxin undergoes free radical attack during iron binding and oxidation, perhaps its chemical structure, composition, or aggregation state is altered. Finally, an interaction between iron and the LPS in the membrane of Gram-negative bacteria may directly contribute to bacterial virulence.

SAGE Journals: Your gateway to world-class research journals
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Jul 29, 2014
That is some nonsense,lol.
So, i took around 1000mg/d for a couple of years,
how do i have a working stomach at all.
It would be so severely irradiated,like during radiatio
for cancer,nothing should be working after a couple of C-sessions.
He got fooled by this guy.

Well, Ray is not an idiot, so you'd have to ask him to explain how this would affect the body. Obviously it's not hurting people that much taking supplemental vitamin C so it would be nice if he explained why. I've heard him previously say the amount of radiation was similar to a "killing dose" of x-ray. Clearly he doesn't mean that taking a vitamin C supplement is the same as a killing dose of x-ray. That is absurd. Someone needs to clarify this stuff because obviously we are not understanding the relevance.
Dec 18, 2018
Well, Ray is not an idiot, so you'd have to ask him to explain how this would affect the body. Obviously it's not hurting people that much taking supplemental vitamin C so it would be nice if he explained why. I've heard him previously say the amount of radiation was similar to a "killing dose" of x-ray. Clearly he doesn't mean that taking a vitamin C supplement is the same as a killing dose of x-ray. That is absurd. Someone needs to clarify this stuff because obviously we are not understanding the relevance.



Oct 21, 2013
"The FDA has warnings that azithromycin “can cause abnormal changes in the electrical activity of the heart that may lead to a potentially fatal irregular heart rhythm.”

So instead, Alam replaced azithromycin with another decades-old antibiotic that doesn’t pose any known risks to the heart.

“Doxycycline is an anti-inflammatory with properties similar to azithromycin but without the safety concerns and without cardiac toxicity,” he said."

More at link:

Now we're talking :): If I substitute quercetin for the hydroxychloroquine (both ionophores for zinc), and doxy for the z-pak, then I've got the treatment protocal wrapped up :sunglasses: Lol, hope I never have to test it.


Jan 9, 2019
Now we're talking :): If I substitute quercetin for the hydroxychloroquine (both ionophores for zinc), and doxy for the z-pak, then I've got the treatment protocal wrapped up :sunglasses: Lol, hope I never have to test it.
They might not be getting to the right part of the cell. Have you read Chris Masterjohns analyses on these compounds?


Sep 13, 2012
I believe I found that study about vitamin C causing free radicals and it was in a test tube.


Jul 29, 2014
I believe I found that study about vitamin C causing free radicals and it was in a test tube.

Yah I think Ray described it as such. That's why I wanted to know how it compared to ingesting it. I'm not totally understanding Ray's point. I get that he thinks it can be harmful in some way, but why is it different in the body than whatever they did in the test tube? What are the implications?


Jan 9, 2019
I should try this next time. I just had Augmentin (Amoxicillin with clavunalate) for 10 days, and am now on Azithromycin.

The triple protocol shown had Azithromycin for the first 3 days of the 14-day period only, while Amoxicillin and Omeprazole was for each day of that period. Interesting.
How are you guys attaining these pharmaceuticals. It's very challenging to go the legit route, especially now.


Mar 29, 2016
How are you guys attaining these pharmaceuticals. It's very challenging to go the legit route, especially now.
It is hard, when I'm shy of asking my doctor high school classmates for a prescription, as I can't avoid slighting them when I hit big pharma for its practices in our viber group chat.

But I ask doctors who are friends with people I know well. Still, getting Azithromycin is very hard. I had to call the HQ support of a local drug chain, and got them to provide me info on which branch has inventory. Otherwise, I'd have to keep returning to the drug store and keep being told there's no stock. And online ordering is backed up a month before they fill my order.

Just have to exhaust all means possible. Glad I didn't have to resort to drama though.
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