Isn't COVID-19 Another Diversion?


Jul 1, 2015
Another national/global crisis that will require immediate government intervention with the aid of some "great companies." I was born in '87 and have seen this pattern my whole life. Global warming, terrorism, socialism, illegal immigration. Never mind 5g, and anyone who thinks that non-ionizing radiation can have a biological effect doesn't understand the science. Never mind the fact that the scientific community is behaving more and more like the Catholic Church in medieval Europe or the corrupt Jedi Counsel in the last days of the Republic.

We seem headed towards a globally-oriented technocracy where science is the tool of those in power to maintain power and generate even more wealth to the detriment of all life on this planet. The national governments, multi-national corporations, and the scientific community are converging to maintain their own version of consensus reality.

This really bursts my bubble. I always tried to hold out hope for a Star Trek version of the future where we solve the bigger problems here on Earth, so that we can spend time exploring other worlds and pursuing pure science. So much for that. It is looking more like some hideous chimera of Brave New World, 1984, Silent Spring, and The Matrix.

I can't even decide whether to clean the evaporative coil of my air handler for fear that the cleaning solution will be harmful to my pet parrot's respiratory system. Really, I've tried to maintain optimism, but now I just don't know.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
If anything the only good to come out of this whole thing is at least in the talks of giving people extra money in the midst of it all.

If you're going to draw up a big storm, at least the UBI/basic income proposals I have just recently heard of could be something actually good to come out of the whole conundrum.


Jan 25, 2014
If you're going to draw up a big storm, at least the UBI/basic income proposals I have just recently heard of could be something actually good to come out of the whole conundrum.

Question...... why would UBI have to come from the government? Mark Zuckerberg, for example, is a proponent, and he is both CEO of a major corporation, and a billionaire. Why can't he set it up?

Pick a city or town of 1,000-2000. Say that, as a UBI experiment, He is going to give every resident of that town $1000 a month for a years time. 1000 x 2000 x 12 equals 2.4 Million. He can easily afford to do that, or Facebook could. Or both could. If it works, expand in number of residents, and/or number of years. He could recruit other millionaires and billionaires to contribute, or do their own. He could setup a corporation or trust or endowment to make this happen. No government intervention needed. And nothing stopping him from doing that right now.


Feb 13, 2016
Question...... why would UBI have to come from the government? Mark Zuckerberg, for example, is a proponent, and he is both CEO of a major corporation, and a billionaire. Why can't he set it up?

Pick a city or town of 1,000-2000. Say that, as a UBI experiment, He is going to give every resident of that town $1000 a month for a years time. 1000 x 2000 x 12 equals 2.4 Million. He can easily afford to do that, or Facebook could. Or both could. If it works, expand in number of residents, and/or number of years. He could recruit other millionaires and billionaires to contribute, or do their own. He could setup a corporation or trust or endowment to make this happen. No government intervention needed. And nothing stopping him from doing that right now.

Why would he give his own money?


Feb 13, 2016
The environment is always changing but life goes on. There was less pollution in the past but also less access to thyroid hormone, for example. I get despondent thoughts too sometimes but I calm myself by telling myself that things are balanced, even though there might be more negatives in the environment in current times, there is much more knowledge and opportunity for positive improvement available than in previous times.


Jul 1, 2015
The environment is always changing but life goes on. There was less pollution in the past but also less access to thyroid hormone, for example. I get despondent thoughts too sometimes but I calm myself by telling myself that things are balanced, even though there might be more negatives in the environment in current times, there is much more knowledge and opportunity for positive improvement available than in previous times.

Understood. Thank you. Access to information is a plus. As an example, I just read that vinegar and water can be used to clean evaporative coils in place of chemical cleaning solution. One small problem solved.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Question...... why would UBI have to come from the government? Mark Zuckerberg, for example, is a proponent, and he is both CEO of a major corporation, and a billionaire. Why can't he set it up?

Pick a city or town of 1,000-2000. Say that, as a UBI experiment, He is going to give every resident of that town $1000 a month for a years time. 1000 x 2000 x 12 equals 2.4 Million. He can easily afford to do that, or Facebook could. Or both could. If it works, expand in number of residents, and/or number of years. He could recruit other millionaires and billionaires to contribute, or do their own. He could setup a corporation or trust or endowment to make this happen. No government intervention needed. And nothing stopping him from doing that right now.

Yeah that is true. I mean if the government and media are drumming this virus up it might be justified with financial recompense by (at least) one of them but basic income doesn't have to come from the government -- that is just one big source as an example.

Money can probably be pooled together by just some of the richest and just a small portion of their incomes/businesses and do pretty much the same any government would likely manage to do.
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Jul 30, 2019
A small amount of Aloe Vera applied to the forehead and behind the ears can reduce the 5G radiation to your brain by over 70%. Of course the “government” (they are not a legitimate government) does not want people to know about this so virtually none of the research can be found online.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
If anything the only good to come out of this whole thing is at least in the talks of giving people extra money in the midst of it all.

If you're going to draw up a big storm, at least the UBI/basic income proposals I have just recently heard of could be something actually good to come out of the whole conundrum.
I wouldn't call UBI a good thing. This would only be used a another control mechanism
Feb 23, 2020
A small amount of Aloe Vera applied to the forehead and behind the ears can reduce the 5G radiation to your brain by over 70%. Of course the “government” (they are not a legitimate government) does not want people to know about this so virtually none of the research can be found online.

Great, so why should you be believed?

Deleted member 5487

Another national/global crisis that will require immediate government intervention with the aid of some "great companies." I was born in '87 and have seen this pattern my whole life. Global warming, terrorism, socialism, illegal immigration. Never mind 5g, and anyone who thinks that non-ionizing radiation can have a biological effect doesn't understand the science. Never mind the fact that the scientific community is behaving more and more like the Catholic Church in medieval Europe or the corrupt Jedi Counsel in the last days of the Republic.

We seem headed towards a globally-oriented technocracy where science is the tool of those in power to maintain power and generate even more wealth to the detriment of all life on this planet. The national governments, multi-national corporations, and the scientific community are converging to maintain their own version of consensus reality.

This really bursts my bubble. I always tried to hold out hope for a Star Trek version of the future where we solve the bigger problems here on Earth, so that we can spend time exploring other worlds and pursuing pure science. So much for that. It is looking more like some hideous chimera of Brave New World, 1984, Silent Spring, and The Matrix.

I can't even decide whether to clean the evaporative coil of my air handler for fear that the cleaning solution will be harmful to my pet parrot's respiratory system. Really, I've tried to maintain optimism, but now I just don't know.

Of Course it's a diversion. Any half wit on this site who is talking about death rates and stuff has zero intelligence in my eyes.

It's shock therapy. Their orginal narrative we're a ******* joke. No one was buying the global warming stuff. This was a Plan B. Goes like this:

World is reliant on USA consumer and USA Dollar.

:The World is at WAR

America Has Reserve Currency Status/Military/Consumer
Russia/Iran have Oil
China Has Pop/Production

0) Corona Virus is released from Wuhan Bio weapon lab, or intentionally dropped by US to blame as "Chinese disease/fault"
1) JP/Goldman dump derivative book late February(50 trillion each). This begins a huge market downturn.
1.5) Russia Fires back and DUMPS the OPEC to deliver a Huge blow to shale producers/US Economy.
2) Control Files on most city mayors are flexed and mayors shut down every major event in every city/rodeo/SXSW/St./NCAA/Harvard/School...etc.
3) The Economy is intentionally Destroyed, all bars, resturants, food..closed in every city to GRIND THE CONSUMER TO A HALT, Which will destroy the emerging markets.
4) Helicopter Money is printed and given to the bottom 20-50% of the population to keep them fed.

5) The Professional Class is paid by GIANT corporation with unlimited cash and unlimited funding at 0% interest rates. They're told to sit at the house and work/ feed kids.
6) The US economy and Stock market begin to TANK and destroy all the other nations of the world.
7) USA drops super deadly diseases on Italy for thinking about going with China/Huawi.

Essentially we are at war with the world, USA just destroyed itself to try to bring the whole thing down with it.

Thankfully the Nuclear option was not used...for now.

This is one of my theorys, the other is republican shock therapy.
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Feb 10, 2020
Man, I fell for 9/11, I won’t fall for
this one.

It’s amazing seeing otherwise sensible people lose it over this. I told people to stock up on groceries weeks and weeks ago and nobody listened. Now that the media and govt are fuelling the great TP wars have begun. The danger was always human response of panic.

Anyone falling for this pathetic loosh harvesting session needs to get a grip. Short memories in everyone it seems. There’s a lot of weird masonic ritualistic signalling going on too.


Jul 30, 2019
Great, so why should you be believed?

Well I "shouldn't" be believed, that's what they're counting on. The masses have been programmed from a young age to ignore any medical advice that isn't from a government agency or "Pubmed" (which is government funded) research. Only a small percent of people are creative and free-thinking enough to take their health into their own hands. But consider this: I'm not selling you anything, I don't stand to gain anything from this, and I'm telling you that an inexpensive, natural plant (which is risk-free mind you) could significantly reduce your risk of strokes, aneurysms, and brain tumors.
Feb 23, 2020
Well I "shouldn't" be believed, that's what they're counting on. The masses have been programmed from a young age to ignore any medical advice that isn't from a government agency or "Pubmed" (which is government funded) research. Only a small percent of people are creative and free-thinking enough to take their health into their own hands. But consider this: I'm not selling you anything, I don't stand to gain anything from this, and I'm telling you that an inexpensive, natural plant (which is risk-free mind you) could significantly reduce your risk of strokes, aneurysms, and brain tumors.

I’m a pharmacist, I’ve sold aloe Vera many times and know about its benefits

however, when you make such a claim with numbers pulled out of somewhere, you need to back that up with a source. I’m not going to research the whole internet for aloe Vera + 5G when you likely have done it yourself and could just share a few links

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I’m a pharmacist, I’ve sold aloe Vera many times and know about its benefits

however, when you make such a claim with numbers pulled out of somewhere, you need to back that up with a source. I’m not going to research the whole internet for aloe Vera + 5G when you likely have done it yourself and could just share a few links

It also doesn’t make sense. If it did serve as some kind of shield you would need to cover your entire head with it not just a small part.

He’s probably just trolling
Feb 10, 2020
Well I "shouldn't" be believed, that's what they're counting on. The masses have been programmed from a young age to ignore any medical advice that isn't from a government agency or "Pubmed" (which is government funded) research. Only a small percent of people are creative and free-thinking enough to take their health into their own hands. But consider this: I'm not selling you anything, I don't stand to gain anything from this, and I'm telling you that an inexpensive, natural plant (which is risk-free mind you) could significantly reduce your risk of strokes, aneurysms, and brain tumors.

A little evidence of reasoning would be appreciated, otherwise you could just say smear purple kool aid on ur scrotum with dmso


Sep 24, 2016
Let‘s assume for the sake of it there is no concerted action or conspiracy going on

The economic and financial fallout is huge already, and it will impact all of our life’s in the years to come. Asset prices will alter dramatically and nobody knows if deflation or stagflation transpires.
Best to keep a level head and process and seek infos regarding that. Health, yes first and acute priority but people on RPF are aware of that.
Monetary policies and economic developments will impact lifes before anything else. Prepare now, and you might even come out better than before.

In Frankfurt Germany the German Centralbank together with the Health authorities just declared that cash money is not a source of spreading infection - no need to forbid cash money.

UBI I always assumed was to be set in place. Though especially @Amarsh213 you forget to figure in the huge differences between social security in the US and other western countries.
In Germany for ex, you already have social welfare in place that provides income, housing and healthcare for everyone unemployed even not German /EU-citizen if he is granted permanent resistance here. That includes millions of migrants that cane to Germany since 2012/15. Hundrefs of thousand of those will never work in their entire life, including their children. Thats why they come to Germany in the first place.
So, I think Germany to pacify the taxpayers that finance that party will out of necessity transform that to UBI for all to prevent social unrest - not at least from the migrants. If wellfare ever crashes, those will be violent if they don’t get their idle money/rent payed and healthcare.

I agree that the UBI is not a leftist dream project, it is there to create a big precariat.

But German and other western socialdemocratic societies in Europe show how our model is superior to the US, were masses are without health care entirely and if they don’t get a paycheck will lose everything quickly

Well, the Western Social welfare state was the creates Post-war achievement that secured the middle classes. Though still in place it is under attack and subversion since decades. This crisis might kill those entirely


Could be even more satanistic than this.
Here in France there is a complete shutdown since the last two days.
Meaning there is probably only 1% of the usual trafic, and 99% of factories have been shut.
However, I've been checking pollution levels, and they have surged to double in the past two days, although wind direction is from the ocean.

The visibility is really bad.
Something doesn't add up


May 30, 2018
Could be even more satanistic than this.
Here in France there is a complete shutdown since the last two days.
Meaning there is probably only 1% of the usual trafic, and 99% of factories have been shut.
However, I've been checking pollution levels, and they have surged to double in the past two days, although wind direction is from the ocean.

The visibility is really bad.
Something doesn't add up

In France too. Do you think the fact that hospitals are full of patients is not true? This is conspiracy at a big scale.

It is said that pollution in Paris is more about industries than people's car.


In France too. Do you think the fact that hospitals are full of patients is not true? This is conspiracy at a big scale.

It is said that pollution in Paris is more about industries than people's car.

Well, industries are all shut down too.
I'm sure it's true hospitals are full, not because of a "virus" though.
A virus isn't transmitted from persons to persons. A virus is a saponification reaction inside the cells that has a goal of dissolving accumulating toxins when bacteria and parasites are not in sufficient quantities to clear the toxins on their own.

So it could be
1) a bioweapon of a new type that does transfer from person to person.
2) the nocebo effect is huge, everyone showing respiratory symptoms goes to the hospital, and then heavily medicated, and then dies as a result of medication and not of the "virus".
In Holland in the 16th century the whole country got apparently sick for no reason just out of fear from a rumor that there was a sickness spreading.
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