Chronic back pain recommendations


Oct 23, 2018
My sister solved her back pain using an inversion table, too.
I had a young friend who had a back injury for several months that left him with a hunched back and struggling to walk around with a cane.

I let him borrow my table and after one week of use, 2-3 times a day. He was back to walking normally, pain free.


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Jun 20, 2024
Hey Ippodrom, you know what's better than an inversion table? Inversion boots. They accomplish the same thing and you can do more with them. I train at home and it's a fun addition to the home gym. Your gf is light enough that she should be able to invert herself while hanging. If you have a sturdy pullup bar, I'd highly recommend them over an inversion table.

If you think she'd have trouble doing that though, an inversion table might be better.
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Oct 28, 2020
If doing exercise is more her thing then get a copy of Pain Free by Pete Egoscue.
Keep in mind most chronic pain is not physical and more mental. Dr John Sarno is the pioneer here. Many have taken up his teachings and continued on.
The Great Pain Deception is an amazing book and PainFreeYou on youtube is also a great resource.
I'm trying to understand when the dr. operates on my husbands spine for 9 hours freeing up nerves fused to scar tissue, resulting in chronic nerve pain...this pain would be mental, not physical pain? I'm genuinely curious on the school of thought on this. thanks!

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I'm trying to understand when the dr. operates on my husbands spine for 9 hours freeing up nerves fused to scar tissue, resulting in chronic nerve pain...this pain would be mental, not physical pain? I'm genuinely curious on the school of thought on this. thanks!
i m sure the theory goes that repressed anger manifests itself in percieved physical pains to distract one's conscious mind from the real issues that it can't confront due to internal struggle between the Id and ego or something along those lines, he goes deep in to Jung's work with this.


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Jun 20, 2024
I think I remember reading in a book on tendinopathy that sometimes pain signals can continue being generated even after the tissue heals itself. Hence, how sometimes it's okay to work through pain while doing injury rehabilitation. So, in that case it's indeed a mental/neurological thing. But at the end of the day the result is the tissue needs attention whether your body naturally gives it that or you have to force it through use of the tissue.


Sep 12, 2020
I'm trying to understand when the dr. operates on my husbands spine for 9 hours freeing up nerves fused to scar tissue, resulting in chronic nerve pain...this pain would be mental, not physical pain? I'm genuinely curious on the school of thought on this. thanks!
Yes it becomes thoughts and repressed emotions that mess with our pain and nervous system. I would for sure get a copy of The Great Pain Deception. Its an amazing book. For example x rays are useless because if they find any "deviation" from "normal" in the xray's it does not mean anything. Studies have found just as many people have ZERO pain with even worse xray results. There is no correlation between xryas and pain the study concluded. Makes Dr's lives easier thats for sure. Outside of an acute injury our bodies are designed to work just fine no matter what bones discs ect Dr's say are out of place, mis shaped or have growths or spurs on them. Its a natural part of ageing and wear and tear. Nocebos are when Drs tell you the spine curve ect are the cause of your pain. Essentially surgery is a placebo, which leads to another amazing book, You are The Placebo. All of this stuff is in our minds. Where did ulcers go ? 30 -40 years everyone had "ulcers". Then it was fibromyalga Now its lyme and soon will be another thing everyone reads about. Ignorance is truly bliss at times. Some (probably many) people are predisposed to have chronic pain from early childhood trauma. Some people heal their pain just by discovering this and reading about it, most have to do more work and it takes time the more you rush, count the days or want it gone the more it stays. The human mind is an amazing creature.


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Jun 20, 2024
All of this stuff is in our minds. Where did ulcers go ? 30 -40 years everyone had "ulcers". Then it was fibromyalga Now its lyme and soon will be another thing everyone reads about. Ignorance is truly bliss at times. Some (probably many) people are predisposed to have chronic pain from early childhood trauma. Some people heal their pain just by discovering this and reading about it, most have to do more work and it takes time the more you rush, count the days or want it gone the more it stays. The human mind is an amazing creature.
You're getting silly with these statements. Even if we assume there are less occurrences of ulcers today, it's not like that's caused because people worry about lyme disease or etc now instead of ulcers. Sure psychological stress is bad and can generate tons of physical illnesses but I feel you're over-emphasizing it as a cause. I think most things are more physical in nature and this in turn affects mood and generates anxiety and makes organisms prone to mild psychological stress over-burdening their system. Either way, nowadays we're attacked on all fronts by stressors of all types.


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Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
. I think most things are more physical in nature and this in turn affects mood and generates anxiety and makes organisms prone to mild psychological stress over-burdening their system. Either way, nowadays we're attacked on all fronts by stressors of all types.
I agree with this. People saying ' it all starts in the mind' are normally into or have been into psychedelics


Jan 23, 2017
You're getting silly with these statements. Even if we assume there are less occurrences of ulcers today, it's not like that's caused because people worry about lyme disease or etc now instead of ulcers. Sure psychological stress is bad and can generate tons of physical illnesses but I feel you're over-emphasizing it as a cause. I think most things are more physical in nature and this in turn affects mood and generates anxiety and makes organisms prone to mild psychological stress over-burdening their system. Either way, nowadays we're attacked on all fronts by stressors of all types.
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