Biden administration to monitor private communication

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
They have been operating outside the Constitution (or more accurately, the spirit of that document) for more than a century. Supreme Court Justice John Harlan alerted everyone to that fact in his dissent in Downes vs. Bidwell back in 1901.

Bill Binney told you the NSA has been collecting ALL electronic data on Americans since 2001-


Of course, there is an argument to be made that this is no violation of the 4th Amendment. If you use the internet or make phone calls or send texts, pretty much everyone does these through a third party service provider. There really shouldn't be an expectation of privacy in these sorts of situations, any more than you would expect privacy talking in a restaurant or a park, or posting something on a blog or Facebook.

Of course, fact checking texts would be taking things to a new level. What this would really alert people to is the fact that such communication has NEVER been private. It would be more bursting their illusions of the world than anything else.

Yea exactly they have always done this. The fact that they could so easily implement “fact checkers” into SMS messages proves this, otherwise they would need time to implement the technology to actually monitor what is being texted


Jan 25, 2014
Yea exactly they have always done this. The fact that they could so easily implement “fact checkers” into SMS messages proves this, otherwise they would need time to implement the technology to actually monitor what is being texted

The technology itself is what allows it to be monitored. This isn't radical "breaking news." It's a function of the technology itself. The early days of phones had switchboard operators. Guess what? They could monitor your conversation. They had to, otherwise they couldn't do their job.

Improvements in tech and lowering of prices just means that more conversations could be monitored and stored for longer periods of time.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
The technology itself is what allows it to be monitored. This isn't radical "breaking news." It's a function of the technology itself. The early days of phones had switchboard operators. Guess what? They could monitor your conversation. They had to, otherwise they couldn't do their job.

Improvements in tech and lowering of prices just means that more conversations could be monitored and stored for longer periods of time.
Yes but reading and being able to analyze billions of text automatically requires sophisticated technology. I know they’ve had records of our texts and store them since the beginning, but being able to analyze them and filter out forbidden ideas in real time is a whole different ball game


Jan 25, 2014
but being able to analyze them and filter out forbidden ideas in real time is a whole different ball game
True. But there is no indication this is even possible. Just like Kennedy promising to go to the moon in the Early 60s. After all, why would you expect Ol' Dementia Joe to have any idea about current technology?

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
They have been operating outside the Constitution (or more accurately, the spirit of that document) for more than a century. Supreme Court Justice John Harlan alerted everyone to that fact in his dissent in Downes vs. Bidwell back in 1901.

Bill Binney told you the NSA has been collecting ALL electronic data on Americans since 2001-


Of course, there is an argument to be made that this is no violation of the 4th Amendment. If you use the internet or make phone calls or send texts, pretty much everyone does these through a third party service provider. There really shouldn't be an expectation of privacy in these sorts of situations, any more than you would expect privacy talking in a restaurant or a park, or posting something on a blog or Facebook.

Of course, fact checking texts would be taking things to a new level. What this would really alert people to is the fact that such communication has NEVER been private. It would be more bursting their illusions of the world than anything else.

I always held Snowden in the highest regard and consider him a national treasure for what he did. The electronic data collection actually began decades before according to a friend in national intelligence. All incoming phone calls and faxes/telexes to the States were intercepted back in the 70's. Yes, the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on, sadly.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Yes but reading and being able to analyze billions of text automatically requires sophisticated technology. I know they’ve had records of our texts and store them since the beginning, but being able to analyze them and filter out forbidden ideas in real time is a whole different ball game
The super computers the NSA is using are at least 5 generations ahead of anything research institutions have and will have no problems analyzing these messages. Key words or phrases are used to trigger an "active watch" status and this has been so since 2001.


Jan 25, 2014
I always held Snowden in the highest regard and consider him a national treasure for what he did. The electronic data collection actually began decades before according to a friend in national intelligence. All incoming phone calls and faxes/telexes to the States were intercepted back in the 70's. Yes, the constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on, sadly.

I strongly disagree with that. The Constitution For the United States has done well for a trust document penned back in 1789/91. The ideas of separation of powers has still served many of the several states, even as we face this attempt by the World Revolutionary Movement to completely take over the world. Yes, their agents have been put at all levels of government in this country, yes, there are many violation on the spirit of document, and yes, the past year has seen new levels of atrocities. But there is more pushback in some states than there are anywhere else in the world (save a few African countries, whose leaders keep getting assassinated).

But thanks to the Second Amendment protecting rights granted by the creator (no man or document can give you any "rights"), there are more guns than people in the US, and the vast majority in the hands of the people, not the government. Yes, the founder should have added a "Health Freedom" amendment, and you can quarrel with clauses like Article 1 Section 8 Clause 13 and the Commerce Clause, but it's done better than the founding documents of any other country.

It's not the fault of that Trust Document that people aren't aware of their rights, or give them up without a fight.


Mar 12, 2017
Well, this is encouraging. At any rate, I've always assumed all my communications were monitored anyway. It's becoming more and more clear I wasn't just being paranoid.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019

our Governor stole the election here as well.

Was a fraternity brother of my father in law’s.

Sold his soul to the devil.
Refuses to even meet his Lieutenant Governor.
A battle of good vs evil here

and dont get me started on our school board....
Isn't NC one of the states that allows kids at 12 to get the vax without parental consent or knowledge? I have one daughter still in college there but am so glad they're both out of the public school system.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
That's what they're trying to do anyways, that doesn't mean much, they're tyrants that want to see westerners dead and if not that the western world burn as they fly away on private jets and turn the western world into a dead communist hellhole from a long distance.

Tucker is a riot. And the singing part? Sounds like a cat crapping razor blades. So many people used to think that Trump made the USA the laughing stock of the world but these people have really stepped it up a notch.


Mar 15, 2018
Tucker is a riot. And the singing part? Sounds like a cat crapping razor blades. So many people used to think that Trump made the USA the laughing stock of the world but these people have really stepped it up a notch.
Their job is to 'dismantle' everything, they're also partially hired to make the western world into a joke, 'clown world'.


Jun 16, 2015
If I can get my retired non tech savvy parents to use one of the encrypted texting apps for all our texting then it's a no brainer that everyone should be using that always.


Dec 8, 2016
Isn't NC one of the states that allows kids at 12 to get the vax without parental consent or knowledge? I have one daughter still in college there but am so glad they're both out of the public school system.
Correct. We were the only state last time I looked. Maybe with the District of Columbia close behind.
It has been incredibly stressful and im surrounded by provaxxx, double mask, gloved, shield wearing educated fools.
Yet the SC state line is three miles from here- living freely.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Correct. We were the only state last time I looked. Maybe with the District of Columbia close behind.
It has been incredibly stressful and im surrounded by provaxxx, double mask, gloved, shield wearing educated fools.
Yet the SC state line is three miles from here- living freely.
My oldest daughter lives in SC. She said she and her husband will stick it out for a bit since the state just voted to keep a militia which will be very helpful if that nitwit Biden tries to take peoples' guns or enforce vax orders. I lived in NC for 25 yrs and loved the state (except for NC dept of revenue which can close your business and seize your assets without due process). I waited until my kids entered school there before I took them for the regular vaccines which I now regret.
D.C. voted in either 2019 I believe to allow children to get any vax without parental consent and the school and medical system will then keep that info from the parents. Democratic mayor there as well. I always thought the South would be staunchly anti gov't and pro gun and am sorry to hear NC sounds just like Canada now. I posted a link last night from the Canadian health minister who admits the lockdowns here are just to prevent assembly so people can't speak out against covid.


Mar 15, 2018
Some of these words are a bit paranoid: Texas - what?!?!
Probably the succession memes or maybe they remember the alamo. The Japanese had a thing years ago where they thought Texas was a separate country in the USA.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
New series just released on Netflix: How to become a tyrant. Scroll through the season titles and see if they aren't referring to now.


Jul 18, 2015
I strongly disagree with that. The Constitution For the United States has done well for a trust document penned back in 1789/91. The ideas of separation of powers has still served many of the several states, even as we face this attempt by the World Revolutionary Movement to completely take over the world. Yes, their agents have been put at all levels of government in this country, yes, there are many violation on the spirit of document, and yes, the past year has seen new levels of atrocities. But there is more pushback in some states than there are anywhere else in the world (save a few African countries, whose leaders keep getting assassinated).

But thanks to the Second Amendment protecting rights granted by the creator (no man or document can give you any "rights"), there are more guns than people in the US, and the vast majority in the hands of the people, not the government. Yes, the founder should have added a "Health Freedom" amendment, and you can quarrel with clauses like Article 1 Section 8 Clause 13 and the Commerce Clause, but it's done better than the founding documents of any other country.

It's not the fault of that Trust Document that people aren't aware of their rights, or give them up without a fight.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
OMG. This is so about what's happening right now; just disguised as history. All the tools used then being used now including invented crisis.
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