Without love, from Melbourne


Apr 24, 2019
update: 'pandemic powers' law passed in my state today, basically the consequence is that the use of emergency powers is discretionary by the state government and can be extended indefinitely. Before the emergency declarations were renewed every four weeks.

Under the legislation the minister “may make any order … that the minister believes is reasonably necessary to protect public health”.

The powers will also allow the minister to issue pandemic orders to specific classifications of people, such as by where they live, an event they attended, their age, vaccination status, job or living arrangements.

that part...

Very miserable stuff, although symbolically more threatening than practically because either way the whole problem is that there's never any question as to what the parameters of an emergency even are or how an emergency can really be experienced in a media culture.

Anyway. I've personally managed to find a few loopholes to continue civilian life but the conclusion I've drawn is that there is an inevitable fate for economies which end up as predominantly service-based in that so many citizens are employed in industries that exist because of or operate parallel to the function of a government (providing public education, healthcare, infrastructure) that it becomes increasingly impossible to have a population which knows how to survive without constant government intervention or even sees the benefits of liberty beyond governance, or the detriments of having such little liberty at all. Just look up some of the laws we have here.

The fallback argument is that it's safe here and there is a high standard of living and the calling card of retards being that we have free healthcare which is apparently so amazing that we have ended up more sickly than ever and made no progress reducing the rates of many preventable or lifestyle diseases. ok... same goes with free education which has overseen vast falls in student performance, indoctrination into a kind of compulsory humanist leftism, lack of serious intellectual thought in tertiary academia and thinks that painting classrooms bright green and giving everyone free laptops is going to bridge the gap. That is a phenomenon I caught the tail-end of in my schooling and i grieve that from primary school age children are taught about gender identities and decolonisation and mental health issues, irrespective of your attitude towards those phenomena it begs the question that in a world which preaches the sanctity of a child's innocence physically and emotionally, people remain so passive to a kind of intellectual corruption. And the educational curriculum is national, so the same in every state or territory which sounds obviously treacherous in that you end up teaching Tasmanians about musical instruments only mainland Aborigines used and homogenising very complex stories and histories. Or that people fail to see that it's no more or less colonial to impose a western notion of freedom of choice regarding gender onto a tribal society coerced into Western education than it is to insist there are only men and women. A huge urban to regional to rural divide in that line of thought. Although any observant person can notice that the city tends to corrupt social fabrics rather rapidly, and to paraphrase Camille Paglia anywhere there is urbanisation homosexuality and prostitution flourish.

I wonder how many people would simply say they would rather a risk-dense environment if they could concretely and immediately feel that kind of euphoria that real freedom, real danger, real spontaneity provides. If the future appeared as a concrete reality, not a possibility with the same certainty as the past.

It's particularly acute in Australia because as a modern nation we are young and lack a meaningful, personal relationship with the rule of law and basically just adopt and import our policies and ideas from the US or the Commonwealth while appeasing the economic interests of asian economies.

Australia or Canada or New Zealand or an EU Member State will always tend towards a self-serving bureaucracy which creates an ever-shifting web of laws, rules, restrictions, controls and inhibitions in order to keep themselves afloat knowing that the lives of their citizens is ensured to be integrated into that framework from birth to death, and that ultimately the appearance of enacting a vague sense of stability while promoting a culture of risk aversion and fear is in fact an almost perfectly obedient system. It's so evil it's almost amazing, but it definitely proves the strength of alternative models where the spirit of a nation comes from entrepreneurialism, liberty and risk balanced to consequence. I recently read Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee in which the main character philosophises on the nature of living in a world in which it becomes less and less possible to argue for one's right to make choices based on intuitive senses of risk and consequence, as opposed to probabilities and statistics.

The result is according to the litany of government departments, sub-organisations, NGOs, spokespeople, and the corporate responsibility propaganda machines of businesses, advertising and media channels become the format for a kind of death worship which equates going outside with dying of skin cancer, and any historically enshrined means of enjoying our lives ranging from tobacco consumption to hunting to meat-eating to wearing a certain type of clothing or using a particular vocabulary or lexicon of insults or riding a bike on the footpath is cognitively intertwined with images of violence and offense and body horror and tragedy. Truly it is a prime opportunity to regain control over our consumption of words and imagery more than ever and to think about the surrounds we are in, separate from the world at large.

It's amazing people imagine it to be so difficult to opt-out of social media and the kind of technohumanist globalist doctrines that it engenders regardless of actual political affiliation, or something like ordering food online, or working a job you are morally disturbed by, or worshipping the cult of peace and love which condemns any mobilisation of citizens as far-right extremist violence. Your social life won't collapse because you can't contact the terminally online anymore. Call someone, set up a time and a place and be there. End of story. Don't take a phone.

Anything that actively promotes the reduction of attention span and memory and the fragmenting and atomising of people and beliefs and censors information on behalf of an unnamed, unseen army of the anointed which is then reified by its citizen police too stupid to abstain from having strong opinions on everything or telling you what's right and wrong is so obviously harmful to mental acuity, and the process of developing a personal useful language and knowledge to react to the world around you. A lot of people on here are probably aware of this, but it's a message that should be emphasised to your loved ones because there is a very obvious communal feeling of unease and coping mechanisms surrounding the use of these technologies but the mirage quickly disappears when you just stop using them and remember that actually speaking to other people in the real world just requires practice and having dialogue with body language and eye contact and touch is radically different than online positing and arguing. And people do deserve to be shamed for excessive use of these things, especially friends who use them when they are supposed to be speaking and interacting with you! I am disturbed by how unexpressive people I used to be friends with no appear, particularly how little body language they use and range of expressions they communicate with their face and body. Not to mention, storytelling is becoming more and more impossible because everything is vague and aphoristic or regurgitated and a phone is relied upon for memory recall or confirmation of ideas or information. Nothing really sinks in on these liquid surfaces... But my point moreso is that the recovery from the behavioural damage these habits cause is usually very swift and very life-affirming. It's amazing to see one's memory rapidly improve, and in turn the kind of ideas and motifs that are more pertinent or frequent filters your beliefs out of the murkiness of digital information.

Just thought this might give people some hope and direction, and i really stress the importance of reading fiction and the works of authors from your own country and your own context. Not to imply that localism and regionalism is in and of itself a cure-all to the problems we are experiencing but it certainly scales down the intensity of the misery and the pain we are all feeling.

Let me know your thoughts if you read it!


Dec 8, 2016
My thoughts are about you. You as a person.

How will you choose to live?
How do you see this personally playing out for you- short term?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
it becomes increasingly impossible to have a population which knows how to survive without constant government intervention or even sees the benefits of liberty beyond governance, or the detriments of having such little liberty at all

Several historians have argued that all great civilizations in the past have collapsed due to this very issue. Namely, the more civilization develops, the more centralized and hierarchical it tends to become. Such structures favor obedience and group-think and punish "outliers". Eventually, you end up with the majority of people being of such abysmally low cognitive capacity (e.g. the famous "use it or lose it" aphorism comes to mind) that you get a sort of the reverse of the "network effect" - i.e. putting two idiots in the same room and requiring them to interact with each other results in a worse outcome than when the two idiots are apart. Thus, eventually civilizations reach a stage where the mass of imbeciles has reached a critical point and not only contributes to but actually accelerates the decline/collapse of the civilization they are a part of. Virtually all civilizations known to history seem to have gone through periods where they realized they were heading into oblivion and tried to control/prevent this by turning into dictatorships. The rationale is that if there are too many idiots, somebody has to take charge and prevent the idiots from destroying the structure. However, the people in charge are largely a mirror of the masses they intend to rule, so clearly this leads nowhere. As such, it seems that so far all such attempts have backfired and the civilizations collapsed anyways. The core of every "evil" is actually idiotism - inability to understand and meaningfully interact with reality, which leads to a mental state of constant conflict/anxiety/anger, and eventually psychopathy and attempts to either fully control said reality (dictatorship) or destroy it (collapse), if it refuses to conform to the bizarre ideations of the idiot(s). Now, there are many potential causes of mass idiotism, but in the case of our (rapidly collapsing) civilization the causes seem to involve the deliberate destruction of the quality of the environment (food, air, water, education, healthcare, social interactions, etc) in the spirit of "Profit! All else be damned". This did not happen overnight, we are just now experiencing the consequences of "peak idiotism", though I don't think it has fully peaked yet. I am not sure seeking personal/direct contact in such an environment will change much as we are still surrounded by pathology in almost every aspect of our lives. In that sense, the collapse is actually a positive development as that is the only way out of this nightmare so that whatever portion (if any) of humanity survives can begin to build anew. Unfortunately, the elite has largely usurped the processes of collapse and rebuilding and are trying to steer the collapse survivors (again, if any) into rebuilding an absolutely nightmarish new "civilization". Whether that evil process succeeds or not, remains to be seen.


Sep 9, 2019
update: 'pandemic powers' law passed in my state today, basically the consequence is that the use of emergency powers is discretionary by the state government and can be extended indefinitely. Before the emergency declarations were renewed every four weeks.

Under the legislation the minister “may make any order … that the minister believes is reasonably necessary to protect public health”.

The powers will also allow the minister to issue pandemic orders to specific classifications of people, such as by where they live, an event they attended, their age, vaccination status, job or living arrangements.

that part...

Very miserable stuff, although symbolically more threatening than practically because either way the whole problem is that there's never any question as to what the parameters of an emergency even are or how an emergency can really be experienced in a media culture.

Anyway. I've personally managed to find a few loopholes to continue civilian life but the conclusion I've drawn is that there is an inevitable fate for economies which end up as predominantly service-based in that so many citizens are employed in industries that exist because of or operate parallel to the function of a government (providing public education, healthcare, infrastructure) that it becomes increasingly impossible to have a population which knows how to survive without constant government intervention or even sees the benefits of liberty beyond governance, or the detriments of having such little liberty at all. Just look up some of the laws we have here.

The fallback argument is that it's safe here and there is a high standard of living and the calling card of retards being that we have free healthcare which is apparently so amazing that we have ended up more sickly than ever and made no progress reducing the rates of many preventable or lifestyle diseases. ok... same goes with free education which has overseen vast falls in student performance, indoctrination into a kind of compulsory humanist leftism, lack of serious intellectual thought in tertiary academia and thinks that painting classrooms bright green and giving everyone free laptops is going to bridge the gap. That is a phenomenon I caught the tail-end of in my schooling and i grieve that from primary school age children are taught about gender identities and decolonisation and mental health issues, irrespective of your attitude towards those phenomena it begs the question that in a world which preaches the sanctity of a child's innocence physically and emotionally, people remain so passive to a kind of intellectual corruption. And the educational curriculum is national, so the same in every state or territory which sounds obviously treacherous in that you end up teaching Tasmanians about musical instruments only mainland Aborigines used and homogenising very complex stories and histories. Or that people fail to see that it's no more or less colonial to impose a western notion of freedom of choice regarding gender onto a tribal society coerced into Western education than it is to insist there are only men and women. A huge urban to regional to rural divide in that line of thought. Although any observant person can notice that the city tends to corrupt social fabrics rather rapidly, and to paraphrase Camille Paglia anywhere there is urbanisation homosexuality and prostitution flourish.

I wonder how many people would simply say they would rather a risk-dense environment if they could concretely and immediately feel that kind of euphoria that real freedom, real danger, real spontaneity provides. If the future appeared as a concrete reality, not a possibility with the same certainty as the past.

It's particularly acute in Australia because as a modern nation we are young and lack a meaningful, personal relationship with the rule of law and basically just adopt and import our policies and ideas from the US or the Commonwealth while appeasing the economic interests of asian economies.

Australia or Canada or New Zealand or an EU Member State will always tend towards a self-serving bureaucracy which creates an ever-shifting web of laws, rules, restrictions, controls and inhibitions in order to keep themselves afloat knowing that the lives of their citizens is ensured to be integrated into that framework from birth to death, and that ultimately the appearance of enacting a vague sense of stability while promoting a culture of risk aversion and fear is in fact an almost perfectly obedient system. It's so evil it's almost amazing, but it definitely proves the strength of alternative models where the spirit of a nation comes from entrepreneurialism, liberty and risk balanced to consequence. I recently read Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee in which the main character philosophises on the nature of living in a world in which it becomes less and less possible to argue for one's right to make choices based on intuitive senses of risk and consequence, as opposed to probabilities and statistics.

The result is according to the litany of government departments, sub-organisations, NGOs, spokespeople, and the corporate responsibility propaganda machines of businesses, advertising and media channels become the format for a kind of death worship which equates going outside with dying of skin cancer, and any historically enshrined means of enjoying our lives ranging from tobacco consumption to hunting to meat-eating to wearing a certain type of clothing or using a particular vocabulary or lexicon of insults or riding a bike on the footpath is cognitively intertwined with images of violence and offense and body horror and tragedy. Truly it is a prime opportunity to regain control over our consumption of words and imagery more than ever and to think about the surrounds we are in, separate from the world at large.

It's amazing people imagine it to be so difficult to opt-out of social media and the kind of technohumanist globalist doctrines that it engenders regardless of actual political affiliation, or something like ordering food online, or working a job you are morally disturbed by, or worshipping the cult of peace and love which condemns any mobilisation of citizens as far-right extremist violence. Your social life won't collapse because you can't contact the terminally online anymore. Call someone, set up a time and a place and be there. End of story. Don't take a phone.

Anything that actively promotes the reduction of attention span and memory and the fragmenting and atomising of people and beliefs and censors information on behalf of an unnamed, unseen army of the anointed which is then reified by its citizen police too stupid to abstain from having strong opinions on everything or telling you what's right and wrong is so obviously harmful to mental acuity, and the process of developing a personal useful language and knowledge to react to the world around you. A lot of people on here are probably aware of this, but it's a message that should be emphasised to your loved ones because there is a very obvious communal feeling of unease and coping mechanisms surrounding the use of these technologies but the mirage quickly disappears when you just stop using them and remember that actually speaking to other people in the real world just requires practice and having dialogue with body language and eye contact and touch is radically different than online positing and arguing. And people do deserve to be shamed for excessive use of these things, especially friends who use them when they are supposed to be speaking and interacting with you! I am disturbed by how unexpressive people I used to be friends with no appear, particularly how little body language they use and range of expressions they communicate with their face and body. Not to mention, storytelling is becoming more and more impossible because everything is vague and aphoristic or regurgitated and a phone is relied upon for memory recall or confirmation of ideas or information. Nothing really sinks in on these liquid surfaces... But my point moreso is that the recovery from the behavioural damage these habits cause is usually very swift and very life-affirming. It's amazing to see one's memory rapidly improve, and in turn the kind of ideas and motifs that are more pertinent or frequent filters your beliefs out of the murkiness of digital information.

Just thought this might give people some hope and direction, and i really stress the importance of reading fiction and the works of authors from your own country and your own context. Not to imply that localism and regionalism is in and of itself a cure-all to the problems we are experiencing but it certainly scales down the intensity of the misery and the pain we are all feeling.

Let me know your thoughts if you read it!
Great post, very coherent.

You are a little grim though sir. Buck up. Fake it till you make it if that's what it takes.


Aug 10, 2012
I can only read your shorter paragraphs, not the huge blocks. My eyes get lost in the density of the sentences. Can't read any of Haidut's comment without paragraphs. Please, everyone, remember to make paragraphs so more can read your excellent posts.

But I did see that you recommend reading fiction. I am reading "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass". Reading a couple of pages before bed is just the thing.

I've read of happenings in Australia and noticed your comments on the Forum and agree this is way over acceptable:

The powers will also allow the minister to issue pandemic orders to specific classifications of people, such as by where they live, an event they attended, their age, vaccination status, job or living arrangements.

The same treatment has been applied to certain groups in the US, with media stories incriminating people. It doesn't seem nearly as extreme as you have, but it is here too, and we see it in the EU and UK.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
"I can only read your shorter paragraphs, not the huge blocks. My eyes get lost in the density of the sentences. Can't read any of Haidut's comment without paragraphs. Please, everyone, remember to make paragraphs so more can read your excellent posts"

I don't know why it should make such a huge difference but it does. More paragraphs please. This will be very much appreciated by me.


May 6, 2014
"I can only read your shorter paragraphs, not the huge blocks. My eyes get lost in the density of the sentences. Can't read any of Haidut's comment without paragraphs. Please, everyone, remember to make paragraphs so more can read your excellent posts"

I don't know why it should make such a huge difference but it does. More paragraphs please. This will be very much appreciated by me.

Another request for paragraphs. I reformatted one of Haidut's fantastic medical posts recently for my own readability.

Sending you my best, changeling188.


Sep 3, 2017
Let me know your thoughts if you read it!
You should look into Brendon O'Connell on YT. He's from Australia, has some insights into what's going on in the world. Basically, the lockdowns are a dress rehearsal for the UN Agenda 2030 Smart Cities. You won't be able to go anywhere.

IMO the reason Canada and Australia / NZ are getting the business is their relatively low populations and less 'diversity'. Americans are far more numerous and not as easy to manage.
Last edited:


Jan 23, 2017
Several historians have argued that all great civilizations in the past have collapsed due to this very issue. Namely, the more civilization develops, the more centralized and hierarchical it tends to become. Such structures favor obedience and group-think and punish "outliers". Eventually, you end up with the majority of people being of such abysmally low cognitive capacity (e.g. the famous "use it or lose it" aphorism comes to mind) that you get a sort of the reverse of the "network effect" - i.e. putting two idiots in the same room and requiring them to interact with each other results in a worse outcome than when the two idiots are apart. Thus, eventually civilizations reach a stage where the mass of imbeciles has reached a critical point and not only contributes to but actually accelerates the decline/collapse of the civilization they are a part of. Virtually all civilizations known to history seem to have gone through periods where they realized they were heading into oblivion and tried to control/prevent this by turning into dictatorships. The rationale is that if there are too many idiots, somebody has to take charge and prevent the idiots from destroying the structure. However, the people in charge are largely a mirror of the masses they intend to rule, so clearly this leads nowhere. As such, it seems that so far all such attempts have backfired and the civilizations collapsed anyways. The core of every "evil" is actually idiotism - inability to understand and meaningfully interact with reality, which leads to a mental state of constant conflict/anxiety/anger, and eventually psychopathy and attempts to either fully control said reality (dictatorship) or destroy it (collapse), if it refuses to conform to the bizarre ideations of the idiot(s). Now, there are many potential causes of mass idiotism, but in the case of our (rapidly collapsing) civilization the causes seem to involve the deliberate destruction of the quality of the environment (food, air, water, education, healthcare, social interactions, etc) in the spirit of "Profit! All else be damned". This did not happen overnight, we are just now experiencing the consequences of "peak idiotism", though I don't think it has fully peaked yet. I am not sure seeking personal/direct contact in such an environment will change much as we are still surrounded by pathology in almost every aspect of our lives. In that sense, the collapse is actually a positive development as that is the only way out of this nightmare so that whatever portion (if any) of humanity survives can begin to build anew. Unfortunately, the elite has largely usurped the processes of collapse and rebuilding and are trying to steer the collapse survivors (again, if any) into rebuilding an absolutely nightmarish new "civilization". Whether that evil process succeeds or not, remains to be seen.
The hollywood movie, "Idiocracy," in this light, should be viewed as a documentary..


Jun 7, 2019
I was thinking about this today and realised that institutionalisation is the proper description for the Australian condition. Many prisoners get broken in if they're incarcerated for long enough. They succumb to the system and become helplessly dependent on it to the point of losing their ability to fend for themselves and preferring being inside where they are looked after.

A country like Australia can be quite handily compared to a prison and contrasted with a free country. We don't have liberty anymore, or freedom. We have permissions. It was progressing towards this before covid; the place was already well and truly overgoverned, but it has gone from the nanny state to the omnipresent prison guard state. Control literally extends to needing permission to go outside, to enter a shop, to go to a 'public' park, to engage in political speech, etc. If you want to enter another state you need a border pass (entry visa) from it. To leave my state I need a kind of approval (a.k.a. exit visa). Actually letting me in or out is subject to the whim of the border police on the day.

Tracking where people in a state go via QR codes is bad enough, but in the states that link it to vaccination proofs you're literally asking the government for permission to enter this or that shop every single time. Maybe it comes back green or maybe the government has revoked your permission for some reason. So the result is now that people have a lifetime of begging with crossed fingers to be allowed to do things, literally it's like electronically saying "mum, mum, can we go to the shopping centre? mum? mum?" -- "oh alright dear" or "not today. you missed your 14th booster appointment. you need to get compliant before you're allowed in there, p.s. you should have been staying at home. we have sent your details to the police, make sure you're at home when they call in to give you a $5000 unvaxxed movement fine."

In a free country if you want to go somewhere you just up and go there. In a prison the warden and guards decide where you're allowed to go and what you may do. They set the conditions and change them capriciously. And in a free country people would rebel against this kind of open tyranny, in a prison a lot of the prisoners are used to it and start thinking it's the right thing to do. Just do what you're told, man. We don't want to be punished again.


Oct 15, 2015
Australia is an absolute joke and the fact that the majority of people in this country think tyranny is a good thing is just a reflection on the population.


Aug 10, 2012
Another request for paragraphs. I reformatted one of Haidut's fantastic medical posts recently for my own readability.

Sending you my best, changeling188.
I have done the re-formatting too. His brain probably moves fast and soon he has a big block of text. We could take turns re-formatting and posting it.


Aug 10, 2012
Here is one from the op, re-formattted: (more readable?)

Big Paragraph #1 --

"The fallback argument is that it's safe here and there is a high standard of living and the calling card of retards being that we have free healthcare which is apparently so amazing that we have ended up more sickly than ever and made no progress reducing the rates of many preventable or lifestyle diseases. ok... same goes with free education which has overseen vast falls in student performance, indoctrination into a kind of compulsory humanist leftism, lack of serious intellectual thought in tertiary academia and thinks that painting classrooms bright green and giving everyone free laptops is going to bridge the gap.

That is a phenomenon I caught the tail-end of in my schooling and i grieve that from primary school age children are taught about gender identities and decolonisation and mental health issues, irrespective of your attitude towards those phenomena it begs the question that in a world which preaches the sanctity of a child's innocence physically and emotionally, people remain so passive to a kind of intellectual corruption.

And the educational curriculum is national, so the same in every state or territory which sounds obviously treacherous in that you end up teaching Tasmanians about musical instruments only mainland Aborigines used and homogenising very complex stories and histories. Or that people fail to see that it's no more or less colonial to impose a western notion of freedom of choice regarding gender onto a tribal society coerced into Western education than it is to insist there are only men and women.

A huge urban to regional to rural divide in that line of thought. Although any observant person can notice that the city tends to corrupt social fabrics rather rapidly, and to paraphrase Camille Paglia anywhere there is urbanisation homosexuality and prostitution flourish."


Aug 10, 2012
Big Paragraph #2 from op's post -- re-formatted and not edited. ;)

"Anything that actively promotes the reduction of attention span and memory and the fragmenting and atomising of people and beliefs and censors information on behalf of an unnamed, unseen army of the anointed which is then reified by its citizen police too stupid to abstain from having strong opinions on everything or telling you what's right and wrong is so obviously harmful to mental acuity, and the process of developing a personal useful language and knowledge to react to the world around you.

A lot of people on here are probably aware of this, but it's a message that should be emphasised to your loved ones because there is a very obvious communal feeling of unease and coping mechanisms surrounding the use of these technologies but the mirage quickly disappears when you just stop using them and remember that actually speaking to other people in the real world just requires practice and having dialogue with body language and eye contact and touch is radically different than online positing and arguing.

And people do deserve to be shamed for excessive use of these things, especially friends who use them when they are supposed to be speaking and interacting with you! I am disturbed by how unexpressive people I used to be friends with no appear, particularly how little body language they use and range of expressions they communicate with their face and body. Not to mention, storytelling is becoming more and more impossible because everything is vague and aphoristic or regurgitated and a phone is relied upon for memory recall or confirmation of ideas or information.

Nothing really sinks in on these liquid surfaces... But my point moreso is that the recovery from the behavioural damage these habits cause is usually very swift and very life-affirming. It's amazing to see one's memory rapidly improve, and in turn the kind of ideas and motifs that are more pertinent or frequent filters your beliefs out of the murkiness of digital information."

Only the quotes were added. Birdie
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Several historians have argued that all great civilizations in the past have collapsed due to this very issue. Namely, the more civilization develops, the more centralized and hierarchical it tends to become. Such structures favor obedience and group-think and punish "outliers". Eventually, you end up with the majority of people being of such abysmally low cognitive capacity (e.g. the famous "use it or lose it" aphorism comes to mind) that you get a sort of the reverse of the "network effect" - i.e. putting two idiots in the same room and requiring them to interact with each other results in a worse outcome than when the two idiots are apart. Thus, eventually civilizations reach a stage where the mass of imbeciles has reached a critical point and not only contributes to but actually accelerates the decline/collapse of the civilization they are a part of. Virtually all civilizations known to history seem to have gone through periods where they realized they were heading into oblivion and tried to control/prevent this by turning into dictatorships. The rationale is that if there are too many idiots, somebody has to take charge and prevent the idiots from destroying the structure. However, the people in charge are largely a mirror of the masses they intend to rule, so clearly this leads nowhere. As such, it seems that so far all such attempts have backfired and the civilizations collapsed anyways. The core of every "evil" is actually idiotism - inability to understand and meaningfully interact with reality, which leads to a mental state of constant conflict/anxiety/anger, and eventually psychopathy and attempts to either fully control said reality (dictatorship) or destroy it (collapse), if it refuses to conform to the bizarre ideations of the idiot(s). Now, there are many potential causes of mass idiotism, but in the case of our (rapidly collapsing) civilization the causes seem to involve the deliberate destruction of the quality of the environment (food, air, water, education, healthcare, social interactions, etc) in the spirit of "Profit! All else be damned". This did not happen overnight, we are just now experiencing the consequences of "peak idiotism", though I don't think it has fully peaked yet. I am not sure seeking personal/direct contact in such an environment will change much as we are still surrounded by pathology in almost every aspect of our lives. In that sense, the collapse is actually a positive development as that is the only way out of this nightmare so that whatever portion (if any) of humanity survives can begin to build anew. Unfortunately, the elite has largely usurped the processes of collapse and rebuilding and are trying to steer the collapse survivors (again, if any) into rebuilding an absolutely nightmarish new "civilization". Whether that evil process succeeds or not, remains to be seen.
Incredibly based, as usual
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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