Causes Of Retinal Tears And Detachments


Aug 22, 2013
My dad is currently 60, and for the last 10 years he has had several retinal tears and a retinal detachment in both eyes that have required many surgeries. I'm not really involved much in his care, but of course it seems the doctors have no explanation other than aging and genetics, which seems like bull****. Does anyone here have any experience with these or know anything about potential causes and what he can do to stop getting them? He's about to go in for surgery for another one, and I worry that if there isn't some corrective action soon, this will continue happening and he'll eventually be blind.

He's been on prescription pain medication for 10+ years and muscle relaxers for bad back and hip pain, as well as anti-depressants ever since he stopped being able to work from the eye problem. He's also had a number of back surgeries and a hip replacement. I wonder if the ongoing stress from all this could be related.

His diet isn't great, but it's not terrible either. Mostly real food, fruit, vegetables, meat, seafood, bread, yogurt, some coffee, and some other more junky stuff. I'd say a pretty typical american diet for someone who avoids fastfood and eats real food, but not super healthy. Prior to turning 50, he was pretty damn healthy, worked outside, very strong, built like an ox, rarely got sick, etc.


Aug 22, 2013
Might suggest can-c eye drops. Lots of good things said about them.

Thanks for the suggestion. Do you know of anything specifically saying can-c drops are useful for retinal tears and detachments? I'm only finding all the success stories of people using it for cataracts.
Nov 21, 2015
Thanks for the suggestion. Do you know of anything specifically saying can-c drops are useful for retinal tears and detachments? I'm only finding all the success stories of people using it for cataracts.

No. I don't. But lots of other eye problems besides cataracts. There must be a very generalized mechanism such as redox optimization because there are many reports of improvement in almost all Things ocular
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