Keeping my 63 years old mother healthy


Aug 9, 2019
My father died in 2012 from cancer and she's been alone since, and that has affected her a lot. She has a chronic eye disease(retinal dystrophy), and she is currently almost blind in both eyes, and needs assistance everyday. She also had problems with chronic alcoholism from ages 25 to 55. Not too extreme, but also not too light either. When I was a child, she would get drunk almost every weekend. This happened years, until she retired due to medical reasons. She was actually CFO in the textile industry. Nowadays, she only drinks every now and then as a form of emotional escapism.
Also, she was quite a heavy smoker in her life, and still smokes about 1 pack / day

In 2013, while drunk, she fell off from the 4th floor and miraculously survived.
Last year, she sustained a hip injury and she had surgery for it.
This year, she unfortunately took the Pfizer vaccine, even though I told her not to do it. Luckily, she had no adverse effects from it, at least until now.

My idea is to get her to listen more to health advice from me. It won't be easy to convince her, as you know older people tend to become stubborn with age, but hopefully she will eventually listen to me and implement some of my advice. The goal is to help her transition gracefully as she goes into old age and make her life / health better.

Some ideas I have in mind:

1. convince her to regularly take Aspirin every now and then, for general health
2. convince her to drop the PUFAs, of course. At least get her aware about vegetable oils
3. supplements to undo the damage from alcoholism. Ideas here, I have no clue what works here. As of now, she never complained of her liver or pancreas, so that is good.
4. supplements to undo the damage from cigarettes smoking

Anyone got knowledge on points 3 and 4?

Thank you for any advice!
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Feb 3, 2020
High-dose thiamin HCL (B1) could be very beneficial with known past alcohol indulgence. I'd couple that with some magnesium supplementation, like magnesiumglycinate.

Restoring NAD+ with niacinamide would be my second guess, as NAD tends to continually decrease with age.

Vitamin E to partially mitigate the effects of PUFA.


Jun 10, 2020
Coffee, milk, orange juice, and thyroid. Those things will all help her liver and her brain.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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