
  1. haidut

    Obesity Increasing; Is NOT Due To The Cliche Urban, Gluttonous, Sedentary Lifestyle

    The study below shows that obesity rates are rising worldwide. A doctor would immediately suggest that this is due to urban overpopulation, with hordes of gluttonous, chips-eating, video-game-playing, sedentary, bored people who do little more than eat and sleep. However, the study below found...
  2. haidut

    Height Is Dependent On Diet Quality, Not Genes

    I posted a few threads in the past demonstrating that gene are likely not the main driver of height, despite the mainstream dogma vehement claiming to the contrary. Dutch People Gained 20cm Of Height In Just 150 Years Protein Quality, Not Genes, Determine Male Height Intelligence and height...
  3. haidut

    The People With The World's Healthiest Hearts Eat A 72% Carbohydrate Diet

    So much for carbs making you fat, diabetic, sick and old. This is a nice corroboration of the other thread I posted on Okinawan diet. The author of this study actually mentions the Okinawan people as second-most-healthy in terms of cardiovascular system. The Tsimane diet has the same amount of...
  4. haidut

    A High-carb Diet May Explain Why Okinawans Live So Long

    Most people have heard of the so-called Okinawan "miracle" - i.e. the high ratio of centenarians per capita on that Japanese island. While that ratio is artificially elevated due to increased emigration after WWII, there is solid evidence that Okinawans have better systemic health than the rest...
  5. haidut

    Low-protein High-carb Diet Has The Same Benefits As Caloric Restriction

    A recent study posted on the forum claimed that low carb is better for weight loss than other diets. Low Carb More Effective In Weight Loss Than High Carb? But the key question which so far most dieting studies ignore is this. Is the diet actually improving health and increasing lifespan...
  6. haidut

    Dietary Nitrates Can Cause Mania After Just Two Weeks Of Consumption

    As many forum users already know dietary nitrates are an effective precursor to nitric oxide (NO). NO has been reliably linked to mania in humans, and mania is a known side effect of drugslike Viagra or nitroglycerin, but so far the official claim is that dietary nitrate intake does not cause...
  7. haidut

    Mediterranean Diet Study Has Been Retracted, Health Link No Longer Causative

    By now, there is probably no adult in the Western world who has not heard of the Mediterranean diet and all of its supposed benefits for health. While the buzz about the diet has been going on for decades, a massive study was published in 2013, which pretty much legitimized the health claims...
  8. haidut

    Baking Soda Is A Potent Anti-inflammatory, May Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

    The etiology of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) as an inflammatory disease is well-established even in mainstream medicine. However, the current treatments are downright barbaric and involve the potent suppression of the immune system to the point that the patient is at a constant risk of...
  9. haidut

    Environment (diet), Not Genetics, Mainly Shapes Gut Bacteria Composition

    As many forum users know, studying the microbiome is the current hot topic in biochemistry and imbalances in the microbiome are used to explain everything from depression, to CVD, to cancer. A major argument advanced in the microbiome analysis field is that genes are the main driver of the...
  10. haidut

    Personalized Diets Based On DNA/genome Analysis Are A Failure

    I am sure by now everybody has heard of the much-heralded approach of the so-called "personalized medicine" - a world in which every person will be treated uniquely based on the complete analysis of their genome/DNA. From specific drugs and dosage, to interventions like radiation, diet and...
  11. haidut

    Low-fat, High-carb, Ad-libitum Diet Leads To Fat/weight Loss In Women

    About 2 years ago, I posted a controversial rat study which showed that the addition of large amounts of sucrose to the diet of rats did not lead to any weigh gain. Drinking Coke Freely Quadruples Calorie Intake WITHOUT Weight Gain The diet in the rat study above can be considered a high-carb...
  12. haidut

    Without Endotoxin (TLR4), An HIV Infection May Not Cause AIDS

    More than 3 years ago I posted a study showing that monkeys that are natural carriers of the simian version of HIV known as SIV, do not develop AIDS. It was only after being injected with endotoxin (even when attenuated) that these monkeys develop the wasting syndrome and oppostunistic...
  13. haidut

    Canola Oil (PUFA) Causes Obesity, Memory Impairment, And Likely Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    I really like this study because it is one of the few that examine the direct effects of adding PUFA to the diet. As such, it serves to expose the fraudulent "science" that led to the replacement of healthier oils (like beef tallow, butter, olive oil) in the Western diet with the cheap...
  14. michael94

    Free-Z-Ing Milk

    Effect of pasteurization and of freezing and thawing human milk on its triglyceride content. - PubMed - NCBI Another important point is that when milk thaws the solids will separate from the ice which gives on the option of consuming a lower water content, sweeter milk.
  15. haidut

    Fungi / Bacteria, Not Autoimmunity, Cause IBD (Chron's, UC) And IBS

    I posted a study recently that chronic alcohol consumption increases Candida overgrowth in the gut while simultaneously decreasing the number of benign bacteria. Candida Overgrowth Is A Major Factor In (alcoholic) Liver Damage / Cirrhosis Actually, the term "benign bacteria" is wrong as there...
  16. haidut

    Stress Just As Bad As High-PUFA Diet For Your Health

    Most doctors consider stress to be an inescapable fact of daily life, but something that is of concern to only genetically pre-disposed people or ones who have CVD. The official version is that for most people stress does NOT cause adverse health outcomes. However, this house of cards has stated...
  17. haidut

    More Than One Third Of Men And Almost Half Of Women Are Energy Deficient

    I wanted to note from the start that this is NOT about calories, this is about ENERGY deficiency as a result of bad metabolism. So, while not the same as hypothyroidism, this study shows just how sick the general population is (if we assume that energetic deficiency is behind all diseases). Now...
  18. haidut

    Higher Fat Diets And Fat Emulsification Increase Endotoxin (in Obese Males)

    High dietary fat is one of the primary factors for increased endotoxin load, especially if the fat is PUFA. This is probably one of the main reasons Peat prefers lower fat diets. However, most of the studies on the fat-endotoxin link so far have been on animal models. This new human study...
  19. haidut

    Cheetahs In Captivity Die Early Due To High PUFA / Low Glycine Diet

    I know cheetahs are not the most applicable model to humans but the dramatic decrease in life expectancy for captive cheetahs caught my eye, as well as the fact that the two factor (high PUFA, low glycine) were the only metabolic abnormalities identified so far. I think the glycine deficiency is...
  20. P

    Why Everything We Know About Salt May Be Wrong " Another puzzle: The crew complained that they were always hungry on the high-salt diet. Dr. Titze assured them that they were getting exactly enough food to maintain their weights, and were eating the same amount on the...
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