Another Day In Trump's America


Oct 11, 2015
If all you’re going to do is call people “boomer” like you just learned about the word, maybe you should go back to Reddit. I’m sure your non-contribution will be better appreciated by your fellow chapotards.

yOu LiKe CaPiTaliSM??? i h8 bOoMers!

While it’s true using boomer as a pejorative finally made its way to the reddit cesspool after all these years, I don’t think he deserved this response. This is a very sane take on politics/news since decades now ( and arguably much longer ).

You watch both sides of a bread and circus show and form hot boomer takes. You still think you can vote your way out of this. You admit to watching news as if that is something to be proud of. Just eating at the sty and bleating about your democratic choice.


Sep 25, 2019
If all you’re going to do is call people “boomer” like you just learned about the word, maybe you should go back to Reddit. I’m sure your non-contribution will be better appreciated by your fellow chapotards.

yOu LiKe CaPiTaliSM??? i h8 bOoMers!

Boomers must be called out and their distasteful hubris not tolerated any longer. Also, you are injecting projections again. Boomers love to characterize their supposed opponents in course of discourse as "leftist socialist sjws" even when no mention of politics to that regard have been made. It soothes the cognitive dissonance boomers have steeped themselves in for decades. Boomers do not want to accept that anyone being critical of their opinions just might not be a purple haired gender studies major. Whatever helps you cope. I am simply tired of reading hot boomer takes online. Boomers have descended on every corner of the internet by now and it is all so tiresome seeing thier crap everywhere.

The most useless and despised and deluded generation. Who, even when presented with factual evidence and all forms of information, still choose to reject it and keep feeding themselves at the same trough which turned their minds to gravy starting years ago. Keep in mind the spiritual boomer exists too, boomers who weren't necessarily born in boomer years. Plenty of 30y/o boomers around too.

Of all things of consequence, who you choose to vote for has very little meaning. Politics is fun to watch and discuss but actually thinking it matters on a deeper level is mass self delusion. It really doesn't matter. America is a hyper-degenerate cesspool and no democrat or republican will turn that wheel back. Thinking you can condescend to someone because you choose to vote one way and they another is the peak of NPC logic. Go ahead and play democracy game but don't ever think you have the right to talk down to someone because they don't vote one way or another because the game is rigged and has been for a looooong time. Trump seems like an interesting guy but remember his own favorite daughter married into the same (((power structure))) which have destroyed America from the inside out, for the benefit of some perverted talmudic prophecies and other weird crap. I like watching the guy for entertainment but he is not your saviour and neither is the republican party or democrats for that answer. Or any poltical party.
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Sep 25, 2019
This is such a cop-out response. Yeah the reasons are that white liberals want to come across as anti-racist so they pretend to agree with the line of thinking that says “minorities are being thrown in prison because of racism.” So they pass a law that drastically decreases imprisonment that centers around ignoring crime. That is psychotic.

Then we have “climate conscious” progressives, Hollywood A-listers such as Leo DiCaprio and Euro activists like Greta the climate goblin and her handlers, flying internationally on private jets telling the rest of us that we need to drastically reduce our carbon footprint. And we also need to have less children in the West to save the planet BUT because our population is declining we also need to import more immigrants who on average have anywhere between 3 and 5 children per household so we can sustain our labor force. That is psychotic.

No progressive policy will have a chance to come to harm your family if you keep them out of the jaw of the beast, i.e. most public schools, off of netflix, hookup apps, etc. If having to pay a percentage point more income tax per year for some BS carbon reduction initiative breaks you, you got bigger problems. If people haven't stood up en masse now to toddler **** lopping surgeries and millions of abortions and fetal tissue research being used for developing artificial sweetners etc., i really think your energies are better spent taking care of and properly raising your family to withstand these degenerate and pretty much satanic onslaughts. No political party has taken a firm stand against such things. No military commander has taken back the nation. The dual citizens haven't been expelled. Those who facilitated 9/11 went unpunished. Just focus on your own house, don't even bother voting imo. It will give you a false sense of control over a situation you really have no control over, and in my mind, it legitimizes the corruption if you choose to willingly take part in it. Local city councils are filled with degenerates and reprobates so why not start there if you get the urge to focus on democratic initiatives.
Dec 18, 2018
SOCIAL BOOMER WARRIORS,SBWs,are highly toxic,but we do have a choice,
democrats and republicans have different Oligarchs behind them,
Each with a slightly different trajectory for the USA.
Everyone is actually the same is a mistaken take,imo.


Sep 10, 2019
Boomers must be called out and their distasteful hubris not tolerated any longer. Also, you are injecting projections again. Boomers love to characterize their supposed opponents in course of discourse as "leftist socialist sjws" even when no mention of politics to that regard have been made. It soothes the cognitive dissonance boomers have steeped themselves in for decades. Boomers do not want to accept that anyone being critical of their opinions just might not be a purple haired gender studies major. Whatever helps you cope. I am simply tired of reading hot boomer takes online. Boomers have descended on every corner of the internet by now and it is all so tiresome seeing thier crap everywhere.

The most useless and despised and deluded generation. Who, even when presented with factual evidence and all forms of information, still choose to reject it and keep feeding themselves at the same trough which turned their minds to gravy starting years ago. Keep in mind the spiritual boomer exists too, boomers who weren't necessarily born in boomer years. Plenty of 30y/o boomers around too.

Of all things of consequence, who you choose to vote for has very little meaning. Politics is fun to watch and discuss but actually thinking it matters on a deeper level is mass self delusion. It really doesn't matter. America is a hyper-degenerate cesspool and no democrat or republican will turn that wheel back. Thinking you can condescend to someone because you choose to vote one way and they another is the peak of NPC logic. Go ahead and play democracy game but don't ever think you have the right to talk down to someone because they don't vote one way or another because the game is rigged and has been for a looooong time. Trump seems like an interesting guy but remember his own favorite daughter married into the same (((power structure))) which have destroyed America from the inside out, for the benefit of some perverted talmudic prophecies and other weird crap. I like watching the guy for entertainment but he is not your saviour and neither is the republican party or democrats for that answer. Or any poltical party.

See, this along with the message you posted after gives me an idea of what you actually think. Prior to it, I too assumed you were a raging leftist because usually only wannabe tankies on reddit try to use boomer as an actual insult rather than a meme. But after having read these posts, I find that we agree on many things. Politics is one big game of monopoly to those who are really in power, and while it’s true that neither republicans nor democrats can or will save us, in situations like this sometimes we have to go for the lesser of two evils, even if it just buys a little bit more time. The way I see it is that they want people to feel defeated to the point of giving up. Even if voting is 100% pointless, it’s a litmus test. It gives them the green light to introduce more degeneracy into the world. They don’t want us to vote, they don’t want us to have children, they don’t want us to have morals, joy, hope, anything decent. Just be a good mindless consumer.
Dec 18, 2018
It is, in my opinion,the erection of a Conservative Morality,which is maiming for a lot of people,
seen as follows.

• God above Man
• Man above Nature
• The Disciplined (Strong) above the Undisciplined (Weak)
The Rich above the Poor
Employers above Employees
• Adults above Children
• Western culture above other cultures
• America above other countries
Men above Women
Whites above Nonwhites
• Christians above non-Christians
Straights above Gays




Mar 3, 2016
Ok boomer is a 4chan /pol/ meme, leftists are trying to steal it just like how they steal everything else.


Mar 29, 2016
It is, in my opinion,the erection of a Conservative Morality,which is maiming for a lot of people,
seen as follows.

• God above Man
• Man above Nature
• The Disciplined (Strong) above the Undisciplined (Weak)
The Rich above the Poor
Employers above Employees
• Adults above Children
• Western culture above other cultures
• America above other countries
Men above Women
Whites above Nonwhites
• Christians above non-Christians
Straights above Gays


That's a mishmash of things I agree with and things I don't. Agreeing with one doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with another on that list. And it doesn't have to be be about what you believe in either.

Adults over children - yes of course, until the children grows old and the adults become senile. Even primitive people know this. Is this something to be questioned?

Employers above employees - in a hierarchy, yes. Glad you didn't add 'generals over privates.' But a good employer gets the respect of his employees, and same with a general and his rank and file. Coddling and pandering certainly doesn't earn respect, as this doesn't guarantee security and growth. Being able to bring out the strengths of people so that the best gets to be promoted and to lead, and the worst gets booted out - that's good leadership.

Man above nature - this is hubris. When you kayak, you know. When the river is too rough, you pay respect to the river and you go onshore and skip that turbulent portion of the river. If you don't respect the river, you will be tamed. When you denude the forests, you end up with floods. It comes back to haunt you.

God above man - would man above God be better? Would man want to be God? If you see God in nature, and respect it. What's wrong with that? If God is about ethics and having a conscience, what's wrong with that? If God is love, what's wrong with that? If God is all about fear and punishment, then God and religion becomes about control, then man is bound and enslaved.

Straights above gays - It's not respectful. But it cannot be denied that straights are the natural majority, and lifestyle could change that. In the same way society has been shaped by commercial forces to bring about higher incidences of autism, so has it resulted in a higher gay population. It is acceptable that gays do happen as part of nature, but to accept it as a natural consequence of modern commercial practices in foods and in medicine is tampering with nature. Whether it's intended or not, it isn't something that society should accept, but it is because it's the politically correct thing to say nothing about it. It's hard to imagine a day when being gay is being part of the majority, and being straight isn't.

The rest make sense on the basis that all are created equal.

Add: But this is what gets me about morality and global warming. People respect nature. We could just go the extra mile to treat nature well, and we could make earth liveable for us all. But we just don't. Instead, we have to be forced by prophets of doom to act in fear to save ourselves. They conjure the sea rising up to swallow us if we don't do as we're told-to do as they say. We're to be driven by guilt and by fear to spur us to do their bidding. But the reality is that even if we follow their bidding to the letter, the seas will still rise if that is part of nature's cycle. And there is really nothing we can do about it. I don't know why the left and the Pope are so fixated on doing this. Maybe it simply looks virtuous. Preening.

Maybe if they can just accept that these effort are in vain, they can instead direct their efforts toward making us survive the coming Ice Age. But of course they won't, because they would rather make us believe in a futile set of actions that would lead to depopulation, in which the elites are safe from where they're high and dry. They will be safe in their Ark, but this time it's not because the rest sinned and they didn't. It's because the virtuous allowed themselves to be deceived, and the deceivers get to go forth and multiply.

Here's Robert Redford on his piece against Trump because Trump is getting out of the Paris climate accord of 2015:

CNN: Robert Redford: A race against time to undo damage caused by Trump.
Robert Redford: A race against time to undo damage caused by Trump (opinion) - CNN

Another good person believing in a false narrative. The evil is in the deception that makes otherwise good people strengthen the deception. They're seen as virtuous, while those who counter the deception are regarded as evil.
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Dec 3, 2020
Obamacare has already been repealed. The wall is being built as I type this. I am amazed that people have zero concept that an almost 2,000 mile infrastructure project can't be completed in only two years. You realize it took 3 years to build the first 15 miles of Interstate 11 in Nevada after they started construction?

Same with rolling up criminal networks like the Clintons. Didn't the investigation of Whitey Bulger take five years? I think that's much further ahead of schedule than you realize.
Obamacare was never repealed. The wall was never built. Trump is a moron. Did more harm than good.


Jan 25, 2014
Obamacare was never repealed.
I don't know why you are dredging up 2 year old comments when you just joined in late 2020, but while there wasn't a "full repeal," there was indeed a dropping of the tax requirement. That was the biggest thing I cared about.
The wall was never built.
Wrong, it was never completed. Just because you have no idea how a 2,000 mile infrastructure project works, or truly, how the United States Government works, doesn't mean that new sections of the wall weren't built. They absolutely did get built. And Trump wasn't a king, he was the head of the Executive Branch of government. He still had to get funding from the Legislative Branch.
Trump is a moron.
Trump may be many things, but "moron" certainly isn't one of them. You don't have success in real estate, entertainment, as an author, and win the Presidency as your very first political office by being a "moron."
Did more harm than good.
He kept the Clintons out of the White House for 4 years, and bashed the Mass Satanic Media relentlessly for 5. That's more than I can say for the Treasonous Obama, Bushes, and Clintons. All of those four are traitors to the Republic.

I was no fan of Trump's actions in endorsing the very obviously fake "pandemic," nor of trotting out Fauci and Birx everyday, nor of Operation Warp Humanity, and his seemingly doing nothing to fight widespread election fraud that gave us the Brain Damaged Brandon, who raised a son that likes to smoke parmesan cheese when he's out of his mind on crack.

But, Trump may have not wanted to end up like John Magafuli, and realized there are just some enemies too big to fight.


Feb 22, 2014
I don't know why you are dredging up 2 year old comments when you just joined in late 2020, but while there wasn't a "full repeal," there was indeed a dropping of the tax requirement. That was the biggest thing I cared about.

Wrong, it was never completed. Just because you have no idea how a 2,000 mile infrastructure project works, or truly, how the United States Government works, doesn't mean that new sections of the wall weren't built. They absolutely did get built. And Trump wasn't a king, he was the head of the Executive Branch of government. He still had to get funding from the Legislative Branch.

Trump may be many things, but "moron" certainly isn't one of them. You don't have success in real estate, entertainment, as an author, and win the Presidency as your very first political office by being a "moron."

He kept the Clintons out of the White House for 4 years, and bashed the Mass Satanic Media relentlessly for 5. That's more than I can say for the Treasonous Obama, Bushes, and Clintons. All of those four are traitors to the Republic.

I was no fan of Trump's actions in endorsing the very obviously fake "pandemic," nor of trotting out Fauci and Birx everyday, nor of Operation Warp Humanity, and his seemingly doing nothing to fight widespread election fraud that gave us the Brain Damaged Brandon, who raised a son that likes to smoke parmesan cheese when he's out of his mind on crack.

But, Trump may have not wanted to end up like John Magafuli, and realized there are just some enemies too big to fight.
Hey, how about we resurrect this thread and update our thoughts based upon current events?

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Boomers must be called out and their distasteful hubris not tolerated any longer. Also, you are injecting projections again. Boomers love to characterize their supposed opponents in course of discourse as "leftist socialist sjws" even when no mention of politics to that regard have been made. It soothes the cognitive dissonance boomers have steeped themselves in for decades. Boomers do not want to accept that anyone being critical of their opinions just might not be a purple haired gender studies major. Whatever helps you cope. I am simply tired of reading hot boomer takes online. Boomers have descended on every corner of the internet by now and it is all so tiresome seeing thier crap everywhere.

The most useless and despised and deluded generation. Who, even when presented with factual evidence and all forms of information, still choose to reject it and keep feeding themselves at the same trough which turned their minds to gravy starting years ago. Keep in mind the spiritual boomer exists too, boomers who weren't necessarily born in boomer years. Plenty of 30y/o boomers around too.

Of all things of consequence, who you choose to vote for has very little meaning. Politics is fun to watch and discuss but actually thinking it matters on a deeper level is mass self delusion. It really doesn't matter. America is a hyper-degenerate cesspool and no democrat or republican will turn that wheel back. Thinking you can condescend to someone because you choose to vote one way and they another is the peak of NPC logic. Go ahead and play democracy game but don't ever think you have the right to talk down to someone because they don't vote one way or another because the game is rigged and has been for a looooong time. Trump seems like an interesting guy but remember his own favorite daughter married into the same (((power structure))) which have destroyed America from the inside out, for the benefit of some perverted talmudic prophecies and other weird crap. I like watching the guy for entertainment but he is not your saviour and neither is the republican party or democrats for that answer. Or any poltical party.
Friend, maybe you may have missed the big point about Trump. We usually get two "choices" for President. Look right now what we have and you myopically choose to remind us of Trump's daughter's marriage. We have a govt selling out to the One World Govt folks so given we have about 2 choices: Trump or Biden or the like, you want to critizice Trump who is not perfect but so much for the people than the globalists getting their human cattle ready for a new life. I am dumbfounded anyone vote for Biden, Soros, McKenzie Bezos, etc. and Globalism.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Obamacare was never repealed. The wall was never built. Trump is a moron. Did more harm than good.
Trump did more harm than good? Very interesting analysis. My idea of good must differ from your's. You probably think the Biden and friends are great for this country. They are great for our demise and all this wokism crap. Prosperity under Trump must have missed your brain. Having a secure country must have whistled by you too. War in Ukraine wa because of Biden weakness. Surrender of Afghanistan under Biden (Obama being the puppeteer). Becoming energy dependent you missed too under Biden and our former allies now friendly with China and Russia. But Trump did more harm than good? I am scared for you but more scared for our future with those lacking awareness.
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